HALLIE EPHRON: For the second time ever, almost the entire Reds gang is going to Bouchercon--the annual World Mystery Convention. Our panel is Friday (10/5) at @2:45 and we are attempting the never before mastered: Game Show!
We're talking Family Feud, and when the "survey sez..." it will be our friends and followers who get their say. So whether you are going to Bouchercon or not, run(!) right over to and TAKE OUR SURVEY -- Please!! As usual, we want to hear what you think.
If you can't come to the Bouchercon panel, you'll have to wait until the week after to find out the results - we'll post them right here on JRW along with photos.
We are, by the way, coming to the panel dolled up in a way that I will not divulge, but trust me it has generated plenty of controversy among us and separated the clothes divas from the clothes whor... um, horses.

Among us we've probably been to hundreds (and hundreds) of mystery conferences. Any memorable moments involving feather hats, feather dusters, or trench coats?

DEBORAH CROMBIE: Rhys, Louise Penny, and I contemplated dressing up in togas and garlands for a Three Goddesses panel we did (where was that? Baltimore?) but, thankfully, we abandoned the idea.
HALLIE: I could not find a photo of Sue Grafton in opera-length gloves. Or a toga, for that matter.

ROSEMARY HARRIS: I generally ask myself ..."would Hank wear this?" I don't always answer yes, but it has kept me from making a few truly unfortunate choices. I think Nancy Martin and I once had a conversation about the black pants and black jackets that are trade show staples...who knows maybe I'll break out of my rut this time...I know ALL

HALLIE: Rosemary, you were tasteful, indeed!
And oh, how lovely would it be if we all showed up at Bouchercon in Armani. You'll have to show up at the panel to find out.
We hope to see lots of friends there. In the meanwhile, TAKE THE SURVEY!
CLICK HERE! or enter this link in your browser http://tinyurl.com/dxcs6dy.
And share your costume experiences. And if you know Cleveland, share with us what we should be sure to do/see/eat while we're there.
THIS JUST IN: as promised, Hank as Harriet Vane--with Nikki as Lisbeth Salander and Margery Flax as Emma Peel!
My frumpiest costume was as Dorothy Sayers last year at Crime Bake. I knew I didn't have a chance when Hank came as a (what else) glamorous Dorothy Sayers!
ReplyDeleteThe most fun was for the Vampire Ball where I got maximal use from a long black dress and a red boa.
Just took the survey. Some of the questions were hard to answer. Now I wish I were going to Bouchercon just to hear the panel.
OH love this! Cannot wait to do the game.
ReplyDeleteANd JOnathan was Lord Peter Wimsey..let me see if I can find photos and I will post!
ANd hey, who all is going to Bouchercon?
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to seeing you guys in October.
ReplyDeleteThe survey was fun, but those were hard questions. It will be fun to see if they make the list.
I think Hank was Ariadne Oliver... who snared Lord Peter.
ReplyDeleteDru! Thanks for taking the survey! And see you at Bouchercon!!
HArriet Vane! I will definitely find photos. xoo
ReplyDeleteSurvey . . . finished! Hope you have lots of fun with the game and the panel.
ReplyDeleteOf course! Harriet Vane. Ariadne was one of Agatha's creatures. And most certainly Hercule never had a "love interest."
ReplyDeleteThanks, Joan!
so sad not to be going to B'con this year. sniff.
ReplyDeleteOff to take the survey!!!
I'm registered! Can't wait to see you all, some again, and some for the first time.
ReplyDeleteHank, I can't imagine you as Harriet Vane, who I've always pictured as plain Jane Vane.
There is still no schedule posted on the Bouchercon website. Bummer.
Wahoo! Survey done, and I can't wait to see your panel. See you all there!
ReplyDeleteTammy ("Dead Man's Switch") Kaehler - we'll see you there!
ReplyDeleteOh, Kaye! And we were hoping you're be our Vanna White!
Karen, see you there!
Love the survey! Can't wait to find out reader's answers, although until the panel, I think only HALLIE will know....
ReplyDelete(Captcha hates me today. One more try.)
I'll be there. I'll come to your panel. So far I am free to roam on Friday. Mine is on Thursday after I get out of my car and wash my face. So hopefully Friday will be all fun. I'm stumped for a costume.
ReplyDeleteTook the survey. Some tough questions there. Ben and I will be at Bouchercon. So looking forward to seeing all of you!
ReplyDeleteI do not do costumes (except the time I went to a writers Halloween party in a long white slip with REJECTION stamped all over it).
Captcha is kicking my butt today. Try again.
Like Linda, I am resistant to costumes. I don't know why. I think it stems from early paranoia about making the costume and about sewing machines. Every once in a while I break down and wind up with something awesome. Although maybe not as awesome as a rejection slip.
ReplyDeleteWhen we were in college, living in grubby apartments, my husband and I went to a party as a Coachroach and a Can of Raid.But that was my one moment of costume glory.
Usually, I find reasons not to express myself through alternate identities.
Dressed in yellow with an orange bathing cap, my husband has gone to many costume parties as a pencil. These days all he'd have to do is paint his head orange.
ReplyDeleteThat's hysterical. I still remember his eyebrows and fangsfrom Crimebake.
I'd go to a Vampire party if I could meet Matthew Clairmont. SWOON...
ReplyDeleteBouchercon sounds wonderful! I know you ladies will rock! Have a great time.
Tough questions on the survey.
ReplyDeleteHallie I really want to be Vanna White!
Can we have a repeat performance at Malice so I can be Vanna White there?
I like playing dress-up almost more than anything I can think of. I think it comes from being an only child and having an over-active imagination.
(please don't tell me it's another one of those things I probably need professional help with).
Kaye, it's just another..oh, not really.
ReplyDeleteAnd doing it at Malice, or Crimebake! is a GREAT idea!
And Karen in Ohio, I always thought of Harriet Vane a kind of...country house chic. Leather and fur and dripping pearls. I posted the photo!
really - you think . . . . EEK!
Regarding Harriet Vane. I too have pictured her as country house chic. Or maybe I didn't until I saw Hank dressed as her. Now she will always live in my mind looking exactly like Hank Phillippi Ryan dripping in pearls and wearing GREAT shoes.
Ah, you have forever changed my perception of the indomitable Ms. Vane, Hank!
ReplyDeleteOh, that's nice, KAren..I may adopt the look. Why not, right? Retro is good. Pearls are good. xo
ReplyDeleteSome day, I must get to this one or Malice or SOME mystery convention. But these days, I can't venture far from home. I took the survey, though, but came up blank on some answers. Oh, well, it was fun anyway!
ReplyDeleteSurvey done, and I find it interesting how blank my mind went on some of those questions. I mean, that's part of my job, darn it!
ReplyDeleteCan not wait to see pictures!
FINALLY! Someone wants my opinion about Jack Reacher!! Thank you! It will be interesting to see if anyone agrees with me...