BREAKING NEWS! Last night at Bouchercon 2018 Rhys Bowen's In Fairleigh Field was named the winner of the Sue Feder Memorial Award for Best Historical Fiction!
Today's guest is Karna Small Bodman. Her careers as TV news anchor and White House press secretary turn out to have been research for her current career: the author of bestselling political thrillers.
She loves the question: Where do you get your ideas?
KARNA SMALL BODMAN: Every author recognizes that question since it’s asked so often on our book tours. If you’re an aspiring writer, any one of you can pick up a morning paper or

So I thought back on the six years I spent in the
Reagan White House, first as Deputy Press Secretary, later as Spokesman for the
National Security Council and recalled SO many events/crises/challenges that
could be turned into a pretty good thriller or mystery. Let me
take you on a trip down “memory lane” and list a few:
The first that is seared in my memory occurred 9
weeks into the Administration – the date was March 30, 1981. I was scheduled to
be in the car with Press Secretary Jim Brady – but stayed back at
the last
minute to handle the workload. And you all know that when Jim and the President
walked out of that event at the Hilton Hotel, that’s when John Hinkley fired
those 6 shots wounding the President and four others. I would have been
standing right next to him….but actually spent the day in the Situation Room as
the crisis unfolded. Talk about plot, characters, settings!

Many other crises occurred, as they do in any
administration, for example: the assassination of Sadat, the attempted
assassination of the Pope, the shooting down of a Korean jetliner with an
American congressman as a passenger, the explosion of the Challenger space
shuttle with the school teacher on board.

what I mean? I have used many of these
incidents, along with controversial presidential initiatives, foreign “bad
actors,” and especially the settings such as the Oval Office, Cabinet Room, Roosevelt Room,
White House Mess and many scenes in the Situation Room. Four of my novels have
been revised and released over the summer: Checkmate,
Gambit, (I named my pups for that title and the heroine in the story) Final Finesse, and Castle Bravo – as a lead-in to the new thriller.

Now the question is: if you are an author, where
do YOU get your ideas? And if you are a reader, what ideas might you have for
US? Do leave a comment as it just might inspire the next thriller. And thanks
to my friend, Hank Phillippi Ryan for her kind invitation to share my thoughts
with you today.
Congratulations, Karna, on your newest book. I’m looking forward to reading “Trust But Verify.”
ReplyDeleteI imagine there’s enough political intrigue around for a never-ending supply of story ideas . . . .
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DeleteThanks, Joan, for wanting to read my new thriller - appreciate that very much. (Just tried to leave a comment above, but miss-typed it, so removed the reference.) I'm also replying here through our own Rogue Women Writers connection.....Karna Bodman
DeleteWelcome Karna, or may I call you Karma! And congratulations on your newest book.
ReplyDeleteHank, timing is everything, and did you ever time this guest appearance right. I'm having Deep Throat deja vu moments this week.
Karna, I am off to have an Amazon look at your books. What with the current political climate, I didn't thing anyone would need make this stuff up!
And congratulations Rhys
DeleteYour new book sounds fascinating and timely, Karna! I assume you witnessed and were privy to things during your time in the White House that you don't share; what makes the cut? And are there some things that readers would never believe, even though they're true?
ReplyDeleteSo glad that you're here today, Karna! I hadn't been familiar with your books, but I'll certainly take a look now. And, yes, what a wealth of material you have witnessed, though I know a lot of it was traumatic and sad as well. As you listed the events, I had a vivid flashback of where I was when the Challenger went down. I guess we all have moments like that - where were you when...? Good luck with TRUST BUT VERIFY and, like Ann, I'm off to check on your books.
ReplyDeleteHaving a front row seat to so many historic events must provide a rich source for writing material! Especially now, when so many parallels could be drawn that readers can relate to better than they could have prior to today's unfolding disaster.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I suspect there are still events and situations readers might find unbelievable. What do you think, Karna?
What a wealth of experience you have! I look forward to reading your books.
ReplyDeleteMy beat is small Ohio towns filled with gossip, domestic drama, and people who look out for each other. I created my dream high school: zero period (sports conditioning, clubs) starts at 8 and classes not till 9.
Welcome to Jungle Reds! Congratulations on your new book! I like the title. At the present moment, I am a reader. I enjoy books that are well written. I am very picky about grammar! The current events right now are giving so many ideas and material for future novels!
I love the title TRUST BUT VERIFY! That was one of my husband's favorite phrases - often deployed when considering something one of our kids had allegedly done. I agree with Ingrid - a thriller about Russian interference in the west is totally of the moment. Exciting!
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful news! Congratulations, Rhys, on your well-deserved award for the fabulous “In Farleigh Field” . . . .
ReplyDeleteLove the title TRUST BUT VERIFY! Need to apply that more in my life. Speaking of life, you've had an exciting one that probably is the source of many great book ideas! My life is a bit (meaning a lot) more not-exciting. LOL. I look forward to reading your books. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteKarna, what an amazing journey to authorship you’ve had! Trust but Verify sounds timely and compelling! I can’t wait to read it!
ReplyDeleteRhys, congratulations! I’m not at all surprised. It was hard to say goodbye to the characters when I finished reading the book.
ReplyDeleteKarna, how timely your topic is! You couldn’t have picked a better time for it to be published. I plan to look out for it.
You are so impressive & fun, Karna! What adventures you had, and how wonderful that you weave it all into fascinating contemporary tales! I loved TRUST BUT VERIFY! Gayle Lynds
ReplyDeleteReading ALL of those great comments has really "made my day!" Thanks so much for your interest in the new thriller, TRUST BUT VERIFY -- now I just hope you like the story - and again, I appreciate appearing here on the Jungle Red page! (I'm answering through our Rogue Women Writers connection....another great group of women thriller writers)….Karna Bodman
ReplyDeleteOMG I can’t believe you were almost shot by John Hinckley!!! And how many years have I known you????
ReplyDeleteRight, Lisa? Little did we know! What a fascinating career you've had, Karna.
ReplyDeleteAnd Rhys, congrats! You might need to build a new wing just to hold your awards.