Thursday, July 11, 2024

Exciting Times Ahead!

 RHYS BOWEN: EXCITING times ahead in the Bowen camp!  This time next month I'll be celebrating the release of my new stand alone novel, THE ROSE ARBOR. Lots of good things are planned for that, including a Friends and Fiction interview and ads on everything from Tiktok to AARP (how's that for covering the bases?)

And...This time next week I’ll be chatting with one of my dearest friends, Louise Penny. Unfortunately the chat won’t be in person but via Zoom and it is a prequel to the mystery writers conference at Book Passage bookstore near my home in Corte Madera, California.

 I haven’t seen Louise in person for a year as she lives in Canada (and sometimes in London).  I hope to see her again in September when we’re both in England, but I’m really looking forward to catching up, albeit from long distance. When Louise and I do these chats we never plan anything in advance. They are completely unscripted and yet we always find lots of interesting things to discuss.

 We have chatted in front of an audience at several mystery conferences, mostly with our own dear Deb Crombie. We were billed as a conversation with three goddesses. We liked that description. Definitely suited us! On the first occasion there were just three arm chairs on the stage and we sat and talked. All sorts of interesting and surprising things came out: that Louise and I had both thought we were royal when we were young. ( Louise thought that her royal family had left her with peasants for her own protection until she was old enough to be claimed. She waited but the royals never came! I pretended that I was queen of my village and would ride around on my bike, greeting my subjects. They must have thought I was quite bonkers, waving graciously as I bicycled past). We learned that Deborah had always had a fascination with Britain growing up and gone there as soon as she could. Again no script. The room was packed with people sitting on the floor. I have to say it was one of my favorite conference moments ever.

Obviously the organizers thought so too as we were asked to repeat it on several occasions. Then I was asked to interview Louise when she was guest of honor at Malice Domestic and I asked her to interview me when I was. It’s always such fun. We laugh a lot. The audience laughs too.

 So I’m really looking forward to next week. It is open to attendees at the mystery conference but other people can sign up to join the Zoom online (I believe there is a fee).  Events page.

 I have been on the faculty of the Book Passage Mystery Conference for many years and I always enjoy it, especially because Hallie is also on the faculty so we get a chance to catch up. It is three days of intense workshops with mystery writers, agents, editors and experts like FBI alum George Fong, a San Francisco judge and a forensic examiner. Participants have a chance to meet one on one with a seasoned writer and get feed back on a manuscript in progress. Hallie gives an all morning intensive, and as you know, she is the best teacher you’ll ever come across.

 Over the years the conference has discovered and nurtured several mystery writers who have gone on to stellar careers: Cara Black, Susan Shea, Tony Broadbent, Tim Maleney… and one of the highlights is a party at agent Kimberley Cameron’s stunning house overlooking the San Francisco Bay.  Here are Hallie and I last year.

 I’ll report back this year and try to remember to take pictures!

 And FYI Book Passage is a unique book store. Anybody who has written a book wants to speak there. Sometimes I find my event is sandwiched between Hillary Clinton and John Grisham. Guess who doesn’t get the biggest crowd? It is always sobering.


  1. That's a lot of amazing things to look forward to, Rhys! It's always good to visit with friends and the conference sounds amazing. Hope you enjoy every minute . . . .

  2. RHYS: I remember seeing you, Louise & DEBS at one of those conferences. It was like we were eavesdropping on a chat between friends. Enjoy your virtual chat with Louise next week.

    The annual Book Passage mystery conference sounds great, and I am glad that former attendees like Cara, Susan and Tim have provided readers like me with plenty of stellar reads.

    1. That was exactly the effect we wanted, Grace. A chat between friends

    2. Thanks Grace. I pinch myself to be on the faculty with Rhys, Cara, Hallie, Tim and a host of writers I have admired and learned from and who have become treasured friends!

  3. It was such a treat to appear with you at Book Passage last fall, Rhys! Have a lovely chat with Louise and fun at the conference.

  4. It sounds like you have some great events scheduled, Rhys. The three Queens with Louise Penny and Debs must have been a blast. I wish you could have come to Crimebake last year when I got to meet the Reds in person. It was my first conference and it was small enough to spend some fun time with all of them, and with Edith and Karen, too. I may go to Left Coast and to Crimebake again. We'll see.

    1. I think I’ll be at Left Coast in Denver next year. Crime Bake is just too far to fly for a weekend!

    2. I just registered for LCC in Denver!

    3. Of course I am going to Denver LCC + adding a side trip to Boulder. Mid-March in CO may be dicey weather-wise. I was there for the 2008 LCC and the weather was spring-like. Other years, it was more wintry than Toronto/Ottawa!

    4. The only predictable thing about Denver weather is that it changes by the hour. One day 70, the next 0.

    5. From Diana: I think I will be at Left Coast in Denver next year.

  5. Enjoy your chat with Louise Penny! Best wishes for a wonderful launch of The Rose Arbor.

  6. Book Passage sounds like a terrific conference, Rhys, and your conversation with Louise Penny on Zoom will be a highlight even for those of us who can't make it to the conference - how wonderful!

    I second your nomination of Hallie as the best teacher ever. I've attended a few of her master classes at Crime Bake over the years and came away with such great insights.

  7. Rhys, congrats on your new book, The Rose Arbor. How exciting. I've never attended a book conference but I am tempted as the Book Passage sounds wonderful!

  8. Rhys, I can just picture you riding around your community, waving as the queen. Such a dear memory.

    I'll add my kudos to you and Hallie as amazing teachers. It isn't your fault I have never finished a novel; you both poured all the best advice into my lazy ears!

    It's a good thing you have a high level of energy, because your upcoming month sounds like a grueling schedule, even though it's sprinkled with delights.

    1. We may keep bugging you, Karen! You were all such good writers at that workshop!

    2. I'm so thrilled for Teresa Michael, who has four published novels, so far!

    3. From Diana: It is never too late, Karen in Ohio. You can publish your novel when you are ready. I have not published my novel yet either. So many things demanding my attention even though I am writing every day. I think it has more to do with being organized.

  9. Hank Phillippi RyanJuly 11, 2024 at 9:00 AM

    I was at that goddesses event! And remember it well.
    And I always thought I was a princess, too, left behind by my royal family. I would tell my mother she’d be sorry when they came to pick me up and take me away..
    And my mother would say: “Kiddo, I’ll help you pack.”

    1. You too? So funny! Maybe that’s why we get along so well. We actually were all never reclaimed by our royal parents!

    2. Hank Phillippi RyanJuly 11, 2024 at 10:21 AM

      Sisters! Xxxx

    3. From Diana: Aren’t all of us princesses? I read somewhere that 90 percent of Europeans are descended from Charlemagne.

      Funny thing is that when I was a child, I thought that princesses existed in fairy tales. I remember my surprise when my Mom told me about Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh and their four children. I remember seeing their pictures in a Reader’s Digest article. I asked my Mom if they were real people. And I got to see the Queen and her lady in waiting being chauffeured away from the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh.

  10. Just a week away! So looking forward to Book Passage's mystery writing conference (you can still register! and getting to hug Rhys and catch up. She's amazing, and even moreso in person. Mystery writers make great friends.

  11. Congratulations, Rhys, looks like a great time.

  12. Hopefully the weather behaves next week, during the conference. Have great time.

  13. I wish I could have been there to hear you three goddesses talk. As a child I knew I wasn't a princess, but reading English children's books made me into such an Anglophile that I decided I'd marry Prince Charles when I grew up. I even wrote him a letter to tell him so.

    1. Whoops. That was Kim Hays. I'm on my phone in the train and forget to give my name!

    2. Kim, did Bonnie Prince Charlie respond to your letter? — Pat S.

  14. It sounds like you have some wonderful times coming up! Enjoy.

  15. Somehow I haven't heard of this conference before, but it sounds fantastic! Thanks for sharing the information about your talk with Louise Penny. I would love to listen in on you two royals!

  16. From Diana: Looks like this is going to be an amazing summer, Rhys!

    Everyone, I highly recommend the Book Passage mystery writing conference. I was there ten years ago and so many wonderful authors were there - Rhys, Jacqueline Winspear, Isabel Allende, Bill P whose wife is Elaine of Book Passage, Cara, George Fong, Priscilla Royal, Laurie K. King (Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes), among many more authors . It was such a long time ago and I am amazed that I remember the names. I also met Amy Rennert who is brilliant. She understood my Deaf accent. And I got to meet Kimberly Cameron. There was an author with an adorable dog, who has passed away since then. I also met Jim Benning. I am beyond grateful that so many wonderful attendees were willing to take notes of the workshops for me since I forgot to ask for Sign Language interpreters.

    While I was at the conference ten years ago, a classmate said she had been to many writing conferences and this conference was the BEST conference that she ever had been to!

    My favorite moments were having the opportunity to chat with my favorite authors and having dinner with Isabel Allende one night. Each table had different authors. My table had Isabel Allende and now her former husband who was an author. Isabel seemed to understand my Deaf accent. We communicated very well. I could lip read her easily.

    Several of my BPMWC classmates are now published - Susan Basham and Britta Stromeyer Esmail.

    And I signed up for the Virtual Zoom with Rhys and Louise! Look forward to the 18th of July at 10am. Hope the course will have captions. In the last few years Book Passage has been great about having captions for their Zoom book events.

  17. Rhys, our goddess events were such fun!! And I am so envious of your chat with Louise, even though it's virtual. When Louise was on tour for her last book I interviewed her for the Dallas Museum of Art Arts and Letters series, which was lovely, but we didn't have a chance for a good one on one visit. Pre-pandemic, Louise and I had a lovely meet up in London. We had tea at Le Pain Quotidien at Notting Hill Gate, then walked across Hyde Park together brainstorming our books. Wonderful memory!

    I'm envious about Book Passage, too! It's such a wonderful conference. I first met Hallie there!! And my dear friend David Corbett! It's not only a great learning opportunity but a chance to make life-long friends.

  18. I love the pics of you and Louise and Debs and Hallie - you're all looking so relaxed and happy. Good friends + books + California makes for a magical combination. Looking forward to pictures from this year's event!

  19. Rhys, hearing you talk with Louise is looking forward to a relaxed conversation that doesn't miss a beat. Your friendship and writing and interesting lives provides such a wealth of material to share with those listening in. And, I would love to sit in on Hallie's writing courses, even though I have no story to work on, or maybe we all have a story to work on. Listening to Debs and Caroline Todd and Charles Todd have a conversation along with tea and treats was wonderful, too. Was that New Orleans? Of course, I can't imagine Julia and Hank and Lucy and Jenn ever running out of fascinating conversation. The Reds bring out the best in whoever they talk to. And, I sure would like to see Book Passages one of these days.

  20. Dorothy from WinnipegJuly 11, 2024 at 11:02 PM

    Rhys, have an awesome time with Louise ❤️📚
