Tuesday, June 18, 2024

What We're Writing: When A Mistake is the Answer

HANK PHILLIPPI RYAN: It’s one of the scariest questions I’ve ever asked myself: what if I never have another good idea? I know I know, I have always had a good idea, the universe has never failed me, and all I really need is one.  

(The idea for ONE WRONG WORD came from a bit of dialogue I wrote in HER PERFECT LIFE.  So, hilariously, I got the idea from a fictional character. And a BIG bargain on it below!)

But I would like to put it out there, right now, that it would be very lovely if I got another new idea pretty soon. 

It’s funny, and I wonder if you’ve experienced this. The timing. A month ago, I was in the midst of editing my new book, and I searched my brain for a good idea for the next book. 

"Not time yet!" My brain saId. "Just keep editing." And I understood that was right, the timing was not correct yet. I was pushing, and I should’ve realized that it was too soon. Okay, then. 

I went back to editing.

And I cut 21,000 words!  And I'm still editing and polishing the rest.

A couple of weeks later, I inquired of the universe: is it time for the idea yet? "No,"  the universe said, "keep editing."

I knew that was correct, but still.... it was becoming worrisome. When you have a contract for multiple books, the deadline for the next one looms, closer and closer. 

When we were little kids, a year seemed like an extraordinarily long time, incalculably long, impossibly long. Now, a year is like – – oh, my goodness! That’s tomorrow

So I’m editing, editing, editing, deleting, try not to worry about the next idea, but focusing on this idea. The book I’m working on now.  It's called ALL THIS COULD BE YOURS.  (Which is due MONDAY. Just saying.)

It’s funny where this idea for ALL THIS COULD BE YOURS came from. 

It came from a mistake.

 I was doing a signing with another author at a local bookstore, which will remain nameless, and the proprietor sent me a gorgeous graphic for the event.

Well, it was gorgeous except that it had the title of my book wrong. Instead of THE HOUSE GUEST, they had made a graphic that said THE HOTEL GUEST.  

So I rolled my eyes, annoyed, and said to someone: "The book cover is right there! If they can’t even get the title right,  how is the event supposed to work?"

 And then I paused, and said, "You know, though, The Hotel Guest is  actually not a bad title. Too bad I already have THE HOUSE GUEST."

But somehow, that bad title did not leave me. What would a hotel guest have to do with a thriller? I wondered. What would happen to a hotel guest. Who would be a hotel guest, and why would they be one? And what might happen.

Oh, I thought, they find something in their room? What would they find in the room? And what would they do with it? And what might happen?  Then the next hotel room they are in, they find something too. Why?

Oh, I thought, that could really work. Who might be a repeat hotel guest?  Okay, traveling salesperson. A hotshot entrepreneur. A vacationer. Then I thought oh! An author on book tour.

Yes, yes, yes. And so ALL THIS COULD BE YOURS was  born, and more. And I will tell you more about it later. (You can be sure of that!) 

But what will happen next? What idea will emerge? My silly brain has recently come up with a terrific idea for a science-fiction novel. And a supremely perfect idea for a romcom.  

Thank you, universe, but I am still waiting for my next psychological thriller  idea. I trust you, though. It'll come.

I know Jenn touched on this last week, wondering where ideas came from. And someone in the comments suggested that everybody provide one element. Not a story, just one element that could be in a book. 

So let’s do that! And see if we can prime the pump. Reds and Readers, just tell me one thing.  

Like: a hotel room. A mysterious photograph. A back road in Maine. A vanilla ice cream cone. A fire alarm.  

Maybe we can all take the puzzle pieces, and mix them around, and we'll all  wind up with  something completely new.  I'll start: A phonograph record. A candle. A letter in the mail. A missing MFA student. 

And now, each of you add one more element or prompt to that. It doesn't have to connect.

And if a story pops into your brain, tell us that,too!

It would interesting, wouldn't it, so see what story we can make from the pieces you choose? Tell us just one line from the prompts like, oh, a medium who plays a certain record at her candle-lit seances, then gets a letter from a college with a surprising question.

But you can do better than that!

And one more thing in the cycles of a novel--my ONE WRONG WORD ebook is now, VERY VERY  briefly, on sale for $2.99!  (Just click on the title above.) Wherever you buy your ebooks.  If you don't have it, now's the time. (As I know you have heard me say: No pressure, it's just my career...)

So, Reds and readers! Tell us your story elements! And see if they spark any ideas.


  1. This is so interesting, Hank . . . here's my one thing:
    When a woman walking down the street sees a display of sunflowers in front of a florist's shop, she turns and runs away . . . right into traffic where she is hit [but not killed] by a car. What made her run when she saw the flowers?

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanJune 18, 2024 at 12:50 AM

      Ohhhhhhh love that! Wow! Perfect!

    2. Perhaps the flowers sparked a tragic memory that was buried in the subconscious mind?

  2. It is amazing how the brain works and comes up with stuff like that, isn't it?

    Here's my element: A swimming pool

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanJune 18, 2024 at 1:09 AM

      Oh, that’s a great one! Lots of possibilities. Xxx

    2. Sunset Blvd. ended in the swimming pool. Oh, and so did The Great Gatsby.

    3. Didn’t Sunset Blvd also begin in the swimming pool? Or have I misremembered?

      After writing the above, I googled and watched the opening and closing scenes from the movie. It does begin with a body in the pool, but ends with Norma ready for her close-up. They were fun to watch. Movies sure have changed in the past 74 years!

    4. Perhaps a swimming pool that is a portal to another world or a swimming pool that actually leads to the lake? Ocean?

  3. An empty briefcase except for one paper that has slipped under a chair. Does the paper contain helpful information, or is it just an empty page?

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanJune 18, 2024 at 1:10 AM

      Oh, very sinister and tempting! Or helpful or destructive. And it would depend on where in the book it happens, right?

    2. Sounds like a Spy novel. Did anyone see the French film “The blonde man with one red shoe”? Or was it black shoe?

    3. Oh, what a blast from the past! xxxxx Black shoe, I think!

  4. A house fire...My husband and I are Red Cross disaster volunteers and respond to house fires. Each one is different and some of the families stories and circumstances are so very different. We have dealt with several arson fires, fatalities (loss of a pet is sometimes more traumatic than the loss of a person), and people who claim to live at the address but do not. It is so hard when someone loses everything and has no resources to fall back on.

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanJune 18, 2024 at 1:10 AM

      First, thank you so much for that. That is so brave and generous of you! And -that idea is brilliant! People who say they live there, but they don’t? Why?

    2. From Diana: just a thought…perhaps they did live at that address many years ago when they were young children? Or there is an inheritance dispute….

    3. In most cases they are just trying to scam the system for money and whatever else they can get. In one case a woman called her 3 nieces to come over and claim they lived with her. The neighbors made sure we knew she lived alone.

  5. A person returns home to find a tree planted in her yard

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanJune 18, 2024 at 9:01 AM

      Maybe it’s so people concentrate on the tree, and not what is underneath…

    2. I once came home from work to find that an 18' tall rose bush had been cut down/mowed over and the "body" removed so it looked like there had never been a bush there at all. Whoever did it, it wasn't my yard guys. So . . . some random yard crew shows up to do my lawn and take my rose? I have no idea.

    3. Our school had three newly-planted trees stolen and planted . . . right across the street. The perp. (the parent of a student) agreed to pay for those trees AND three new trees. -- Storyteller Mary.

    4. From Diana: this reminded me off tangent of a strange news story many years ago. This family returned home to discover that the demolition company tore down their house without permission because the Demolition workers had the wrong address, They were supposed to tear down the house next door…..

  6. This is so smart Hank! Can you please send me the leftover ideas??

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanJune 18, 2024 at 9:02 AM

      It’s so funny, isn’t it? We could all use all of these, and the stories would be different.

    2. From Diana: We could all use these, Lucy! Look forward to reading your novel in 50 days!

  7. Irma Flores MangesJune 18, 2024 at 5:48 AM

    I am up in the mountains soaking in the hot springs. I have walked 2 miles to get there on a path that is not used much. After an hour I get ready to leave and notice some clothes folded against a tree with a watch that has initials. There is no one in sight. Where did they go and am I safe here? I now sense something is wrong. I quickly leave the area to call the Park Rangers. My phone does not have cell service. I hear someone or something following me so I start to run.

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanJune 18, 2024 at 9:02 AM

      And that is so cinematic! Can’t you just picture it?

    2. There was a storyline on the British tv series MIDSOMER MURDERS where this lady left clothes at a place that was used by the military during the Second World War.

  8. A massive power outage in a heatwave. Yes, we're having a heatwave and after some horrible storms last evening, many are without power. Thankfully not us. But the combination of heat, no air conditioning, thawing freezers, and flaring tempers? What could possibly go wrong?

    1. ANNETTE: That is too close to life imitating art! Hope everyone under the heat dome stays cool today!!

    2. Hank Phillippi RyanJune 18, 2024 at 9:03 AM

      Power outages are always useful in a novel, right? They so quickly bring out the best and worst in people… Perfect.

    3. From Diana: Agree that it is too close for comfort, Grace and Annette!

  9. I got about 10 texts last night. Oh, no, did I text a response to the right one?
    I received a text message from an unknown number asking if it was done yet.

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanJune 18, 2024 at 9:03 AM

      Yes, yes yes, I love that. It’s irresistible. Or the text you think it’s spam, but it isn’t…

    2. Judy and Hank, I can add to that about texts. Most people I know are aware that I don't text much, only to those who can't deal with other contacts somehow. But the other night I got a text reading "Are you at home right now?"
      It was a wrong number from an area code I had to look up. I don't know anyone in that area code.

    3. Margaret, oh, my. Here's my inspiration: Over the past year, a particular political party has mistaken my cell phone number for Phil's. Phil must be a donor of some renown, because Phil (on my cell phone number) has been receiving the most coddling, wheedling, crying-in-their-tea text messages from personalities throughout their miserable party. It's unnerving. Occasionally, I will tell them what I think about traitors and what should happen to them, but sometimes, I just block the number.

    4. From Diana: Oh dear, this brings back a strange story, Judy. I received a strange text from a stranger threatening violence. No name. I went to the police station. Luckily, I live in a small city where there is a fire department and a well staffed police station. I talked to the Detective and showed the text. Somehow they were able to trace the number that was blocked and I had no idea what the number was. The detective got back to me and explained to me that the person, who sent me the text, was in the midst of a BIG FIGHT with her boyfriend who had wrecked her car! And the Detective passed on her apologies.

  10. A woman comes home to her apartment after a hectic day at work and finds a flower---let's make it a large, two-tone purple iris---in front of her door, stuck in a water-filled wine bottle with the label removed. She has no idea who could have left it there, and there's no note.

    1. We had a mystery like that last fall. I came home to find a cardboard box on the porch, filled with sweet potatoes!

    2. Better sweet potatoes than zucchini! Or maybe that is another idea - killed by a baseball bat sized zucchini and then it is served stuffed (not with the dead person). Off to the hospital - another long day. If I kill her, I will send the plot. - strangled by the iv cord...

    3. Years ago I found flowers by my front door. I still have no idea who they were from.

    4. Hank Phillippi RyanJune 18, 2024 at 9:05 AM

      Yes, terrific, , flowers by the front door. That is so sinister! I actually had that in my book ONE WRONG WORD. I love that somethings so beautiful can feel so aggressive and invasive.

    5. Oh, dear, Margo. Resist the impulse! We don't know how to break you out of a Canadian prison!

    6. back home - long day. She had the spinal and the chemo and her white cell count is still zero and she is high on steroids. Meanwhile back to the plot - the victim is a member of Book Club and they hate plots that are tied up with a bow - AND - the iv line is tied in a bow - Whatttttt?

    7. Margo--you have a very interesting life. We love you!

  11. A high-end costume shop. A dead man in the passenger seat. A bank drive-through window. Oh, wait, that's the book I'm writing next, which came from a news clipping (well, not the costume shop). But you can use it too.

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanJune 18, 2024 at 9:05 AM

      HA! Sounds good!

    2. From Diana: Oh, that sounds good, Edith! Look forward to reading your book.

  12. In a large crowded city, the same stranger keeps turning up. A face in the crowd. He doesn't speak, but he looks. And looks.( This is a city where you could go for years never accidentally seeing the friend who lives on the next block!) Who is he? What does he want? (Or is it really just a coincidence?)

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanJune 18, 2024 at 9:06 AM

      Yes, wonderful. Because that could go either way. And it is so relatable and possible.Xx

  13. A young couple moves to a nearby house. They don't seem very friendly at all but the woman is seen pushing a baby carriage up and down the sidewalk several times a day. I happen to be at my mailbox just as she is walking by. I go to her saying "Just let me take a peek at your precious baby." There is nothing in the empty carriage.

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanJune 18, 2024 at 9:06 AM

      That is so creepy! So now, what do you say? Yikes.

  14. Here's a mystery: the FedEx driver delivers packages everywhere but the front porch. On the driveway in front of the garage door, on the path to the garden, even in the ditch between the rural mailbox and the road. But never the front porch, as requested, and out of the weather. Is he afraid of bees from the plants along the walk? Does he have some kind of attention disorder? Is he mad? High?

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanJune 18, 2024 at 9:07 AM

      Is this drawn from real life? This is great!

    2. Yes! Sadly. Our USPS letter carrier is excellent, and so is our longtime UPS driver. But we seem to have drawn every doofus FedEx has ever hired.

    3. From Diana: Ooh, that reminds me of a Christmas package that we sent to my Uncle in the Midwest. We sent as package with food, including nuts. The delivery person dropped it off at the front porch. Unfortunately, a family of squirrels were in the midst of getting into the package between the time my 90 year old uncle heard the door bell and walked to the front porch to get the package! Memo to self: Do not send food in mail again!

  15. Surely there's a story in the studio apartments in the attic of Carnegie Hall... someone must have done it already.

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanJune 18, 2024 at 9:08 AM

      That is such a Hallie idea! Fiona Davis did the apartments in the New York, public library, and someone else, I forget, did the ones in union station. But I love this idea ! But seriously, it’s a story for YOU.

  16. You mentioned waiting on the Universe. Perhaps a woman is stymied and frustrated because she has always listened to the Universe and suddenly it is totally quiet. Where does that leave her? Does she just keep putting one foot in front of the other or does she begin creating her own destiny and what potholes does she fall into because she couldn't take time to be quiet and WAIT? -- Victoria

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanJune 18, 2024 at 9:08 AM

      Oh, fantastic! That’s a completely different genre, isn’t it. Love how that emerges. Xx

  17. A harried business executive arrives home to find a strange red backpack on your home's front steps, its contents are strewn everywhere. No ID but there's a set of keys that opens her front door

    1. Hank Phillippi RyanJune 18, 2024 at 9:09 AM

      Great great great! You’d absolutely have to turn the page to find out what happens next, right?

  18. Remember the movie "Body Heat" with William Hurt and Kathleen Turner? Life under the heat dome messes with our heads. We walk the dogs at dusk, with all the other zombies avoiding the heat and intense sun. The movie, BTW, was lifted from a forties movie, Double Indemnity, which was based on a book with the same name.

    1. Yes, fabulous. Old movie plots are such good good fodder...

  19. A lovely garden. Contains foxgloves, ricinus plant and some lovely datura - and what is this weed?

  20. A couple moves into an old house (but new to them.) In the attic they find a book, possibly leftover from donations or the previous owners' movers. As they examine it, they see it's an overdue library book. On the checkout card is scrawled a telephone number.

    1. LOVE! In fact, it's very close to one of the ideas that's stickiest for me now..let's just see how that goes.

  21. A natural hot spring that has some ramshackle buildings making for hot tubs, but you have to hike in a mile to through the forest to get there.

  22. From Celia: An empty? puzzle box wrapped in a piece of antique Chinese silk hidden on n the attic rafters. Take it down and unwrap carefully. There’s a Chinese character inked on the silk and a soft rustle when the box is shaken. What’s its secret? How does it open? It’s a puzzle.
    I do have a puzzle box.

  23. HANK's items: A phonograph record. A candle. A letter in the mail. A missing MFA student.
    HANK's one line from the story: A medium who plays a certain record at her candle-lit seances, then gets a letter from a college with a surprising question.

    AMANDA's item: Found in the hotel room's bathroom, an unwashed water glass with an unusual shade of lipstick evident on the rim -- it's just sitting there on the side of the sink
    AMANDA's few lines from the story: In Singapore, while on a research trip, Theo, the PhD student studying the connection between memory and colour, is given a room on the 7th floor (his unlucky number) right across from the elevator (his least favourite location). The unwashed water glass is the third one he's found on his research travels -- different city each time, but same location beside the sink, same lipstick colour...How can this be? What is going on?

    1. I LOVE that! the lipstick color is such a nice detail... does he save the glasses?

    2. Well, if he does, it's one story line. And if he doesn't, it's a different one!

  24. A scary, late night wrong number phone call. Or was it the wrong number?

  25. Hank, I'm sure your brain will come up with something. I'm at that point right now. So far I have a dead woman in a forest and a deaf little girl. The rest? Well, it'll come.

    My contribution: A letter in the bottom of a dresser drawer. It is postmarked five years ago and has never been opened.

    1. Yes, it'll come. I love how we all believe that!

    2. Does the little deaf girl know Sign Language? Can she read and write? Does she know how to use a mobile phone and send text? There are many possible variations on this idea!

    3. From Diana: May I ask if you met a Deaf person in real life, Liz?

  26. I love doing story-elements-to-story outline, or, as it's sometimes called, D-I-Y Mystery. The Reds dod one at Bouchercon once - St. Petersburg? Although we all got so silly riffing we never did nail the plot down. I did another one at OLLI in Portland, where Dick Cass and Kate Flora, and that time we made it all the way from pulling audience suggestions to a story summary that could have been polished up and sent to an editor!

    Hank, my best ideas for the next book always arrive at the point in the current manuscript when I'm getting sick and tired of the whole thing. It's made me understand how some people can have multiple unfinished mss. The grass is always greener...

    1. I guess you just need the right partners! And yes, our brains love the shiny new thing...

    2. From Diana: Is this similar to improv in drama or Choose Your Adventure books, Julia?

  27. I'm going with the current heat dome and the newspaper headlines: "Another three tourists missing after going hiking...." These are strangers to one another and two are found, clearly died from missing the trail, lack of hydration, and succumbed to the heat. No body is ever found for the third person, just items near the shore, suggesting they became disoriented and fell into the lake/ocean/whatever. But what if that third person staged their disappearance/was kidnapped/etc. I prefer the kidnapped version: Where were they taken after the kidnapping? How? Who was the tourist? Who was the kidnapper? And why, if no ransom note was ever forthcoming?

    1. Yes, and the heat adds to much to it...that's great!

  28. A cat is playing with what looks like a plushie
    It is a wig belonging to an old Rich person.

  29. The young receptionist runs into the office and says to her boss, sorry I'm late. He looks at his watch, it is 7:50 am. At the same time church bells across the street ring 8 times. Later the police enter and ask if anyone was attending church service around 8 am.

    1. How come his watch and the correct church time are different? Did he change his watch to give himself an alibi for a murder? I'd have to work out the times better probably.

  30. Susan D here.
    Sometimes I think I should just take inspiration from my day's Wordle words:
    Grace-Froth-Drown-Proud; Prude-Ghost-Agast-Angst; Trace-Banjo-Sandy-Mania-Manga

    1. That is HILARIOUS. I mean truly, seriously, that's a genius brilliant idea, to make a story of the wordle chain.

    2. Or the connection game’s words.

  31. A woman comes to town for a reunion that she doesn’t really want to attend (college? High school? Sorority? Former co-workers?). Once in her hotel room she opts to skip the event and order in a pizza, something she never does. The pizza, when finally delivered, turns out to be the wrong one. In checking the slip on the box, she realizes that the person who actually ordered that pizza is the one person she didn’t want to run into at the reunion. Or did she? And that person is actually skipping the reunion too, and is staying in that very hotel, and has her pizza….. is this romantic? Emotional trauma? Fraught with peril? All 3?

    1. SO many wonderful possibilities! You are so right. AND we'd have to do a lot of pizza research....

  32. I stayed at a very nice, friendly B&B one time, where all the rooms were named for major US cities. There was a framed reproduction of a historical newspaper story in my bathroom that mentioned the city of the theme in the headline. But, once I actually read the story, it raised a lot of questions and when I did a bit more research I realized the story was tied to a very racist, generally abusive secret men's society in that city. Did the decorator who put the framed article up know that? Did the innkeepers? Was it meant to be a sign to warn Black guests away, or show covert sympathy to any guests who advocated for White supremacy? It creeped me out to think that my very friendly innkeepers might have a dark side, and I was glad I'd be checking out the next day.

    1. Oh, golly, that is terrifying. It could SO go either way! Whoo.

  33. Well, Hank, you had a phonograph record and a candle. Auditory prompts and smells can trigger repressed memory. Perhaps these become keys to unlock the mystery of the past. You’re welcome! - S. E. Toon

    1. OH, yes, the fragrance and the music...That's so evocative!

  34. A woman checks several websites looking for a particular size matted frame. She finally decides on one from ebay. The following week that very same frame arrives from Amazon with a printed note: a gift from ----------------. No one she's ever heard of. A couple of days later she gets and email from ebay saying the USPS has left her packaged frame on the porch. Nothing is there.

    1. WHOA. The amazon puzzle. The search engine scheme. Very very timely!

  35. A college student is in her university’s library, She walks into the row of books she’s looking for, and a male classmate from one of her classes is standing there. He says to her “I’ve been waiting for you.” She knows him only to say “hello” to him. He has always seemed odd. Why is he waiting for her?

    1. SO great! A creepy dark academic story..

    2. Is the male classmate a real person or a ghost that is seen by one person - the college student?

  36. Four friends from college, all empty nesters, receive an invitation from another college friend to spend an all girls week at her lakeside home. When the friends arrive, their hostess is MIA, the front door is wide open, and the haze of gun smoke hangs in the air.

    1. Sounds like Elin Hilderbrand’s Five Star Weekend gone to the dark side!

    2. Why does this remind me of Agatha Christie’s AND THEN THERE WAS NONE novel?

  37. Back in the '70s I did come home and find a bag of nice clothes outside my door . . and later a call from a man who asked if I'd gotten them. He wouldn't give his name.
    On the Delta Queen, I heard a repeated thumping in the middle of the night. I decided it was the ghost of Captain Mary Becker Green watching over unaccompanied female passenger, as she was wont to do. -- Storyteller Mary

    1. WHAT? What kind of clothes? Why would he do that? (Oh, that's the story...)

    2. Why am I reminded of the Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour movie SOMEWHERE IN TIME?

  38. A woman in her mid-thirties walks by your house multiple times a day, always with ear buds in, smiling at you but never talking. You have never seen her before, but now you see her at least four times a day, just striding along. One day she comes up to you, bruises on her face, begging for your help. — Pat S

    1. Ohhh...so you kind of feel as is you know her. I love those situations--do I get involved, or not? Once someone told me, all know-it-all, that from the first she had been suspicious of the character Bree in THE HOUSE GUEST-- Bree is the person who comes to stay with the main character. I said--well, yeah, the title IS The House Guest, so it's gonna be about her, right? :-)

  39. I feel this post all the way to my soul as I have just turned in two more proposals that i have no idea if they will be accepted or not. I think I need to go to a hotel on a beach far far away...lol. Thanks for sharing this story with us, Hank. You've given me hope :)

  40. As I was reading Hank’s original post, images of jigsaw puzzle pieces kept appearing in my mind. The only way I can see this working into a mystery is with an avid puzzle solver being gaslighted by there being a missing piece in every puzzle. Or the piece fits, but is the wrong image.

  41. A well-worn, well-loved (perhaps even coveted) vintage apron with pockets, and inside one pocket is a recipe card, with fresh droplets of blood..... (and...I saw this on Facebook 😉)

    1. Thank you for coming from Facebook! ANd I love the old apron idea..hmmm!

  42. Oh, the entire 911 system in Massachusetts just went down. THERE'S a story prompt for you!

  43. Ok. You have to move to Canada but… Toronto airport. 1972. Missed your plane. Hoping to go stand-by (you could in those days). Walking around the airport – bored.
    Someone approaches you – you are not too worried because it is 1972 and you are young. He comes up to you and says (insert name here we will use Sally?). Yes, that is me, you think. He says his name – wait, I grew up with him – (bit if a weirdo and likes dressing up, but in 1956, well????) … you go from there. ((it happened to me, and actually after the shock, it was quite nice, but there are possibilities,,,)

  44. I saw this on Facebook!

  45. A 16-year-old girl is walking home from a party and was raped. She became pregnant and her parents sent her to a home for unwed mothers. She died having the baby and her parents decided to keep the baby. Thirty years later this baby has grown into a successful business woman. She decides to take a dna test for fun. She matches closely to someone famous who would do anything to keep this a secret.

    Here is another. A woman receives a text from a local area code saying “You’ll hear in the news what I did last night.”

  46. Story prompt: A man, who hates women, is very unkind and becomes a murder victim. He is always awful to dogs too. Was he always this way or does he have a brain tumor?

  47. From Diana: Hmmm, the title THE HOTEL GUEST, sounds intriguing.

    Some ideas: A Deaf woman who is a dopplemanger for a Royal Princess. I have met two Deaf women who could be dopplemangers for a Princess of a Scandinavian country and Queen of another country on the African continent. The Deaf woman is accompanying her husband, a newly hired professor at a University abroad when the new Royal courtier arrives at the airport to pick up the Princess of a foreign country and sees the Deaf woman and her husband. The courtier mistakens the Deaf woman for the Princess and the professor for the tutor. They are whisked off to the Royal Palace. Can you imagine what happens when they arrive at the Palace?

    A Deaf cameraman is suspected of murdering the Television station owner who mistreated him, other people with “disabilities” and anyone who is Not White. He did not do it, though there are many suspects.

    A dog who barks at strangers visiting the family home. The house is burglarized and no one heard the dog bark. Was the burglar known to the dog?

    A young mother and a baby in a pram approaches a Deaf tourist outside a chemist in the Cotswold and asks the tourist to watch the baby while she runs into the chemist. What prompted the young mother to trust the tourist? The kind hearted tourist agrees to watch the cute baby, The tourist teaches the baby Sign Language and the baby is signing instead of talking when the young mother returns to the baby.

    Wow, long comments here, Hank!

    1. YOur brain is working so hard! we SO appreciate it! xx

  48. From Diana: An Engima machine from World War Two mistaken for a teletypewriter device for the deaf?

  49. From Diana: a thousand apologies, Hank, for the late comments. I woke up at 2 a.m, with this horrid headache and pain all over. Hello menopause . I went back to sleep and woke up late still hurting. By the time I finally commented, I had many cups of coffee to stop the headache. Now the headache is almost gone!

    1. Poor thing! But you are NEVER late on Jungle Red-- we're here 24/7!

    2. From Diana: Aww, thank you

  50. A pocket watch found in the back of grandma's lingerie drawer with the engraving scratched over.

  51. Claire VanBlaricumJune 18, 2024 at 8:34 PM

    A teenaged son of a divorced mom comes home from football practice to find his mom has gone missing.

    1. Ohhh....that is really great. Instantly touching and compelling. Truly.

  52. I saw this on Facebook and it reminded me of the day my next door neighbor in an apartment building spent the whole day yelling and screaming off and on, and I concocted a whole story in which he was being tortured and I was just there listening to it.

    1. This is my comment and I forgot to sign in haha.

    2. That is SO relatable! Terrific. Thank you!
