Holy cow - one month down and eleven to go. Where did
the month go?? I'm still putting Christmas back in the closet and we're
already looking at February. I don't usually make a big deal out of New Year's resolutions
- I make them every week, every morning really. No matter what I've done that
day I go to bed every night thinking that tomorrow will be another opportunity
to do better. However I define that.
This year I did have a few specific goals. I'd been dragging my
feet on my work in progress and was determined to
push that Send button by
January 31.
Did it on January 27. YAY!
I want to write a short story - and Reine has given me my
first line!
I did not lose the five pounds I
hoped to this month, but I lost two and that was pretty good considering skinny
margaritas, beer and nachos were on the menu in Dallas.
So how are the rest of you doing? Don't worry if it's not so
great...tomorrow's the first and that's another clean slate.
PS(Come back tomorrow for Under the Sheets....and aren't you curious to know what THAT means?)
I want to curl up with Deborah Crombies " no mark upon her "
ReplyDeleteMy goals included:
ReplyDeleteSpending 1 hour a day clearing out old papers, clothes and things not used in the last year; reached 90% of the month. To read 1 book a week; goal achieved.
Eat healthy; goal 85% achieved
And well you should Sweethome! For all the Deb Crombie fans (and hopefully new Jungle red fans) you are in the right place. My newsletter did mention posting a comment on Friday but all comments re Deb's new book,No mark Upon Her will be entered to win the free signed copies Deb is making available. Check back on Sauturday for the winners names. Check back tomorrow to see what the gals from Jungle Red do Under the Sheets...
ReplyDeleteOld papers, clothes and things...that's one I should have signed on for. Okay, June you've given me a good one for February.
ReplyDelete1 hour per day was manageable most days. It didn't seem so over whelming. I did spend more than an hour a few of those days just getting lost in memories. I took a photo of the things that brought back those memories so that I would keep the item in my limited space. It was very hard to give away those memory items, but the photo grouping I made for my wall makes me smile every time I look at it. Now I get those memories on a daily basis instead of when I happen upon the item I'm not using.
ReplyDelete..that's how I always get sidetracked! That, and trying on the clothing to see if something stuill fits.
ReplyDeleteI want to curl up with Deborah Crombies "No mark upon her." I love a good book to read and yours are always that.
ReplyDelete"I want to curl up with Deborah Crombie's No Mark Upon Her"
ReplyDeleteI did NOT send Christmas cards, in December, nor did I send New Years Cards in January, which was briefly (and ridiculously) my fallback.
ReplyDeleteI did not update my mailing list, a task which I utterly cannot face, but must. WHY DO I DO THIS??
June, I love your idea. I'm going to use it for the memory things my mom can't take with her to assisted living. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you can use the photo memory idea. She should love it. A piece of home helps when adjusting to a new place. I did one with family members holding a cherished item and in the center the children holding a "We Love You" sign.
ReplyDeleteRo, a month-end check on the goals is a great idea! And congrats on getting your ms. in!
ReplyDelete5.2 pounds gone, 1 to go. (What can I say? From Thanksgiving to New Year's, I had NO willpower!) Chapter a week on the ms? Sometimes yes, sometimes no, but definitely making progress! Yay! And we've at least started looking for new living room furniture ... .
(And yes, of course, I want to curl up with Deb's new book, too!)
bedomI want to curl up with Deborah Crombies " No Mark Upon Her "
ReplyDeleteI'm happy with all the "curl up with No Mark Upon Her" resolutions!!!!
ReplyDeleteMine are: Do all the pre-book launch promo stuff (that's guest blogs and interviews and updating my own web page and doing FB and Twitter and radio...) And then go on book tour. All while trying to finish the book-in-progress....
So all your support is SO VERY MUCH appreciated.
(And then I'm going to de-clutter my house.)
SO JEALOUS, Ro - My goal is by the end of February to press SEND on the new manuscript. Not finished-finished, just parboiled enough for some trusted readers can have at it.
ReplyDeleteDeborah's book is in my TBR pile! If I can just get everything else off my plate I'll have time to read it.
For me, clearing out old papers is a favorite form of procrastination. Trying not to even think about it.
I want to curl up with Deborah Crombie's "No Mark Upon Her".
ReplyDeleteMy goal was to write 100 pages of new Molly book during January. Only managed 80 but all those trips to the medical center with John seriously ate into time and the ability to concentrate.
ReplyDeleteMy weight is down to pre-Christmas level so that's fine. I haven't been able to exercise as much as I want, I haven't done any watercolor painting.... I think I'll stop now before I get depressed.
I want to curl up with Deborah Crombie's "No Mark Upon Her"
ReplyDeleteI haven't done a thing -- not a bloody thing...What a reactionary month, and I don't do well with that kind of living.
ReplyDeleteSo, I have yet to contemplate 2012. Ack! But it's never too late! In fact, today I'd planned to sit quietly and focus on my goals for the year.
Thanks for the inspiration!
(Deborah's book is on my list, too.)
I am slowly, oh so slowly, getting rid of out of date food, clutter, things I haven't used in years, etc. Idid say slowly, didn't I?
ReplyDeleteI am on a month hold at the library for Deborah's new book No Mark Upon Her".
ReplyDeleteI too tried to make resolution to clean out the den/computer room. Unfortunately I save everything will renew my resolution to unclutter. Never thought of doing just 1 hour a day, good idea. It's definitely overwhelming to try and do it all in one day.
Hmmm...what have I accomplished this month? Well, my house is clean. I got all my blogs in (by the skin of my teeth!)And I finished the extras for the trade paperback editions that were a kind of surprise assignment.
ReplyDeleteOn the down side, I've only been making it to the Y once or twice a week, and my knees are feeling the lack of pool time. Got to get more laps in!
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ReplyDeleteHmmm... My goal was to exercise LESS, which I'm not sure I have achieved, but I plan to achieve it in March when my tennis league is over.
ReplyDeletedoes that count?
But my real goal was to recommit myself to my writing and I think I have done that, AND I've finished the synopsis for my whaling wives book which is always the most tortuous part.
June, I'm amazed you can spend an hour a day cleaning out old papers and I'm amazed that Hallie actually gravitates toward that task as a form of procrastination.
Maybe that should be my resolution NEXT YEAR.
I want to curl up with Deborah Crombie's No Mark Upon Her
ReplyDeleteHi Rosemary,
ReplyDeleteUm . . . I don't remember what my goals were. I think that means I'm okay? I think I'm still working on last year's? I'm almost 90 lbs. down on my weight-loss goal for last year-- yes, still working on it.
I can't even tell you my code word.
Just read an ARC of Deborah Crombie's NO MARK UPON HER for review. DON'T MISS IT!!!
ReplyDelete@ Jan, you would be amazed how the memories from that hour help me in writing. I am writing a story, with some historical facts on the arrival a family in 1630 on the Arbella (that carried the Massachusetts Bay Colony Charter) to the present day. My ancestor's was one such family. I had researched my history, family and society life during the past 13 generations. Lots of paper to go through organize and discard. I only have self published books to my credit, but I enjoy the process.
ReplyDeleteI want to curl up with Debrah Crobmie's "No Mark Upon Her"
ReplyDelete...that's how I always get sidetracked! That, and trying on the clothing to see if something stuill fits.