Wednesday, November 8, 2023

What Hank's Writing: Are YOU Over-Tabbed?

HANK PHILLIPPI RYAN: This bookface photo will wake you right up, right? Weird, huh? But that's not what this is about.

Listen, I sat down at the computer yesterday morning, ready to work. But my computer was not going to participate.

It would not respond, no matter what I did. I clicked on my e-mail. It would not open. I clicked on Facebook. It would not open. Nothing nothing nothing would open. I stared at it, incredibly frustrated, and accelerating into panic. I had meetings at 10, 11, 12:30, and 130.

But before those, I had to confirm the large print cover with New York, and send the publicist links for a potential January appearance, which meant I had to find the links. I had to check on the Super Readers for One Wrong Word. Email the graphic designer about a project. I had to create a blog for Wednesday. I had to prepare to teach my Master Class at Crime Bake this weekend, and then for my travel to the UK for the documentary premiere events.

AND, after my meetings, I had to do my words for the day for the next book!

But my computer did not care about any of that. It just sat there, petulant and dead.

I sat right here in this chair, staring at the screen, and worked myself into a total snit. I realized I was going to have to get a brand new computer, like, today!

And what if I hadn't saved the newest version of the new novel? And I couldn't work without a computer, the laptop would not be good enough, plus tomorrow I had two interviews on zoom, so I had to have the desktop. It had to work. It HAD to work. It had to work.

And then I looked again at my screen. And saw how many tabs were open along the top.

Reds and readers, I should have taken a picture of all them instantly, this is about half the screen, but once I realized I had too many tabs open, I knew what I had to do.

The computer was trying to communicate with me. And she was saying: “We have too much going on! Pick something! And let the rest of us rest.”

Adobe Express, close. Canva, gone gone gone. Twitter, close. Three different Amazon tabs, close close close. The One Wrong Word BookTour Google doc. Diminish. Instagram, diminish. Someone else's manuscript. Save, close. Facebook author page, close. Facebook personal page, close. Spreadsheet for The Back Room, close. Spreadsheet for First Chapter Fun. close. My backup e-mail, close. The backup to the backup e-mail. close. My website, close. I know what's on that.

I could almost hear the computer sighing in relief. And I burst out laughing, then, imagining the weight off of the computer's shoulders.

And the weight off of mine, too. When I had two tabs left: my manuscript in Word, and my e-mail, my whole brain settled, too.

I had over-tabbed myself, and the computer was a metaphor for my very own brain.

I used to be the queen of multitasking, and I am still pretty good at it. If necessary. But these days I truly prefer to pick one thing, do it, finish it, then go on to the next thing. The psychic weight of having too much to do, i truly think, makes each task harder. When I focus, and be present for each individual task, then I can accomplish it.

My computer tabs taught me a lesson, and I hope I can remember it. If your brain is on overload, at some point it is going to refuse to respond.

I know, it's actually a good thing. The only thing worse than having too many tabs is having no tabs at all. And I love all of my tabs, they are fabulous tabs, I embrace them fully, and I am happy to have them. I just need to learn to deal with them one at a time.

Reds and readers, do you have too many tabs, whether metaphorically or actually?

(And an advance review copy of ONE WRONG WORD to one lucky commenter!)


  1. This is familiar territory, Hank . . . I almost always have too many tabs open, mostly because I'm trying to do half a dozen things at the same time. [You would think I would learn, but . . . .] Most of the time my computer tolerates me, thank goodness, but I'd certainly be at a loss if it simply refused to put up with me any longer and just quit working . . . .

    1. I was so terrified! And yes, you'd think we would learn...

  2. Yep, I'm a information-hoarding tab addict, and I hate it. Thanks for reminding me to let go of the need to keep all the knowledge of the universe at my fingertips.

    1. And it's still there, right? If we decide we need it?

  3. I don't feel like I have too many tabs opened on my computer. In fact, I've cut down from what I used to have.

    But in my life? I really need to close a few tabs and have just a little less going on. Please.

  4. I don’t like having too many tabs open at one time. I guess I just like to stay within 3-4 tabs, max. Beyond that, I get confused and a little bit worried that I’m not on top of what’s going on.

    But like Mark, personal life is a different story. We were driving home from a basketball game last night and I opened a to do file on my phone. I just started listing phone calls I have to make and places I need to go and stores I need to run in “for just one thing”. In about a minute, I had 8 things I need to get done tomorrow. And that was off the top of my head! Imagine if I really put my mind to it… — Pat S

    1. Oh, yes, when the to-do list is terrifying! But you are smart to keep one....

  5. When I worked at my hospital job I was constantly over tabbed. I would call I.T. Dept and they would say shut your computer down and let it rest. Lol I soon realized they were talking about me too. I was overloading everything around me and internally…creating my own drama!

    1. HA! ANd we always forget to shut down the whole thing, too,right, to fix it? Overtabbling makes our brains fry...

  6. As a rule, I don't have too many tabs open (in the computer or life) but when I really need to focus (writing project or anything that needs real concentration) I like to close the tabs one by one until I have just that one tab open for my Word document or what have you. I think of it as a little zen exercise, like I'm blowing out candles until I have that one flame to focus on. A little silly, but it works!

  7. HANK: I am glad your brief moment of panic about your unresponsive computer was easily resolved. But whoa, that is A LOT OF MULTITASKING. Just saying :-)

    Since my laptop is almost 10 years old, it is showing its age. It protests when I open more than 6 or 7 tabs on my Chrome browser + other applications. I am thinking I need to buy a new one soon.

    1. HA HA, I wrote this comment yesterday morning thinking, "WOW, there's two posts today" and then poof it disappeared until today.

      As for having too many tabs open personally, that was certainly the case when I was working in my last Environment Canada position as a strategic planner for a directorate of 900 people. I was the MASTER OF MULTITASKING & worked like the Energizer bunny but it was a strain keeping everyone's requests & programs in progress. I suppose the best compliment I got was from the Executive Director (my boss) . He said I was the most organized person he had worked with in his career. HA!

      Fortunately, I have a much more sedate (and reasonable) schedule as a retiree.

    2. It's always so daunting to buy a new computer--but why? And I have no doubt that you ARE the most organized person--and the most adventurous! You are amazing!

    3. Awww, thanks! Yes, I suppose buying a new computer is a PITA since it's a lot of money and you want to pick the right one since you are going to be spending several hours/day on it? But I have been avoiding the upgrade since I have been able to do many tasks on my Samsung tablet instead.

    4. I'd love to hear more about

  8. I have become a proud mono-tasker, it’s kept me from meltdowns, from not knowing at all what’s going on to mostly knowing. I plan to keep it this way. Good luck, Hank! Suzette Ciancio

    1. Yes, Suzette, I'm a proud monotasker. I just can't function the other way, even when people want me to. I love it when people try to goad me with "well, women are just naturally good at multi-tasking." Not this one!

    2. Thank you, Suzette! I think that's a very wise decision, and I think we should make mono-taking cool again.

  9. Tabs – well…
    Coronation St – 1 tab
    Coronation St Blog – another
    Prime – about 20 shows that I want to watch and if they are not up, I will forget. Some you can binge (1/day) but some are weeklies – so can’t close any of them.
    After that – Recipes (1 Tab with many inside), Current books – usually 1 tab each, and I am usually reading at least 3, Amazon – I might need catfood, Facebook/and all the other morning reads – 1 tab with many, magazines from the library – 1 tab with many inserts, ebooks from the library that are day-reading which is different from night reading on the tablet – 1 tab, with several inside, and those are just the standard ones. Of course there is Word, and Excel, and maybe Family Tree…
    My computer always has a sigh when I close it down which is not often, BUT, it always messes with things when I restart it, which I suppose is it deliberately getting back at me.
    This weekend was my birthday. One of my dear OLD friends called and we were commiserating on forgetting things (you will learn about this later in your life, so this is just a warning!). That is when you go to a room to get something and then completely forget. Nothing, nada, no hope unless you go back and start again, when you might remember you were going for ice cubes, even though you are standing there holding the glass. However, things will get worse – this is the too many tabs open part. At this point in time you go to get the ice cubes, but you pass the dog bowl (and the poor wasting away dog) and stop to feed the dog first, but on the way to the dogfood, you see the cat wants out (and you forget the dog). Next thing you know, it is 2 hours later, and you remember the laundry needs to go in the dryer, the dog is gasping his last wheeze on the floor, the cat wants back in, and you still don’t have a drink. Too many tabs open in the brain! (I don’t think a reboot will fix it.)

    1. Yup, exactly! TOO many tabs open in the brain. HOWEVER. The fabulous LIsa Genova told me when that forgetting-why-you-came-into-the-room thing happens, the thing that always works is to go back to where you were when you realized you needed it. Once you are there again, you will remember. It REALLY works!

    2. Ignore the above bloop. I meant to say I love Lisa's books - they are so researched and thought provoking. Somehow she sees another side of the equation.

  10. I usually have too many tabs open as I like having what I need ready to use when I'm ready to use it. Then I'll be sitting here and look and say to myself "it's been a long time since I opened that tab and I close it." Thank you so much for this lovely chance at your giveaway. pgenest57 at aol dot com

  11. I had a similar problem with too many open tabs on my computer, Hank. I closed a bunch. All was well. But as I type this, I'm noticing I've done it again. Need to go through them and prioritize.

    As for mentally having too many tabs open--ALWAYS. In the last month, I've gotten back into a daily meditation routine. Ten minutes of closing all the mental tabs and being still. It saves my sanity.

    1. When I've done fifteen minutes a day of meditation, Annette, it really helped balance the rest of the day. I might need to restart the practice.

    2. Closing your mental tabs. SO lovely. ANd a wonderful mental exercise to do it.

  12. No, I've learned my lesson about having too many tabs or folders open on computer. The most tabs I will have open is two or three. Glad that was all it was...having to buy a new computer is hard.

  13. This made me laugh, Hank, at least after you figured out it was the tabs. Right now I have 24 open!

    Too many mental tabs? Not as many as you, certainly, but I am so prone to that. Except I don't like it when fifteen things are pestering my brain. Right now I'm in a period of slowing down, with the whirlwind of book release events over. I have a book to revise, Spanish to study, the last compost pile to assemble, and daily life stuff. I welcome the slowing, especially at this time of year.

    I want to hear more about the documentary premiere!

    1. I echo your "welcome the slowing", Edith. I'm looking forward to December, the darker, shorter days and the invitation to go inward and slow down.

    2. I'm also excited for Crime Bake, but this year I have zero obligations (not on the committee or even a panel) and look forward to relaxing, seeing friends, meeting up with Karen, Judy, and Celia, going to the Jungle Reds event, and celebrating Debs! (My bottle of Writers Tears whiskey is already packed, just saying.)

    3. I will be so sorry to miss you, Celia, but totally understand. Heal up, get strong, and we'll catch you another time.

    4. Celia, you will be missed, my dear. We all want to see you in person, but we would much more like you to be hale and healthy, and moving freely through the world.

    5. Take care, CELIA. Sorry you are missing your first Crime Bake but physical & mental health takes priority.

    6. From Celia: Blessings and grateful thanks to you all and for this caring community ( heart emoji)

    7. Edith, the documentary, NEITHER CONFIRM NOR DENY, iis now on Amazon and AppleTV, and I am interviewed in to about a story about the CIA and a sunken Russian sub I did when I worked for Rolling Stone. The UK premiere is next week, and they asked me to come be on the opening night panel. I'm very excited! (Also on the panel: the documentary's producer and a commander of the royal Navy, and the moderator is Anthony Horowitz!) WHoa.

    8. Celia, darling one, we will SO miss you!

    9. Celia, we will miss you! Take good care of yourself!

    10. From Celia: thank you thank you, I’m missing you too. It’s just not to be. I’d be the zombie in the corner as every time I sit down I fall asleep. Just hope they sort the meds out soon. But have a wonderful time and BIG congrats Debs, I do wish I could celebrate with you.

  14. Yes, the dreaded "My Computer Won't Work" horror. I have in the past had too many tabs open on my computer but quickly closed stuff when I realized that was the problem. Now, I try not to open too many screens at once so I can avoid the panic.

    The times I'll have a bunch of tabs open is usually when I'm searching the TV or music news websites and they have a bunch of stuff that I'm interested in reading about.

    In real life, I don't have too many tabs open. Just too many bills. HA! Just like everyone else I suppose.

    1. Yup, the worst kind of tabs. "Just put it on my tab..."

  15. Chuckling at your tab metaphor, Hank, and relieved you solved the problem. When I have too many tabs open in my life, I resort to paper: I turn to a clean page in my TO DO notebook, make a fresh list that looks neat, and then sort my work into piles on my desk. I label each pile with numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. in order of priority. Then, I 'just' work my way through it all. This all helps to bring peace and good order to my desk. (It doesn't usually last long, but it helps me in the interim.)

  16. Oh Hank, I panic just reading about your tabs. I close the whole shebang down every night--the computer and the person! Can't wait to see many of you this weekend. xoxo

    1. That's a perfect idea--shut it all down, and then choose what you really need the next day. See you TOMORROW!!

  17. From Celia: Yesterday I had a mental health day. It wasn’t planned but the last two weeks which should be culminating in Crime Bake for me had revealed the dreaded tab syndrome. Close the Julia tab - I can’t physically do NECB with her. Call the Hilton, respond to my drs notes, do a Zoom, start morning meditation and making intentions, distribute Vs pills, my pills, and what was I missing? I sat and my daughter who is spending the week here so I could go to NECB, tucked a fur rug around me and said, rest Ma. So I did. I feel better this morning.

    1. So glad your daughter is there to comfort and care for you, Celia. Rest is always good.

    2. Celia, self care is important. So glad that you are feeling better today. Diana

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. "Rest, Ma." That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. Take care, dear friend.

  18. OMG, Hank! I thought you were in your way to the computer store, too! We share a computer here, and Irwin gets upset if I leave a tab for Word open. Enough said!
    I do occasionally overbook, but not as much anymore. Somehow, I have begun to say no, and that definitely has been a big change.

    1. One of my favorite phrases, which I must repeat to my self over and over is "No is a complete sentence." I suppose that is closing, or not opening, a tab in a way. -Melanie

  19. I am guilty of tab-itis and used to be known as Queen of Tabs and Post-its. I try to be more aware of how many I have open, but… in life I find my multi-tasking days have given way to serial-tasking. That’s where I start something, get distracted, start something else, and repeat until until I bump across what I originally started. I’m very glad that was your only computer issue, Hank! Becca12901 at yahoo dot com

    1. Oh, my gosh, SO true. The distractions and then you finnaly remember why you left the first tab in the first place. ARGH> oxooo

  20. So funny. I can relate--I always have too many tabs open! And I totally agree with you about multi-tasking. It's actually the ability to switch back and forth between tasks and pick up loose ends, but we can't really completely focus on multiple things at the same time. At 9-1-1, we prided ourselves on multi-tasking, but in essence, it was the ability to transition back to the family fight call after you were interrupted by the shooting. In retirement, I still tend to have multiple balls in the air all the time. It's not the most effective way to be, so I am working to increase long term focus.

    1. It's so helpful even to realize it, don't you think?

  21. I have way too many tabs open, in many areas of my life. I use my cell phone for many tasks. At times it won’t cooperate, snd I’ve learned to check my tabs. I close up everything except for what I need immediately , and then move on,

    In my life? So much work to do at home. SOOO much. Orthopedic issues have slowed me down. I think I would do best by picking a chore or an area of a room, and keep working on it until it’s done. Maybe this blog post will be my inspiration?!


    1. Oh, yes, the open pages on the phone! ANother whole blog--bu you are SO right!

  22. Phwew, Hank! Good thing you figured it out. And, can't wait to see you all this weekend! I get there Friday morning.

    I have a habit of "saving things for later", and leaving tabs open--for recipes, for news articles, decorating ideas (usually for Halloween, true confession), and for stuff I want to buy someday. At one point I had probably 75 tabs in one browser, mostly in regards to a big project I was gearing up to do, and what do you know, I accidentally uninstalled the browser. Taking not only all the tabs, but all the bajillions of bookmarks, too.

    Learned my lesson with that little debacle.

    1. Oh no, that sucks, KAREN! The one benefit of using Google Chrome is that it sync the bookmarks across all your devices (for me, that is laptop, tablet & smartphone). Very handy.

      Have a great time at Crime Bake!

  23. HANK: thank you for this topic. I am very careful with my tabs these days. I often find myself bookmarking the tabs if I want to save the information then closing the tabs.

    Right now the only open tabs are from my Author Academy writing class and NaNoWriMo. I wrote 3 thousand words yesterday! Amazing how many words I got while making an outline!


  24. I get it. Not so much with actual computer tabs, but other things. I've got a big stash of yarn and all these things I want to make. But I also have stacks of books I want to read. Some shows I want to watch. I have old papers that can be gone through and tossed, cleaning to do, projects to work on, a cat that expects to be the center of attention.... And somewhere I have to sleep, eat, and go to work. At least I'm never bored!

    1. Alicia, for me organizing old documents, papers, family keepsakes, photos, is overwhelming. Especially if they've (in my case) have been sitting around for decades. I finally hired a professional organizer. It is the only way I will focus and actually get something accomplished.

    2. Alicia and Anonymous, we here in the Jungle are ALL ABOUT professional organizers! SUCH a gift!

  25. For those of us who won't be at Crime Bake hopefully we'll get a summary with photos here on JRW.
    What's more astonishing to me Hank is your schedule! I was exhausted just reading about it! The book cover up against your face - yes, very interesting! You have a double!
    I'm so glad you posted about the tab overload. Will pass that info on to my hubby - he seems to have computer glitches often.

    1. Well, she may be a very very much younger double, but it IS weird! And yes, husband will be grateful! xxx

  26. There have been many, many studies done about multi-tasking and how it makes us less productive and more stressed. I've done the dozens of tabs open at a time. Then my computer yells at me - my personal laptop displays a "low available memory" message - and I close a bunch of them. Problem solved.

    I'm trying to keep the number of metaphorical tabs I have open at any one time low. Some days are easier than others.

    1. "Low available memory." Huh. WHo hasn't felt like THAT??

  27. Oh, wow. I felt worn out just reading about what was on your agenda! I agree it was a lucky alert from your computer that maybe personal "tabs" needed to be closed as well. I'm so glad it worked out, though.

    As for me, tabs on my computer are seldom overloaded, but I'm guilty of having way too many documents plastered all over me screen and then having to hunt for the one I want.

    1. Oh, yes, such quicksand! and how about items on the desktop? Yeesh, I cannot face it. xx

  28. Retirement has been good for closing tabs. There have been times in life when I felt like a pinball pinging from one thing to the next. Now I mostly do one thing at a time, but I have been known recently to try to listen/watch one thing on my laptop and another at the same time on my phone, usually overlapping author events. It doesn’t work out very well. Not recommended.

    1. Yeah, that always seems like such a good idea at the time. But it does not work, I agree. And how about when you are talking on the phone, and you. can hear the person on the other end is also on the computer. YOU cannot hide that, people!

  29. I can recall when my computer had two floppy disk drives--one for the program you were running and one for your work. No tabs. I've kept thty65555555555555555555at mindset ever since. (Especially when a cat is likely to walk over your keyboard at any moment and disrupt whatever important project you might have up). If I feel I want to go back to a tab, I'll bookmark it.

    In life, I've also tried to teach myself to work on one tab at a time--I get overwhelmed and end up procrastinating when I try to do too much at one time. Hank, are you sure you don't have a couple of clone Hanks?? :-)

  30. Multi-tasker here, although not as bad as when I worked a day job! Back in those days I had two computers, one for day job, one for Kait and writing. I'm good at keeping tabs closed, but not so good at keeping projects separate. I spend the day juggling new words, emails, marketing, blogs, and short stories. Sometimes I wonder if I'd get more done by doing just one thing. Then I figure I'd frighten myself into inactivity.

    Good for you for closing tabs. Had no idea computers had a critical mass point.

    1. "Frighten myself into inactivity"--I have felt like that, too--there's just so much to do, I'm not gonna do any of it.

  31. The computer at work, is at work for a reason.. I refused to work from home during the pandemic because I knew I would be too distracted by the books I want to read, yarn I need to crochet. I try to keep work and personal separate. As for too many tabs, I limit myself, at work, to the tabs I have open daily to get the job done. Email, Teams (which I absolutely hate) medical system and phone. Yes, phone is now through the computer. I jump every time it to rings because I have an ear bud in my ear all day..If I need to determine an exact location of a new patient, I use my cell phone.At home I'm the master procrastinator.but least my laptop can stay closed unless I need Zoom or a word program or tax stuff. I use my phone or Kindle reading, Facebook, email so that is pretty much a tab at a time for me.

  32. Multi-tasking is my go to state. In fact, I'd be bored if I didn't have multiple tasks to do. But...but yes, sometimes there's that "one too many." It isn't that I can't say no, but that there are so many delicious choices. And I want to do all of them! So call my Tabby.

    1. Tabby! LOVE that! xxx Lisa Gardner talks about that as thinking "I want to go on ALL the rides!"

  33. Current search tabs: traveling icons, residential property trusts, FBI v. BCI jurisdiction. I can close the Ohio elections tab till the spring primary.

  34. Been there, done that, Hank! I learned to multitask in my retail career and still love it--to an extent. But every once in a while I spin: which direction? This one or that one or other one? Or up? Or down? Maybe behind me? Sometimes a game of Freecell helps me reset :)

    1. Oh I truly hesitate to ask--what is Freecell? NO, no, don't tell me.....I default to the New Yorker Guess the Person quiz. oxoxo

  35. Weirdly, I'm organized and disciplined about my tabs, as I seldom am in other areas of my life. I prefer to have new windows open by theme - so in one window, I'll have my email, my calendar, Google docs and this website right here. All related to Jungle Red.

    If I have to look up stuff for my brother-in-law's health care, that's another window, with maybe two tabs. My teaching? Another window with the college's faculty platform, my professorial email, and Brightspace.

    When I'm working on the manuscript, I try to keep it to two windows: one where I'm writing and another where I can search on Google for, say, the time of sunset in Hudson Falls NY.

    I can't go back and forth; I get too, too distracted.

  36. Hank, so with you. I always have too many tabs open. Rick is always griping at me about it. "You are using resources!" Such a great metaphor for our multi-tasking lives. Ouch!

  37. LOL - I am dying! That is so perfectly you, Hank. Go, go, go. I could never do all that you do and I might need a nap after just reading about your list of daily tasks. But I do agree. Pick one thing and finish it with your brain fully engaged - in other words, be present - the journey matters.

    1. ME? Look who is talking, Ms. Fourteen-books-a-year!

  38. Jenn: "I might need a nap after just reading about your list of daily tasks." Right-ho! But then again I rarely need a reason to nap!

    1. "Naps" is a good blog tpic for someday. Watch this space. xxx

  39. A tech support guy recently told me that I need to Restart, instead of Shut Down, my computer every few days and daily if a lot of things are open. He said the Restart option clears the computer's memory better and will install some updates, if necessary, which is good for the computer. Lesson learned. I've been Restarting my laptop more often and then using Shut Down at the end of the day. Who knew...not me.

  40. I felt like I had way too many "life" tabs open but thankfully that doesn't happen too often. I knew I would have a crazy schedule for 3 days but then I'd have 4 days off. I'm on my 2nd crazy day of that schedule but it helps alot knowing I'll have a nice long weekend. When I get way too stressed about it, I remember the upcoming weekend. It helps! As for my computer tabs, I have learned not to have more than 3 open. :) aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

    1. Yes, the light at the end of the tunnel! xx

    2. YOU ARE THE WINNER! I will contact you for your address! xxx YAAY!

  41. Hank, I rarely have too many tabs open on my laptop, but the metaphor works perfectly for how I feel a lot of the time. You said it: "The psychic weight of having too much to do makes each task harder." I agree. I'm working on fixing this in my life, and it sounds like you are, too, and many of the rest of us are, as well. Good for us! PLUS: Wishing you good cheer and a good rest, Celia!

    1. Yes! Good for us! We are on it! We will remind each other to let go. We'll all add that to the list. Er, um, okay. xxx Good luck to all of us....

  42. I use tabs and leave them open because of an irrational fear that I won’t be able to find the link, site or data I need. I despise closing tabs. Also I read/listen to multiple books at one time. I am in the same mental overload you describe. I do eventually clean up my tab bar but usually prompted by a computer malfunction. Or the tabs disappear en masse by themselves. I rarely miss and usually do find the previously precious links. I should declutter—my computer screen, my home, my brain. I do too much concurrently as you have described. Commit to and finish one project. Finish one book. Write one paper. The metaphor you have illustrated of mental and computer overload is so true. I’m in recovery. One day (one thing) at a time need be my mantra. Thank you for disclosing your vulnerability and your humanness.

    1. Hi Randy! I see who you are from below. Welcome! ANd yes, we will band together to close those tabs.

  43. I did not want to publish anonymously. This is Randy William Gravitz

  44. On the desktop, when I’m travel planning, definitely too many tabs. The tracking spreadsheet, maps, various VRBO options, daily activities, etc.

    But my phone is the real culprit. I have … I was going to say 80+ tabs open in the browser, but I just counted and it is 200. Definitely time to do some clearance. Now that I have time in retirement to mull things over, I fear I am taking it to an extreme.

    1. On your PHONE? Whoa. Well, maybe today's blog will be an impetus for some tab closing--hurray! xxx

  45. Yes, this would be me. Since you started this conversation, I’ve decided to TRY to close my tabs each evening before going to bed……I think I can, I think I can (maybe)

  46. In my personal life I had too many tabs open, many not of my choosing. It was playing havoc with my mental health. I moved to a much smaller town, quiet and safe, and left most of those tabs behind. It is amazing how much stress went away with those tabs. As for my laptop and my iphone, I de-stress them often.

    1. OOH, tabs opened by other people. The worst. Good for you! Hurray! xxx

  47. Hank, you have another great cover, and I'm sure the contents match the cover in excellence. I'm glad you figured out your computer problem before all your meetings and work was due. Of course, I'm in awe of how much you had coming up. Was that just for the morning? It is a good lesson for the rest of us, as I had no idea you could over-tab.

    And, Rhys, I apologize for not posting yesterday about the new Lady Georgie book, The Proof of the Pudding. It was a therapy day and I was kind of lost all day. But, I know this is going to be another amazing book in the series. I'm wondering how the French chef is going to adjust to Georgie's crazy world, especially Queenie. I am grateful to have a copy awaiting my return to reading.

    1. Aw, thank you! Cannot wait for you to read it--did they send you your review copy yet? let me know. But do NOT get over-tabbed. (And ha ha, I saw what you did. Sure, yes, that was JUST for the morning. :-))

  48. I have a lot of tabs open in my web browser so I don’t have to go searching for them every time I want to use them. But I keep other programs unopened unless I need them. I don’t have too many tabs open in my brain, thankfully. I write three handwritten pages right as I wake up to free my brain for the good stuff. Like reading!

  49. Melinda here. In my former life I always had many tabs open - although when I had a job working with AutoCAD, I learned to close those extra (literal) tabs because they slowed down that program so much. But figuratively, still too many. Then I experienced a spinal cord injury, and just like that all my tabs closed. Now, I rarely have too many tabs open (figuratively), although I often have way too many of them open (literally) when I close my computer at the end of the day! BTW, I love the cover of the new book!

    1. Oh, Melinda, that is so powerful. Thank you. Xxx . and thank you for being here today.

  50. I’m “overtabbed” in life. But if that happened on my computer I wouldn’t know what to do!

    1. Now you know! And we are in it together!

  51. Not only am I overtabbed, but also a multiplescreener!!

  52. While I am bad about tabs (especially on my phone!!) my husband is the tab junkie in our house. I am going to have him read this, maybe it will cure him!!

    1. Ha! So happy to help! Xxx

  53. I am not too bad at taking care of my tabs. lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

  54. This sounds so familiar. I AM over-tabbed and I do a small fraction of the stuff you do. Brilliant lesson here, thank you, Hank.

    1. Oh, dear pal, I know you are over-tabbed! Let's work on it together...xxxx

  55. You always make me feel better when you share that even you make mistakes, but we can breathe deeply and fix even tricky computers!Thank you for being you! Beth
