Wednesday, August 7, 2024

A Poisonous Palate is launched! @LucyBurdette

LUCY BURDETTE: I came across this post from 2022 when I was beginning to write A Poisonous Palate. Today, hurray, we’re celebrating launch day! (That’s a long haul from idea to finished product when you think about it.) 

For me, every idea for a new book arrives a little differently—it could be a new character, or an event in Key West, or a crime I spot in one of the Key West newspapers. This one was a gift from a reader. On August 23, 2022, a fan wrote to tell me about her experience camping in the Keys in 1978. For three months, Kathryn and her friend Denise camped communally near the mangroves on Big Pine Key. She ended her email with this:

Eventually the Monroe County Sheriff showed up one night and informed us that we had 48 hours to leave or be arrested.  That started a gypsy caravan to various locations like No Name Key and camping for a while in a cemetery.  We eventually disbanded and ended up staying at the Bahia Honda State Park, where I was offered a job.  We were also offered a job house sitting.  The locals called us Gypsy Trash which we loved.  

Denise in red, Kathryn in denim

It was an unforgettable experience.  We never discovered any dead bodies.  It was a strange time where we were taking chances on strangers that seems reckless now, but we only encountered good people.  We ended up going back to Michigan but wonder what if we had stayed there?

Can’t you imagine how my writer’s brain was racing? What if the friend she came south with disappeared, and never resurfaced? What if this character returned to the Keys in the present day to ask Hayley Snow to help her figure out what happened? I had to tell this story. I had a long chat with the real Kathryn to hear more details, and obtained her permission to use this idea as my starting point. Of course, my story is not her story. Of course, there are dead bodies. And of course, I took the Monroe County Sheriff’s Police Academy over the next six months and corrected my limited knowledge about the MCSO procedures.

I loved writing this book and hope you will enjoy reading it. The photos are from the 1970’s, with Kathryn, Denise and other campers. This is exactly how I imagined it would be.

Lucy with friend Carolyn 1978

If you don’t believe in coincidences, take a look at this photo of me and a friend Carolyn in 1978. We were operating in a parallel universe along with Kathryn and Denise, only in Tennessee. I'm so grateful that Kathryn wrote, directing me to this new book. Can you think of an eerie coincidence in your life that sparked a new path?

I hope you’ll enjoy the story in A Poisonous Palate, which is available now in hardcover, ebook, and audio!


  1. Congrats on the new release! That is definitely an intriguing premise. I always enjoy seeing where ideas come from.

  2. Congratulations on your newest book, Lucy . . . the story that sparked the story is simply amazing . . . .

  3. LUCY: Happy book launch for A POISONOUS PALATE!
    Thanks for sharing the email story from Kathryn.
    Glad that you were able to morph her innocent time in the Keys into your new story (with bodies).

  4. Poisonous Palate sounds like a winner! Thanks for sharing the origin story.

  5. Congratulations on the book! My copy is in at my local indy bookstore. I love that story from an era when many of us took risks (sometimes while wearing overalls...) and can't wait to see how you spin the fictional version.

    A story about a massive fire in my town in the past sparked my entire Quaker Midwife series. Not an eerie coincidence, but definitely something that set my imagination afire.

    1. thanks Edith. It feels like such a gift when a story idea presents itself, doesn't it?

  6. That is a wonderful origin story! It is fun to see where ideas come from for your fun and fabulous series!
    I'll pick up my book at RJ Julia tomorrow evening!

    1. Post a picture of you and Judy in the Facebook group, please!

  7. Congratulations Lucy! Interesting to know the origin of the story.
    Dianne Mahoney

  8. Yay! Lucy, congratulations on this new Key West adventure. Waiting by my mailbox. Thank you. Elisabeth

  9. My book is here, my review is up. Splendid read, Lucy/Roberta long live the folk on Key West. Now for a funny I can only tell here. When I received the email advising me I won your give away, 'someone' gave the title as "The Poisonous Pirate" erm I replied? arrrgh autocorret!!! which of course can segue to your next Key West adventure.. avast me hearty? Thanks again for giving us so much enjoyment over the years.

  10. Congratulations! I love the idea--and the photos. I had overalls like that in the '70s that I loved!

    1. I wore mine EVERYWHERE! I should have kept them:)

    2. I didn't have the bib overalls but bought the Osh Kosh with grey and white stripes for my toddler daughter. She was the hippest 2 year old!

    3. Lucy, I'm sure you could still wear them, too!

  11. Congratulations! I just bought the book yesterday and started reading, but my 10 yr old granddaughter spent the afternoon and evening with us (which we love) so I'll have to pick up the book again later this morning. Can't wait to continue reading. So far it's great.

  12. What a great back story! Gypsy Trash! I love it... This story is such a testament to how things have changed. Can't wait to read the new Key West Food Mystery and add it to my shelf of books in the series. Congratulations, Lucy.

    1. Have things really changed that much? I think it is more how our perceptions are influenced by media exaggerations.

  13. What a great starting point, Lucy. Glad you got to use it!

  14. Congratulations on your new book Lucy !
    I’m looking forward to read what you concocted with this idea.

  15. Oh, I love this. Thank you so much for the memories. The photos are great.

    Life was different in the Keys back then. All things were possible. I attended University of Miami from 1970-1974. My college roommate and I would leave our dorm at 11PM and drive to Key West. Once we arrived, we'd sleep in the car behind various hotels and restaurants, then get up with the sun and wander the island. Never once did anyone hassle or accost us. The police never moved us along. The hotels and restaurants never complained - in fact the Ihop on the Key West side of the bridge from Stock Island gave us coffee and breakfast. I'm looking forward to reading A Poisonous Palate.

    1. Those are great memories Kait! You were lucky to be there during those days.

  16. Congratulations, Lucy, and I love learning the story that sparked the book! Know the inspiration behind it makes me even more interested to read it.

  17. WOW--this is a chillingly amazing story. And yes, I can just imagine your writer brain buzzing along--that's the BEST, isn't it? And whoo hoo, I will see you in person August 21 at An Unlikely Story in Plainville MA with Sarah Stewart Taylor! I hear rumors that Hallie may be there, too---how about YOU Reds and Readers? Anyone joining us for the celebration? YAAAY Lucy!

  18. Wow, what a great backstory for A Poisonous Palate! And how clever of you, Lucy, to weave it into a Key West tale. It will be even more fun to read it, knowing Kathryn's story!

    The photos are giving me flashbacks, too. In 1974 my boyfriend and his pals, a married couple, got the idea for us to drive to Florida. We camped most of the way, but stayed in old style motels (one story concrete block, linoleum floors, fewer than ten units) when we got to the Keys. We only got as far as Duck Key, if I remember correctly. We were all wearing bell bottoms or overalls, if we weren't wearing shorts. I can easily see how Kathryn and her friend could hang out back then. It was a very laidback era.

    I still have two pair of overalls that I wear for gardening sometimes (if Steve isn't around; he makes fun of them). They aren't denim, though. Duluth Trading makes these, with a jillion pockets. One pair is purple!

    1. Wonderful stories Karen! Those were the days... I may have to get me some overalls:)

  19. What a brilliant spark for a story, Lucy. I love crime that take us back to the past. Happy book birthday!

  20. As a honeymoon in 1976, we traveled the coast from VA to TX, spending weeks in the Keys. We had a VW bus and stayed in campgrounds (with our cat). Wonderful time. No eerie coincidences - just a lifelong love of key lime pie!

    1. Love that! In 1975, my dad helped me drive from California to NJ with a cat. We often camped and would let Joseph out at night. He'd come back to the tent the next morning and sleep all day in the car. I would never do that these days!

  21. Congrats! I'm picking up my copy today. Loved the pictures from the 70s; I have a lot in albums that look very similar.

  22. Congratulations, Lucy! Happy book birthday! Borrowing the Poisonous Palate from the library.

  23. Congratulations on the new book! I look forward to reading it!
    I don’t have any personal stories like Kathryn’s. However, one of my sisters and her then boyfriend/now husband camped and hitchhiked and took public transportation throughout Central America in the summer of 1975. Their misadventures included accidentally spending the night in a brothel! They were just looking for a cheap place with a bathroom because they were both violently ill from something they bought at a food truck!
    They are now grandparents and retired teachers.

  24. Congratulations, Lucy!! I love this backstory and I love the photos! Look at you in your overalls! That is just the cutest thing I've ever seen. I've got my copy of A Poisonous Palate and I can't wait to read it!

  25. Somehow the overalls/shortalls fad missed me. I've read A Poisonous Palate and thought it is one of your best Hayley stories!

  26. Congratulations, Lucy!!! I love the nostaliga of this mystery and I can't wait to dive and find out what happened!!!

  27. Such a great basis for a story- and you expanded it beautifully!

  28. That story was tailor-made for you and Hayley, Lucy! Just what I need to read, right after I finish The Rose Arbor.

    No eerie coincidences, but a letter that arrived 40 years after the death of an aunt who died during WWII. As soon as her character has a name, I'll be writing that story into fiction.

    1. Flora, commenting above.

    2. Wow, that's an amazing story. So glad you'll write about her!

  29. Congratulations on your new book publication! Look forward to reading this new one.
    And enjoyed reading the wonderful backstory! (Heather S)

  30. Congratulations, Lucy, on another book in this fantastic series! I love books set in the 60s because I was truly young and coming of age then. In 1968, I would have started high school that fall and really started to feel like I was almost grown up. I wasn't, of course. I had lots ahead of me to become that.

  31. My copy of your new book is on order! See you soon in Plainville, MA! My career in marketing was intensive. Yet, when I retired, I found myself engaged in marketing all over again but for a number of non-profit organizations and then political campaigns. The fun part now is no deadlines! Right now, I am focused on identifying and researching issues for my husband local cable TV show that runs every other week where I am also the director! I also edit my husband's newsletter for his International Jeepster Club, contribute a recipe monthly, and have run 6 international meets including locations in MA, NY, PA and TN as well as attending 20 meets. Life is busier than ever!

    1. wow, you are busy! Make sure you introduce yourself in Plainville.

  32. I think there can be no better kernel for a story than one that comes from a fan. Congratulations on the launch of A POISONOUS PALATE!
