Best Children's/YA - Andi Unstoppable by Amanda Flower.
Best Short Story - "A Year Without Santa Claus?" by Barb Goffman.
Best Non-fiction - The Golden Age of Murder by Martin Edwards.
Best First Novel - On the Road with Del and Louise by Art Taylor.
Best Historical Novel - Dreaming Spies by Laurie R. King.
Best Contemporary Novel - Margaret Maron for Long Upon the Land.
What a fine group, huh?!
Okay - here we go.
I love to shop.
I love pretty clothes.
Pretty Shoes. Pretty Bags. Boots. Scarves. Hats.

And coming home with a new white shirt is never a surprise. Sometimes Don Barley, smart-ass that he is (oh yes, I love him but he is a smart-ass), will say, "Oh, look. A new white shirt. 52 white shirts is just never enough." (For the record, I do not have 52 white shirts). Although, as you may have gathered, I pass by few white shirts that I don't fall in love with. Cotton. Silk. Linen. What looks nicer with jeans, pants or leggings than a white shirt?
( oh, yes, I'm partial to a guy wearing a white shirt with nice fitting jeans also. Indeed.)
So. Yes.
Donald Barley has a few white shirts in his closet also.
Speaking of jeans.
We all know how hard it is to find the perfect pair of jeans. It always has been.
It's a royal and major pain.
Finding a style you like that fits the way you want in the right size should not be so difficult!
And I always worry that when I go into the fitting room with 12 pairs of jeans in different styles by different designers in different sizes, the lady in charge of fitting rooms is going to think I'm a sneak thief!
Well, actually, no, I don't think that at all.
Usually, the fitting room lady is more than sympathetic having been through this same scenario many times herself.
Yesterday I went shopping.
Not for jeans.
I did that a few months ago and found jeans I loved so I bought 3 pairs of them. Isn't that what everyone does?? Don't you just have to do that?
No. Yesterday I went shopping for new bras.
Same as shopping for jeans.
First I looked for a bra I liked the looks of.
Then I grabbed that bra in several different sizes.
Let me tell you.
It should NOT be this difficult.
And it's exhausting!

That bra I liked and tried on in several different sizes?
No. Nope. Nada. Ugh. Nothing! Not a one of them fit properly.
I got dressed. Put those bras back on their flimsy little hangers with the straps woven through those dumb little teeny narrow slits at the top of the dumb plastic hanger and took them back to the floor.
Found another bra I liked the looks of and grabbed it in several different sizes.
But this time I was a little smarter and looked for yet another bra I liked the looks of and grabbed it in several different sizes also.
I walked into the fitting room with more bras than I am going to admit to here.
I found one bra that fit well. In a size that just does not sound like "my" bra size.
That's okay. I don't care what size it is.
I am not questioning it.
It's perfect.
I once again put those damn bras that didn't fit back onto those stupid plastic flimsy-as-all-get-out hangers with that absurd little thingie that I had to put the strap through and over (I only broke 3, I think) and returned them to the floor.
Then I looked for more bras exactly like the one I liked so I could buy them all. In every color.
The next time I need to buy bras, THAT bra will have been discontinued.
There were no more bras like it.
Not in white, nude, black, red, purple, pink or polka dot. Not in zebra, or leopard, or giraffe print.
I came "this" close to just sitting down in the floor and crying.
Instead, I got tickled and the sales associate got tickled. After a good laugh she offered to see if there were more in the warehouse. And there were. Hooray!!!! Three of them. I don't even remember asking what color they were. Who cares! The only good thing about this experience (besides the good laugh) is that she told me they were on sale - "Buy one, get one free!" YeeHaw!
Four new bras. For the price of two - wheeeee!!! Who doesn't love a bargain?!
I considered, at this point, shopping for a new bathing suit.
As I said, I was exhausted.
So I did what a lot of smart women would do.
I came home and had a glass of wine.
Your turn Dear Reds - do you have a bluejeans, bra or bathing suit shopping story you want to share? Or any shopping story? A love to shop or hate to shop kinda woman - which are you?!
Oh, goodness, Kaye, I am chuckling over your shopping experiences.
ReplyDeleteI can relate to your search for the perfect jeans . . . and, like you, I always buy more than one pair when I find a pair I like that actually fits right.
Your bra-shopping experience tickled me, too, although I tend to buy the same style so I know it's going to fit and I don't have to deal with that particular problem. [But I’d have asked about the colors because I don’t like all those loud colors and fancy-schmancy patterns. At least I've never had to deal with those miserable plastic hangers.]
Yes, a good glass of wine puts shopping in its proper perspective . . . .
congrats on the Agatha wins! and to our Red nominees, Susan, Hank and Rhys--you are winners in our book!
ReplyDeleteKaye, you are so smart to buy more than one of something that fits. I always regret it when later I realize I should have done so--though you don't always know at the time what would turn out to be a favorite, right?
ReplyDeletekeep the tag from your new purchase and give them a call, but be prepared for a lengthy conversation about what color nude you want (as in "listen doll, I've got ten different nude tones in that model.")
I confess, I get my bathing sits, bras and blue jeans on the Internet... I know what brands fit and I just wait until they go on sale. There's not enough wine in the world that would recover me from a trip to the mall. (I like to go with my daughters...) Though I did go to the Apple store and walked out 30 minutes (!) later with a computer. They've redefined "shopping"
ReplyDeleteMy favorite shopping stories involve my nephews. They were always well-behaved--never running around careening into other people or racks, so they went where I went. Musing through the ladies underwear one day--looking, like Kaye, for a bra style I knew would fit, I noticed women walking by and chuckling. Turning around, I spied the boys--ages 4 and 5. "Look at this one!" "Ooh!" They were coming along the aisle behind me, gently squeezing the bra cups dangling at their height as they came.
ReplyDeleteMornin' Ladies! Belk's kinda tricked me into buying two bras. Usually, when it says "buy one get one free," they'll allow you to just buy one and charge half the price. Not this time. If I had not gotten the second one I was expected to pay full price for one bra. That's kinda tacky, huh? But, whatever. I have four new bras that fit and don't have to worry about doing that again for awhile.
ReplyDeleteJoan, luckily when the bras arrived there were no outrageous animal prints included, so we were okay. Whew!
Lucy/Roberta, I don't do that all the time, but yes, I have been SO sorry later a time or two. Mainly because particular styles will be discontinued.
Margaret, you made me laugh out loud. Yep. Those conversations can happen! And yes, the sades of nude ARE endless!
Hallie, I learned to love shopping, I guess, from my mom. LordAMercy, there was nothing she liked more than a trip to the mall. We often came home with nary a thing except a smile on our faces. You "might" actually enjoy the little Boone Mall - you can do the entire thing end to end in less than an hour. ;-) It's teeny, as far as malls go. I like that.
ReplyDeleteFlora - I love this story!!!! And aren't your nephews going to love it when they're older? Too fun! -- that is the whole story. My Facebook "remember when" photo today was a trip I won from Lands End six years ago. NYC! The contest was -- tell why you are Lands End's biggest fan, and I said something like -- 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year, Lands End is all I wear. Bathing suits, pants, shirts, sweaters, dresses, coats and night gowns.
ReplyDeleteBras -- go to Nordstrom's and get a proper fit -- then buy from the internet.
On my recent vacation in California, I did shop a little -- Nordstrom's, Target, and -- with my daughter -- "Bellies, Babies, and Bosoms." That last store, in Glendale, was a hoot!
Congratulations to all winners and nominees.
Jeans and I have a troubled relationship. At the moment, I own one pair. I've never found a pair of truly comfortable jeans, so I have allowed myself to stop wearing them. I wear a lot of skirts and tights, and cords in winter.
ReplyDeleteShopping! My favorite thing! Not for swimsuits and bras, though. Do a post on handbags, and I'm your girl.
Hallie, if ever you are in Delaware, come to our Apple store. It's the busiest in the nation (per some poll thingy) because no sales tax. Busses show up every day and shoppers wait in a line that snakes through the mall. There are always several state police officers there too, and cameras everywhere because of so many electronics leaving the building. Safest mall in America!
Denise Ann - a trip to NYC! That you won! I love that! And I do like Land's End for a lot of things too.
ReplyDeleteI did go to Lord & Taylor for a bra fitting when we lived in Atlanta. The problem came when those bras I bought there (and on-line later) were discontinued. That same size didn't mean the same fit in other brands, unfortunately.
Boone, being Boone, doesn't have a nice big department store that offers that fitting service, I'm afraid. It's something I need to do, for sure.
Ramona, you're so funny. And yes, I believe I did know that we shared a "fondness" for handbags. And here I thought mine was an addiction. Fondness is a much better term, isn't it? I have found that our TJMaxx is THE place to buy good bags at a great price. I have a Betsy Johnson bag that I adore and paid something like $7 for it. Maybe we'll find time to do a little shopping while we're in New Orleans - in between eating well.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Hallie -- buy online and avoid the malls and shops! That way you can have your wine WHILE you shop!
ReplyDeleteOh, yes - I enjoy shopping on-line while having a glass of wine. I do, indeed. But. Some days I just want to roam the mall and touch all the pretties. Try on those 6 inch heels that I'll never buy. Have my make-up done at the Lancome counter. I enjoy the heck out of being a girl on those days.
ReplyDeleteJust not a shopper, Kaye. With my height, weight and shape, there is nothing about clothes shopping that appeals to me. Even my feet are too small for most shoe stores. BUT, when I got off the airplane in Phoenix for Left Coast Crime, I got my rental car and went straight to Nordstroms where I bought 2 pairs of AGL shoes and had them shipped home. And, despite the cost, I have AGLs that I have worn for 4 years and they still look great.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLesa, I love that you found 2 pairs of the shoes you love!! And yep, sometimes you just have to consider a purchase (especially good shoes, I think) as an excellent return on your investment. And oooooh, AGLs are definitely "good" shoes. Good for you. I expect to see them in New Orleans! (and p.s. - "I" happen to think your height, weight and shape are perfect).
ReplyDeleteHugs, Kaye. And, you'll love the ones with the blue alligator pattern on the toe.
ReplyDeleteLesa!!! Yes I will!!!
ReplyDeleteHate, hate, hate to shop for clothes. And since my colostomy surgery two years ago, HATE it even more, especially for jeans, for any pants, really. And don't get me started on bathing suits. Haven't shopped for one in ten years.
ReplyDeleteBut your post got me laughing on your bra-shopping experience, Kaye. I do what you did only the Nordstrom's bra sales lady has to bring the dozens of bras to me. Bought 4 last year and hope those will last another 5 years.
Kaye, you had me laughing out loud. Bra shopping is the WORST. Fortunately I've found a brand I love and they carry them at Nordstrom's. You can get them online but it's usually the weird colors and the weird sizes...
ReplyDeleteBut there is one thing worse than bra shopping and we all know what that is--swimsuits. I had two exactly the same that I loved. Jansen, I think. They were so old I won't even tell you how old. I guess the good thing is that I could still get into them, even if they were a trifle snug... So this year I decided I really had to get something presentable. I will NOT NOT NOT go in a store and try on swimsuits. It would take bottle of wine to recover from that, not a glass. So I ordered a couple online. Nope. Sent back. (There didn't seem to be any elastic in the backs of the legs. How weird is that?)
And then a I saw a suit at Target. One of the new Marimeko prints. With an adorable cover up. All perfect! Now I just need someone to invite me to their pool:-)
Congratulations to our Edgar and Agatha nominees--REDS ROCK!!! And congrats to all the winners!
ReplyDeleteTricia and Debs - I am so glad you guys got a laugh out loud experience from this post. You just have to laugh,don't you?! I mean - well, you just have to.
ReplyDeleteSwimsuits really are the worst. Truly.
And yes, I agree - a bottle of wine to take into the dressing room. And if we don't come out, the sales associate should just leave us alone until we sober up - or bring us another bottle of wine.
I do not remember when I last tried on a bathing suit in a store. I may have been a teenager or in my 20s, but these days I order them and try them on at home. Then, invariably, I send them back. I have one that I kept some years back. Have never worn it and the tags are still hanging on it and I am absolutely sure it no longer fits.
And this from a girl who loves the beach! Just not in a bathing suit.
"And yes, I agree - a bottle of wine to take into the dressing room. And if we don't come out, the sales associate should just leave us alone until we sober up - or bring us another bottle of wine."
ReplyDeleteNow that would qualify as a store with REAL service!
I had a whole response typed out and lost it, so I think I need to go straight to the wine. Suffice it to say that you hit the nail on the head, Kaye, with listing these three areas of clothing as frustrating items to try on and buy. And, yes, buy multiple bras because you will not find it again, ever! Jeans and swimsuit shopping brings only one phrase to mind, "What fresh hell is this?"
ReplyDeleteLibby, we should consider opening this store - we may have come up with a huge money-maker! LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteKathy, I'll join you for that wine, girl. And Yes! "What fresh hell?!" Yes!!! But. Ya gotta laugh, right?
I have an excellent relationship with LandsEnd, both on line and at our little "inlet." It's my go to place for all things casual and forget about bathing suits. Bras are another whole thing. I bought two at nordie's just before Christmas. In two different sizes. Same bra. The smaller one is bigger than the larger one, same style, Walcoal. Go figure. I effing hate bra shopping. Period.
ReplyDeleteAnn! It's crazy! Isn't it crazy?! Walcoal bras though - don't you love them?! THE best, I think.
ReplyDeleteKaye and ladies, check out Chantelle. SO much prettier and better fitting than Wacoal.
And, yes, there are expensive, but they hold up really well if you hand wash them. I'm a great believer that French women have it right--wear pretty underthings and you feel prettier. That said, at home I live in bra camis from Express:-)
oh, Debs - they are pretty!
ReplyDeleteso now I have to go through the whole sizing thing again . . .
I all..exhausted nod thrilled..what a wonderful Malice.
ReplyDeleteKaye, this is perfection. Perfection! You Iam SO with you.
Deb, I am a Chantelle girl, too!! SO funny.
Exhausted...see you all tomorrow...xoxox
Hank, you looked SO pretty at the Agatha awards banquet!! you always do, but your long dress and leather jacket were perfect! Loved the look. And so sad not to have been there. But you, my'dear, sure did get rave reviews as Toastmaster. so proud of you. Every single day.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the laugh! I am the kiss of death to bras. The second I find a style I like, they discontinue it. Guaranteed.
ReplyDeleteoh, Krista - it is the truth!
ReplyDeleteThe plus (only one I can think of) of the latex allergy is that I now have all undergarments and swim wear special made, latex-free, by Decent Exposures. They keep good records, so I just call and say, "I need more." There was a brief period when I had to sew my own, which makes me appreciate them even more. I need that option for trousers, too, now that most seem to have spandex.