Sunday, December 31, 2023

Top Posts of 2023!


 JENN McKINLAY: I'm a big one for end of the year tallies and whatnot. I like to look back, see what was accomplished and what is left to do. In the case of this blog, I like to review what posts of ours resonated with our readers and which ones didn't.

Not for nothing, but according to the stat machine of Blogger, the Jungle Red Writers had 1.7 M views and 26.8 K comments just in the past twelve months. Whoa! 

What a year it was! We covered everything from Barbie to the World Economic Forum to beans! Your comments and the stories you shared with us made our posts even more engaging and we thank you for joining us and bringing your wit and wisdom to the party. 

As we launch our new venture Reds and Readers (click the name to join) TOMORROW on Facebook (it's a new place for giveaways, live chats, etc.), we look forward to even more shenanigans in 2024! Make no mistake, we will never give up our blog, but we do want to be able to chat with our community, our readers, our friends, a little more easily and it's our hope that this group will do that! So come on over and check it out!

And now here are some of our top posts from 2023 to revisit: 

So, Readers, what were some of your favorite posts from last year? What do you think we should talk about next?



  1. I always enjoy the "What We're Writing" and "What We're Reading" discussions . . . It's so difficult to pick one or two "favorites," so although I always enjoy the posts each day, I did particularly enjoy "Where is My Federal Back Stop?" and "One more thing to worry about: Mailbox fishing" and "What We're Writing Week: Julia has Questions" . . . .

    1. Ha! The mailbox fishing gave me nightmares!

    2. Joan, these are wonderful posts! I have a hard time picking a favorite! Diana

    3. That was so helpful. I'm way more careful about using the mailbox now!

  2. Third time to try and post because I screwed up and lost it. I love all the What We're Writing, What We're Reading, and What We're Watching. Some others are Hallie's "Managing the White Space;" Jenn's This, That, and the Other: Reading Edition;" Rhys' "One Perfect Sentence;" Lucy's "The Interview;" and Debs "What We're Writing: Deb Honored to be Honored;" Julia's "Pets on Parade:" and Hank's "Adventures in Wonderful-land." I know I'll think of more later.

    1. Kathy, you're the best! I love being reminded of previous posts. We do have some fun talks here, don't we?

  3. It's hard to just pick one, but I do enjoy the "What We're Writing" and "What We're Reading" and the spontaneous post of the day/week.

  4. I enjoy all the posts but my favorite has to be the "What We're Writing" and "What We're Reading" discussions. This is one of the first things I do every morning, read about The Reds, after feeding the cats, of course. Happy New Year!!

    1. Yes, cat and dog wrangling is my first chore of the day as well.

  5. Coming here to read & post on JRW is one of the first things I do in the mornings.
    Like others, I do enjoy the "What We're Writing" and "What We're Reading" posts. But I also like hearing about books from other authors on either guest posts or having them featured in a Q&A by one of the Reds.

    And of course, there were many enjoyable posts on my other favourite topics: food & recipes (by Lucy, Celia and others) and travel adventures by the Reds.

    1. From Celia: oh thank you Grace, how very kind of you to include me. My JRW inclusion owes so much to Julia in fact everyone and my heart is full. A joyful, healthy, productive 2024 with lots of fun to all of you.

    2. I have scored several amazing recipes from Lucy and Celia!

    3. As mentioned yesterday and earlier, we should do some recipe swaps on REDS and READERS.

    4. GRACE: The blog community is so welcoming! I always like to peruse the wonderful recipes too. And reading about the travel adventures too. I think all of us Or Most of Us like the "What We are Writing" / "What We are Reading" posts.

      Happy New Year!

  6. I'm going to agree with the What We're Writing and Reading posts. But the Reds never put out a bad post. Ever.

    By the way, I just clicked to join Reds and Readers!

  7. Congrats on those numbers - no surprise! I really love all the posts. I've discovered new-to-me authors, copied off recipes, traveled vicariously, added books to my TBR pile, laughed (Jenn's and Julia's weeks are especially good for that), and occasionally wept. I've also been so honored to be a guest when I have a new book out. Keep up the good work!

    I am curious how you will manage the new group, and if you're not afraid it will detract from the blog. I've joined, of course, but doesn't it double the workload of you, the hosts?

    1. My/Our assistant Christie (aka magical unicorn) has graciously added it to her personal assistant duties. So we'll do live chats and post convos and whatnot but she'll do management (i.e. monitor memberships and do the giveaway mailings, etc.).

    2. Christie is amazing!

  8. You have a wonderful community here both in Reds and readers ;-) even on the days I'm not commenting, I stop to take a break and read. Keeping a blog running and responding so thoughtfully to so many comments is no joke!
    No favorites columns, but I just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work this year!

    1. Thank YOU, Jill - it's a true team effort and I love the community we have.

    2. Thank you, Jill! We're so pleased you're a part of our community!

  9. Not to be a copycat but I look forward to the "What we're writing," " What we're reading" posts and I take notes. I love when authors visit and I love when commenters get a chance to talk about their books. I copy recipes and ideas for using foods in different types of recipes. I love when we discuss audiobooks and narrators. Mostly, I love the feeling that when I arrive here and join the discussion, that I am communicating with friends. It feels good.

    Wishing you all a very Healthy, Happy New Year!

  10. So nice to hear from all of you--you guys, our friends, really make the work worthwhile! I too love what we're reading and writing posts too. Edith, we'll see how the group goes--Jenn and Hank are our fearless leaders they assure us it's going to work like clockwork:). happy new year everyone!

    1. There's a saying "If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it"! JENN and HANK are certainly that (and more)!!

    2. HA! It's going to be FAB! ANd the wonderful wonderful Christie Conlee (our Reds "Radar") will be your new best friend!

    3. Thanks, Lucy, but we definitely have a mind meld in this group! So fun!

  11. A Happy New Year to you all! Suzette Ciancio

  12. From Celia: JRW is a very important part of my life now. I so admire those of you who post daily, Joan and Edith spring to mind. But favorites, very hard to chose. I’ll just say that I have learned important lessons from each of you. Lessons on improving my writing, careful proofing, as well as community, meeting, learning and having friends world wide. Thank you all and on to a new year of fun, challenges and new books.

    1. Celia, any one of your (and Julia’s) “here’s how to cook (deliciousness of the day)” posts could be my favorite! May the new year treat you as kindly as you treat us. Elisabeth

    2. It's always a good day when you and Julia take over a kitchen on JRW, Celia! I especially like your background stories while you describe the dish or the technique.

    3. You are incredible! I adore your posts, and your erudite and clear instructions--and hilarious performances! SUCH a star!

    4. What Elisabeth said!!! That was lovely and perfectly stated. Celia, you add so much to the Reds. We adore you.

  13. I love any topic that is off the cuff – what we are reading/watching/best tv, as well as random topics. I look over authors and their new books and decide whether I need a trip to the virtual library. I wish I had several more library cards so I could get virtual books from other countries, as too many times they are not available in Canada. (dream libraries are Toronto in Canada, any in the US, and 1 from Britain.)
    I love Celia’s recipes, and any other topic on food, nature, life in general. I have tried Celia’s recipes, and got Harrumper Rhys’ Suggestion of a model greenhouse for Christmas – currently he does not have to be laid-up to make it!
    Because in part of this group, I have read/listened to 250 books; I admit some did not pass the 1/3 of the book – don’t like it – delete test. There are currently 175 audiobooks waiting to be read, and this doesn’t count ebooks which is a different file as they are the cozies – they take me longer to read. Without this group would I ever have discovered Richard Osman?
    Best of all, I like the comradeship of this group, and the comfort that it gives to voice a different opinion or even any and not be put down. Well Done! (I too have signed up for the new edition.)

    1. Thank you, Margo! I am so glad you have found value in our blog and I'm delighted that you joined the group! Yay!

    2. Margo, your reading Talley is very impressive!!

  14. I couldn't possibly pick a favourite. I read every day, comment often, and always love this blog and the community that brings it to life. Thank you, dear Reds and Readers. See you over on Facebook in the New Year!

    1. Thank you, Amanda! Happy New Year!

    2. Hard for me to pick a favorite, Amanda. Love this blog community. Diana

  15. I like a mix of what we're reading and writing, author interviews, and chats about food, crime shows on TV, movies, and travel. A random discussion about sticky toffee pudding was fun.

    1. OMG - I still need to figure out how to make that!!!

  16. Congrats on the stats. I love the "What We're Writing" posts. Nice to get a peek behind the curtain.

    I've joined the Facebook group, but I had to do it under my personal account so you'll see me as Mary Sutton.

    1. I had the same problem! Had to change the name on my Facebook personal account (no mean feat) wouldn't take my Hallie Ephron page. Scowl.

    2. I have no idea why FB got so weird about Pages joining. Very annoying.

    3. Liz, please remind us every once in a while that Liz= Mary Sutton. It can be a little confusing to call some of us by different names.

  17. I love numbers however they appear and yours are tops for the year. Congrats on a great one! and Thanks!

    1. Thank you, Mary! We couldn't do it without our readers!

  18. I particularly like the posts about research and the photos of trips you’ve taken to do it. It helps me connect more with the books you write. I like the posts featuring guest authors. I have found many new to me that way. Food posts are always a hit too.

    1. Guest authors are delightful! So many authors I'd never have found except for this blog.

  19. Are you asking me to pick a favorite child?? Gasp!! It's the mix that makes this blog shine--you never know what to expect each morning. I do love What We're Writing and What We're Reading, but new authors, favorite authors popping up, fast 5 questions, deeper questions, laugh-out loud mornings, traveling the world--food (I have Reds' recipes memorized now and in seasonal rotation), always entertaining and often thought-provoking from the Reds, their guests, and all of the commenters.

    1. LOL!!! I say that when people ask what is my favorite book that I've written. Impossible!

  20. How to choose ? I love almost all about this blog. What we are writing/reading posts, discovering new to me authors, subjects of the day, posts from some of the commenters, etc…

    As I’m not on Facebook, I hope the blog spirit won’t suffer too much from the new venture but I wish you good luck with it.

    1. Thank you, Danielle. No the blog is our primary place. The FB group will just make giveaways easier and livechats possible :)

  21. Choosing a favorite JRW blog is impossible!!
    I enjoy reading a new blog every morning. Keep it up :)

  22. The atmosphere of this blog community is so welcoming and engaging--which I mean in every sense of that word--that I'm convinced many of us come here first in the morning for our daily dopamine fix. I know I do, anyway. Intellectual stimulation, humor galore, and lots of personal interactions all combine to make it a special place, including knowing that it's a safe one, as was addressed the other day in the comments. Respectful conversation is so rare these days, and that is my absolute favorite part of this comment section. Meanness is not tolerated, regardless of viewpoint. Mein hosts have drawn that very vivid line, and it rarely gets crossed.

    So bring on the topics, regardless of what they are. I am not always a fan of new-to-me authors, for instance, but to each her own, and it's always good to be better informed, right? And I have found some more favorites, like Deanna Rayburn and Richard Osman, for instance, here.

    Happy New Year, dear Reds and Red-adjacents! May we all continue to enjoy one another's excellent virtual company.

    1. Thank you, Karen. Very well said. Happy New Year!

    2. Well said! I agree with everything you said, Karen in Ohio, especially how this blog community is so welcoming and engaging.


    3. KAREN: Thankfully, JRW provides a safe, welcoming community that has brightened our days for many years. Happy New Year to you, and to all the blog commenters!

  23. I love the variety of topics covered on the blog. I feel like I know so many of you through reading the posts and comments every day. Heather Cox Richardson (HCR) and Jungle Red Writers (JRW) are the way I start my day. I have discovered so many great authors through this blog, and will never have time to read everything I want to. Since I spend time on FB, I'm happy to join the new group.

    1. Ha! I also try to read Heather Cox Richardson's political commentary every day, Gillian!

    2. Kim, I also try to read Heather Cox Richardson's blog every morning! Diana

  24. Like Flora, I love the unexpected mix you Reds create: funny anecdotes from your pasts, your travels, or the day before; thought-provoking and often touching comments and questions; your struggles with your writing or with promo events; and your generous sharing of this space with other writers (from which my books have profited--thank you!) I read JRW every day, not just Reds' but also Readers' comments, and I try to add something at least once a week. All of you write stuff that means a lot to me--this is an honest, kind, and supportive community. I am grateful to have it--and all of you. Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you so much, Kim! We feel the same way about you. HNY!

  25. These are SO great! Can you believe we've been doing this for SO long? I adore it, and I adore the mix of topics--you just never know, right? And all of you in the comments, oh, you are the BEST. How does it work that I feel as if I know every single one of you? Thank you thank you!

  26. I'm going to echo everyone! Meeting new-to-me authors. What we're writing posts. The Celia and Julia cooking show. Personal anecdotes. The wonderful mix of everything. Just please, please, keep politics out of it, even tangentially. Go vote is all that we need.

  27. My favorites are "What We are Writing" and "What We are Reading" posts. Also love learning about new to me authors that I never heard of when JRW introduces an author with a new novel. Always a joy to read JRW blog first thing in the morning AFTER deleting so many emails in the morning.

    Suggestions: Would love to see more Debut Authors. Every time I go to a mystery conference, I am asked to nominate a Debut Author of the year and I have NO idea who the Debut authors are!

    *Debut Authors
    *Mysteries for Children and Middle School Graders
    *Golden Age of Mysteries with Women Authors
    *Post about International Women's Day - March 8 ?
    * Interview Deaf Authors of Deaf History for Deaf History Month - APRIL - like John Hay in Scotland or Peter Jackson in England
    * Posts about Loved Novels that rarely gets a Mention on Social Media if at all

    These are just ideas off the top of my head. I love the mix of topics, especially the photos, here on Jungle Red Writers blog.


  28. This blog is my first read of every day. As has been stated, it is a welcoming group and a safe space. My favorite posts are the every person type such as canned cranberry vs homemade or a topic that is current (Barbie). I love the What You’re Writing and What We’re Reading posts, of course. I think the reason I like the, pardon the expression, more mundane topics is because they let us communicate as people (friends, maybe?) instead of WRITERS and readers. I love talking with my friends and I have come to feel that way about all of you. Happy, healthy 2024!! — Pat S

    1. This blog is also my first read of every day. So lovely to meet you in San Diego.

      Happy New Year, Pat!

  29. Just so there's no confusion, we will still be blogging here every single day. The FB group is an extra (we hope a very fun extra!!) and we love that it will give the community and place to chat whenever they like!

    I am gobsmaked by our stats--that is just amazing. Thanks to you all for read every day, and for sharing your thought and your lives in the comments. Wishing you all a very happy New Year!

  30. I would have a hard time picking, I've enjoyed so many of these posts. I'm just glad I found this blog. I look forward to it each morning.

    Meanwhile, Happy New Year, everyone. Best wishes for a joyful and healthy 2024.
