And that's BEFORE the fiction even starts! If you've ever wondered what would it be like to edit a mystery magazine, don't touch that dial. It's got all the suspense and conflict of a top-notch thriller.

HANK: What's Spinetingler?

SANDRA: Spinetingler is an ezine that was started in late 2004. Sometimes, for newer writers, it can feel like you have to be "in the club" before your work is even taken seriously. Spinetingler wasn't built on publishing names; it was created to publish good stories,
regardless of who wrote them.
HANK: Do you remember your first issue?
SANDRA: Yes. Vaguely. If I remember correctly, it was in our first issue that we published a story called Jesse's Toothbrush. I know it was very early on, and that story still makes me laugh. It's about a man who becomes obsessed with his girlfriend's toothbrush.

HANK: And it was good?
SANDRA: I think the story was good. At the very least, it was memorable. That one's stayed with me, some crazy guy who's practically having an emotional affair with his girlfriend's toothbrush. That's a special brand of crazy.
HANK: Well we're talking mystery authors, after all. And now, it's really evolved...
SANDRA: It grew into a forum for reviewing books, interviewing authors and featuring other sites online that were worthy of note. I've always been a natural champion for what I love,
and Spinetingler provided an official forum for helping writers with talent get more exposure. It's amazing to think about how much Spinetingler has grown over the past six years.
HANK: It used to be--in issues, right?
SANDRA: Yes, in the past, Spinetingler was produced in issues. It's now an ongoing, continuous publishing format, which means we can respond in real time to breaking news in the industry if we choose, and we have greater flexibility with our publishing schedule. There are also more
people involved. For the most part, I don't select fiction; our fiction editor, author Jack Getze, does. Sometimes I'm asked to look things over and give a second opinion, but that's not common. Brian Lindenmuth handles all the non-fiction, recruits reviewers and contributors and tries to ensure there's new content daily.
HANK: It must be so much work! DO you get a lot of inquiries? Over the transom submissions?

but we're also committed to a minimum payment of $25 per story, and that means we have to work within a budget. If ad revenues increase, we'll publish more, as long as the quality of the work is maintained.
HANK: What makes a great story? How soon can you tell? (Is this a question for you? Or should we ask Jack?)
SANDRA: Well... it depends on the story. Have you read My Name Is Priscilla?

The genius is truly in the reveal. Sometimes, you know right away you've got something special. Sometimes, it's that "wow" factor that comes after you've seen how it all unfolds. I'm actually partial to those stories. The quality of writing has to be strong and engaging
to keep a person reading, but if feels like it's building to something and it pays off, it really pays off. Which is much better than starting off strong and fizzling out with a weak ending.
HANK: Wait--I'm off reading...oh, wow. Sandra, you guys are truly..well. Anyway. So--what advice do you have for someone who wants to submit?
SANDRA: Follow the submission guidelines. And don't submit to us if you don't want to be published by us. Jack recently went through the headache of accepting a story, working with the writer to edit it and bring it up to a whole new level, the story was slated for publication and at the 11th hour the author pulled the story and decided to enter it in a contest. He was, understandably, furious he'd invested time in this writer, only to have them take advantage of
his editorial services.
And if he wants the writer banned for life, I'm fine with that.
We've had a few authors who've been difficult, and since this is a labor of love for us, and we volunteer our time and work hard to see that these writers get paid something for their
efforts, I won't make anyone work with someone who's proven they're unprofessional.
HANK: Oh, yikes. Interesting to see the world from the other side. And revealing to know you're taking names! So--Do you think of it as a "magazine"? Do you think paper magazines are on their way to oblivion?

HANK: Wait. What? How do you read your own e-zine??
SANDRA: I don't mind reading online in small bits. But I'm a slow reader, and a book typically takes me 10+ hours. I'm not going to sit and read for hours at a time online. Ezines are like blog surfing to me, so they work for me; books online don't. Not yet.
I still like holding something in my hands and flipping the pages, and I think there are a lot of people who feel the same way. I think we provide different services, and I think we can complement each other. We can publish content daily; print magazines can't do that. But print
magazines have an archival value that we don't have. There's good things about both formats.
HANK: So what scares you these days?
SANDRA: I'm more optimistic about the industry than some people seem to be. I think you can put your backlist out on Kindle and work it and maybe even make a lot of money for a little while, but eventually the demand will dry up. You have to keep producing at that level, in
volume and quality, in order to maintain those sales. I'm nervous about the possibility that some of the recognized authors leading the charge to self-publish via e-books are setting everyone up for disappointment. Writers who won't achieve overnight fame and fortune and huge readerships, and readers who will find there's so much more crap to wade through that they can't find what's really good anymore.
This is a huge concern for Spinetingler. When I set up authors to do guest columns, I have to decide if I'll take self-published authors, or if I'll take e-book authors. I'm still nervous about opening the floodgates. I don't have the same rules as some of the other organizations - I have no problem with a product that's been professionally edited. Even small POD presses that aren't covers for

putting them up for sale.
A few months ago, I'd received a review copy, and it seemed legit, so I started it. I wasn't wowed straight off, but I hadn't abandoned it. Then, a few days later I got an email from the
author, saying that because of review feedback he'd re-written the first chapter and was mailing out a revised copy. That gave away the game, and I was also furious, because he didn't hire me to edit and critique his book; he asked me to review it. I review finished books, not manuscripts. You want a critique, ask me straight up, don't try to pull an end-run to get free editorial services. That was time I could have spent on a real, finished book.
So, I'm nervous. And I continue to take these decisions about how to proceed one step at a time.
HANK: What do you wish you had known?
I wish I'd known just how petty people could be. When writers argue over rejections or slam you on sites because they assume you must have a prejudice against them because you didn't publish their stuff it really puts you off. This is the reason most sites prefer to work with professionals.
I really want new writers to have a chance to develop their craft, but so many make it extremely difficult. I've found the more established the writer, the more professional and easy to work with. It's never the professionally published authors who argue over editing their work; it's the people we've never heard of. And if there was one thing I wish new authors could grasp it's just how important it is to foster good long-term working relationships. I will say that's
probably something I've learned more from doing this than anything else.
HANK: Wow. Sandra. Thank you! You're terrific. Questions, anyone?
Sandra, thanks for visiting JRW-and for the great interview. (doesn't Hank make everyone look good??)
ReplyDeleteI too enjoyed hearing from the editorial side of the business. I agree that folks don't realize how very small the mystery/crime world is. Of course there will be people you don't like or treatment you're annoyed with, but best to keep those reactions between you and your best buds:).
Also very intriguing to hear what you're nervous about. I'm certain you're not the only one! I was reading an article in Writer's Digest about agents last night--such a panorama of different reactions to the e-book flood...
I'm in a wait and see mode...put up one short story on Amazon and that's my toe in the water!
Oh, digression...Roberta, where??
ReplyDeleteAnd if you haven't read that short story Sandra refers to..ah, it's amazing. But not for the faint of heart. Not for the faint of anything.
ReplyDeleteSo interesting, Sandra.
ReplyDeleteYour comments about the professionalism of published writers (most) vs. the difficulty of working with (some) unpublished ones makes me think as I often do. . .
This whole flood of self and e publishing makes me so nervous for new writers, because if they jump too soon they short-circuit the whole process needed to become a.) the best writer they can be; and b.) truly a professional, which includes developing the ability to take editing and do it with grace.
Oh, Nancy P--that is so wise. Think how much difference having a good editor makes! (And how we didnt' realize that fully when we first started writing..)
ReplyDeleteOh, Hank! I think back to my first short stories and how great I thought they were, and how frustrated and actually angry I felt when they were rejected, and now I think. . .thank god for wise editors! They were not. as. good. as. I. thought. they. were. By miles. And I also think, thank god I couldn't be tempted to publish them electronically. Shudder. We don't know how much we still have to learn! At any stage.
ReplyDeleteGreat article, Sandra and Hank.
ReplyDeleteI think e-zines are leading the way to the publishing mode of the future.
I couldn't agree more that too many unpublished writers are rushing into e-publishing with material that may not be ready for human consumption. That's not going to help them build writing careers. Having a good editor look at your work before it's published is still vital, regardless of the publishing platform. (And I do consider e-publishing a legitimate publishing platform when it's used right.)
ReplyDeleteI love Spinetingler and was honored to have an article of mine published there earlier this year.
Thank you for a wonderful - and candid - interview. And thank you for Spinetingler, too.
ReplyDeleteCracking interview. Spinetingler is a quality magazine, no doubt about it.
ReplyDeleteThank you Sandra and Hank for an interesting article. So much seems to depend on social interactions. It's good to see editors and agents as real people who are professional and have values. I guess it's old-fashioned to say this but it seems manners count when writers seek to have their work edited and published.
ReplyDeleteExcellent interview, interesting insights (do want to write "incite") but am trying to be careful:-) Well done and congrats on a helpful and interesting interview. Thanks!
ReplyDeletePat Harrington
Hi, Sandra -- such a noble thing you are doing! Fantastic.
ReplyDeleteAnd so interesting... what I've seen at writing conference is the samething -- that too many authors are shopping manuscripts that are so not ready for prime time. Of course you see that in the short stories submitted, too.
One of the most baffling aspects of being a writer is that you grow SO SMART about what's wrong with other people's work... and SO OBTUSE about flaws in your own. And so impatient--and that is the true enemy.
HAllie, you are SO right. Impatience! Is the biggest pitfall.
ReplyDeleteAnd perfect iming for me to hear that, too. Thanks. Sending something in too early is just--going to send you int owaves of regret. In my classes I always say--DON'T RUSH.
Pat, so funny! I almost wrote to Hallie above--you are so "write."
Nancy P--yup. And isnt that one of the good parts, how much we can learn if we allow it?
Hey Sandy--yes, and it was a terrific article, too.
Paul, Pauline and Kate--great to see you!
What a great interview. Thank you. And now I'm heading over to look at Spinetingler.
ReplyDeleteWell, thanks Sheila! Sandra will be here in a bit--and she'll be very pleased!
ReplyDeleteGreat interview! I'm so proud to have had one of my short stories appear in Spinetingler, Issue #10. Thanks, Sandra for all that you guys do, especially for giving opportunities to newer writers!!
ReplyDeleteHank, only you can make an interview both revealing and fun.
ReplyDeleteAnd, Sandra, I'm inspired to submit something to
Spinetingler after getting to know your very professional approach. I'll kill myself, of course, if you reject me, but I'll get over it.
Yes, Roberta, Hank makes everyone look good! She's a pro!
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking about wading in with the e-book movement a little bit, but in the same vein as you. We haven't even moved Spinetingler to Kindle yet - I'm concerned about the legal/contractual issues.
Nancy, we have the exact same concerns. I shudder to think of my earlier work being published without professional editing. I have learned so much through working with professional, talented people.
ReplyDeleteAnd taking a fair edit prepares you for the sometimes brutal reviews!
Rhys... maybe. It could be. But I still love newspapers!
ReplyDeleteSandy, we loved having you - you lead a great discussion! And for the record, I welcome guest pieces by authors all the time, especially when convenient for promoting a new book. Hank did a great one as well. We've had hilarious ones (Adrian McKinty's one James Patterson Does Not Exist) and very serious ones. We're very flexible.
ReplyDeleteHallie, isn't that the truth! Alexandra Sokoloff had a great tip - print your manuscript in a different font and read it from the page. It helps some of those glitches jump out at you because you stop skim reading.
ReplyDeleteStill, I sometimes look back on stories and wonder at how dense I was to overlook simple mistakes.
Everyone, thanks for the comments and support. Always nice to see writers we've published drop by (hi Susan!) and Earl, if you kill yourself, how will you get over the rejection?
ReplyDeleteOr will you be the first known actual victim of Spinetingler? ;)
Oh, Sandra, I love it. The first known actual victim of Spinetngler! But Earl, you're already famous. So--never mind. (And aw, so nice of you. Thank you!)
ReplyDeleteSusan, I'm, off to look for your short story!
Sandra, what does Spinetingler have coming up in the near future?
Hank, this time of year we go through the back-to-school readjustment, but by the end of the month things will pick up again. We'll be posting the winners of our short story contest from a few months ago (Pay The Bitch Back) and are working on some new interviews and features.