And if you are the lucky commenter today, chosen at random, Nancy will send you a free copy of her new book! The one lucky winner will be announced tomorrow!
NANCY MARTIN: At the risk of offending the Reds, I’d like to talk about . . . pink
Specifically the idea of posting 50 Shades of Pink on my Facebook page every day for the 50 days leading up to the release of the new Blackbird Sisters Mystery, NO WAY TO KILL A LADY. I am always scrambling for something to post on Facebook, but one day I realized I had exactly 50 days, and of course 50 Shades hit me right away. I mean, who hasn’t heard of the 50 Shades of Gray?

Shy? I’ll get back to you in a minute.
Let me confess:
The biggest mistake I made when I created the Blackbird sisters was the couture. (You thought I was going to confess something else?) I knew Nora Blackbird was broke when she took her new job as a society columnist for a Philadelphia rag, and I also knew she’d need great clothes to wear to the parties she attends every night. After considerable stewing, I hit upon the idea of Nora using her late grandmother’s collection of fabulous designer clothes.
Only thing was, I knew ZILCH about designer clothes. Honestly, the people who make fun of middle-aged ladies who wear yoga pants all the time? That’s me they’re laughing at. So the research to create a vintage wardrobe for Nora Blackbird has been daunting from the get-go. I finally hit upon the idea of only using dresses that actually existed, which has made my task slightly easier. I have books about Chanel, and I adore Diana Vreeland’s autobiography, DV. My subscription of Vogue is now tax deductible, and I scour the Metropolitan Museum’s fashion department often.
Over the last ten years (since the release of HOW TO MURDER A MILLIONAIRE, the first book in the series) I’ve become surprisingly good at identifying the work of top designers. I don’t wear it, mind you, but I can identify it.
My readers really enjoy Nora Blackbird’s clothes—more than I expected. I get fan mail from around the world about the duds. So during the final 50 days before the release of the new book, I have posted 50 pink dresses to whet the appetites of the readers who have been rattling my cage for a new Blackbird book. (I put the series on hiatus back in 2008.) If you want to see the pink dresses, go to my Pinterest page: http://pinterest.com/nanmart1/50-shades-of-pink/
Another confession: I love Pinterest. It feeds my urge to make ideas visual. I wish I could paint or take decent photography, but I can’t. I know what I see in my head, though, so Pinterest http://pinterest.com/ has become my latest addiction.

Surrender the pink? Sure, if that’s the way you roll, why not? Bondage, though, weirds me out. I have a true shrieking abhorrence of anything resembling torture, so bondage is outside my comfort zone. Which is why I’m really not going to buy 50 SHADES OF GRAY. (I did download the sample on my iPad. But for the first 50 pages nothing happened, and if there’s anything I learned from writing romance novels it’s this: Stuff has to happen and happen fast or your reader gets bored.)
My daughter points out that her generation feels differently about bondage. To those young ladies, getting tied up may be a welcome rest after a long day. They have high-pressure careers, maintain long-distance friendships and take care of family, too—so they are relieved that somebody else takes charge in the bedroom. (Nancy Friday’s theory was that women fantasized about bondage because if they were tied up, they couldn’t be blamed for enjoying the sex forced upon them. Back then, good girls felt guilty about having fun in bed. Boy, have times changed, or what?)
Another lesson learned from writing romance? Women like their sex in print, so when I set out to write the Blackbird Sisters Mysteries, I knew I had to appeal to my longtime romance readers with a few racy bits. (Which is probably why my books have never really been embraced by diehard mystery readers.) Now--even more than the clothes--readers write to me about Nora’s love life. There’s definitely pink in Nora’s world.
So tell me. What’s your opinion about sex in mysteries? Yea? Or Nay?
And if you’ve read 50 Shades of Gray? Tell me your theory of its appeal, but here’s absolutely the most hilarious review of it: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/340987215 Don’t have a mouthful of coffee when you watch, trust me.
Pick your favorite pink dress, too, would you? Dior? Givenchy? Versace? Or Michelle Obama’s simple sheath dress from Banana Republic? How do you roll?
NO WAY TO KILL A LADY, the 8th book in the Blackbird Sisters Mystery Series, will be released next week, on August 7th. A few years ago, Jennifer Crusie said, “Great clothes, great mystery, great fun.” A blurb that still makes me happy!
Find Nancy Martin on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/authornancymartin
Her website: http://www.nancymartinmysteries.com
On Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/nanmart1/
But not on Twitter, because the whole tweeting thing just isn’t sexy.
Hi Nancy! Fifty Shades.... I have been offered my daughter's copy (she loved it and has read the sequels) but I haven't dared open it yet. I'm with you about bondage--how can a true relationship develop from one party in complete submission like that?
ReplyDeleteRhys, don't toy with me. Are you watching tennis today? Or those mostly naked water polo guys??
ReplyDeleteOMG---my prove-you're-not-a-robot number is 50!
I've been following your 50 Shades of Pink on facebook and I'm LOVING it! (The dress on JR today is pretty fabulous.)What a brilliant idea.
ReplyDeleteI was advised to take the sex out of my first book (it was one line..I don't think anyone would have gotten the vapors reading it.)
That goodreads review was hilarious. I have the book - hubby bought it - but I haven't even looked at it. Apparently the author has taken The Story of O and turned it into the Story of Oh, My! and that sounds kind of boring.
I've gotten a big kick out of your 50 shades and it cracked me up that my personal favorite is the one that accompanies this blog. I collect vintage costume jewelry and like you have become adept at picking out designers. Also like you, I can't afford to purchase the really big ones because the market has gotten too expensive. It's fun to imagine where these pieces might have been worn in their heyday. I think that like vintage clothing, the workmanship is not matched by todays makers.
ReplyDeleteHi Nancy! Can't wait for "Mo Way to Kill A Lady" to arrive!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite dress hass to be either the cabbage rose ball gown or the Alberta Ferretti design.
I haven't read any of the "50 Shades" books yet. I work at a bookstore, and am amazed at how well they sell. My co-workers that have read the trilogy have said there are many other, well written, erotica titles to be read. We built a display of those said books, and they are selling just as fast! We're having trouble keeping it stocked!
Hey, you! How fun to see you here! I've been following your 50 Shades of Pink at Facebook and loving it. My favorite was the dramatic black dress with the huge pink flower on the hip by Renato Balestra. Wow! Oh, and the DVF.
ReplyDeleteI cannot even begin to tell you how happy I am that you're bringing back Nora and her sisters. I recently re-read all of them when I learned there would be a new one. I love love love pretty clothes. Vintage just fascinates me. I have forever been so impressed with your knowledge of couture and had no idea you weren't an expert until I read today's post here at Jungle Red, you little devil!
#7 is my favorite, with that Grecian classic silhouette and the luscious silk chiffon. Pretty, but without being fussy.
ReplyDeleteI recently reread The Story of O, as it was offered free to Nook owners. What a letdown. First, so many typos! I was shocked. And secondly, what a silly, dehumanizing attitude towards "love". After reading it there was no way I was in the mood for 50 Shades of Grey.
Sex scenes in mysteries are fine, in fact great, if they fit the context without requiring great contortions on the part of the author. When you have to manipulate the story in order to get the characters into bed, well... not my cup of tea.
It seems, though, we have become so jaded about sex and sexiness, which get confused as the same thing. Of course, we know they aren't, but it sure appears as if many people don't see that distinction. We are sure a long way from Cole Porter's shocking "glimpse of stocking", aren't we? And that's a shame, I think.
I have not read 50 shades either. DW did tell me the wait list at the library is now at 75, she chose not to be 76.
ReplyDeleteI think there are many things that people fantasize about but do not want to try. I also think people are much more open about their lives in general and their sex lives in particular then they used to be.
There is sex in your books? You just moved to the top of the TBR list. As long as it isn't Dragon Tattoo violent. That was a bit more than I care for.
It hit me this morning that we're all criticizing a book we haven't read! What a no-no. I guess this means we have to gird our loins (hahahahaha!) and read it.
ReplyDeleteSharon, someday I want to see pix of your collection.
YOu are all so nice to be following the pink dresses. Every day I am surprised by the reactions. No two people seem to love the same dress! Variety really is the spice of life.
ReplyDeleteI am off to deliver launch party supplies to the Mystery Lovers Bookshop. I'll be back with my lunch.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right about the difference between sex and sexiness. It's amazing when you watch an old movie or see something set in the last century, how little clothes had to come off for sexy.
I have 50 Shades of Gray on my Kindle because my son bought it on my account to review for NYDN.
I still haven't read it. Not because of averseion to sex, or even the bondage scenes (if I can take Dragon Tattoo I can take anything) but because it's fan fiction based on Twilight and I read and really couldnt' stand Twilight. (not a vampire fan)
I LOVE the Fifty Shades of Pink. It is IRRESISTIBLE!
ReplyDeleteI have not read 50. My producer has..she came in every day, telling me how terrible it was. For DAYS.
MY favorite? Oh, cannot choose. I bet it's a de la Renta, knowing me.
And yeah, NAncy, that's interesting. Criticizing something we haven't read. Well, I'm not criticizing, actually-I'm just saying--not interested. That's okay, right? I'm not reading a lot of the other best-sellers, either.
I am in AWE of the sales figures. Gotta give props. She's sure whipped up the..well, I mean, got a strangle-hold on the..um,...
Considering the fact that I just read that 50 Shades has outsold Harry Potter in the UK, I'm thinking maybe I need more sex in my books....
ReplyDeleteLove the vintage clothes, Nancy, and 50 Shades of Pink. What a great idea!
Love your post today, Nancy, and I've been missing the Blackbird sisters' adventures.
ReplyDeleteI read the 50 Shades trilogy, and the Goodreads review is hilarious and very right about some things. I do, however, think most women have enough sense -- or at least I hope so -- to know that this is truly fantastical fiction and nothing more.
Thanks for all the fun, romance and beautiful clothes in your books!
Guess I'm just one of those elderly prudes. Nothing I've heard about 50 Shades has inclined me to waste my valuable (may be retired, but ...) time--too many things I really want to read, doncha know. :) As for sex in mysteries, if it advances the plot, great. If it engages my imagination, rather than mimicking a "how to" manual, great. Less can be more, as demonstrated by James Lee Burke's sex scenes. And Deb, so sad that Harry Potter sank under the weight of what sounds like drivel.
ReplyDeleteGood point, Deb. Sometimes publishers think they know what their customers want, but they are second-guessing incorrectly.
ReplyDeleteWhich reminds me of a TV sewing show in the early 90's. The stars were a former Miss America who had won partly on the strength of her talent of sewing, and a gay designer named Kenneth King. The producers were terrified that Mrs. Middle American Sewist would be horrified to think about a homosexual, so they toned down Kenneth's usual more flamboyant style, to the point where he was generically boring. Once the show was no longer on, though, Kenneth began touring the country, in his "real" persona, and he packed the house everywhere he went.
We all have sex and sexual feelings; that's humanity. Even those who profess to hold themselves above such things still think about sex often. Witness: the Catholic priests. Need I say more? If sex didn't sell, 99% of what's on TV and the Internet would not exist.
Nancy, I've loved seeing my daily dose of pink on Facebook. Thanks so much for going to all the beautiful trouble. As someone who is also currently clad in yoga pants, I get to live vicariously through the pictures you post. Great post here, too, though I've had no desire to read any of the 50 Shades of Grey book. Having lived through the years of touching the glass ceiling, but not being able to break through, I don't understand any woman giving up control when she doesn't have to. In some ways, however, I keep getting this idea from hearing the author speak and women who have read the book, that it's a warped idea of Prince Charming coming in to sweep the Cinderella off her feet--but this time handcuffing her to the castle. Still, I would love to be a princess wearing some of the clothes you've posted for the past weeks. Wish it could go on and on!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to hear the Blackbird sisters are back! Can't wait to read the new book. And I love the pink gowns--I think #7 is my fav. So elegant.
I guess I am one of the hordes of people who have not read 50 Shades yet. Oh my! Must admit I'm curious to see why it's got everyone so excited about reading...
I am eagerly awaiting a new Blackbird -- and in my re-reading of the others, I was struck by how GOOD they are. A college prof. said "anything worth reading is worth reading twice." Good descriptions, tasteful love scenes, compelling plot with satisfying twists . . . awesome! . . .
ReplyDeleteI saw the author reading a brief excerpt of "Grey" and Ellen pretending to try to read it, and I love that review, but no, I won't be reading it myself; I draw the line at bad writing. I have noticed many young women reading it, and the Riverfront Times reported that it has increased the sales of "toys."
50 shades of pink -- so BRILLIANT, Nancy. I haven't read 50 Shades either... just read the interview with her about it. (Little joke.)
ReplyDeleteActually the nearly naked Olympics that fascinates me is the beach volleyball. Some very weird things are considered Olympic sports.
Nancy, I'm so glad the Blackbird Sisters are going to have a new chapter. Can't wait!
ReplyDeleteI've been loving the 50 Shades of Pink on Facebook. So many gorgeous dresses! I think my favorite is #7. Those classic Grecian lines.
I have read enough about and excerpting the 50 Shades books to know I don't want to read any of them. Probably wouldn't, even if they were well-written (which excerpts have shown, they're not). I'm not into bondage, domination, getting or giving pain. I've often wondered if some of these things weren't ways to avoid the actual work of personal relationships. The way the singles-bar "Looking for Mr. Goodbar" lifestyle was.
But I'm definitely a fan of 50 Shades of Pink!
I've read 50 Shades because I had to see what all the hoopla was... So onto the next book.
ReplyDeleteI'm all about the yoga pants but I did have fun helping my daughters choose Prom dresses-like dressing a Barbie.
I need to be comfortable & somehow those dresses don't meet my idea of comfort.
Love, love LOVE the dresses, Nancy - I'm a visual person and I suspect I may be getting onto Pinterest soon.
ReplyDeleteRe: 50 Shades of Gray: I'm surprised none of my sister Reds have mentioned the book idea we came up with during our recent dinner/gab-fest at Hank and Jonathan's house---
The daring erotic book that rips the covers off of over-50 sex! Spicy scenes include "Getting your blue pills From a 26-year-old Pharmacist," "Oh, Crap, the kids got home early" and "Hold still, honey, I think my back just went out."
Just back from the salon. (Launch party Saturday.) I was approached by a stylist who NEVER spoke to me before today. Turns out she's following the 50 Shades of Pink! It's been amazing. (BTW, I'm blogging on the SinC blog today about what I've learned for writers concerning social media.. I had an interesting conference call with a big digital media firm. Then put advice to use.
ReplyDeleteHallie, I think people are fascinated by beach volleyball because we all played v-ball in gym class. So it's gym class with bikinis!
After all those years of writing romances, I came away having memorized the 3 principles of writing love stories: Hunger, yearning and obsession. Memorize those words, writers. Because that's what readers want on the page. Not body parts, but hunger, yearning and obsession.
ReplyDeleteHi Nancy, congrats on the new book! We are always connected in my mind as we were up for best first mystery Agatha years ago, and lost very graciously to our own Julia!
ReplyDeleteI got distracted from commenting when I went to read that amazing review of 50Shades on Goodreads. Wow (or should I say gasp and oh my), that person put a lot of time into the review. Never seen anything like it! Would we be willing to write a bad book if it would stir up that much controversy?
I hope you'll come back on Monday Nancy when JRW talks about sex in our mysteries (or lack thereof...). Meanwhile, I'm chanting: hunger, yearning, obsession...hunger, yearning, obsession...
Julia, I love the idea of 50 Shades of Silver. A friend of ours put his back out over the weekend and whenever anyone ask him what happened he changes the subject and his wife blushes.
ReplyDeleteJULIA, DO NOT START ON PINTEREST!! It's totally addictive. Wait until your deadline is past.
ReplyDeleteLucy, we had a great "class" that year at the Agathas! A fun group.
50 Shades of Silver: I could contribute to that for sure! How many times do you have to get up to pee every night, honey?
"My daughter points out that her generation feels differently about bondage."
ReplyDeleteWhat? What? I knew your daughters when they were, like, eight! I need Fifty Shades of Hide My Head in the Sand.
Love the pink dresses. The Beverly Johnson one today is a hoot!
Longtime collector of erotic literature here. Nancy mentioned Nancy Friday's book, The Secret Garden, and Anais Nin, who wrote several erotic novels. Those, and other similar books, can truly be considered erotic, and less a manual of "insert Part A into Part B". A lot of effort is expended in seduction in some of those older books; nowadays it's more likely for a clash of bodies to spontaneously occur than any kind of buildup to a sensuous moment. It's much less exciting, to my mind.
ReplyDeleteI blame Internet porn. And Dick Cheney, of course.
Darn near laughed myself into a hernia with Julia's 50 shades of silver. I resemble that remark! Nancy, never had the pleasure of reading one of your books, but their now on my TBR list, based on your marvelous sense of humor and style.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, we know who you are. Just sayin'.
ReplyDeleteDiane, Julia & Co need to write that book immediately! What a great stocking stuffer, right?
PS I keep having to do-over this robot thing. Cataracts are another addition to the 50 Shades of Silver!
Hi Nancy!
ReplyDeleteShades? Not gray for me but 50 shades of pink sounds perfect. Perfect... pink… beautiful. And I love that dress!
"My subscription of Vogue is now tax deductible..." I may have to change what I write about. You should be able to deduct your museum membership too.
Going now to check out Pinterest… later, You.
Nancy, I love the Fifty Shades of Pink . . . my personal favorites numbers seven [great classic lines] and eight [okay, I admit it, it’s the sparkle; I’m all about the sparkle.]
ReplyDeleteI must confess to being a fan of vintage, be it clothing, jewelry, or, in my case, Lucite purses from the 1940s and 1950s . . . I’d bet Sharon’s vintage jewelry collection is simply marvelous.
Have I read “Fifty Shades of Grey?” No --- and it’s not getting added to my to-be-read pile . . . there are far too many good books that I actually want to read to be bothered to even think about reading this one.
CArrie Bradshaw's pink Oscar de la renta, I just went back to make sure. (I have kind of the same dress,exactly the same, Oscar, but it's um, guess what color? With flowers..)
ReplyDeleteHank you are so gorgeous, you must look stunning in that dress!
ReplyDeleteMy comment was deleted...
ReplyDeleteSex in mysteries? I put it on the first page in one of my novels.
ReplyDeleteThen my husband, without thinking, gave that book to my cousin to read on a flight. My cousin the priest. I would have tackled him and retrieved it, but he'd gone through security.
Nancy, are there pictures of pink dresses on your Facebook? I must have gotten distracted by the "Reading is Sexy" picture of Jensen in your album.
ReplyDeleteI adore Nora and her family. I have two sisters and the way Nora and her sisters act around each other reminds me of how my sisters and I are. Even though I have four kids, I like to think I'm more Nora than Libby.
Nancy, this such a fun blog.
ReplyDeleteMy DH rolled her eyes and plugged her ears when I asked if she heard about Fifty Shades of Grey. My DH asks if I downloaded it, will I download it and says he knows I want to download it because I mention it fifty times a week. But, no I think bondage is not for me..it's for old people. I will need my lifealert system in good repair if I succumb to these shenanigans.
Nancy, I'm afraid I haven't read your novels but they've been added to my TBR list. They sound wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI'm fascinated by Project Runway. It blows my mind how these designers can come up with an image and then implement their design. Totally amazing.
I haven't read the 50 Shades books nor do I intend to. I don't want to. I'm no prude but I don't have any desire to spend my time on them. I remember when the "hot" book was The Happy Hooker. LOL
And I love #18. How can a dress not look enchanting on the divine Audrey Hepburn?
OOPs, DD, not DH plugging her ears. Another reason for not engaging in these shenanigans. LOL.
ReplyDeleteWell, usually I'm all for tailored looks, but I totally fell for the dreamy flowered Valentino gown, #47.
ReplyDeleteAs for the book, haven't read it and have no interest in doing so. Not because I'm a prude (I came up in the era of sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll, and was a full and willing participant) but because everything I've read *about* it tells me I'd be either bored to tears or spitting nails about the portrayal of abuse and assault as erotica. Give me a freaking break!
And Thank You for that fabulous review!! Love love loved it!!
Nancy, your 50 Shades dresses have been stunning! No way could I pick a favorite, but I've loved drooling over them. Here's wishing you a fabulous launch!
ReplyDeleteReine, honey, I am all about deducting legit expenses from my taxes!
ReplyDeleteJoan---Lucite purses! The trouble with these darn comments is that we can't see pictures. Unless you give us a link to something?
Meg----Do not tackle priests in airports. I think those might be words to live by, no matter what reading material he's carrying! (But what a hoot! Somewhat like my mother telling me she *bought* my romances, but never that she actually *read* them!)
Melissa, to see all the pink dresses, you must go to my author page. (My friend page now seems to feature high school boyfriends---yikes!) Go here: http://www.facebook.com/authornancymartin
ReplyDeleteMarie! YOu cracked me up with the life alert remark! We must see that Julia gets that one on paper.
Lynda, it's hard to imagine the book being more entertaining than that review, right?
Leslie, I can definitely see you in pink.YOu're going to have to pick a fave by the end.
ReplyDeleteReds, thank you very much for hosting me today! It's like being around the old TLC water cooler. So many familiar faces! You ladies are big fun to hang with!
I have no desire to read any of the 50 Shades books, but I do love your 50 Shades of Pink and my favorite was #23.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad the Blackbird Sisters are back and if you haven't already, pre-order No Way To Kill A Lady, do so now, because it's a great read.
Haven't read 50 SHADES. And I probably never will...simply does not appeal. But, jeez, I can't believe that she tapped into something so mightily. I'm still trying to figure out what that something is. However, at this point, it's viral, and viral has no rhyme or reason--it's its own phenom.
ReplyDeleteLoving the 50 shades of pink. Audrey Hepburn's Givenchy dress all the way!
Nancy...It has been great to see you here today!
ReplyDeleteI have thoroughly enjoyed your Fifty Shades of Pink. They have all been great to look at. Being a notorous spiller of all things liquid, I won't let myself pick a favorite, though. I can easily see myself spilling an imaginary glass of wine on one of them! What I would REALLY like is the figure to fit into any one of those lovely dresses!
No plans here to read Fifty Shades of Grey. I'm kind of annoyed that a woman would write such a book! I'm not sure if my library has it; it would be interesting to see who borrows it! For people who want to read it,are they torn between buying it and paying cash so there's no trail back to them, or borrowing it from the library and having their choice of reading material a matter of public record until they return it? And imagine being the person who renews it a couple of times? With so many clamoring to read it just now,renewing is probably not possible until everyone on the Reserve list has read it!
Nancy, you can deduct me if that will help.
ReplyDeleteI tried before- let's see if I get it right this time.
ReplyDeleteNancy, I think its hilarious that you discussed bondage with your daughter. I'm quite sure my two would be very disturbed at having that conversation with mom!
I am very disturbed at a story of power and control considered erotic. Nope. Never.
Love the pink dresses. The dress from Breakfast at Tiffanys' is a never-to-be -forgotten classic
ReplyDeletePlease see if this link works for you . . . I am not particularly adept at a lot of this computer stuff, but I took some pictures and put them up so that [hopefully] you can see the Lucite purses . . . .
Triss, my daughters grew up with a romance writer for a mother. There wasn't much kept secret. Although I will confess that their father and I pretty much put our sex life on hold through the teenage years.
ReplyDeleteBefore I sign off, I must say that I completely understand the appeal of 50 Shades of Gray. I mentioned it before: Hunger, yearning and obsession. Bigger on the obsession part than the rest, but I'm using the same set of variables in the romance thread of the Blackbird books. Both Nora and Mick are hungry and yearning. Mick has an obsession with her---which women readers love. It's the universal hook.
Joan--I'm getting a blank page, darnit. I will keep noodling to see what I can see.
ReplyDeleteSee if this works:
Nancy: I 'like' your page almost every day. I'm a pink lady...cannot choose a dress from your stunning collection!!
ReplyDeleteI can't get into sex in mysteries. Kind of like "been there, done that". If it's in the book I'm reading, I skip over the pages.
Haven't read "50 Shades..." I've heard it's poorly written; so that, and all the sex is, quite frankly, a huge turn-off.
I would read "50 Shades of Silver". Someone get on that right away!