Tuesday, June 4, 2024

FONDANT FUMBLE -- Jenn's release day!

Today's the day! FONDANT FUMBLE is officially out!


JENN McKINLAY: You know that old chestnut that we always ask authors -- where do you get your ideas? This book is probably the easiest time I'll ever have answering that question. It was five years ago (side note: sometimes we have to sit on ideas until they really take shape) and I saw a news story about two football players and a friend who bought a cupcake bakery franchise called Gigi's Cupcakes (another side note: Gigi's  used to be in Scottsdale and they were so good but I think the pandemic squeezed them out). 

Anyway, here's the full story on the football players and their friend from their website: The Cupcake Guys

In short, three friends who met at University of Texas Austin always wanted to own a restaurant together. Two of the trio went on to play for the Tennessee Titans but the restaurant dream remained, except it rolled into cupcakes when they became aware of Gigi's Cupcakes, a Nashville bakery phenomenon started by Gigi Butler (who has a pretty great story as well), and they decided to buy a franchise. Brilliant, right?

How could I not use all of this football-cupcake story goodness for the plot of a mystery? It was five years in the making but it simply had to be done! And I have to say, I had an absolute blast writing this one.

Tell me, Reds and Readers, are you a football fan? 
Who's your team? If you could own a franchise what would it be?

Here's a picture that was my inspiration and below are the deets of FONDANT FUMBLE for anyone who wants to read them:

The Fairy Tale Cupcakes crew helps two professional football players in knead when the athletes are suspected of murder and their dream of opening a bakery is crushed, from New York Times bestselling author Jenn McKinlay.

Professional football players Keogh Graham and Tyler Matthews want to open a Fairy Tale Cupcakes franchise. They’re spending the off-season in Scottsdale working in Mel’s bakery, learning about the business and how to bake show-stopping cupcakes. The popular athletes bring a boom of customers to the store as football fans flock to see the friends mixing batter and piping icing.

Everyone’s excited the athletes are pursuing their dream of owning a bakery—except for those who fear the players will ditch football for fondant and retire early from professional sports. The angry naysayers include their team owner and Keogh’s sports agent, along with some very vocal fans.

When the owner of their team, the Arizona Scorpions, is found dead on the floor of their new bakery following an argument with Keogh, the pros become prime suspects. As the investigation heats up, Mel and the rest of the cupcake bakery crew must step up and prove their franchise owners are innocent before it’s game-over for the new bakers.


  1. Happy Book Birthday, Jenn! I love the story behind the story . . . looking forward to seeing how it all turns out . . . .

    1. Thank you, Joan! There's some big changes happening but...no spoilers here :)

  2. JENN: Happy book birthday! I love the title, and thanks for sharing the long-simmering inspiration for FONDANT FUMBLE. Sorry to hear the Cupcake Guys' franchise did not survive the pandemic.

    As for pro football, nope. I do not have a favourite CFL or NFL team.

    1. Grace, it sounds like their franchise survived - it was the Scottsdale Gigi's that didn't.

    2. Ah, thanks for the correction. I misunderstood that sentence about the closure!

    3. Canada has hockey - a better sport IMHO! :)

  3. Wonderful, Jenn! I hope you send the Cupcake Guys a copy of the new book.

    No longer a fan of a sport that fosters terrible brain injuries. I can't think of a franchise I'd want to own. It's hard enough being in the book-writing business!

  4. I love your source of inspiration for this book, Jenn. It probably dropped onto my Kindle already and I promise to review it this month! I can't wait to catch up with my pals at the Cupcake Bakery!

  5. I always love learning where an author gets their ideas, and this source is amazing, Jenn. Congratulations on your newest book! I barely know what football is, though, so I'll spare any team from me being their owner...

  6. FROM JAY:


    Congrats on the new book!

    I am a football fan. I root for the Patriots (as you can imagine this past season was sheer torture) and the Bears (clearly, I have masochistic tendencies) in the NFL and both Alabama and Boston College in college.

    I would not want to own a franchise of any kind. I just don't have the desire to have to work that hard.

    1. 100% Sometimes I think being a writer is owning a franchise - oy! Go Pats!!!

  7. Love cupcakes, love most icing, hate fondant. Not a football fan, but don't hate it. Perhaps Jenn's latest will help me change my mind about both fondant and football.

    1. I don't like buttercream frosting, which is a stick or two of butter basically. It is too rich and takes away from the actual cupcake taste. I actually like whipped cream frosting because it's light and fresh tasting.

    2. I'm not a big fondant fan either but it worked with the title :)

  8. Cupcakes, yes! Football, not so much! Still, Jenn, this sounds like a great addition to your series. I'm looking forward to gobbling it down.

  9. Congratulations Jenn! this looks like a hoot, and who other than you could make cupcakes and football work perfectly??

  10. Love how that article sparked a book, Jenn! Sounds like a perfect summer read! Don't enjoy football--not since the Brownies heyday (although now that they're home again, I hear they're building up a pretty good team. Go Browns!)

    1. Flora, yep the Browns are actually not the league wide punch line anymore. They spent years being so frigging awful that every week they played, I felt I had to call a friend of mine who was originally from Cleveland to make sure he hadn't jumped off his roof or anything.

    2. A friend of mine is a diehard Browns fan - lots of heartbreak there.

  11. That is so cool! I hope the guys made a huge success with their cupcakes.

    Not much of a football fan these days. Attended Dolphin games when I lived in Miami, and of course, everyone was a huge fan when they had their perfect season!

    1. They're still in business after 5 years so they're doing something right!

  12. This looks way fun--cupcakes and football and big athletes learning a mostly female business. Yummy!

    I'm a sports fan--soccer (real football) and baseball are my two top sports, but I watch American football sometimes. My little sister is a die-hard Cougars fan, so I will watch Washington State games and cheer the Cougs on her behalf. Unfortunately they "Coug" it a lot! When I was a kid, I watched football with my dad and thought LA Rams QB Roman Gabriel was SOOOO cute. Now I have a St. Louis connection, so I've been a warmish Rams fan over the years from LA to St. Louis to LA again.

    1. We are big soccer and baseballs fans in this house, Gillian!

    2. Hub loves soccer as he used to play.

  13. Our SD Chargers's owner demanded that the City build a new stadium with little investment from him. The City officials and the citizens said see ya! Eventually the Chargers moved to LA. And no one is any sadder about it.

    If I had to chose a football team I like Mahomes with Kansas City.
    I prefer to watch women's basketball, and pro baseball - go St.Louis Cardinals.

    Your book sounds wonderful Jenn. Looking forward to it.

    1. Big Cardinals fan here. Go Cards!

    2. The Spanos family that owns the Chargers are horrible owners. Left a place that loved the team to a city that didn't want them at all. And I'm sure they can figure out a way to make change from a penny, the cheapskate SOBs that they are.

    3. Jay, you are spot on! And Anon, I can’t figure out why I still see people wearing the Chargers hats, shirts or displaying bumper stickers on their cars. Or why the local sports reporters give them one second more air time than any other team. They left! Good riddance! — Pat S

    4. We just lost the COyotes for much the same reason and I am very very sad. Hockey should be in the desert whether it seems reasonable or not. LOL.

    5. Oh, the Coyotes franchise is gone? The last elementary school where I worked has the coyotes as their mascot. My son, the hockey fan, bought me a Coyotes shirt for work!

  14. Never did like the sport; still don't. Not too crazy about fondant. boo me. Love the cupcake series and just reserved this new addition. If I could create a franchise like the Harlem Globetrotters except with football players then maybe. Otherwise will continue to dream of a superbowl for writers.

    1. Coralee, have heard of the Savannah Bananas? They are a baseball version of the Globetrotters.

    2. I'm not as big of a fan of football as I am of baseball or hockey but it keeps Hub out of my hair :)

  15. Cute cover. I love the football flying through the goal post, over the layer cake. I'm a life long 49ers fan from back in the John Brodie days. And, no franchises for me, please. I trying to retire this year, why would I want to start a new business? Less stress is my goal, not more. 😀

    1. Yeeeessssss. I'm with you - definitely on the less stress train!

  16. Hi Gillian. We were at a Padres v. Cardinal game in San Diego sitting in the third base dug out seats when, of all people, Albert Pujols walked by!!!!! My daughter and two grandkids asked if they could take a picture with him and he said sure. He is so nice and handsome too. I think he lives in LA now.

    1. Oh my goodness, anonymous! That's so exciting. I'm in Oregon and the just before Pujols' rookie season, we took the train to Seattle to see a Mariners-Cards spring training game. We got to see Pujols and McGwire both play. Fun times. Pujols is a great guy!

    2. That's thrilling! I love when they're talented and nice.

  17. 49rs fan here ( but I also get to cheer for the Cardinals when I’m in Arizona) Congrats on the new book. Don’t we say that once a month these days?

    1. I'm a Cards fan, and I have to be a Pats fan coming from New England. I feel it's good to have more than one team. Mentally healthier at any rate :)

  18. From Diana: These cupcakes look yummy. Love this post about the inspiration for FONDANT FUMBLE. Just finished your rom-com LOVE AT FIRST BOOK and loved it, especially the bookshop in Ireland. My sweet tooth loves Fondant. I first heard of the word Fondant when a friend was getting married. We got to sample several pieces of different possible wedding cakes.

    I’m following Yvonne Cobb on Instagram. She does cooking demonstrations for the BBC and she is Deaf. Quite an inspiration. Perhaps a future cupcake mystery inspiration?

    Today is launch day for many books, including yours. A local author’s series finale was launched today - THE COMFORT OF GHOSTS by J. Winspear.

    1. Oh, I knew Jaqueline's finale was coming but didn't realize it's today. *sob*

  19. Congratulations on your book birthday (again. You’re right, Rhys!), Jenn!

    As for sports teams, I grew up a SF Giants fan and transferred my allegiance to the SD Padres when I moved to San Diego. (Though I still love the Giants!) And I LOVE the 49ers! Never wanted to own any kind of franchise, but my husband has always wanted to own a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory franchise!! — Pat S

  20. College football fan here! Loved hashing over teams with my FIL while he was with us. He was a fervent LSU fan; me a Texas longhorn fan. Still am. We loved to hate Nick Saban except for the brief time he was with LSU.
    Years ago when I lived in Metairie, LA the Saints were a brand new team. One of their players, Danny Abramowicz, opened a deli nearby. We'd go in to buy something and he'd be in there slicing away, sometimes with a teammate or two helping. Nice guy.

  21. Jenn, this book sounds fun and is my “Absolutely, Yes!” for today’s post. Because to answers your questions: football fan? No. Favorite team? None, ever. Run a franchise? Nope, never. Read Jenn’s books? YES, YES, YES. Elisabeth

    1. Well, your priorities are spot on, Elisabeth! LOL.

  22. Jenn, the only thing that would make me love this book more would be if the cupcakes on the cover were red and white in honor of the Crimson Tide!

  23. Huge congrats, Jenn! I adore the cover, and can't wait to spend some quality time with the cupcake crew!!

  24. Love our story about the Cupcake Guys! I confess I'm a sucker for a good butter cream frosting. Football? Not so much. (aside from having a wicked crush on the guy who played quarterback in high school and sat behind me in Geometry.) But I'm always fascinated to learn where ideas come from. Tells more about the author than the book!

    1. It does! You can never go wrong with a good buttercream.

  25. Jenn, that cover is fantabulous! The two football players baking cupcakes should be lots of fun.

  26. That is the MOST hilarious story--and teaches us about stereotypes, right? And I was a football cheerleader in high school, but I would wait to chant "First and ten, let's do it again" until I heard someone else start it ,because I had no idea what it meant.
    Football now? I would not watch it if I were by myself, but I think it's fun to watch with other people, and if you care about the team. And now I know the rules, at least.

    1. I was in the band! Had no idea what was happening on the field. LOL.
