Wednesday, September 27, 2023

In which Hank has A Very Unusual Week

HANK PHILLIPPI RYAN: In the Putting It Mildly department, it’s been a Very Unusual Week for me.

First, you may not have known this, but many years ago, literally, 50–and let that sink in– I worked for Rolling Stone magazine.

And in that capacity I worked on a story investigating some actions of the CIA. It’s really too long to tell here, but the brief version is that in the process, I sent a Freedom of Information Act request to the CIA, the response to which was, apparently, the very first time they had used the reply: “We can neither confirm nor deny…” .

Long, long story about that, but fast forwarding in time, a British documentary company decided to do a big feature-length documentary about the whole story…essentially, the CIA’s attempt to secretly retrieve a sunken Russian submarine in the Pacific. The doc was to be called “Neither Confirm Nor Deny.”

They interviewed me for the documentary, maybe, six years ago? And that was that. And then! And very recently, they told me it had been sold to Amazon and Apple TV, and was now available for viewing. WHAT?

I got to see it well in advance, and it is spectacular. Absolutely riveting , and total immersion history. I’ve done several interviews about it so far, on NPR in New York, and here is a newspaper article about it.

Isn’t that headline amazing? I burst out laughing. My role in the whole thing was definitely a supporting player, not a star, but it is incredible to see this.

Here is a link to the trailer, it’s absolutely riveting, as compelling and full of intriguing action as any fictional spy story – – seriously, you will say: you could not make this up! 

And speaking of amazing. Listen to this. 

The other day, I went to the UPS store to send back a too-big fall blazer, and there was a woman standing with what obviously was the Make Way for Ducklings statue—a tiny version, which, I figured, was a cute reproduction that this woman was sending to maybe her grandchildren.

So I told her: “I love this, I love the ducklings, that is absolutely adorable.”

And Tom, the UPS guy, says “Oh, Hank! Meet Nancy. She’s the sculptor!”

I said “What what what? You’re the actual sculptor of the Make Way for Ducklings statues?”

And she was! Can you believe it? So we chatted about the statues, and the ducklings books, and all kinds of upcoming events, and her devotion to public art, and cool things that she has in the works. And wasn’t that just the best day in the UPS store ever?

And yes. I told her about Flo and Eddie, and she has ducks that come to her backyard too. Turns out, she lives just several streets away from us. Wow.

Have you ever seen the ducklings statue in the public garden?

Here's the scene in the UPS!

AND she invited me to lunch at her house, and I went, and well, whoa. I got to see her studio and an upcoming AMAZING PROJECT.

AND we were invited to her 95th (!!) birthday party, a Mozart Concert, and here she is in all her birthday glory.

AND speaking of which--later this week on JRW, you'll hear from Nancy Schön herself, and the author who's written a fantastic children's book about her, and about her ducklings, and her life. It's called BE STRONG. So stay tuned!

Pretty interesting week, huh? SO, reds and readers, what do you think about any of that? 

Ducklings, CIA, submarines, documentaries, public art, surprises?


  1. You definitely could not make all that up! What an incredible week . . .
    I'm not surprised by the whole submarine thing [or the CIA essentially making no comment], but I think the documentary will be quite compelling. As for the ducklings, well, everyone should have a chance to enjoy the ducklings . . . .

    1. And it’s so funny that it is such a common saying, now, “neither confirm nor deny “and I may have been the first to read it.

  2. If you'd given me 100 years, I don't know that I would have put Russian submarines and ducklings in the same blog post. I think this definitely qualifies as what a week!

    Congrats on your starring role in the documentary. I mean, seriously, why else would they interview you?

    1. Well, thank you! I am hardly starring… I would say the CIA is the star. But I am delighted to have my little supporting role! The voice of the people :-)

  3. HANK: WOW!! Of course you were interviewed for a documentary involving Russian submarines & a CIA conspiracy. Another reason for me to renew my Apple+ membership (as well as Slow Horses season 3).
    Awww, you meeting Nancy (of the ducklings fame) at the UPS & going to her 95th birthday party is so sweet!

    1. Oh, cannot wait for Slow Horses— what a terrific show! Yes, another good reason to get Apple TV :-)

  4. Wow! Just wow! I'm going to watch the trailer later because today is one of those running to catch up with things kind of day. But the headlines are riveting.

    As for the encounter with Nancy Schon and the follow up visit to her home - wow again. I loved Make Way For Ducklings.

    1. The trailer is absolutely brilliant. Really. They did a great job, and it is absolutely watchable! Quite irresistible.

  5. Hank, thank you for the exactly right there is joy out there moment! Elisabeth

    1. You never know, right?

  6. Amazing! I'll have to watch it with my husband as he loves that stuff and we have Amazon Prime. I don't know much about the Cold War and I'm always up to learning something new. How soon till the ducks leave for the season?

    1. Well, it is really total immersion history. An absolutely entertaining way to learn about something shocking and pretty much unbelievable but true! .

  7. Hank, WOW. Just wow. I need to track down that documentary on Amazon. And what a sweet bit of serendipity, meeting Nancy at the UPS Store and striking up a lovely friendship. Love it.

    1. That’s exactly what she and I discussed! What if I hadn’t said anything?

  8. That was a pretty incredible week, indeed, Hank! Was that article in the Globe and I missed it? I'm looking forward to watching documentary.

    And what a huge treat to meet the Ducklings sculptor. And go to her house and her birthday party. Wow.

    I missed a recent exhibit in the Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick, Maine about McCloskey and his writing/drawing and some paintings. I wonder if it will come to the Boston area.

    1. The article was in the Boston Herald, I believe.
      An article about McCloskey and his grand-daughter was in the New York Times, a few weeks back.

    2. I so admire McCloskey and love his books. I used to read them to my classes when I taught, to my son when he was small and to my grandchildren, too. Such good stories! Such amazing art!

    3. Yes, I saw that article! Apparently the library had never had as many attendees at an event, right? Lots more stories about Nancy coming on Sunday…

    4. Edith and all,

      The McClosky exhibit will be up through mid-October at Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick, Maine. It's a collaboration with the Portland-based Illustration Institute, and is absolutely fabulous.

  9. I think Hank wins the award for having the best week. That's definitely some wildly varied experiences to have but they all sound great.

    1. Yes, thank you! Quite memorable!

  10. My first thought reading about your unusual week was that there are whole worlds out there that we will never know about! For 50 years, the wheels have been turning to bring that moment back to you. 50 years, and here it is!!

    My second thought is that even at age 95, it is still possible to make a new friend. How lucky for Nancy Schon to meet the one and only Hank Phillippi Ryan at the UPS store!

    My third thought is about the fabulous story book (that I have gifted to newborn babies over 20 times) and the incredible talent it took to create a sculpture that captures it so completely! Just incredible!

    1. Three brilliant thoughts! :-) And yes, I bet we can all name all the ducks.

  11. Hank, are you actually in the documentary? if so, we all must watch it! what a story!

    1. I was disappointed she wasn't in the trailer!

    2. Yes, I am actually in the documentary :-) not a starring role, but a nicely supporting one.

  12. What a wonderfully unusual and unusually wonderful week, Hank -- and a very fun and intriguing post. How are you going to top any of this!?!?!?

    1. HA! Maybe I will just declare victory in hilarity and move on...xoxoo

  13. From Celia: So amazing Hank, what a week that was. Looking forward to the documentary and of course I love the sculpture and Make Way for Ducklings. I first learned about Maine from McClosky’s books and they haven’t disappointed. I think there’s a story in this for you.

  14. Hank, I love this post! Thanks for making my morning!

    1. Never a dull moment, right? But who wants dull moments?

  15. Amazing week, Hank. I love the chance meeting that gave you a new friend. I’m definitely going to watch the documentary.

    1. Oh, great. Yes, chance meetings...sometimes are gifts.

  16. Hank, here's another odd fact about Make Way for Ducklings: Robert McCloskey was born in Hamilton, Ohio. He was a camp counselor (Boy Scouts) at Camp Campbell Guard, and I suspect he knew my grandfather, who was in the local Boy Scout organization in Hamilton in a big way. Grandpa was the Scout Leader of all the Scout Leaders.

    By the time you went to Oxford for college, McCloskey had already moved away. But another little thread of connection.

    What an incredible juxtaposition of happenings this past couple weeks! And aren't you dying to find out what the US learned from that sub? Some of the technology would have been obsolete, I suspect, by the time they finished the op, but what a mad, ambitious--and inventive--project that was.

    1. Well, that is such a good point! We still don't know what, if anything, they found. Still classified! But we do know they were nervous about doing it--a nuclear sub! Dead people. An underwater tomb. ANd there were lots of debates about whether the technology would have been obsolete. But in the end, they decided to take the risk And SO much more to it! And the cover up was even more stranger-than-fiction.

    2. Sounds like a Tom Clancy novel!


    3. Oh, it competley does! And when you hear the whole real story, it's even more secret and sinister and calculated and action packed and full of an AMAZING cover up.

  17. Falling into the category of "life is stranger than fiction." If any of us tried to write a week like that, our editors wouldn't allow it.

    I watched the trailer. Fascinating. And too cute about meeting the ducklings creator!

  18. I’m must say you do lead an interesting life! I’m an intrigued by this CIA documentary.
    I love the the ducklings! The statues in the Public Garden were on my must see list when we were in Boston 2 years ago. I look forward to more about Nancy.

    1. They are endlessly adorable. The ducklings, not the CIA.

  19. What a week, indeed!! OMG!! I love those ducklings, too. A big fan of the illustrator/author, Robert McCloskey. (why was Nancy Schön shipping a duckling?? Can you like, buy a duckling?) Looking forward to watching NETHER CONFIRM OR DENY... how completely amazing. Wow. Just Wow.

    1. Well, you used to be able to buy a maquette of all the ducklings, like the one Nancy is mailing in the photo. But I think the one inthe photo might possibly have been the last one. She makes other sculptures--I'll post her website like SUnday, if not later today! xx

  20. HANK: What a wonderful week you are having!

    Looking forward to seeing your movie on Apple + and I remember seeing the ducks at the Boston Public Gardens. Meeting Nancy at UPS then she invited you over to her often does that happen in real life?

    Such a joy to read about your week!


    1. That’s what I thought, Diana! I frequently talk to strangers in stores, just being friendly. No one’s ever asked my name, let alone invited me over!

    2. Well, the UPS guy, the amazing Tom, introduced us, and we chatted, and then I get the impression that later, Tom filled her in on my background. :-)

    3. Love that. Reminded me of when I was in England. I went to an evening performance of the Royal Ballet. I happened to be sitting next to a family of a member of the Ballet cast and we chatted. They invited me backstage and I got to meet members of the Royal Ballet!


  21. Wonderful Hank!
    I love hearing about your interaction with Nancy and the UPS store. I thought how I so often stand in line and don't necessarily bring up conversations (although I am not shy about doing so) and your story shows how if we don't connect how often we miss out on the truly interesting people all around us. I liked the way you continued the conversation to the point that you both became good friends! Now that is so cool.

    1. Yes, so agree--I am wary of it, usually, but it was so spontaneous about the ducklings--I don't think I really even thought weighed the pros and cans--it just came out!

  22. I'm not sure I can match any of those amazing events if I went through my entire YEAR, Hank! I would be SO excited to meet Nancy Schön; her ducklings statue is so iconic, and such a meaningful intersection of literature, art, and the public space. When my kids were small, we'd stop by there at every visit to Boston!

  23. I LOVE this story of Hank's amazing week. Great big smile in the midst of a few post vacation, jet-lagged, dr. visiting, never ever going to catch up weeks here. I've always loved those ducklings in Boston, loved that book as a child and loved reading it to mine.(Though his Blueberries for Sal was the most loved book in this house) Really looking forward to that documentary, too. Thank you, Hank, for sharing it all. Want another tidbit about the great McCloskey? He was the son in law of Ruth Sawyer, a very famous ( back when) folklore lore collector and story teller ( former children's librarian here) who also a wrote a much loved book called Roller Skates, her memories of an extraordinary year in her Gilded Age NY childhood. Perhaps dated now...but I loved it then and still do. And another, Year of Jubilo, about - ah-ha! - Maine.

    1. This just another reason to LOVE the comments here atJRW--what an amazing community!

  24. We may know you best as an award-winning crime author, Hank, but this is a reminder of what is serious journalist you have been for decades. Hats off to you!

  25. Hank, you’ve had more adventures in one week than many of us have in a month! Certainly most of us don’t end up in a documentary! (And in a positive light rather than “Body #2 was found…”!)
    Definitely going to watch!

    After I read the article in The NY Times a few weeks ago, I immediately ordered copies of Blueberries for Sal and Make Way for Ducklings for my daughter-in-law, a brand new kindergarten teacher, to use in her classroom! I loved them as a kid, read them as a mom and librarian, but hadn’t thought how fun it would be for her to have her own copies. Great post! — Pat S

  26. Hank - just a fascinating post. How exciting to play a role in a Cold War drama, no matter how fleeting. I'll look for the documentary. And your duckling story reminds me that casual conversations with strangers can lead to interesting outcomes. Thanks for sharing your very interesting week!!!

    1. Yes, never a dull moment--the world can be an amazing place and full of wonders.

  27. And best of all for me is the duckling story (yes, seen them, my beloved managed the Colonial Theatre for years across the street from the Common) but mostly that my habit of talking with people in grocery store, post office, dairy queen ... you get it is now and permanently supported against the chorus of so many friends "why do you DO that?"

  28. Wow! Amazing! I’m at a loss for words!


  29. I'd say you had a heck of a week, Hank! What fun!

  30. What a great week, Hank! The trailer for the documentary is fascinating and it is now on our watchlist! And the ducklings! Can't wait to learn more on Sunday!

  31. Great post - I love the duckling story.

  32. Thanks for sharing a wonderful week! And it just reinforces the life philosophy of "head up, heart open." Ya just never know. - Melanie

  33. Hank, you are a force of nature! Thank you for sharing this.

  34. First, I love the ducklings - ever since my mom read McCloskey's story to me as a kid. I loved them so much that I took the Hooligans to see the sculpture and out on the swan boats in spring just to see the ducklings and - well - there was one duckling that was pure Hooligan, we'll leave it at that. How wonderful to meet the sculptor! Lucky you! And as for the cold war connection, the Hub is going to lose it. As a former journalist, he loves that stuff. Quite a week, Hank!

  35. Your movie on Apple TV costs $4.99 to rent.

    1. Yes, the movie created by Scott Free Productions and New Sparta Films, produced by Sheryl Crown and directed by the late Philip Carter --which has a 100 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, YAY!!! Is 4.99 to rent, and maybe 20.00 ( or something) to buy. It's fantastic! (It's a bit hard for me to tell--are you somehow criticizing?)

    2. Just surprised because I thought it was free with Apple + and yes, it was wonderful!

  36. Make way for Nancy, a book about Nancy Schon, Ducks on Parade, a book showing the ducks dressed up for different occasions.
    She also has sculptures of Winnie the Pooh and other characters from the book outside the Newton MA public library.

  37. What an amazing week you have had! Being the bit player and getting interviewed by NPR is pretty cool, but better you than me! However, to accidentally meet and become friends with such a talented artist who is still going strong at 95--that is really the cherry on top! New friends are a real gift once you get to be a certain age, and Nancy is a doozy!
