Friday, December 22, 2023

Fast Five For a Festive Friday

JULIA SPENCER-FLEMING: It’s four days to Christmas. Three more shopping days. Last working day (but your kids are off from school! Fun!) Let’s face it, if there was a flashing-red-alarm Super Busiest Day of the Year, it would be Friday, the 22nd of December. What better time for a fast and festive five? Ready, Reds?

1.  What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again? 

That God-awful faux-Italian one about the Christmas donkey. I swear, my kids will sing it acapella in the car just to drive me mad.

2.  Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?

Hot Rum Toddy, or, even better, the Kazakhstani Health Drink - one ounce vodka, a generous squeeze of fresh lemon, fill the mug with boiling water. Cures what ails you!

3.  You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.” 

What are these ‘Christmas cards’ I  hear tell of?

4.  Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?

By the time I reach the end of a given year, I have NO desire to go back over it - especially the idiotic political moments or bizarre Tik Tok trends. I do read all the best books lists, then feel put out when mine isn’t there. Yes, I know I haven’t published a book this year. Still.

5.  You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?

The finished manuscript of AT MIDNIGHT COMES THE CRY! Thanks, Santa!


1.  What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?

No contest with ‘I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus’!!

2.  Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?

I’ll try the cranberry cocktail this time please:)

3.  You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.” 

Valentine’s Day is fine too, Julia. There’s no competition and people are hungry for news…

4.  Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?

I don’t want news round ups either, but I do enjoy the best items for cooks and foodies…

5.  You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?

Oh Julia, if we’re going for fantasy, I’ll take 100 pages in Key West mystery #15 please!



1.  What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?


      Holly Jolly Christmas. Argh, now I am singing it. (Which requires the necessary antidote–did you know the cure for earworms is to sing Jingle Bell Rock?  I have no idea how or why  it works–maybe it’s a double negative thing. The black hole of annoying music.)

2.  Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?


     I have never had egg nog in my life, or a rum hot toddy, and will never. Cosmos, yes, sold.

3.  You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.” 


          It’s the holiday when I say it is.

4.  Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?


     I kinda love them. And yes, delighted when I am on them, and superly bitter when not. I should leave them alone.

5.  You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?


        If we can skip world peace and the banishment of stupidity,   I’d love the last fabulous 10,000 words of the manuscript that I honestly just BLEW UP and am having to rearrange completely and it’ll be fine SOMEDAY and, Dear Santa, I can only  hope that day comes soon enough. Since my deadline is a month away, just saying.



1.  What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?


Christmas Don’t Be Late by the Chipmunks. TWEEEE. Also sick and tired of the little drummer boy. Pa rum pum pum pum.

2.  Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?


Mmmm they all sound good. Let’s have a hot rum toddy.

3.  You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.” 


Both. Especially when I GET cards from friends I wasn’t expecting to hear from, those go out after Christmas.

4.  Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?


I love them! Especially for movies and tv shows and books. But it’s more than a bit overwhelming.

5.  You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?


A really good proposal for my next book. Thank you, Santa!


1.  What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?

All I want for Christmas is You! 

2.  Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?

Yuk to Egg Nog. Hot rum toddy sounds good

3.  You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.” 

Mine were all sent out a couple of weeks ago. We have so many family and friends across the world it’s important to stay in touch with them

4.  Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?

Only if I’m on the lists. Then I love ‘em. 

But truthfully I don’t usually read them

5.  You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?

A new knee. Already in place and operating well without any of the discomfort 


1.  What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?

If I had to choose probably Santa Baby. It grates.

2.  Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?

Cranberry themed - preferably with vanilla vodka and on the rocks - hey, it’s 72 degrees here.

3.  You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.” 

I quit cards (see previous de-tradition/what I’m no longer doing post).

4.  Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?

Meh. I never agree with the best of and the who died lists make me sad. Hard pass.

5.  You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?


An all-expense paid vacation to anywhere. Seriously. I would happily go anywhere if I could just have seven days straight of no work. Not that I mind work, clearly, but I could just use a respite. A little one. 


1.  What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?

Ugh. Tie between Little Drummer Boy and Santa Baby.

2.  Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?

I’ll go with the Cosmo, thanks very much!

3.  You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.” 

I have boxes of cards out on my kitchen island that are probably ten years old. Maybe in December ‘24 I’ll actually get some sent.

4.  Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?

Mostly, meh. It’s almost always books I haven’t read and films I haven’t seen.

5.  You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?

I’ll take the new knee AND a finished manuscript!!



JULIA: You know how it works, dear readers! Copy the questions below and share you answers in the comments!

1.  What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?

2.  Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?

3.  You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.” 

4.  Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?

5.  You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?


  1. 1. What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?
    It’s a tie between “All I Want for Christmas is You” and “Santa Baby” . . . .

    2. Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?
    They all sound good, so I’ll take any of them [but, just saying, there’s egg nog in my refrigerator] . . .

    3. You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.”
    Actually, the cards went out a day or two ago, but any time up until the sixth of January is okay for cards . . . .

    4. Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?
    They’re okay, but it would be nice if occasionally they included a movie I’d actually seen or a book I’d really read . . . .

    5. You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?
    Well, I don’t guess I’ll get world peace, so that leaves family time . . . I’d love a trip to anywhere with ALL of my grandbabies AND their parents . . . .

    1. Joan, I will NEVER forget the middle school Christmas concert we went to where the middle school girls chorus sang... Santa Baby. Yes. A bunch of 11 to 13 year olds. I haven't been able to listen to it since.

    2. Ohhh,, that's horrible! ANd now I am picturing that, Julia..YEESH.

  2. 1. What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?
    --- I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

    2. Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?
    --- None of the above, just a mug of hot cocoa and no whipped cream

    3. You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.”
    --- haven't sent cards in years

    4. Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?
    ---Well, since I just posted by favorite reads on my blog, I'll have to love some of 'em.

    5. You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?
    --- A new right knee which won't be replaced until May 2024

    1. I am thrilled you included Murder Uncorked! Wow.

    2. Knee replacement seems to be THE hot present for Christmas '23! :-D

  3. Okay, here goes:
    1. What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?
    "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus." And the stores are playing it here in Braga! Sigh.

    2. Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?
    I think I'd go with the egg nog.

    3. You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.”
    Probably New Year's.

    4. Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?

    5. You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?
    Acceptance of my poetry chapbook: Dreaming of Galicia. I so want that to be published.

    1. Elizabeth, fingers crossed that you get your Christmas wish! The world needs more poetry.

    2. Agreed, Elizabeth! Please keep us updated!

  4. 1. What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?
    Definitely "Santa Baby"
    2. Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?
    I like my once a year spiked Egg Nog on Christmas Eve
    3. You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.”
    I sent out all my cards on time except for one, I forgot about a cousin in CO who sends us one every year. She will get it a little late. Better late than never.
    4. Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?
    I like reading them even though I don't usually agree with them.
    5. You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?
    Tickets to the ZZ Top/Lynyrd Skynyrd concert in March. We don't need anything and I would rather have an experience. My husband is so excited for this show. Free Bird!!!

    1. Free Bird!!!! That sounds like the most awesome present ever, Paula, and I suspect Jay would agree with you and me.

  5. 1. What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?
    The Christmas Shoes. I want upbeat songs, not one that makes me totally depressed.

    2. Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?
    I'm with Dru Ann on this one. Hot cocoa and whipped cream.

    3. You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.”
    I always mean well, but there's always a deadline, and by the time I get my writing done, I don't have any brain cells left. Maybe next year.

    4. Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?
    I love when I'm on them. But like Debs, I usually haven't read the books or seen the movies, so, meh.

    5. You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?
    A gift certificate for a total kitchen remodel! And one for a hotel stay (one that takes cats, too) for the time it takes to get it done.

    1. ANNETTE: HELPLESS is on my favourites books of 2023 list that I posted on FB yesterday!

    2. I turn off the radio if that song is played, Annette. It is just so sad. There is a song about the Christmas Eve cease in WW1 I can't listen to either.😒

    3. Grace! Thank you! I'm off to check it out!
      Deana, this is supposed to be a season of joy. We get enough of the other stuff during the rest of the year.

    4. I've been listening to WCRB's holiday streams via Alexa (not to sounds like an ad, but...) It's 95% instrumental and far more varied than the commercial stations, so I can keep it on most of the day. No sad songs!

  6. 1. What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?
    Santa Baby

    2. Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?
    None of the above. Mulled cider or wine

    3. You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.”
    Never send cards, and I am receiving fewer and fewer each year.

    4. Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?
    I love looking at them. And I post my favourite reads on my FB page each year (did so yesterday).

    5. You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?
    A business class round-the-world airplane ticket.

    1. I like what you want to find in your stocking

    2. Grace, I have a mulled wine recipe on Mystery Lovers' Kitchen today!

    3. EDITH: Yes, I saw the Glühwein recipe after posting here!

    4. DRU: I have been wincing as I search flights to Seattle & Singapore next April. Flights departing from Ottawa are ridiculously expensive!

    5. I've been checking flights to Seattle too.

    6. GRACE: Thanks for reminding me! Love mulled apple cider! Just bought a gallon of apple cider from the grocery shop yesterday. Hope to be done with grocery shopping before Christmas!


    7. Also, I am swallowing hard and buying a business class ticket to Japan and back for late March!

    8. How could I forget Glühwein! And Edith, that sounds both fabulous and smart. The longest trip I've flown in the past several years has been Boston - Hawaii, and I swear the next time it's either business class OR an overnight in LA. Twelve hours in the air is just too long to be uncomfortable.

    9. JULIA: Agreed, I have gone to Hawaii 3 times in economy class, it's long. Flown to China & Japan in economy class but I mostly slept well. Singapore will be a doozy. It really may be a better itinerary to do a round-the-world trip & do another stop in France or England for a few days in April. Still trying to plan this trip!

  7. RE: #3 -- I mailed my Christmas cards -- thousands and thousands of 'em -- earlier this week. If any never appear, blame the Postal Service. Hehehehe. Or the hot rum toddies. (**urp!**)

  8. I love these, but not the many bad-song earworms you've given me (madly humming Jingle Bell Rock now).

    1. What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?
    Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

    2. Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?
    Mmm, any of the above, but it's cold out, so I'll start with the toddy (can't believe Hank has never tasted eggnog!).

    3. You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.”
    How did you know I haven't sent a one? I think I'll do them Tuesday...

    4. Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?

    I'm usually bitter because my books aren't on them, but this year Dru Ann included Murder Uncorked on her Favorite Cozies of 2023 list, so I'm over the moon! I don't look at non-book lists.

    5. You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?
    Our little Ida Rose able to come home before the end of January!

    1. Edith, I'm hoping that Ida Rose is coming home soon and that Santa takes extra care with your stocking.

    2. That would be the best stocking gift, ever!

    3. Ida Rose coming home early would be wonderful!

    4. Edith, hoping, too, that your sweet Ida Rose comes home as soon as possible. Santa, Christmas is in 3 days, make it happen, please!

    5. Edith, Ida Rose coming home would be wonderful! Diana

    6. Joining in the wishes for your Christmas gift to come true, Edith!

  9. 1. What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?
    None really annoy me

    2. Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?

    Eggnog, no contest

    3. You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.”

    I stopped sending cards long ago but I’m reconsidering. Love getting them

    4. Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?

    I read all the book lists, pretty much skip over the rest. Love when my favorites make the best of the year. Somehow than confirms my opinion

    5. You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you

    Expecting in my stocking? Nothing material for sure. I’d like health and wealth for all of us here, peace in Israel and Ukraine , and the continuation of our democracy. But most of all the elimination of Trump from our political scene, however that might be accomplished.
    Merry Christmas Reds! May all your books make the NYT best seller list

    1. thank you for the reminder about Ukraine. So much news about Israel/Gaza lately! Diana

    2. Ann, I think your comment about the best of books list clarified why I don't like them very much - they're always filled with SO MANY books I didn't see or never got to, that I feel guilty! I need to brainstorm on a way to change this for the coming year (ie, find more time to read for pleasure, not just for blurbs/interviews/the blog.)

    3. Ann, I like your Santa wishes. All are very important for all of us.

    4. Ann, throw in peace in Gaza as well!

    5. Yes to peace in Gaza too

  10. 1. I don't really listen to Christmas music.

    2. Scotch (Glen-anything) Neat

    3. I mailed some cards but nothing like what I used to do. If we hear from random people, we have some cards we can send out.

    4. End of year lists are usually packed with books I haven't read and movies/TV shows I haven't seen. I'll look for Dru Ann's and for Grace's lists later.

    5. Good health for our family and friends. It's the bottom line.

    1. I like the image of you enjoying your Glen Anything in a cozy chair with a stack of Dru Ann's and Grace's suggested books at your side, Judy!

  11. 1.  What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?
    ** I’ll join Lucy by saying ‘I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus’!!

    2.  Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?
    ** Egg Nog — and make it homemade, please!

    3.  You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.” 
    ** I tend to make them New Year’s letters and keep the cards for ‘better luck next year, Amanda’.

    4.  Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?
    ** Too many of them for me to really care about any of them…

    5.  You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?
    ** My magic wand, repaired, so I can wave it Christmas morning and bring peace to the world.

    Bonus: I have only just learned that red cabbage can be made in the slow cooker -- and it is DELICIOUS and soooooo easy. I used Poppy Cooks' recipe:

    1. Amanda, adding that red cabbage to my Christmas day menu! I've been looking for good slow cooker recipes to take some of the work off my plate...

  12. 1. What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?
    Grandma Just Got Run Over by a Reindeer. And Madonna's hideous version of Santa Baby.

    2. Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?
    Ann can have my share of the eggnog; I'll be joining Grace in having a mulled cider. Steve spikes it with bourbon.

    3. You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.”
    I used to send out hundreds of cards, between family, friends, and clients. But for the last 30+ years I hand my list to Steve and he sends calendars.

    4. Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?
    I skim them, because I'm compulsive, but mostly looking for author pals or favorites, and for what to look for later.

    5. You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?
    For the work we are having done in the basement next month to magically come under budget, and with no drama. Ha.

    Rhys, Hallie, and Dru: good luck with the bionic knee replacements!

    1. Fingers crossed for your on-budget, drama-free basement, Karen!

    2. Karen, Steve's calendar is better than any card!

    3. Karen, I would add Taylor Swift’s cringey version of Santa Baby. She was a teenager when she recorded it! And I do the same with #4 which is why I enjoyed Dru Ann’s list yesterday! — Pat S

  13. 1. What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?

    I laughed at Julia's inclusion of "Dominic the Donkey" song because the radio station at work ends up playing it and the DJ hates it so listeners are calling in all the time to request it. It's bad so I get it. But I'm not going to single out any one song. Instead, I would pay good money if radio stations would stop playing Christmas music altogether. Okay, that's not feasible but how about this: One song per hour. PERIOD. On Christmas Eve, you can play two songs an hour. You want to go all Xmas on Xmas Day, fine have at it.

    2. Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?

    None of the above. Egg nog to me looks like processed vomit and I don't drink alcohol so the other two are out. As I said to the bartender at trivia night last night, I'll just have the best vintage year of whatever soda is available.

    3. You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.”

    I don't send cards.

    4. Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?

    I can't say I hate them when I write some of my own. I've done my ranking of concerts, CDs (not published yet) and a Best of this year's Cassette Chronicles articles. I'm doing my movies soon (not a lot) and I still have to figure out if I can do justice to a book list this year. It's not looking good. Not because I don't have books that I loved but my reading was way off this year and I don't know if my "Favorite Mysteries and Thrillers" will be worth reading is all. Plus, it's not like I'm the New York Times, no one's going to miss one less list. HA!

    5. You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?

    Well, I don't have a stocking so I'll be finding nothing in one. My friend Ann will give me some gifts that revolve around books, homemade baked goods and such. My sister will give me a book, some chocolates and she's making dinner on Xmas day. My co-worker gave me a gift card to the bookstore. A family friend is giving me homemade fudge, cookies and candies AND she's making a pan of the chicken dish that I love so much from my aunt's recipe.

    And I'll love it all. However, I've already received what is the most useful gift by far this year. It wasn't totally life-changing but the bonus my bosses gave me this year was the biggest I've ever received. I was shocked when I opened the card and saw the amount. It doesn't solve everything but it got some stuff paid off and that's always good. I was even able to take a small slice and use it for "something for myself" too.

    And while I have no expectation that it will happen, I wouldn't mind if the State Lottery gave me the winning lottery numbers. HA!

    1. Jay, I'm with you on the Christmas song overload! They could at least not play them until after Thanksgiving. Ugh.

    2. Congrats on the bonus, Jay! I have no doubt it was richly deserved. I hope your "something for yourself" was a ticket to a concert you've been wanting to see!

    3. Yay on the bonus, Jay! And Merry Christmas!

    4. Karen, I'd prefer December 1st but if I have to live with after Thanksgiving, I could deal with that. But that has to included Hallmark's networks not being able to play their craptastic movies as well.

      Edith, yes.

      Julia, I'm not sure it was richly deserved but it sure gave me a little room to breathe. And I will be ordering tickets to a couple of local shows this weekend which will thankfully only run me 65 bucks combine.

      Thank you Deborah!

  14. 1. What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?
    I honestly can't disagree with any of the other choices (although I do have a tiny soft spot for 'All I Want for Christmas is You') but my top choice would have to be 'Mary, Did You Know?' b/c first of all it has a very dirge-like, mournful quality and I think you can have a solemn, moving carol/Christmas song w/out being depressing. Second of all, yes, Mary did know! That's the whole point of Angel Gabriel, the Annunciation. It's right there in Luke. I am an agnostic raised by very lapsed Catholics and even I know about that. :-( Sorry for the rant. I have nothing against Pentatonix and their other songs, but that one makes me so annoyed, I have to turn it off or skip it anytime I hear it or any of the many, many covers of it. I think when a new Christmas song takes off (which is pretty rare) it then becomes inescapable for a while.

    2. Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail? All of the above! I actually decided for the month of December I would skip my usual wine with dinner habit and have a really fancy brunch cocktail on Christmas Day. My husband (who is a great bartender even though he doesn't drink much) is making a very fancy version of an old-fashioned with a cinnamon sugar rim. Eggnog is also just good in black coffee (in my humble opinion).

    3. You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.” Oh, definitely send them at New Year's I get "Season's Greetings" "Happy Holidays" ones always b/c not everyone on my list is a Christmas person. As I pointed out one year to a friend, MLK Day is a holiday, and Valentine's Day . . .

    4. Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?

    I actually do love them b/c I have a terrible time sense and I'm always shocked to realize "wait that happened this year?" "that book only came out in March?" etc. I don't usually agree with the best of books lists, but I like them to get ideas for my friend's birthday coming up in February.

    5. You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?

    Peace on Earth, good will toward men (and women). If that's too much, I'd be happy honestly with gourmet dark chocolate.

    1. Jill, I'm laughing at both your "theologically incorrect" rant (because I've thought the exact same thing!) and your Christmas wishes - a stretch and an in-reach. It's a good way to approach life.

  15. 1. I am lucky to not hear very much, so I can’t think of anything I’m sick of. I was a bit disappointed that most of the Christmas music we heard while on our travels in France was in English (got Whamaggedoned at a holiday market). I love O Holy Night in French.
    2. My husband makes great eggnog with amaretto instead of bourbon, so a double helping of that. I swear by the Kazakhstani health drink for nipping colds in the bud, but use Bulleit Rye instead of vodka.
    3. You saw me place my card yesterday, eh? I always order the Year in Review cards, so right on time-ish.
    4. The only ones I pay attention to are for books, although I don’t need anything else for my TBR. My digital holds at 2 libraries still have books from the last couple of years’ lists, so I think I need to follow the closet advice and ditch them if I haven’t read them in 2 years so I can make room for the new.
    5. I’m with Grace, although I will tweak it to a lifetime supply of business class tickets.

    1. LISA: Ha ha, I almost chose a lifetime supply business class flights but I haven't been THAT GOOD this year, lol.

    2. Well, we all have to have goals for goodness for next year, don't we? :-)

    3. Yes, business class! Or better. That changes everything!

    4. Oh, business class. That is really something to wish for!


  16. 1. What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?

    Answer: Perhaps it is a blessing this time that I have been deaf for so many years and with my cochlear implants, I am STILL learning how to listen to Music ? Perhaps for me, it would be What holiday movie or tv show would I pay good money to NEVER have to see again? I forgot the title though I remember the story. I think the title was Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer? The story was about a Reindeer who was Bullied by other Reindeers because he was different from others until Santa Claus asked him to lead the Reindeers on Christmas Eve because his red nose would lead them in the dark? I do not like bullying.

    2. Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?

    Answer: None of the above. For me, it is Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows and a Peppermint Candy Cane to stir the drink.

    3. You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.”

    Already sent Christmas Cards weeks ago. I LOVE receiving Christmas cards. Rarely receive Christmas newsletters. One used to send Annual Christmas newsletters with wonderful stories. She was my sixth grade teacher who introduced me to mysteries. Now she is retired and sends them by email.

    4. Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?

    Answer: Best of Lists. I have only seen Best Books of 2023. I am STILL working on my list of Best Books. So far, there are a few books - DOOR TO DOOR BOOKSTORE by Carsten Henn, NO TWO PERSONS by Erica Bauermeister and there was one more novel though I forgot the title. I remember thinking it was one of the best I've read this year. It was a few months ago and I cannot recall at the moment.

    5. You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?

    Answer: If I could get anything I want this year, then I want Magical powers like Samantha Stephens from Bewitched to clear out that space so that I can sit on the couch and have room for all of the books that I want to keep. No more Covid or any of these darn viruses that keep on emerging!

    Peace on Earth and everyone can live in peace with No poverty nor hunger.


    1. Diana, I'll join you with Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. That's a children's show that has NOT aged well. And I think I need the same magical powers - it would be lovely to always have my favorite reading spot clear, BUT also have all the books I want readily at hand!

    2. Diana here: yes to all the books I want readily at hand.

  17. 1. What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?
    I hate the overkill of Christmas music, too. So many beautiful songs--but tinny, blasting versions everywhere from stores to gas pumps shorts out my one nerve.
    2. Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?
    Hot chocolate with a generous slug of Bailey's for the win, with whipped cream and dark chocolate shavings.
    3. You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.”
    Haven't done cards in years. Love getting them, though.
    4. Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?
    Rarely read them.
    5. You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?
    I'm with Jenn, assuming we've already achieved world peace, no food scarcity, and the rebuilding of those parts of the world ravaged by violence. I want a vacation somewhere new, preferably warm, lots of the natural world to explore--and one of Debs' gorgeous journals to write in while I'm vacationing :-)

    1. Ooo, Flora, I forgot hot cocoa and Bailey's! Or with Kahlua - that's another lovely wintertime treat.

    2. Julia, since Kahlua (or whomever the parent company is) stopped making Peppermint Kahlua, I have learned you can add the mocha mint coffee creamer to Kahlua as a decent substitute. But Bailey’s in cocoa or mixed with Kahlua is very yummy! — Pat S

  18. 2023 has been a roller coaster year: signed with an agent who died in November and signed with a new agent a month later. 2024 will bring two major celebrations and a long-awaited trip. Otherwise, keeping my head down and finishing the truly awful first draft of my next book. Wishing you all Joy for the season and Peace in the new year.

    1. There's never any shame in a CFD (Crappy First Draft) Margaret!

  19. 1. I haven't listened to a lot of holiday music yet this year, so bring it on!
    2. Eggnog definitely (have a quart in my fridge right now), and eggnog bread.
    3. Cards have been sent (fewer than 18) - ordered my cards online but signed myself (and added news where appropriate).
    4. Rarely read year-end compilations, but I will post my own "favorite reads of the year" blogpost at Lesa's Book Critiques --thank you, Lesa!
    5. I'd love to have a gift card to the Harris Center, a nearby (10 minutes) venue that has Broadway tours, concerts, and the like.

    1. MARGIE: I'm looking forward to seeing your favourite reads of the year list on Lesa's blog. I will be posting my list there next year, too.

    2. I'll add my amen to that - more doing and seeing, less owning and possessing!

  20. I have agree with Rhys, All I Want For Christmas Is You got old real fast. Add I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause. I never liked, even when I to use when kid.

    I don't make it, or drink it, but I do need egg nog. I use it as part of the custard for the warm bread pudding I make for Christmas breakfast. Also to drizzle a little over bread pudding when served.

    Cards? What cards? I have birthday cards that never got in the mail.

    Round up lists aren't that intriguing to me. The book ones just remind me what I missed out on while working.

    I'm not greedy, Santa, honestly, but could you supply the funds, tax free, to take care of the bills with some left over so I can play.a little and not feeling guilty while I play.

    1. Deana, if you don't mind humor that's a little racy, check out Saturday Night Live's sketch about "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus." it takes the weird premise of the song and runs all the way to the finish line with it.

  21. Song – Feliz Navi da,da,da, or whatever. And please stop using Christmas/old songs for advertising jingles and playing them just before I go to bed and they rattle around in my head all night.
    Oh egg nog, but I need to make my recipe given to me by a friend. Real eggs – 6. Yes, I know they are raw, but they haven’t killed me yet. Real milk, real cream (lots of it). Real rum, real brandy, real ameretto, (all of those are probably the reason the eggs have not killed me) and a pinch of salt. Nutmeg fresh ground for the top. No need for any meal to go with – you will be sated. I never drink bought stuff – gross. Who knows what they put in that?
    Cards have to go out before lunch today. I know, I am using the excuse that the power has been out. Actually, it just came on… I am having my morning coffee just before lunch time. It is snowing now to add to the melee, and still windy. I would hate to be a lineman.
    No use for end of the year list. Just fill for nothing if you ask me, because everyone is off for Christmas. Besides, in most cases I have no idea what they are talking about.
    Actually, I have no requests, so likely will not even get coal. I bought a box of chocolate covered cherries so I am good.
    Just had a note from son, after the power came on. He has had a sore throat for 3 days, and child tested positive for Covid. That was the visit we were most looking forward to. Now to decide if we drive for 6 hrs for 24 hrs with daughter, or just stay home. Both of us as leaning to staying home, but starting to feel guilty.

    1. MARGO: I was thinking of you when I saw the Weather Network clip about the snow/wind storm hitting Cape Breton & Newfoundland. Glad your power is back, sorry about the sickness affecting your family visit time.

    2. Yesterday the power came on just in time for me to abandon the hamburgers on the BBQ for supper, and manage to get the butter, onions, and celery in the pot for chowder, and - ooops - no power to cook it. Back to the hamburgers with only 1 bun. It came back on about 9:30 - long enough to run the dishwasher - and then off again at midnight. Hope that it is on this time, as I really need to do laundry!
      Don't know what to feel about the kids and Christmas. Sorry for the Covid, but would really be happy just to stay home. I could entertain myself looking at the spring seed catalogues!

    3. I'm glad your power is back, Margo - the wind has been fierce up in the northeast. I'll give you my official permission to stay home and enjoy the calm day and your chocolate covered cherries (which were always one of my favorite gifts as a kid.) You can see family in the new year.

    4. Margo, I want your eggnog!! I don't like the storebought stuff but I love real eggnog. When I was a child some neighbors gave a huge fancy Christmas party with two different punchbowls filled with eggnog--one spiked for the grownups, one plain for the kids. It was my favorite thing!

    5. We just decided to stay home. Waiting for the daughter to skype so we can tell her. Then I might send he who harrumphs a lot out to get some cream - I have the rest of the ingredients for the libation. It needs to sit at least 24 hrs to mellow. Who needs a turkey? Julia you did not say if you have power yet - I hope so, but can surmise you will be enjoying time with Celia.

    6. Freshly grated nutmeg for the win!

  22. Lovely Christmas gift wish, Gillian. My son got sobriety, clarity and a great deal more happiness this past year, I wish the same, in whatever form needed, for your boy.

  23. Looks like "Santa Baby" and "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" are running neck in neck for most despised songs, showing us that while romance and Christmas go together nicely, sex and the holiday... does not mesh.

    I'd like to hear an updated version of the former, telling us what the now 80 or 90 year old singer wants delivered by the jolly old elf. I'm betting a knee replacement is on the list!

  24. Oh, California people--are you okay? And now , thanks to you all, I am singing Santa Baby in my head. ARGH.

    1. I am surmising the media are playing up the storm that is hitting Seattle? I am a California person in Maui. My daughter says it is sunny and 71 degrees at her house in the South Bay Area. Happy Holidays. to everyone.

  25. 1. How come no one has mentioned "The Christmas Shoes." That is the one song I absolutely refuse to listen to. I won't even buy a CD with it on it.

    2. I don't drink, so I'm out.

    3. I sent out cards the first year after I graduated from college. I haven't sent any out since then. I just don't have the time with everything else going on in December.

    4. I look at some of the best/favorite book lists. And I prepare my own. But that's about it. Rarely is my taste reflected in them. And I don't pay much attention to the news story/trends/other type of lists.

    5. Enough money to comfortably retire and never have to deal with a day job ever again.

  26. 1. Song? That flipping donkey one. So sweet it makes my teeth ache.
    2. Drinks? Yes, thank you.
    3. Cards? I send out note cards randomly throughout the season.
    4. Lists? Don't care.
    5. Christmas wish? That my son finds his perfect job and contentment in 2024.

  27. 1. What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?
    Tie between "Santa Baby" and "All I Want for Christmas is You." And I could do without "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree."

    2. Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail? Egg nog, spiked, with lots of whipped cream and extra nutmeg. And magic to eliminate the calories.

    3. You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.”
    E-cards or no cards. And very few e-cards.

    4. Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em? Not this year. I do not effin' care.

    5. You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning? A particular ghost. (Missing him.) But I'd settle for a few days of housekeeping help and a healthy, middle-aged rescue pup.

  28. 1. Probably going with the group on “Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”, especially by The Jackson Five. Ugh. I used to really like “Santa Baby” by Eartha Kitt because she gave it such a sexy turn, but nowadays, it’s not pc.
    2. I drink one glass of egg nog a year, to be sociable, but would prefer the Toddy or a cranberry drink. (I like Pat D’s response: Yes, please!)
    3. I’m in the process of writing a letter to my three cousins whom I’ve been horrible about keeping in touch with. We’re at an age where anything can happen. If I get that done, I’ll cannibalize that letter and send a more generic one to friends. (I used to be so good about sending cards, while working and raising kids. I’m retired now so it should be a snap, but then again, those books won’t read themselves….!)
    4. I only glance at the Best Books and Movies list.
    5. I’m going to echo Pat D about hoping my son finds at least a job he enjoys, if not his dream job in ‘24. (He is employed, just not happily.) And the same wish as a few others that our planned home renovation comes in at or (please Santa) under budget. And, of course, that we all are healthy and safe and that we learn to get along with each other. Here’s to sanity returning in 2024!
    Happy holidays to all of the JR Writers and Readers! You bring me such joy with your books and comments! — Pat S

  29. Love all of these lists! Happy Holidays, Y'all!

  30. 1. What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again?
    Santa Baby

    2. Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail?
    cranberry-themed cocktail

    3. You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.”
    No cards this year and maybe not again.

    4. Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em?
    I enjoy the favorites reading list, and I enjoy making mine out each year, but since I haven't been able to read fiction, especially our genre for over six months now, I'm not sure it I'll make one or not. I think I might, with some explanation about what books I'm sure will make a favorite 2023 read at a later point.

    5. You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning?
    Only one thing I want, and I'm told it's not possible.

  31. 1. What holiday song/carol would you pay good money to NEVER have to hear again? Santa Baby

    2. Egg Nog, Hot Rum Toddy, or cranberry-themed cocktail? Egg nog on Christmas Eve in the vintage ceramic Santa pitcher and mugs from my childhood with a little sprinkle of nutmeg on top and no booze.

    3. You haven’t gotten all (or any…) of your cards out yet! Do you send them for New Year’s, or shrug and say, “Eh, they’ll still be good in December 2024.” My goal each year is to mail them on my sister’s December 6 birthday and I did so this year. I would still mail them now.

    4. Those hundreds of “end of the year” roundups, best-of lists, and compilations - love ‘em or hate ‘em? Don’t really pay any attention to them.

    5. You’ve been SO GOOD, Santa is bringing you anything you want this year. What are you going to find in your stocking Christmas morning? Books from all my favorite authors and definitely Reese’s peanut butter trees.
