Here are the Bains to tell us!
Where do you get your ideas?
This must be a question that every writer gets (right, Reds?) whether on their first book or forty-first. Our forty-second book in the “Murder, She Wrote” series is just out, Death of a Blue Blood, and while looking back over the twenty-five years of publication we don’t always remember what prompted a particular plot, we do know exactly what inspired this one: “Downton Abbey.”
You might find it ironic that a book series based on the characters from a television series includes a book inspired by another television series. But we like irony.
For those of you not familiar with “Downton,” it’s a PBS series about an English aristocratic family caught up in changing times and mores of the post-Edwardian era. It’s one of the superb British costume dramas that show up periodically on public television and inspire a devoted following—including us. Its predecessor in the same vein was “Upstairs Downstairs,” which we also loved and whose 68 episodes chronicled the same social milieu in the 1930s. The fifth season of “Downton Abbey” is currently airing in the still-United Kingdom (Thank you, Scotland!) and will show up on U.S. TV in January 2015.
What is it about the lives of England’s advantaged class that so captivates us? After all, we sloughed off the rule of Mad King George 238 years ago—and violently, too. Yet we’re still fascinated by the nobility we rejected, the extravagant behavior of the lords and ladies that repelled us when we were expected to finance it.
Renée’s theory is that these shows are simply grown-up fairy tales with castles and balls, and elegantly dressed men and women waited on by an army of servants—a dream life found in the pages of “Cinderella,” “Snow White,” “Sleeping Beauty,” et al, that a good many of us were raised up on in nightly stories—at least the females among us, Don adds. Of course each fairy tale had a stumbling block to happiness in the form of an evil stepmother, poison apple, or witch’s curse, just so we wouldn’t think a life of privilege came easily.
In Death of a Blue Blood, Jessica Fletcher is invited to a New Year’s Eve ball at Castorbrook Castle in the Cotswolds (talk about alliteration!). And her “plus one” is the handsome Scotland Yard inspector, George Sutherland, who has been wooing her since the very first book in the series, Gin & Daggers. Readers are divided over who Jessica’s love interest, if any, should be, with many rooting for Dr. Seth Hazlitt, her usual companion on the television show. But George has a pretty good fan base by now, having appeared in at least half a dozen of the books.
“Downton” is filmed at the ancestral home of the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon, and an enjoyable part of our research was multiple viewings of “Secrets of Highclere Castle,” a DVD visit to the earl’s country home, situated on a 5,000-acre estate. (The current countess also writes a blog on life at Highclere.) Our fictional Castorbook Castle is owned by the Earl and Countess of Norrance, and his lordship has a mother, Lady Honora, with an equally dyspeptic outlook as the “Downton” character, Lady
Violet, played on television by the delightful Maggie Smith.
While there are some similarities given our admitted admiration for “Downton Abbey,” there are many more differences to accommodate both our imaginations and the requirements of our modern story. In the first chapter, Jessica discovers the body of a woman lying on a path in a secret garden, and nearly succumbs herself when she gets locked out in the cold. Here’s a peek at her first introduction to her host and his family:
“Who was she?” I asked George in a low voice.
“Lady Norrance?”
He nodded. “Her name was Flavia Beckwith. She’d been with the family many years. Drink your tea.”
“Didn’t anyone miss her?” I whispered.
“With all the hustle and bustle of the staff getting ready for the ball, no one thought to look for her.”
I took a sip from the delicate china cup and replaced it in the saucer. I was wrapped in a heavy blanket in a wing chair in a corner of the drawing room near the tall Christmas tree, the branches of which held swags of gold ribbon, gold glass balls, and electric candles. George sat on an ottoman by by my side. There were ten of us gathered for afternoon tea. George and I were the only ones who weren’t members of the family, but a few other guests were expected to arrive at any moment. Our hosts, Lord and Lady Norrance, had fussed over me in my disheveled state, but were understandably far more upset to learn of Mrs. Beckwith’s demise.
“What in blazes was she doing in the garden?” Lord Norrance asked, glaring at his wife.
Marielle, the countess of Norrance, raised a hand to tuck a loose strand of hair into her chignon. “I asked her find a sprig of holly that I could use for my hair for the ball.” She checked her image in the mirror over the fireplace. “I didn’t ask her to go into the garden.”
“Any sensible person knows it’s far too cold to walk outside at this time of year,” said a gravelly voice belonging to the Dowager Countess of Norrance, the earl’s widowed mother. Honora Grant was a slight woman in her seventies, but her delicate appearance belied her tough nature. Earlier, when she had leaned on Nigel’s arm as he escorted her into the room, she had pointed to a seat with her cane. “Put me over there where I can see everyone. Marielle, you know that’s my chair by the fire. Find another place, if you please.”
Lady Norrance obligingly vacated her seat so her mother-in-law could take it. Nigel placed a pillow he’d carried in on the chair, and Honora settled herself down. She cast a critical eye on the other occupants of the room. “I hope you’re not planning to cancel the ball because of this unfortunate incident.”
“Oh! We hadn’t thought...” the earl’s wife trailed off.
“You really should, you know,” said a young woman dressed in jodhpurs and boots. “We’ve had a death in the family.” She released the scarf around her neck and shook out her dark blonde hair.
“Nonsense!” the earl said. “This event has been on the social calendar for many months.”
“Jemma, must you irritate your father?”
“Sorry, mum.”
“We could hardly cancel now,” the earl said. “People are already arriving.” He waved an arm in George and my direction.
“And very welcome you are,” said Rupert Grant, the earl’s younger son, nodding at us, causing a curl from his carefully gelled hair to flop onto his forehead. He was a boyish looking fellow in his mid-twenties. “Besides, Flavia would not have wanted to discomfort the family in any way.” He leaned forward to pluck a pastry from a silver tray. “Isn’t that right, Mother?”
“You’re correct, of course, dear. Please take a plate and napkin. Mrs. Beckwith was dedicated to Castorbrook Castle and our family.”
“Wasn’t she a governess once?” the dowager asked.
“Yes, Grandmother,” Rupert said, “but she needed another job when the three of us rudely decided to grow up.” He cocked his head at his sister, Jemma, the horsewoman, and their older brother, Kip, who sat across the room and idly paged through a magazine. “And Mother gave the old girl another position.”
“Ridiculous! She wasn’t even trained.” Honora thumped her cane on the floor. “Can’t imagine she could have been a proper lady’s maid without training. But then your mother probably doesn’t know the difference.”
Marielle flushed and looked to her husband for defense, but he was lost in thought as he stared into the fire.
Jessica begins to investigate the background of the dead woman and George, who’s convinced her death was an accident, reluctantly joins in.
We had fun tramping around our fictional castle, peeking into the elegant halls on public display and the scruffier ones behind the scenes, and most of all, creating the colorful array of characters led by Lord and Lady Norrance. We hope you enjoy our latest effort.
So, Jungle Red Writers and readers: Do you have a favorite fairy tale? Is there a castle in it?
Murder, She Wrote: Death of a Blue Blood, published by the Obsidian imprint of Penguin Group, is bylined by the fictional Jessica Fletcher and the actual Donald Bain. Don’s wife Renée Paley-Bain collaborates with him on the series. 2014 marks the 25th year of “Murder, She Wrote” in print. Don, who has written more than 120 books, is also the author of the “Margaret Truman Capital Crime Series” (Tor/Forge), and, this year, had his first stand-alone thriller published under his own name, Lights Out! (Severn House).
How lovely to read the behind-the-scenes for your latest Jessica Fletcher book . . . I'm looking forward to reading it.
ReplyDeleteDon't most fairy tales have a castle? I've always had a particularly soft spot for Cinderella, perhaps because it's so much fun to read to the Little Ones . . . .
I don't know that I have a favorite fairy tale, although I am very hooked on ABC's Once Upon a Time, so that take on classic fairy tales is definitely my favorite version of the genre - at least at the moment.
ReplyDeleteTotally grounded in the real world (45 years of law practice will do that to one), I am unable to stomach fairy tales unless there is some kind of "explanation" for them. So I can't abide "Once Upon a Time" (an elongated promo for the Disney version of many fairy tales and variations on the theme) but I adore "Grimm" which is rooted in an explanation (the Grimm brothers' creatures were real and only Grimms can see them). The special effect on "Grimm" are wonderful and parts of the show are often charming (LOVING Monroe and Rosalee), but then, the creators of "Grimm" formerly worked on "Buffy," which was also wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI'm one of those people who can't shut the television off fast enough if a magician comes on (or an acrobat, or a clown, but those are topics for another day!) But I'm totally addicted to time-travel romances (IF there is some kind of a basis given. I don't care if it is touching a runestone or falling down a rabbit hole. I just need a piece of reality to hang my hat on.)
And I like something well researched, and not full of stereotyped characters. Harder and harder to find.
My favorite fairy tale is the version of Cinderella told to us by our grandmother. She acted out the parts. Her depiction of the wicked stepsisters was hilarious!
ReplyDeleteIf I lived in a fairy tale (or in the time of Downton Abbey) I would most likely be a scullery maid. Sigh...
Welcome Renee and Don--this book looks like such fun! We are Downton Abbey addicts too, and also addicts of Rhys's Lady Georgie, so this will feed the same hunger!
ReplyDeleteThe excerpt feels so real--and makes total sense that Jessica will want to nose further into the mystery. She would not want to see someone dismissed as "not counting".
Love the excerpt! Don and Renee, I'm sure the second most frequent question you guys have to field is: have you met Angela Lsnsbury and is she as lovely s she seems?
ReplyDeleteI'm remembering what a thrill it was the first time I went through "Sleeping Beauty's Castle" when Disneyland opened ages and ages ago. Positively transported, though that fairy tale is not my favorite.
Bluebeard. Now that's a castle I can get into.
This was such fun!I've been thinking...I'm not sure I have a favorite fairy tale or castle. But I LOVE The Secret Garden.
ReplyDeleteAnd love the excerpt. Now I have to see what happens next!!
I'm enamored of castles and old buildings. Could this be because of Cinderella and the other fairy tales from childhood? Possibly--who knows?
ReplyDeleteI remember going through a Grimm stage -- wow. Talk about dark. The troll under the bridge always got to me.
I always like the tale of Rapunzel -- that's one of my favorites.
Thanks all for your comments, and thanks Debbie for letting us "sit in" today.
ReplyDeleteWe have met Angela Lansbury, Hallie, and she is as lovely as she seems. We like Rhys's books, too. And we'e still a sucker for Cinderella.
The special pleasure we had with this book was revisiting the Cotswolds, a beautiful part of England.
42 books! Wow! That's such an amazing accomplishment, great for you both and great for your fans. I think you will please your loyal fan base and gain many more with this new novel. Being a Downton Abbey addict, I was immediately drawn into your excerpt. Now, I need to read the book to see where this delightful tale goes.
ReplyDeleteFavorite fairy tale? Hmm. It's probably a toss up between Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella. My five-year-old granddaughter may have influenced my pull toward Sleeping Beauty, as she loves all things Aurora.
I know this one is near and dear! Thanks for the behind-the-scenes look.
ReplyDeleteKathy Reel, you mention 42 books. Yes, you're right. And I wrote three of those books with my father, Donald Bain. They are Manhattans & Murder, Rum & Razors and Three Strikes, You're Dead. Death of a Blue Blood was also inspired by a complimentary press trip to the Cotswolds for an article that I assigned when I was a magazine editor. Glad my dad loved the experience enough to revisit!
ReplyDeleteKathy Reel, you mention 42 books. Yes, you're right. And I wrote three of those books with my father, Donald Bain. They are Manhattans & Murder, Rum & Razors and Three Strikes, You're Dead. Death of a Blue Blood was also inspired by a complimentary press trip to the Cotswolds for an article that I assigned when I was a magazine editor. Glad my dad loved the experience enough to revisit!
ReplyDeleteLove Jessica Fletcher! This book sounds fun. :)