Nancy began her working life as an on-air TV reporter, but switched, when she moved to LA, to the business side of media. She climbed the ranks as a sales executive, and later became one of only two female General Managers in the second largest radio market in America. But, like many of us, she had this urge to write...
Founding The Equestrian News got her started, as she went back and forth between articles and fiction. She experimented with self-publishing short fiction and - this is different - audio fiction. She debuted her series about Carol Childs, a reporter for a Los Angeles talk radio station, with SHADOW OF A DOUBT, and its sequel, BEYOND A DOUBT, will be out this July.

they worked!” She sounded delighted. Like a kid at Christmas who’d
gotten a new toy. She reached into her pocket and produced two small
hairpin sized items that fit neatly into the palm of her hand.
those illegal?” I looked over my shoulder. I was pretty certain
they were. Suddenly the needle on my crime writer’s curiosity meter
was in the red zone.
but if you know someone, illegal is really more a matter of
semantics.” She smiled sardonically, took a sip of her wine then
slipped her illicit tools back into her bag.
didn’t pursue the conversation. My vision of my friend, crouched
down outside the doorway of her hotel room door, jimmying the lock,
was more than enough information for me to process at the moment.
Beside, as we say in Hollywood, a bigger name – in this case, a
bigger curiosity – had just sat down on the barstool next me.
Bug Man.
was probably the only person in the room I feared. A forensic
entomologist, a conference guest whose stories and pictures I found
more terrifying than any I could imagine. Bugs and creepy crawlies
that could carry away twenty to thirty percent of a dead body before
the coroner even arrived.
leaned closer to my lock-picking friend and asked him, “Are you
enjoying yourself?”
an ant to a corpse on a hot desert day. Cheers.”

what I liked most, and what I took away from the conference, was that
we, as writers, not only get to tell stories, make up fantastic tales
and memorable characters. We get to share what goes on in the heads
of our characters and in doing so an opportunity to burrow into the
minds of our readers. Good writing makes
us think. Our characters make us feel and sometimes, if we’re
lucky, when a reader finishes a book, we may have helped to open
their eyes to seeing the world differently or a least a part of it
they may not have known. It’s a
creative challenge and a responsibility I find not only chilling but
rewarding. It makes me excited about being a writer.

this a cozy?
can relax. Explicit sex and violence are off the page. Instead, in
true Carol style, ingenuity, smarts, a microphone and a little bit of
humor carry her through an investigation.
long believed the story chooses the writer. Not the other way
around. Several years ago helicopters circled an area above my home
in the Hollywood Hills. The body of a young girl, no more than
twenty-something, had been dumped in the canyon. She was a model who
had gone to do a shoot with a photographer she didn’t know. I never
forgot it. The story stuck with me, and as I sat down to write BeyondA Doubt,
my research led to a number of other missing young girls. Most
fortunately don’t end in a body dump, but many of the missing, are
similar. They’re young girls in search of the glitz and glamor of
was a story I had to write. Girls in search of a career and
ironically, like Carol, a reporter struggling to prove her worth,
faced with choices and challenges that don’t always end well.
goal wasn’t to write about the sex trade. I didn’t set out to
convince my readers one way or another about prostitution. My goal
was simply to advance Carol as an investigator and what came out of
it, was the importance of the choices women make.

one of the most rewarding parts of my job as a writer is to channel
Carol's balancing act at work, at home and romantically. Like Anne
Perry said, getting the reader to see something of life they might
not have seen before and understanding the choices people make with a
new perspective.
Nancy is offering one lucky commentor a signed copy of her upcoming book, BEYOND ADOUBT!
When reporter Carol
Childs is called to the scene of a body dump she has no idea she’s
about to uncover a connection to a string of missing girls: young women drawn to Hollywood via an
internet promise of stardom. A
judge’s daughter and a trip down Hollywood
Boulevard’s Walk of Fame lead Carol to a high powered
real estate mogul and a human
trafficking cartel.
Hollywood has its secrets, and when Carol gets too close, she finds
her career threatened and herself a target who, like the girls she’s seeking, may disappear without a trace...
You can find more about Nancy Cole Silverman and her book at her website. You can friend her on Facebook, discuss reading with her on Goodreads, and follow her on Twitter as @NancyColeSilve1
A lock-picker and the Bug Man . . . sounds like it was a great conference!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to reading Carol's newest adventure.
Welcome Nancy! I think all we writers can relate to those kinds of conversations. My husband insists that my writers group would be arrested if we met at Starbucks instead of our living room.
ReplyDeleteThe book sounds wonderful. I can't help wondering if you'll be going on a radio tour once it's launched?
Welcome, Nancy! Like Lucy/Roberta says, I think we've all had those conversations! I'm sure because of the things I've googled for plots (bombs, anthrax) I'm on some sort of government-watch list....
ReplyDeleteHey Nancy! And I know what "happened" to you at CCWC is true..beyond a doubt!
ReplyDeleteI do love that you;re exploring how far a reporter will go. ANd only a writers brain will take one incident--and imagine the 400 pages that could come from it!
The bar conversation fits the "It's a good story. It doesn't matter if it really happened that way" school of thought.
ReplyDeleteAt a meeting of my critique group, I arrived early and the woman at the next table said, "Are you alone? Can my husband sit there when he arrives?" I told her I was expecting friends, but he was welcome to sit until they arrived. "He might want to move when they do, though. We're mystery writers, so the conversation could get, um, interesting."
ReplyDeleteHer husband was a clergyman. We moved outside. =)
And yes. My Internet searches have almost assuredly put me on a watch list of some kind. But I love being with other writers. As you said, where else can you discuss poisons that won't affect drink taste or what kind of firearms will leave what kind of wound without someone calling security?
Has anyone ever set a murder at a mystery convention? Maybe it's time for Carol Childs to cover one...
ReplyDeleteAnd Libby, I agree with you. I always say, "Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story." My kids like to quote it back to me.
Hi Nancy,
ReplyDeleteFirst, I want to say one of the highlights at CCWC this year for me was spending time with you. Second, I love this post. I particularly relate to how a situation grabs us (like the model who disappeared in the canyon) to the point where we MUST write about it. I'm fascinated by how different things grab different writers - it's fun to see how vast our interests are. Wishing you a wonderful week!
Welcome, Nancy - love your comment: "the story chooses the writer." Can I just say to all the great story ideas out there, THE LINE FORMS HERE!
ReplyDeleteJoking aside, I agree. I also think themes crawl out of stories, if you're doing it right.
California Crime Writers sounds like a fabulous conference.
Nancy, great post! What you say about exploring women's choices is so true. I sometimes think young girls today have a certain naivete about the world before them and the choices they make--maybe it's always been that way, but that's another topic. As writers, we observe, we process information, we make creative connections in our mind--the 'what ifs,' the 'how-tos,' etc. It's that spark, that leap across the unknown that is the seed of a story idea.
ReplyDeleteLoved your quote from Anne Perry. One of her Thomas Monk books, The Shifting Tide, was a book I can't forget. The story is dramatic, harrowing, heartbreaking, uplifting. It opened my eyes to the real fear and danger that disease presented to people earlier in history--before the miracle of antibiotics (and, even now, with antibiotics losing ground before the host of pathogens that plague the modern world). But she built so much into her characters in that story--based on the choices they made. What a ride!
Wishing you a long ride into the world of mysteries, Nancy!
Hi Nancy, it was so lovely to spend time with you at CCWC, and as your publisher, we're of course beyond delighted to see BEYOND A DOUBT go out into the world next month. I must say though, as I read your thoughtful post, all I could think was, how genius to practice picking locks on one's hotel room door!! I must tuck that idea away (Bouchercon is only but four months away; I picture the halls dotted with mystery writers hunched in front of their doors...). Thank you for sharing your stories and your time!
ReplyDeleteI laughed when I read your comment regarding your internet searched. Ack! I know I must be on a watch list, too. A writer's mind thankfully takes it to the page, but I pity the poor soul who's trying to decipher the difference.
ReplyDeleteIt's a picture I can't unsee! A mystery writer on her hands and knees experimenting with her new lock picking set. What have we become!
Great post, Nancy! I can't wait for everyone to read BEYOND A DOUBT. It's truly fantastic!
ReplyDeleteWhen I first stated to write fiction it was all about character and story. It wasn't until I finished several novels that realized just how much onion skin I was rolling back as I delved into my characters. I think that when I discovered theme and my ability to subtly tease the reader's mind, plying them with ideas that perhaps challenge them. It's something I hope to polish as I continue to grow as a writer.
Thanks for the comment,
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing how a story will choose a writer. Those first words that tease the imagination. I know I've got an opening line that's been rattling around in my mind for months and it's somehow tied to an entirely new work maybe even genre.
Glad to know, I'm not the only one who believes this. Thanks for your comment.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about what grabs a writer's mind. I remember sitting at the LA Times Book Fair two years ago when I was approached by three women. They were obviously Beverly Hills types, lots of make-up, overly dressed for a hot day, and fascinating. They showed up in on my works in different form of course, but just seeing them sent me down a creative path I hadn't planned. Eyes open girl. You never know what's coming your way and will end up on the page.
Looking forward to grabbing coffee or a glass of wine with you soon.
ReplyDeleteI think hanging around mystery writers brings out the kid some of us. I feel closer to my friend knowing how tickled she was with herself that she had mastered the craft of lock picking.
ReplyDeleteOf course you of all people know the limits by which a reporter is bound; time, money, security, station policy, etc., and the pressures we put upon ourselves. It's a subplot that I like to play with. In radio news, thirty seconds is our world. It's one of the reason I placed Carol inside a talkradio station. It allowed for more character growth and the mystery of the bodiless voice calling in with clues and challenges.
Just goes to show how far one can deviate from the real role. Fun!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment and idea. A Mystery Writers Convention? Fun idea.
ReplyDeleteI had to laugh when you said your husband was a clergyman. My sister, and proof reader, is also a minister. She says her ears burn sometimes when she reads my work. The good news is I know she's praying for me.
Oh, not MY husband. He's a federal employee and a retired paratrooper. He's very used to hearing me talk about odd things.
ReplyDeleteThis was the husband of the total stranger at the next table. So we had the double-whammy of "person who doesn't know about mystery writers" and "man of the cloth." =)
Hi Nancy! Loved your bar story! My favorite "mystery writers together" incident happened once when my friends Kate Charles, Marcia Talley, and I were treating ourselves to a weekend writer's retreat at a B&B in Somerset. At breakfast in the dining room, we were discussing what would happen if a car hit a cyclist on a narrow country lane (which happened to have been one of the plot points in my book-in-progress.) After a few minutes we noticed the German couple at the next table looking at us and whispering to each other. Then, with more stares in our direction, they got up and went into the hall, where we could here them whispering to our hostess. "Oh, no," we heard our hostess say, laughing. "Please don't worry. They're crime writers." But the German couple never came back to finish their breakfasts, and they checked out that day. We must have been a scary bunch!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your new book. Will we see you hanging out in the bar at Bouchercon?
Great post, Nancy! I am looking forward to Beyond a Doubt.
ReplyDeleteAs for those overheard conversations - you should try hanging out with romance writers. They talk about sex instead of murder. I was with a group that nearly gave an older gentlemen a heart attack!
Great post, Nancy - and yes, I love the conference discussions. Although I do wonder what the non-writing guests think. My husband attended one conference with me and spent most of the timing shaking his head, followed by the occasional, "Do you think you should have said that?" I remember well the sad crime that brought helicopters to your neighborhood. I am looking forward to reading your book
ReplyDeleteCarol's books sound like they would suit me fine. Must add them to my Goodreads list and be on the look-out. Great post, thanks for the introduction to Carol.
ReplyDeleteI would have loved to have been a mouse in the room while you were chatting.
What fun.
ReplyDeleteIt's impossible to measure one's words at a writers conference. Conference centers should post a sign...Beware Mystery Writers Conference in Session. And in small print include a disclaimer. Perhaps, 'We are not responsible for the words or actions of those involved.' Listen at your own risk.
ReplyDeleteThank you for adding my book to your TBR list. I hope Carol becomes a character you enjoy reading about.
Great post, Nancy. In terms of the murder at the convention, I'm pretty sure there was just such a story in the last Bouchercon anthology (all of this year's Anthony nominated short stories are available from free links on the nomination page, btw, so read them all before voting!).
ReplyDeleteCCWC was a hotbed of crime-writer bar talk, the best kind there is. I'm glad it got your juices flowing. In LA we have a lock-pickers' MeetUp group that I went to once to get a handle on the art for a scene I was writing. It's a fascinating subculture and we were addressed by a forensic locksmith (specializing in the aftermath of car fires). I got a set of picks there (they're not illegal, you can get them on the web) and will definitely bring them to Bouchercon, so that writer kneeling before the door may very well be me. I'm curious about how you would pick a card slot with mechanical tools. Maybe I'll have to go back to my MeetUp and ask. It was great seeing you at CCWC.
Thanks, Craig. We are a mixed bag, aren't we?
ReplyDeleteNancy, great summary! I know the lock-picking story is true, and, having sat in the row behind you during the bug guy, I can attest to the fact that his slides were indeed gruesome. Half of the room turned away during the eye portion...
ReplyDeleteBest of luck with the series, fellow hen!
Thank you so much Diane. I have to wonder how many stories with bugs will show up next year written by those who attended the seminar.
ReplyDeleteReally nice piece, Nancy. I especially like your thoughts on "the story choosing you." Also loved your account of CCWC - and I was there!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment Andrew. I do believe the story chooses the writer. Keeps us going and learning to trust the story is the next part of the process.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to you.
Nancy, your post is precisely the reason I intend to hit the bar at Bouchercon next fall. My first and only Bouchercon thus far was in Albany two years ago, and being a newbie, I didn't realize that all the really good stuff happens in the bar. They should tell you that at the introduction to Bouchercon meeting for newbies. Hahaha!
ReplyDeleteKait, as one of the non-writing (of books that is) participants at conferences, I can tell you that writers and readers belong to the same tribe. Any book events I've been to are the environments in which I thrive. Mystery events especially connect writers and readers into an intimate sharing of love of the story.
Nancy, your books sound fascinating and are going on my TBR list. Love the covers, too. Thanks for an entertaining and informative post today.
Kathy, I'll be at Bouchercon in Raleigh in October. Look me up and we'll grab drinks at the bar and dish.
A great post! And it made me feel like I'd been to the conference.
Now I've got to go try something new on these locks.
Great post! Sounds like the conference was a blast. Murder and cocktails! :)
ReplyDeleteI'll be sure and do that, Nancy!
ReplyDeleteGreat post. Conferences just have a special feel. Everyone is so in tune with everyone else, we all feel like we belong or have come home.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read your books but I am going to fix that - going on my TBR list right now!
Grandma Cootie,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment. I felt the same way about the conference. I happy to be included on your TBR list.
Nancy West,
ReplyDeleteI understand next to her car keys a set of lock picks is what every well-dressed female sleuth carries in her bag. I've really got to update my wardrobe.
Love this post! Especially the idea of working in subplots about the choices women face--that's what sets a great mystery apart for me. Thanks, Nancy!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment. I think as a female author it's important we remember who we are and how important it is we continue to have the choices so many take for granted. I like to weave it in without preaching, but its definitely part of the plot line.