Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day and a #giveaway @LucyBurdette

LUCY BURDETTE: It’s Valentine’s Day and T-bone and I would like to celebrate the day with you by giving away an advance review copy of A DEADLY FEAST. 

Now comes a spoiler alert! If you haven’t read DEATH ON THE MENU and don’t want to know what's happening with Hayley Snow's love life, you can skip over the rest of this post and go directly to leave a comment for the drawing. 

For the rest of you…

Yep, it’s official, Hayley is getting married. (Or we hope she is anyway, she has some rocky moments to get through first.) As with many of us, she kissed some frogs before she found her prince. And to be honest, it took some forthright reader comments before I realized that her last boyfriend was a dud of a match. D-U-D, as my sister-in-law used to say.
My John could tell you that I was even worse than poor Hayley at recognizing that the best guy was right in front of me! Here’s a picture of those early days after we met playing tennis.

Gosh we were babies! I have a special warm place in my heart for Valentine’s Day, because that’s when John proposed with a very cute poem. I won’t bore you with with all the verses, but it ended something like: “Honey bunny don’t leave me in the lurch, let’s go do it in the church!"
 Even with exactly the right man in my sights, I had a few freak-outs along the road to destiny with true love. Hayley is nervously nutty too. "Til death do us part" is kind of a scary notion, don't you think? I'll leave you with a little snippet of Hayley’s spinning bride mind from A DEADLY FEAST. She's finished a food tour run by her friend Analise, and is observing the other customers...  

Once I’d finished writing down my thoughts and filling in some notes from the other stops on the tour, I scrolled through all those scribbles, trying to settle on what my angle would be for this piece. When nothing brilliant came to mind, I relaxed for a couple minutes, observing my fellow diners.
The group consisted of one couple, plus another man and woman who hadn’t said much to each other or the rest of us, so I assumed they were unrelated. Or if they had come together, maybe things had gone super-sour between them, and now they weren’t speaking to each other. That was my nervous bride-mind talking. Based on their tans and casual clothing, I guessed them to be local residents.
The couple did not pass the test that my roommate and I used to amuse ourselves back in college: Do these two people “go together” and how did they meet? Both perhaps in their late 40s, the woman was dressed in slightly upscale tourist attire, linen capris and a flowing white shirt, while the man wore a black leather vest, chains on his belt, boots with multiple zippers, and well worn jeans with holes at the knees that any stylish teen might have drooled over. He had a dark beard and sunglasses. Physically, they were not a match. But I guessed from the wedding rings that they were married, and from the way they held hands and shared food, that they were devoted to each other. Maybe her more than him. And that brought my next thought—was it better to be the adored, or the adoring? These kinds of observations were especially interesting to me these days, with my marriage to Nathan approaching quickly. 

And now for the giveaway: Leave a comment, are you a fan of Valentine’s Day or not so much? And tell us why if you're willing...

A DEADLY FEAST will be published in May by Crooked Lane Books, but you can certainly pre-order it now! Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Indiebound, or wherever you like to buy your books…

And the winner of Rhys Bowen's new book is Sally from PA. Email her at RhysBowen at comcast dot net with your address!

And the winner of TRUST ME is: Well, Hank says: Too hard to pick a cat name! So THREE winners, because you are all fabulous: Kay, Rickie (for Trusty) and Andrea. Email Hank me at hryan at whdh dot com and I will send you TRUST ME!
(And you will be the first to know what I choose--a or when the kitty tells me what SHE chooses...)


  1. Count me as a fan of Valentine’s Day . . . I think it’s sweet [and, hey, there’s chocolate] . . . .

  2. I forgot all about Valentines Day this year! I’m not in favor of it or against it; it just isn’t on my radar all that much. (BTW: my parents got engaged on Valentines Day, after having met a few weeks earlier at a New Years Eve party!)


  3. I'm single. You do the math on Valentine's Day. :)

    Really looking forward to this book. Already downloaded a copy from Netgalley.

    1. thanks Mark. You let us know when you want us to be on the lookout for a valentine:)

  4. I think it is fun for the kids so my hubby and i send them cards with money inside also this year i found a green turtle with hearts all over him so i sent out 16 of those and hope all the kids like them. My husband and i are having raviolis and sourdough bread with salad i thought that was red and white and went perfect with Valentines Day. I am disabled so on the busy nights we avoid the restaurants as my wheelchair is a pain and i don't like the long waits. I also think that we will make our blueberry cheesecake as i love it and we were making it every Sun with diff fruits. You have a wonderful Valentines Day! Thank you for offering a print book to celebrate this holiday that doesn;t involve a lot of family as mine are all in Ca and i am in Ia so it really depresses me. peggy clayton

    1. Mmmm! Blueberry cheesecake! I may be in love, Peggy!

    2. Older nephew's favorite dessert? Cheesecake. Favorite kind? Blueberry! So I can always tell myself, I'm not making it for myself.... :-)

    3. Your special meal sounds delicious Peggy! and I try to avoid restaurants on V Day too, especially when they jack up the prices for a "special" meal

  5. I think it depends on where your life is to decide if you are a fan of Valentine’s Day. When I was single, it was romantic while in a relationship but if not, it could be depressing. It was fun when my daughter was young cutting out and sharing valentines. And now after being married for 37 years, it’s a great day for chocolate and fond memories.

  6. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, there were 3 men known as St. Valentine. They all died as martyrs -- which sums up my opinion of the Day. I don't think it is reasonable to demand affection. Shouldn't love be offered all the time, not just limited to 5 or six days a year? Obviously I didn't get a whole lot of valentines from my class mates back in the day.

    The winner of A Deadly Feast is very lucky. It is a wonderful book, had me laughing out loud and shedding tears.

    1. Of course you're right Coralee, we shouldn't expect too much from one day! and thanks so much for the kind comments xo

  7. Of course Hayley is nervous! And the pic of you and John is darling.

    I love Valentine's Day - because it was my first date with Hugh fifteen years ago (and since we aren't married, we count it as our anniversary)! He always gets me nice flowers, I get him nice dark chocolates, and we enjoy a great meal out.

    1. thanks Edith--in some ways it seems like ages ago, and some, like yesterday. Happy anniversary to you and Hugh!

  8. I've wrestled with Valentine's Day over the years. Loved making homemade Valentines for my classmates when I was in elementary school. Agonized over it when I was a single (unloved!) adult. Had to retrain my husband about it, since he had proposed to his prior wife on Valentine's Day and wanted to skip the whole thing. Made a point of meeting other single friends and doing un-romantic things on it after I was widowed. This morning I turned on my computer, looked at the Google doodle, and thought, "What the heck? Oh. Valentine's Day." No flowers and fine dining for me today. I have a proposal deadline to meet and a bad cold to kick in the patootie.

    1. Oh my gosh Gigi, what a plot twist, your hub having proposed to a previous wife on this day. We all send you our love and hope you feel better soon!

  9. Maybe it is because I spend my life alone, but I am not a fan of this day. For me, it is just another day. Of course it could also be due to my lack of romantic sensibilities.

    Plus, since it is on a Thursday this year, they cancelled trivia night at the restaurant I frequent as if this day is more important than trivia night! Talk about them having messed up priorities, heh heh. I suppose the one benefit is that tomorrow all the unsold candy will be half off and I can stock up cheaply.

  10. Unfortunately since last year Valentine's Day has sorrowful memories. (Parkland) So we will not be celebrating.

    1. That's a set of horrible memories that none of us should forget. Sending you a big hug Gram.

  11. I enjoy Valentines day, mostly because I get to bake special treats for friends. By the way T-Bone is adorable!!!!!

  12. I used to think Valentine's Day was a big deal but now I'm more like bah! humbug! Of course maybe if I had a partner, other than furry ones, I'd feel different.
    Wonder what kind of trouble Hayley will find before she actually does say those words.

  13. I am a fan but not over the top. However I, I am a big fan of the Key West series. Keep writing, Lucy!!!!

  14. congratulations on your new release! Valentines Day used to be a lot more fun when the kids were little: decorating the shoeboxes, making the valentines, valentine cookies or cupcakes. Now it's a pleasant day with a good meal tonight.

    1. Oh I had forgotten the shoeboxes...I bet they don't do that anymore, right? Enjoy your day!

  15. Lucy, you guys are adorable in that photo! And, yes, the T-Bone too!! Valentine's Day seems to be a day for selling romance: "Buy a card! Buy flowers! Buy candy! Eat out!" Or else, what? I'm with Coralee and Jay, bah humbug! Any day can be a Valentine's Day when you're with your sweetie.

    1. thank you Flora, and you are right about selling romance. I think one of things I like is that it reminds to tell the people I love that I love them. A little Google alert on the calendar!

  16. And, of course, forgot to mention Hayley! Hayley getting married should be worth a bit of knuckle-biting, laughter, and maybe a tear or two!

  17. Valentine's day...neither here nor there...but my late husband used to say...every day is Valentine's day in our house...and it was. ❤

  18. Single, not so much a fan. Reading in book format, yes, huge fan.

  19. Valentine's Day has gotten to be lots of fun for my husband and I. Our local volunteer fire company sells roses as a fund raiser every year and we enjoy buying them and giving them to the widows and single older ladies in our neighborhood.

  20. Happy Valentine's Day to all! When newly married we celebrated with a good supper, cooked by me. Usually I did the same meal I made when he proposed: Julia Child's Suprèmes de Volailles.
    Tonight we are going to the symphony so will eat out at the restaurant at Symphony Hall. We were in NYC one year with friends to see theatre in February and realized to our horror when we got to the restaurant that it was Valentine's Day. It was a mob scene and we had to wait almost an hour for our table as it was the only 4 topper; all the others were for couples and the foursome ahead of us would not leave. As a restauranteur friend of ours says, "February 14th is Amateur Night."

    1. I have to remember to use that line! and I love you cooking what you made the night he proposed. I had a friend help me make a rack of lamb for John in the early days, but I've never made it since:)

  21. I'm an idiot. Forgot to congratulate all of the Reds on the new books. Can't wait to read them. I have downloaded as many as I can and am waiting for others to issue.

  22. I told my husband that I never wanted flowers on Valentine's Day, my birthday, or our anniversary. Giving them then is too easy. Harry'll stop by the roadside to bring me wildflowers which, to me, is much more romanticromantic and thoughtful. He's a keeper.

  23. Cheers on T-bone! And so looking forward to Deadly Feast, keep those books coming.

    1. thanks Sue Ellen! I'm playing with him with one hand and typing with the other:)

  24. Congratulations, Hayley & Nathan! Can't wait to read your new book - pre-ordering it now. So, tell the truth, Lucy, with you and yours was it love at first sight, and did you pass 'the test' - were you a match at the first match?

    1. thanks Hallie pal! No, I was too dumb to see what was in front of me. Luckily I wised up a few months later. :)

  25. Love it, Roberta!!!! Great sneak peek! I’m a fan of Valentine’s Day. Hub and I don’t actually do anything but I have so many great memories from my early school days and the Hooligans school days (I was room mom - for years) and I love a good punny Valentine and chocolate - seriously, what’s not to love?

    1. I know you must have been the most popular room mom ever Jenn--so much fun!

  26. I’m not a fan. We don’t do anything special - it’s to much of a made up day to me.

  27. I can't wait to read A Deadly Feast! It sounds great. I am a fan of Valentine's Day mostly because it gives me an excuse to eat chocolate. My husband and I have to wait until the weekend to celebrate Valentine's Day because it's impossible to find a babysitter on Valentine's.

    1. And usually they charge more for dinner and so on so not a bad idea to wait

  28. I’m a fan if you wish to celebrate it. There are many ways to celebrate. It doesn’t have to be romantic or expensive.

  29. I really didn't like Valentine's Day as a kid. I wasn't popular, so I didn't get many valentine's cards (these were the days before the rule of "you had to get everyone a valentine"). Today, well, The Hubby and I do little things all year, but Valentine's and our anniversary are the days to splurge a little. So I'm looking forward to my box of truffles later.

  30. I still love Valentine’s Day. Also I really like Steve Torrence’s FaceBook suggestion today to tell EVERYONE you see, “Happy Valentine’s Day!” and share the LOVE. As for me, this year—now being 75 and married 53.5 years— I ordered myself a dark chocolate Valentine surprise. Yummy!

    1. Oh you’re so clever! Why should we wait around hoping the right gift will come along?

  31. Valentine's Day...huh. I'm with DebRo, it's just not on my radar. Congrats on Deadly Feast. Fingers crossed that she makes it to the alter.

  32. I like any excuse to celebrate my romance of 45+ years!
    Just nothing over the top.
    We go to the local Hoffman's chocolates and get an obscene amount of chocolates to share!
    Libby Dodd

  33. I AM SO LOOKING FORWARD to Your new book A Deadly Feast. Lucy Burdette characters are so fun, engaging and lovable! Keep these books coming🤗

  34. Love Hayley's adventures, Lucy/Roberta, and look forward to reading about her impending/up in the air marriage plans!

    Valentine's Day is a set-up, isn't it? If you're single it's hard to maneuver the day while everyone else seems to be getting all squishy and romantic, and if you're with someone who isn't romantic it's hard to reconcile the disappointment.

    My husband falls under the heading of not romantic, and I've had to learn not to get my hopes up. Also, our anniversary is March 1st, and he cannot be expected, he thinks, to make a grand gesture twice in one month. (So he usually makes none at all.) That's okay; he has many other, sterling qualities that still make him a better partner than my first husband. Who would blow the budget on useless gifts I didn't want in the first place.

    So that made this morning's surprise even sweeter. I came downstairs to fresh coffee and a choice of four different chocolate treats! He'd been out already to the local bakery and had chosen some goodies he thought I might enjoy.

    Even after forty years...

    1. Oh, wow, Karen, I am impressed! My husband falls in the non-romantic category, too, but I don't think I'll be getting any unexpected treats!

  35. I’m not a big fan of Valentine’s Day. I am single so to me it’s just another day. I have good memories of Valentine’s Day growing up. My dad used to give my mom, my sister, and me carnations and a heart-shaped box of candy for Valentine’s Day. I can’t wait to read A Deadly the series!

    1. Thanks so much Chris! We are glad to have you as one of our Valentines today!

  36. Since I make greeting cards for friends and family, my husband made my day by making one himself. So sweet. We love our cat called "Kitty". He gets us up nice and early every day and wants to play!! T-Bone reminds us of a cat we had named Friskers. I miss him. Love your books and comments.

  37. We have a valentine tradition. Our first year in Arizona John bought me dollar store fake roses and balloon as a joke. That balloon has never gone flat and he gets it out every year!

    1. Rhys, I just finished reading The Victory Garden and I loooooved it.

  38. I'm for Valentine's Day. It is the only time of the year that I will have chocolate. On another note, it is also funny because I have just adopted a Polydactyly cat from SPCA in Los Angeles. I plan to treat her with fish and chicken.

    1. Oh boy Would love to see a picture of your new kitty! Congratulations! I didn’t see any poly dactyl’s at the Keys SPCA, but T-bone is awfully cute

  39. I love Valentine's Day cause it's my hub's birthday. But even before him, I was a hopeless romantic and loved Valentine's Day. Cant wait to read about Hayley's big day! Love the cover!

  40. Congratulations to the winner of Rhys' book!

    Since I am a romantic, I love Valentine's Day whether or not I have a boyfriend. I enjoy the decorations and the lovely cards.

    Lucy, congratulations on your new book. I look forward to reading it.


  41. Veering from the Valentine's Day theme for a moment, I was thinking back to the days before my wedding, and remembered one odd reaction to the idea of making it official. Warren and I had been together for 5 years by that time, and weathered some challenging crap, so I knew the love was strong and the connection one I could depend on, but the idea of becoming a "wife" kind of weirded me out. The word dragged up lots of pre-feminist stereotypes to the point where I even thought "do I have to get dresses and pearls for cleaning day around the house?" which, of course, was absurd. But the notion that I couldn't just be myself--I would have to conform to some kind of societal stereotype that I hated--was a knot I had to think my way through. I can imagine Hayley wrestling with that as well. Thank goodness she'll have the inimitable Miss Gloria to give her some comfort and sound, sensible advice.

    1. You’re so right, she does have things to work through. After all her parents are divorced. But exactly as you say, she has good advisers

  42. Ah Valentine's Day. Our first was memorable as we both went all out for flowers and candy and gifts. Through the years we've got much more sensible, mostly revolving around cards and chocolate. And then we come to the present. I can't leave home without an escort yet, we've had ice and snow and more ice and more snow and then more of the same, culminating in a whiteout last night. So nobody got anything from any store. Thank goodness for Jacquie Lawson and tasteful e cards.

    However Julie is making beef Stroganoff for dinner tonight, because we have had that filet in the freezer long enough and mushrooms and sour cream are always with us. If I'm feeling particularly energetic, I might make my famous one bowl chocolate cake but on the other hand, there's a brownie mix on the pantry shelf.

    I must confess that I also can take or leave the day, and I won't say everyday is Valentine's Day with us, because it isn't. I doubt it is for most couples. Mostly though life is good. 23 years says so.

    1. Thanks for the idea, Ann! I think I'll make Stroganoff tonight, too. That sounds delicious. And I just happen to have the ingredients on hand right now.

      Have a lovely day.

  43. Even if my hubby is not given to Valentine's Day treats, I usually try to do something nice. This years it's a Valentine's special dinner provided by our local restaurant/butcher shop--Beef Wellington for two, with two sides and flourless chocolate cake for dessert. And I get to give my daughter and granddaughter big heart cookies from La Madeleine's bakery!

    Lucy, cannot wait to read Hayley's next adventure!!!

  44. We've spent 23 Valentines Day together--we figured that out today! But yes, every day is Valentines day.

    And Jonathan and I were together from the moment we met--and it was by chance. SO--yeah.

  45. And I am SO excited for Hayley! It'll be such fun to see what happens in the books from now on! Ooh...little snowflakes?? (or..whatever you'd call them.) . Congratulations!

  46. I love Valentine's Day. Maybe because my valentine and I have been married 42 years

  47. Valentine's Day is fun. Lots of treats at work, fun to make cards with the kids, chocolate and something special from your Valentine.

  48. My mom's birthday was on Valentine's Day (she'd be 103 today) so the day was always about her. I didn't know it was important to others until I got a job in a Hallmark store :D I told my husband he lucked out marrying this girl who has very low expectations for the holiday. I'd love a copy of your book and so wish I could be in Key West on the 18th to meet you at the library. Alas, I'm stuck here in VERY snowy Wisconsin. (Contact info thru website.)

  49. Lucy, congratulations on the upcoming book AND the excellent choice of a husband! I have no comments about V Day, but I will say the beautiful turkey on the cover of A DEADLY FEAST isn't going to be long for this world unless somebody shoos that cat off the table.

    1. Julia, what’s funny is that I haven’t had more complaints about cats near the food! But watching Tbone this last few weeks, it’s easy to see how it happens

  50. I have a fun take on Valentine's Day. Nothing special at all on at home. My sweetie is just not into it! BUT, it is celebrated quite thoroughly at the publishing company where I work. There is an all day hot chocolate bar! We also can spend the previous week "purchasing" for twenty-five cents each those little kids valentines that come in packages. Fill them out with your co-worker's names and they are delivered on Valentine's Day. Also, carnations for a dollar. And, there's a bake sale. All proceeds from this fun nonsense are donated (along with matching company funds) to Autism Families CONNECTicut. So good. Make your colleagues laugh and have a cupcake! Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

    1. What lovely traditions Melanie! I have never heard of an all day hot chocolate bar, but I think we at this blog would be all in

  51. I can take it or leave it. I left valentines for the boys down the street for a couple of years for the fun of it. I let their mom know so she wouldn’t be worried about secret admirers. My husband is more apt to do something than I to celebrate. Although I did bake him a cherry pie with a heart cut out of the crust when we were newlyweds. He had to keep cutting around the heart when I admonished him to not take another piece of my heart now baby. That’s from Janis Joplin for you youngsters. In honor of the day we’re going to run down to Galveston, eat fresh seafood outside by the water, and walk on the beach some.

    1. And that sounds perfect Pat! Now you’ve got me pining for a piece of cherry pie

  52. Oddly enough, the album featured in my series The Cassette Chronicles this week was by a band called Julliet, which as you can guess was inspired by one half of that "romantic" couple. Pure happenstance but admittedly somewhat perfect timing for the week/day, even with the extra "L" in the name.


    1. Wow, lobster fra Diavolo. We will all be over for your dinner !

  54. I should mention my husband and I make our own valentines for each other now. Mine to him features a preying mantis this year.

  55. I love Valentines and always leave candy and a card in my husband's truck. Happy Holidays!

  56. I love the picture of T-Bone. He looks exactly like our cat, Rascal, who we lost last year right after my birthday. And, like T-Bone, Rascal worked extra hard to live up to his name. Also, thanks for the chance to win. Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day and all of the joy that goes with it!

  57. Haven't liked Valentine's Day since 4th grade (new school, longtime students treated me badly and continued to do so for 4 years). My husband hates what he calls the artificiality of the day, so he refuses to acknowledge it. Ah well. He prefers the anniversary of when we met; in May it will be our 45th.

  58. Of course I love Valentine's Day! No special story, but I do enjoy being the adored on this day since my hubby Bill is such romantic at heart. I would love to win an ARC to A DEADLY FEAST. I'd love to review it for Lesa's Book Critiques in May.

  59. Yes I enjoy Valentine’s Day I love spending the time with my parents and my cats and I also don’t mind the cake and presents either lol

  60. I love it! My hubby considers it "his" day to shower me with treats, flowers, very creative gifts and whatever daughter or granddaughter is currently in the area. I feel pampered that day. And I can't wait for the next adventure with Hayley! Thanks for the giveaway.

  61. Of course I love Valentine's Day. :) I love it most for the children that get to make and take their boxes to school for their party. minibuttercookie(at)yahoo(dot)com

  62. I never used to be a fan of Valentine’s Day until I got married. Now I love to send flowers or candy to my husband on this day!! It just makes me happy to do something for him since I love him so much. Thanks for the chance to win! Frauenb(at)gmail(dot)con

  63. I like getting chocolate cheaper the day after! It was fun when growing up and when the kids were little. Happy Valentine’s Day! Can’t wait to read the new book, live the series!

  64. Not a big fan of Valentine's Day, no. I am married to the love of my life and my true and forever Valentine, so every day is Valentine's Day for us! We don't do very much for Valentine's Day, but we show our love to each other all the time!! I would be beyond thrilled to win this amazing giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance!

  65. I am so looking forward to A Deadly Feast, Lucy. I do hope to get an ARC so I can read and review it before publication. I love this series so much!

    I'm a fan of Valentine's Day for several reasons. First, it's my older granddaughter's birthday, and this year she turns 18. How did that happen? We're going out to eat later, and hubby Philip gets back from Texas to join us. I love giving Valentine's Day gifts to the granddaughters, with the bonus birthday gifts for Olivia. I put out some Valentine decorations, too, and so enjoy the hearts and pinks and reds of them. I think Valentine cards are great, too, and I won't say no to the candy.

    Today I got a surprise in the mail. I mentioned on a discussion thread on FB that I'd never had Berger's cookies, and Aubrey Nye Hamilton, a fellow reviewer and friend, saw it and said she'd send me some. And, she did, in a beautiful tin from Berger's, and they arrived today. They are every bit as delicious as described!

  66. Love this series
    My valentine & I are spending our 32nd valentine’s day together. Each one has be special in its own way - some romantic, some shared with the kids, some hurried but alway togethet

  67. I'm more the kind to show my love everyday of the year instead of at a specific day.
    But for my daughter, it's her anniversary with her lover. She is always happy at Valentine's Day and I am for her.

  68. Love both Valentine's Day and the Key West Food Critic Mysteries! My love for Valentine's Day started way back (way, way back) with cutting paper hearts out of construction paper and decorating paper bags to receive Valentine's from schoolmates. It has always held a special place in my heart (pun intended). Most of all though, it's still the little trinkets and cards from my Mom and Grandmother that have meant the most to me over the years (pioneers of Galentine's Day, you might say). With heartfelt regards, Denise (

  69. i'm a fan because this day focuses on Love, reminds us of who we love and why. Although I try to ecpress my love to those special to me each and every day, Valentine's Day gives me an excuse to celebrate it , and to be silly and romantic.

  70. I'm a fan of Valentine's Day! My husband of 35 years and I are spending February in rainy Palm Springs. I woke up to a lovely card, coffee with my favorite creamer and a delicious breakfast prepared by him. I'm a lucky woman. Hopefully lucky enough to win your latest book. Can't wait to read it!

  71. I’m a sort of fan. We usually go out to eat but that’s it.

  72. I’m not a fan if I’m single—if I have a partner I like it, lol.

  73. I think it has become too commercial. My husband buys me flowers several days before and we go out to eat a few days afterwards. Thanks for the chance to win! Hello T-Bone!!

  74. Not so much. It's more of a holiday for new lovers. You should show those you love that it's true EVERY day! Would love to review the new book for you! Sue Pengelly Peterson suepete12 at yahoo dot com

  75. This sounds great. I love Valentine's day. 😍 it's fun to do a little something extra for my husband and daughters.

  76. Yes, I love Valentine’s Day. It reminds us to care about others. It’s a day to feel special. And it has chocolate.

  77. 🥰 Valentine's day.....we need all the love and kindness in today's world.

  78. I like the idea of Valentine's Day AND I would say that it's important to try and be loving every day in between. I like the chocolate though too!

  79. After over 55 years of marriage we don’t normally wait for one day a year to express our love. We go out to dinner as often as health and mobility allows and do errands and helpful things for one another. I’m still able to do a good amount of cooking and baking which my husband and family really appreciate. I spend lots of time with our grandchildren so those times are very special and never the need to wait for Feb 14. Yes, when we were much younger I got flowers and candy and gifts for❤️Day but now I have that and more all year long for no special day....but just because. I send cards to family for every special occasion and get mine mostly from my grandchildren and that is very special indeed! Cynthia

  80. T-Bone is so cute! I bet it didn't take long for him to steal your heart. Valentine's Day is just another day for me, I guess it's a good reminder to be nice to everyone.

  81. Thank you all for the tidal wave of lovely Valentines comments! I am reading and appreciating everyone of them. XO Lucy and T-bone too

  82. I love Valentines Day getting together with my sisters every year we go out to lunch

  83. I always loved Valentine's Day as a child in grade school. Writing out those cute little valentines to all my classmates and making my Mom an extravagant, lacy, sparkly card with doilies and glitter. As I got older it depended on who I was dating. Lately, in my mid fifties I get a kick out of watching people's faces light up when they receive flowers at work and havi g a "galentines"with the girls where we indulge in champagne and chocolate and get silly.

  84. I enjoy Valentine's day. I don't usually go over the top necessarily but I get my kids and my husband and my pup some Valentine's day things and we spend time playing with the dog and just spending time together.

  85. I"m a hopeless romantic so I like Valentine's Day. I look forward to it every year. I have to say T-Bone is adorable! I have two rescued fur babies at home. One loves to curl up on my lap and snooze whenever I'm enjoying a good book :-)

  86. I am not a fan of Valentine's Day, probably because I've never had a "real" Valentine. I bought my cats some Valentine catnip toys. I did mail out some handmade Valentine's Day cards. Usually I make myself a nice dinner, but I didn't even bother with that this year. Bah Humbug.

    cozyupwithkathy @ gmail dot com

  87. I’m a fan. It’s a chance to do a little something to make others feel special - even if it’s just something small. You don’t have to be in a romantic relationship to celebrate, and it doesn’t have to be expensive.

  88. Definitely a fan of Valentine's Day. It's a day to shower a little love on all the special people in our lives, even it's as simple as taking the time to make a phone call to an old friend. Also, my husband now buys me books instead of flowers, which I love, along with a little chocolate as well!

  89. I am not of fan of Valentine's Day but I do like getting cards from friends! lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

  90. I am not a big fan of Valentines Day, but I enjoy the candy and desserts on it, or any time.
    browninggloria(at) hotmail(dot) com

  91. Valentine's Day isn't too much of a big day for us.. it really hasn't been. But hubby made a special day for me many years ago. I forgot what day a new cd was released, he went into my truck and put the CD in the player, all ready for me when I got out of work. I got inside and on the seat was a paper bag with the words "Happy Beaner Day"... Huh? I started my truck and jumped out while jumping up and down like a crazy person. I was so excited. When I got home I asked him what Beaner day was.. he said "well it's April 11th, and your 4'10.5" and your the Bean (my nickname is Jelly Bean).. so every year on April 11th is Beaner day"
    He's a keeper! 😁

  92. We don't do a whole lot for Valentine's Day at our house. We never have. We do our best to show each other love all year long, and I'd much rather have a husband who does 99% of the laundry at our house and puts gas in my car and keeps the yard nice than a husband who spends money on fancy gifts and whatnot but doesn't really do anything practical in daily life. (Clearly my love language is acts of service!) We will, however, score all the half-price Valentine's candy the day after and eat it up!

    1. And because I haven't had enough coffee yet, my email is bunkielisa at gmail dot com.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. I cannot wait for A Deadly Feast to be released! I have all of the Key West Food Critic Mysteries in either paperback or hardcover, plus on my e-reader (currently B&N Nook, but all new books are going on my new Kindle). Thank you Roberta/Lucy for keeping my mind in Key West, even when I am in a very wintery PA! :)

    1. thanks so much for the kind words Jo--and for reading!!

    2. BTW - I love Valentine's Day. We don't exchange gifts, but my husband of almost 36 years, together 40, made a wonderful lobster and risotto dinner. I worked all day, but he is retired and definitely a foodie! I stay out of the kitchen. Our daughter inherited his love for food and cooking and my love of reading. She (and her DH) celebrated Valentine's Day with their new baby boy. After 16 years, they are finally parents, making us 1st time grandparents!

  96. I’m a fan of Valentine’s Day love the chocolates and flowers 🌺 and of course all the good food we have. Spending time with my family is what I ❤️ love best.

  97. Arrgh, I think my comment was eaten when Google made me sign back in. If not, I'm being repetitive. I'm not a fan of the day -- spent too many years celebrating the Ides of February instead (half-price chocolate and bottles of wine/whine as an adult). And in K-12, there were always lots of cruel days with carnations and cards that left people out. With social media playing such a large role in many lives now, it is too easy to see the friends who hurt on the holiday.

    1. yes unfortunately, the holiday can kick people in the teeth if it hits them at the wrong time. And oh kids, they can be so cruel!

  98. Thank you all so very much for the comments! I wish I had copies of A DEADLY FEAST to send to each of you. But I don' the winner of the giveaway is CUDDLE UP WITH A COZY MYSTERY AND A DACHSHUND. Please email me LucyBurdette at gmail dot com with your snail mail address.

  99. I was a big fan a few years ago, but two years ago I lost my husband of 20 years to Stage 4 Kidney Cancer so now it is a lonely day of missing the love of my life & the grief of losing him never goes away.

  100. I love Valetine’s Day. It has always been a great day for me. I also like chocolate candy and going out to eat. I try to do both on Valentine’s Day. Looking forward to you next book.

  101. I enjoy Valentine's Day usually. I have been sick all week so my bum of a husband must have figured that I didn't need anything since I was spending all of my time in bed. Do you believe I called to cancel a doctor's appointment because I was too sick to get there. Sad but true. I love the Haley Snow series. Thank you so much for this chance.

  102. I like Vakentines Day because it reminds us to say those 3 little words to those we care about,friends included not just family. Plus I like truffles and flowers.
