Monday, July 1, 2024

Do You Do The Worst First?

HANK PHILLIPPI RYAN: Have you ever heard of precrastination? I read, with some bemusement, an article about his supposed thing the other day. The gist of it is that when there's something on your to-do list that you DON’T want to do, but have to do, that you do the hardest thing first, so you’re NOT putting it off. So, obviously, it’s the opposite of procrastination.

(And thinking about it, pro–crastination does not mean you are in favor of crastination.) (Unless crastination means doing the thing, which I refuse to look up, but I bet it doesn’t.) (Okay fine, I just looked it up, and it's not even a word, except an obsolete word that means procrastination.)

But it made me wonder: do I do the difficult thing first? Hmm. Sometimes, I might. When I get my book edits back I definitely do the easiest suggestions first, so I feel like I am accomplishing something. Then do the hard ones.

On Sundays, when I have to do the laundry, I do it first thing, even before breakfast, to get it over with and I don't have to worry about it anymore and it’s not hanging over me.

On the other hand, I was supposed to do my book tour expenses when I got back from tour in March. But I hate doing expenses so much that I have not aggregated and submitted them. (It’s JULY now, remember.)

Think about that. If I do the expenses, I will get MONEY, but it is such a pain that even so, I would rather not do them. (And hey, I am organized about receipts and things, it’s not disorganization, it’s just–boring. And fiddly. And math.)

Eating, too, can have precrastination. When my husband has a muffin, he eats it from the bottom up. And saves the delicious top, the best part, for last. I am baffled by this. I would never do that. First, since the first bite is the best, why waste that on the part that’s not the best? And once you eat the whole rest of it it, you won’t be hungry for the top any more, and that’s a waste ,too.

Do you think precrastinating is a thing? Or, if it is an easier question, what part of the muffin do you eat first and why?

HALLIE EPHRON: It’s definitely a thing! Precrastinators get to the airport hours early. They never run out of toilet paper. And they eat the pears before the maraschino cherry in fruit cocktail. They make lists and give themselves deadlines.

I’m definitely a precrastinator. But I don’t like muffins.

RHYS BOWEN: Jonathan and I are kindred spirits. I too like saving the best part of the goodie until last. When I was a child I’d eat all around the pastry edge of a jam tart before I got to the jammy part. I’m also a precrastinator. I can’t stand to have anything hanging over me that I know has to be done. I turn in manuscripts before the deadline. I get Christmas cards out early. The only exception to that is my retirement account that is managed by actuaries who send me a list of forms to be filled out for the IRS every year. It’s so complicated and frustrating that I ignore it until I get the email that says if the IRs doesn’t get this by the end of July there will be a penalty.

JENN McKINLAY: I see a common thread here. I loathe anything to do with math and will procrastinate until the very last second. That being said, I eat the bottom of the muffin first, but I split mine in half and toast them and slather them in butter so there really is no bad half. Like Rhys, I get things done early because I don’t like to have things looming over me. So, yes, in most things I’m a precrastinator, which I’ve never heard of, so thanks for that.

LUCY BURDETTE: I think I’m a mixture. I had a conversation with a sister-in-law last night about that dream where you can’t find the exam room and you haven’t studied anyway, and maybe even haven’t attended the class. Not one time. I told her I was like that in college, but definitely not high school or grad school. A short spurt of procrastination in between periods of procrastination? But I will hold off on taxes until I’m tired of John’s nagging me. After the pandemic, I will never run out of toilet paper! And I will eat the muffin in the proper order, top to bottom:).



Okay, now I have that out of the way, I will cop to what everyone already knows about me: I am famously a procrastinator. I consider it a great victory over myself that after several years of intensive coaching and practice, I am now able to get places on time, and even ahead of time, when traveling via air. Let me take my bow, folks, this is huge for me.

However… when it comes to treats, I do like to save the best for last. Bottom of the muffin and the crusts on a sandwich first.

DEBORAH CROMBIE: Julia, applauding you! That's a huge achievment! 

Hank, I think I also come down on the "save the best for last" side, although my solution is the same as Jenn's--cut the muffin in half so that it's all good!

HANK:  Yes, Yay, Julia! We all have our moments.

And Lucy, that’s a classic stress dream–I used to have it all the time. Although an equally appropriate one is the dream I had where I was in a room at my office and flying clocks were crashing through my window. FLYING CLOCKS.  I woke up laughing SO hard. My subconscious is not very subtle.

So what do you think, Reddies? What do you precrastinate about—or do you leave the worst for last?

And of course, weigh in on muffins!

And two giveaways today:

One-- on our Reds and Readers facebook page! Once lucky commenter on the "clock" post will win an advance reader copy--or a published book-- I choose for you!

And one lucky commenter below on the blog will also win an arc or a book! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am definitely NOT a precrastinator . . . I have procrastination down to a fine science and, despite some small amount of effort, I don't seem to make any discernable headway in making any change . . . .

    As for the muffin . . . I'm definitely in the save the best for last group . . . .

  3. I’m a little of both…arrive early at the airport but save the best part of the muffin (or fruit cocktail) for last so you end with a good taste in your mouth.

    1. Oh, yes, I am completely with you. And leave a good taste in your mouth--that's perfect. I never thought about it that way!

  4. I'll come back later to let you know if I'm a procrastinator or not. :)

    Heck, I'm so good at it that I put the PRO in procrastinator. Sometimes, I can be really good about getting the hard parts out of the way and saving the fun stuff for later. But I waste way too much time on other things when I know what I should be doing.

    1. HA HA! Yes, there's a lot that can be done to waste time, that's for sure.

  5. I do not precrastinate much, definitely procrastinate too much. I do like knocking off easier items on my to do list first- makes me feel like I’ve done more with the checks next to them! I’m trying to tackle the harder issues first at work but again I need to see that I accomplished something (hence making lists and checking them off!).
    I save the best part of the muffin for last!

    1. Yes, you can always put "make to-do list" on the list, then check that off!

  6. I’m a little of both, but I’m more of a procrastinator. I tend to go back and forth between items I like to do and hate. It gives me a chance to take a break between the jobs I hate with a task that I enjoy more. I love the feeling of getting the jobs that I don’t want to do finished, so sometimes I’ll start with those. I don’t eat the bottom first of a muffin unless it’s split in half with butter.

    1. Yes, I SO agree--nothing like having a terrible job be OVER.

  7. HAPPY CANADA DAY to my fellow Canadians!
    I hope you have a relaxing fun holiday (Mon)day.

    Hmmm, I have never heard of being a "precrastinator" but reading the comments, I agree that I usually am one. I arrive at the airport hours early, I prepared & sent in my work travel expenses as soon as I arrived at the office (despite hating to do math).

    Am exception... I am a procrastinator when sending in my tax return since I have owed money in recent years. That being said, I did send the 2024 tax return in early April since I was travelling to Singapore from April 24 (our tax deadline is April 30 in Canada).

    As for muffins, I eat the best part FIRST (i.e. top part)!!!

    1. Happy Canada Day, Grace, Margo, Amanda, Danielle!

    2. Yes, well, makes sense if you OWE, wait as long as you can. xooxo Happy Canada Day to all!

    3. Happy Canada Day to my friends up north!

    4. From Diana : Happy Canada Day, Grace!

  8. Hmmm...I'm kinda a mixture of both depending on "what". Yes, I like to get important things done asap, then I'll take "forever" to get those not so important and time-consuming tasks done ..As for muffin, I'm like Jenn - I quarter them and put some honey butter, so I get the top and bottom equally..

    1. Honey butter! I totally forgot about honey butter. Thank you!

  9. It's 3 AM and I am scheduling appointments. Yup pre all the way. Less stress more muffins.

  10. I have not heard the term precrastinator until now but I definitely fall into that camp. I am and have always been early for appointments, the airport, meeting friends etc.
    Happy Canada Day 🇨🇦 fellow Canadians!
    Dianne Mahoney

    1. It so incredibly less stressful to be early. SO peaceful.

  11. I am a mixture of both. I have lists and lists. Daily lists, seasonal lists. (I've been trying to plot a historically accurate novel and a friend complained I had more detailed plans than Eisenhower before D-Day.) I get a lot accomplished. But there are certain chores that for whatever reason I put off. Sometimes it's minor and would take ten minutes -- ordering a baby gift, for example -- sometimes it's doing our taxes or whatever -- but these chores stack up and eventually weigh on me to the point of active avoidance and anxiety. Then I draw up my DREAD list, all the items, usually about half a dozen, that I do NOT want to do. Then I force myself to do them, one by one, while also crossing off the daily list. And then I tell myself, "Whew, that wasn't too hard, I'll never put things off again." But here I am today, writing up the current DREAD list. (Selden)

    1. wow, you are very strict with yourself Selden!!

    2. That is a brilliant idea. Save up all the terrible things, then do them all. Hmm..

  12. "Have you ever heard of the procrastination?" I probably would have had I not kept putting it off.

    As for muffins...Muffin was the name of my mother's beloved (and irritating) Shih Tzu, so let's not go there.

  13. You people must be eating different muffins than I do! My homemade blueberry muffins are good all the way through. Hallie, one day I'll bring you one fresh from the oven.

    I'm also early to the airport and nearly late on my taxes, because I HATE that day of pulling everything together so much (mind you, someone else actually does the whole thing, but I still need to provide them with the information).

    But I wonder how today's discussion connects to being planner, a pre-anticipator. I can plan ahead like nobody's business. Like Selden, I do the daily list and the long-term list, both for book stuff and personal stuff. I LOVE crossing things off. And yet there are five things on my whiteboard personal list that have been there at least a year. I guess I need to make a DREAD list and force myself to tick off those items.

    1. I had the same blueberry muffin thought Edith--if it's a good homemade blueberry muffin, no need to worry because every bite is amazing!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. FYI, I sprinkle some turbinado sugar and/or nuts on the tops of my muffins before baking.
      So eating the top part is a different textural treat!

    4. Yes, I agree--I think some muffin tops have a different texture. Ours do.

    5. If you sprinkle good stuff (nuts, sugar, buttery topping) on top of any baked goods, then I probably want that last bite to be the good stuff on top.

  14. Like many here, I'm a mixture. Travel and any kind of appointments, I'm early for. Tasks? Let me put it this way: If it goes on a "to do" list, I can take forever. (I see those lists as just keeping track of things I need eventually to do. And they do get checked off, but slowly. Really slowly.)

    Muffins? I'm not really into muffins. I'm a cookie freak, and I enjoy every single crumb.

    1. Yes, a list is a good reminder of things you don't really have to do RIGHT NOW.

  15. Rabbit Rabbit! I am a precrastinator! I would rather do our taxes. I suggested to a friend the other day that she put paper towels on top of her kitchen cabinets in her new apartment. She had never thought of doing that 😊
    Happy Canada Day to my Canadian friends ❤️🇨🇦

    1. Dorothy, paper towels on top of kitchen cabinets? For why? Although my kitchen cabinets are to the ceiling sort so have no tops. Elisabeth

    2. Paper towels on the tops of cabinets? SO it keeps the dust of so you don't have to dust? Or the dust cloths are essentially already there? Thinking about dusting the tops of cabinets. Hmm. What's your secret for the top of the fridge?

  16. I am a precrastinator and I eat the muffin from crown to trunk. I like to do the easiest part first because at least something was accomplished.

  17. Mostly I’m a precrastinator, making lists for everything. Except minutes. I’m secretary for a nonprofit organization and I always plan to write the minutes the day after the meeting. But I put them off until 3 days before the next meeting and then panic! Why do I do that to myself?

    1. Laurie, I take minutes for our Quaker business meeting. I bring my laptop with pre-loaded minutes template and type the minutes straight into it. Doing a final polish later and sending is quick and painless.

    2. Edith, I take the same approach. I take the minutes for the Friends of the Library board and have learned by trial and error that this method is the only way to go!

    3. Oh, that's how I've learned to do expenses, too. In notes, and just enter as the expense comes in.

  18. Cathy Akers-JordanJuly 1, 2024 at 7:40 AM

    OMG, the exam stress dream! I’m a 61-year-old instructor and I STILL have that dream!

    I’m not a procrastinator. Like Rhys, I can’t stand the idea of looming unfinished tasks. That part of what makes having chronic fatigue syndrome so hard for me: I don’t have the energy to get thing done.

    Regarding the muffin: life is short, eat the top first!

  19. Some hard jobs that I know have to be done, I will do them just to get them out of the way. Then there are the things that i never seem to get around to doing - and the world doesn't end! But there is something sort of weird that I do and I don't understand it and will try to break myself of it. Doing part of a job, to get a "head start" on later. Once it is started, why not just finish it and be done? Say, I'm changing the sheets on the bed. I'll put a fresh bottom sheet on and do the pillowcases, but since I haven't planned to do any of this until later in the day, I gave myself the head start. Wacko, right? I'm going to have a very stern talk with myself.

    1. Hmm...I am trying to make sense of that. Doing a little bit at a time--that can work, right?

  20. I make an excellent muffin though in general I procrastinate about baking. And everything else, from keeping track of writing expenses to mopping the kitchen floor.

    1. You have my permission to put off the mopping as long as you can. But isn't it fun to see it clean? Even the process is rewarding.

  21. Hank, I'll trade you one flying clock dream for a dream (nightmare) about missing stairs.
    I swing both ways. Early on some stuff, procrastinate on others. Always arrive early or on time. Everything ready for guests well before they arrive. But some paperwork accumulates until it is old. Oh, well! Taxes are on time!

    1. Missing stairs? LIke a stairway with some steps missing? Oh, that's psychologically hilarious, but I bet not much fun in the dream....

    2. Not anonymous, Judy Singer. I thought Blogger knew who it was but...

  22. Hank: I agree about finances, bills, keeping track of groceries – bores me, and usually frustrates me, and quite often gets my dander up. I can really procrastinate on this even knowing if I don’t do it no one will.
    Muffin – when I used to eat them, top first with ALL the butter, and the I admit, that the bottom could be served to the chickens. Sans butter. This same theory applies to anything on the plate – eat the best first, so as you imagine first thing that I snuff is the meat, and maybe a taste of mashed potatoes with gravy if there is any. (By the way the sous vide prime rib was delicious, perfectly rare, and voted to make it again. I think that next time I will try a lamb leg…)
    Julia – about those crusts on the bread – pretend that every sandwich is served at the Queen’s Garden Party (no Fascinator required), and cut off the crusts beforehand. Or even better – get chickens!
    Happy Canada Day everyone! Free hot dogs and cake for lunch (eat the icing first) - (and rain!)

    1. Margo, if I have a sandwich and siete chips, I eat all the chips first. My husband is aghast. And yay for the sous vide! It is incredible. SO pleased it worked for ou!

  23. Great topic, Hank, and I love your dive into the dictionary for us! When someone else is relying on me to finish something, I'm a precrastinator. I get sweaty at the though of letting someone down. However, when it's something I need to do for myself without an external deadline, I've been known to drag my feet. (I've been planning to start my newsletter for roughly a year now.) As for the muffins, I eat the top first. I feel like I enjoy the first bite of something the most, so I might as well use it on the most delicious part.

    1. Kate, I think WW used to encourage enjoying the first bite of a dessert and then discarding (literally throwing away!) most of what remained. I know what they were trying to promote (don’t eat all of it), but throwing away good food is anathema to me. — Pat S

    2. Kate, I SO agree if there is someone else involved or waiting for me--I get right on it. (Except for Uncle Sam.)
      I am SUCH a proponent of the "one bite only, because it's the best" theory. I think it's SO true. ANd Pat, it works perfectly with something like ice cream, since you just take that one bite out of hte container, and put the rest away. If it's an actual dessert that someone serves, there are two options for me: just say no, or see if there's a willing partner to eat the rest. I don't think you have to eat ALL of anything.

    3. Hank, the people I worked with who were on WW at the time would take the (served piece of) cake, take two bites and throw the rest away! That’s what I objected to. I agree, just say no then. — Pat

  24. I eat the best part last. But for some things, I'll do the easiest first. I figure that way I have the stuff I can do quickly out of the way and have accomplished something, then have time to work on the harder.

  25. If I put something off it comes back to bite me...awake at night angsting. I keep a pad by the bed to write down UNdone chores, and having "put" them somewhere somehow I can go back to sleep. It's not the actual DOING that releases the angst. It's knowing that I've got it tagged somewhere and won't forget about it.

    1. so agree! Very important to write it down. And then don't lose the list. :-) I speak from experience...

  26. Reading through the comments, I feel in good company with those who are precastinaters on some things and procrastinators on others. I don't always keep 'to-do' lists, but I can think of things that I have been wanting to get done for months and also years. Some are fairly simple. Others involve spending money, which I'm always a bit reluctant to do. I also procrastinate on tasks that need large chunks of time, because I have daily routines filled with lots of little things. If I forget one of the little things, I do feel bad. Muffins? Sadly no more, since I am eating gluten-free. At church yesterday, they offered what looked like pieces of muffin that were labeled "gluten-free". It tasted vaguely cinnamon-y but had the texture of coarse sand. Not a winner. In the past, I would save at least some of the most delicious part of the muffin for the end.

  27. Although I slice the top off the muffin to eat last, when I was growing up cupcake eating was the reverse. Lick the frosting off and leave the rest. Mother always threatened to bake just one cupcake and re-frost each time it was served. Elisabeth

    1. Thanks for the laugh, Elisabeth!

    2. That's hilarious! Cupcakes are a whole different deal... I eat the bottom, and leave the top.

  28. I am a mix. Procrastinate on dealing with mail. Having company for the 4th so did a big clean up.

    1. Can you come over? xx I am stalling on the cleanup...

  29. Let me just say the best thing ever invented is the Muffie at Panera Bread. It is only the top of the muffin. Brilliant!
    I like math, so I would do those types of tasks first, especially if it meant I was going to get money.
    I definitely put off doing the hard things that I don’t like and don’t want to do. I prefer to be on time, if not early for everything. I believe in the adage “Life is short; eat dessert first.”
    Am I a precrastinator or a procrastinator? Seems I am a little bit of both.

  30. I immediately tackle the tasks I don't care for to get them done. It isn't worth putting them off. As for muffins, yes the top is the best part so I eat it last.

  31. I’m a little of each. Where goodies are concerned, I save the best for last. (With the muffin, it depends on what kind of muffin it is!)
    Where chores are concerned, I try to get the ones I hate out of the way first. But I keep postponing them, with even the easy ones not getting done. I recently asked one of my sisters if she would be my “cheerleader”: in the morning I text her a list of things I want to do that day. She texts periodically to see how I’m doing. I’m still falling behind, but at least I feel like I have an important goal now. (She’s been on vacation for the past week, and only checked up on me once :-)


  32. Precrastinator here. I worked for a man whose motto was "eat the big frog first." Yep, just get it out of the way. I still think that way. As for muffins, I cut those puppies in half and slather them with butter. BUT, I cut the top off so I can enjoy that last. Cake with filling and frosting - let's just say, it's messy.

    1. Eat the big frog first. LOVE that! But it's not pretty to imagine...

  33. I'm a little of both. I arrive early to airports but barely on time to dental and medical appointments. Jenn: are you splitting your muffin horizontally or vertically? I would cut it vertically so I can enjoy the top twice.

  34. I’m definitely a Julia compadre - procrastinator extraordinaire. I have had therapists tell me that doing a little bit of the hard/dreaded stuff first will make me feel better and possibly give me the needed “oomph” to get even more done. Could possibly help but I have never tried it. :-) And yes, I am late all the time…. — Pat S

  35. On time with appointments, mixed results with getting things done.
    Always pay bills on time and in full-don’t want interest charges.
    I also dislike anything math related, do get taxes done before deadline but not by much. I don’t do my own, however, I do have to get all the information to the person who does.
    Good at making lists, but not always following through to do everything on the list.
    Hate making phone calls so I delay those. After I finally make them I don’t know why I waited to do it.
    Eat favorite parts last, including top of muffin, frosting or whipped cream on cake and cherry on top

    1. SO interesting! But yes, always pay bills on time, the penalty is so enraging!

  36. Eating the bottom first? Are you people even human? This is a hilarious conversation. What about pizza? Some like to eat it crust first, and I wonder how they manage that without cheese and sauce oozing everywhere? Knife and fork?

    Pre and pro, depending on the situation, and there's no rhyme or reason for which, as far as I can tell. I tend to make lists, though, which helps me stay on track. I guess my overriding philosophy is "pace myself", especially at this age. I still have pretty good energy for a septuagenarian, as my daughter insists on calling us, but pay for overdoing it, like the back pain I have now from two days of cleaning and cooking.

    In case you guys missed my late reply last night about the cherry soup, the recipe, called Cherry Gazpacho, was in the Washington Post last night. I was a smash hit, so pretty, and just delicious.

    1. You are hilarious. Pizza crust first? That's not possible, is it?

  37. When I have a stack of books to read I save a favorite author for last though I may put a new writer at the top of the pile.

    1. Oh, that is a topic for another day..writing that down.

  38. Great topic! I'm an anti-procrastinator so I guess I'm a precrastinator. I have a long to-do list and always tackle the tough things before doing the easier items, which I consider my reward. For example, I'll clean the bathrooms before clearing out my junk mail and attempting to unsubscribe from a company I bought one gift from five years ago! However, I have a footnote: if the task involves math, I delegate to my husband who loves numbers. As for the muffin, I split it in quarters so it looks like more. I eat two from the top to bottom, the other two bottom to top. Win win!

  39. As to getting to the airport early--my father was an airline pilot. For him you were "late" if you didn't get there hours ahead. Of course in his case, the plane couldn't leave without him! But it can leave without us passengers.

    1. Libby, my dad was an airline Flight Engineer (navigator) and, if we flew anywhere, it was standby so had to be there way early. Still didn’t take with me. Although post 9-11, I do try really hard to be there at the latest 90 minutes early. — Pat S

    2. Yes, airport early, no question.xx

  40. Joining the crowd today--I'm both. Get there early, get the prep started for meals early, but walk by those dishes and the dishwasher like they don't exist. Never works--they just sit there and glare at me until I give in and take care of them.

  41. I am a HUGE procrastinator. Just look at the pile of unfiled papers on the corner of my desk, which threatens to take over the whole room… but I live by the “worst first” philosophy. Every morning I identify the task that I least want to do. Sometimes the one I dread. Getting it done first takes that monkey off my back and makes the day easier.

    Okay, it also helps if I’ve had the muffin before I begin anything else. Starting at the top, of course.

  42. I am with you on the math part-my least favorite thing. My wonderful husband does all our finances, bill paying, etc. I eat the top of the muffin first! I like to be early wherever we go.

  43. I'm a pro at procrastination and a bit compulsive at precrastination. So - when it comes to flying, I'm a two-hour-ahead (minimal) at the airport person. I'm early for appointments (of all kinds), including meeting folks for lunch and/or dinner. But - for pretty much everything else (unless of course paying bills), e.g., washing dishes, dusting, any type of cleaning, etc., well, if you know that song "Walk on By," that's my theme song :)

    1. Dee, I do the same thing about appointments, travel, etc. I swear I have a gene that will not let me be late to these things. I love the "Walk on By" theme song! I'll probably hum that as I ignore the dishes in the sink. -- Victoria

  44. I just thought of another thing I don't enjoy so I do first: exercises. I'm doing "pre-hab" before by knee replacement at the end of this month, and along with the sessions with the physical therapist, I, of course, have at-home exercises. Not wild about them, especially since when I lay down on the carpet to get started, both my dogs AND the cat view it as an invitation to play.

    So lately, I've been doing it first thing, after feeding the animals/taking the dogs out. And, also of course, I have to admit it's a great start to the day...

    1. Have you tried stretching exercises? Or did your doctor say no to these exercises?

  45. I procrastinate on anything I haven’t done before. I am so worried that it won’t turn out right that I put it off until the deadline then I have to rush to get it done. I end up being my own worst enemy.

    1. Oh, that's interesting..because if you did it sooner, you wouldn't have to worry...

  46. Oh, I’m a dyed in the wool procrastinator. Unless it’s something I really want to do - then I’m on it! Although I stay on top of laundry, and fold and put it away immediately, and always wash dishes right after eating. Vacuuming? Procrastinator, definitely. But as far as eating the muffin, I always save the best bite of anything for last. I guess I love a happy ending!

  47. I'm mostly a procrastinator, except for one area. In college and grad school, especially grad school, I would always get my papers and assignments in early, and I was usually the first one to comment on the discussion board. Now, at home, it's a sad, sad procrastinator tale. As for muffins, I just eat the small, one-bite size (although they're really at least two bites). Even then, I cute them in two after warming and slather with butter. The muffin question reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine has the idea to only sell the muffin tops. Of course, there are complications and it doesn't work out.

    1. Yes, I kinda remember that episode--but they do sell muffin tops, now, right?

  48. I'm not so much a procrastinator as I've learned that if I try to force things -minutes for meetings, taxes, and term papers for classes - I inevitably messed them up and spent frustrating time trying to force them into submission. Once I gave in and just let the little suckers sit there until it felt right to do them, it was the quickest process you've ever seen. It's like my mind know works things out and lets me know when it will be ready to tackle the tasks and I'm just getting in the way of its process when I try to do it sooner. Very weird, but also quite freeing once I adapted to it. -- Victoria

    1. Huh. I love that. I do my expenses like that, actually--there'll be a. time when it feels right to do it ,and I'll just wait for that. Or sometimes I'll make an appointment with myself to do it. Then when I start to worry--I remind myself nope, you don't have to do that until Tuesday. It works!

  49. From Diana: So many wonderful comments from everyone! I would say I am likely to get to the airport early and I have been that way since 9/11 when travelers were required to arrive earlier to allow time for security at the airport. Before 9/11, I remember as a child that my family almost missed a flight because there was a delay at security check through.

    Like to save the best for the last bite. Like some people, I am a mixture. I am afraid that I have been procrastinating on several important stuff and I know I need to get them done soon. I think that now that I am on a HRT regimen, perhaps I will get better at tackling the important stuff that demands my attention.

    And I am STILL trying to declutter. I am trying something new - 10 minutes on one task at a time like organizing the spices.

  50. I am a procrastinator, pure and simple. What if I did the hated things first and then was struck by lightning? I would have died very unhappy! As for muffins, I pinch and eat. I pinch off a piece, then another, and so forth. Sometimes it's the top. Sometimes the bottom. Then the middle. But the top is probably the first pinch.

  51. It depends. I do the easiest edits first. I'm a stickler for being on time and on schedule. But I will put the taxes off until the last possible moment.

    I just eat the muffin - bottom, top, doesn't matter. LOL

  52. I love muffins, but I have never thought about what part is best. I just cut them in half, butter them, and gobble them up. And I'm mostly a prescrastinator, but I, too, can't make myself do exercises on my own. I go to the physiotherapist for a pain somewhere, and she does her magic and THEN she gives me exercises to do at home to keep the pain from coming back. Do I EVER do them? No. That's not procrastination, that's laziness and stupidity, which are much worse. I guess someday I'll be in enough pain that I'll HAVE to do my at-home exercises. I'm not looking forward to that day.

    1. Oh, gosh, that is the MOST difficult thing, doing exercises at home. I love the treadmill, and am good about it, because I can read while I'm doing it. But my yoga exercises? Maybe tomorrow...

  53. Hi Hank!
    I have been know to eat the bottom of the muffin first and save the top for last. lol!
    I wait till the last minute to put dishes away from the dishwasher. I don’t know why I dread putting them away but I do.
    Sherry Brown

  54. I always save the best piece of food for last! Although I have to protect it from my husband who will lean over and grab it-“I thought you didn’t want it” is his excuse!

  55. When we returned from our last vacation, I made a list of all of the items that I needed to address. This is in addition to all of the leftover items on the list from last fall. The ones involving money get done first. I need to do more decluttering and cleaning, but those always slip lower on the list. My number one item on the procrastination list is outside yard work projects. I am now trying to accomplish one outside item every day and to get myself focused, I tell myself to do it first thing in the morning to my shower. It is working so far! Rabbit. Rabbit. Alicia Kullas

    1. Prior to my morning shower! Alicia Kullas

  56. I always procastinate on organization projects. I am so tired from doing regular everyday tasks that sometimes it is hard to motivate myself to doing more. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  57. I procrastinate on changing the sheets on my bed! lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

  58. I am a big procrastinator when it comes to changing the sheets on my bed!!

  59. In order to not procrastinate, i have started making a list of 3 things I want to accomplish each day.
    i try to do them as soon as I can, then I am free to do what I want, and not what i have to do

  60. I don't know what this top or bottom of the muffin is about. I sensibly eat muffins from the side so that the top and bottom are being eaten together equally.
    As for precrastinating vs procrastinating, I used to procrastinate before I had kids. Now I feel more like a procrastinator, but I don't like it and I'm trying to get back to doing the hard things first!
