Friday, August 30, 2024

Nashville Cats?


I am in Nashville! If all went as planned. And at first I thought: I can’t remember if I’ve ever been here before. Which is super scary, because, of course I have, I was guest of honor at Killer Nashville, a couple of years ago, but I could have been anywhere, you know? Since I don’t think I ever left the hotel.

(Although I could NOT have been “anywhere.” Because I was guest of honor, I was given an actual real guitar as a gift.)

Charlie Donlea was my co-guest of honor, and here we are, baffled.

I do not know how to play the guitar, but someday, maybe, if I ever decide to learn, then I will have one. All good.

Oh, and looking at my photos, sigh, I realize I was there in 2014, too. Teaching at a Sisters in Crime event, which was fantastic. This photo makes me a little teary. I do miss Laura DiSIlverio. And we HOWLED over this photo. Have you ever seen any clashier group of prints?

And so coincidental that Catriona was here on JRW yesterday!

So, Nashville. And it’s Bouchercon, the world mystery convention. (With maybe 1500 people, for better or worse.)   I will see Lucy! And lots of other friends, and… I hope to see you. Will you be there? What’s YOUR schedule?

Here’s mIne, NOT including things like the Anthoys, or opening ceremonies, or a whole list of parties! And big big meetings. BIG.


4-4:50 PM: Panel “Behind Closed Doors”

Hank moderates, with Carter Wilson, Joshua Moehling, J.T. Ellison, Laura Benedict and David Bell

9-10:00 PM: Special Minotaur Event!


10:30 AM Forge Booksigning and Giveaway!

1-1:50 PM: Panelist “Kickass Women”

Hank with Kate White, Charlaine Harris, Tracy Clark, Kelli Stanley and Laura Benedict

9-9:30 PM: Bouchercon Auction

Hank is auctioneer!

And SO much more–but I cannot list it all.  (I probably won't get another guitar….)

But let’s just say …IF I ventured out of the hotel. Let’s just say. Where should I go, what should I do? 

Who has some Nashville recommendations?

(And you remember that sone Nashville Cats, right?)


  1. Your schedule sounds daunting, Hank . . . . never having been in Nashville, I have no clue about what might be there [except that I know that Nashville is the home of the Grand Ole Opry] . . . .

  2. Have a fabulous time. Wish I could be there.

  3. Have a wonderful time. It sounds like such a great convention, although your schedule sounds daunting! No suggestions here, either, but like Joan says, Nashville is the home of Grand Ole Opry, so after writing hours, you'll probably have access to lots of country and blue grass music in various locations.

  4. I know you made it, because I saw a picture of you with other SINC presidents! I wish I had decided to go, mainly to visit the Grand Ole Opry in honor of my dad, who loved "hillbilly" music before it was popular, when the Carter family played there.

    Have fun! You are always a persuasive auctioneer...

    1. If anyone wants to hear a beautiful song from Iris Dement that mentions the Grand Ole Opry, here it is:

  5. My main takeaway from all this is a question:
    Is it possible that Catriona McPherson is taller than Hank Phillippi Ryan??

  6. Since Bouchercon is at the Gaylord Opryland, it's hard to randomly find/see people.

    Like others, I do recommend seeing a live show at the Grand Ole Opry since it's just 5 minutes away. I went Wednesday night with Dru Ann, Kristopher & others. It was great. I also did a self guided tour of the Ryman Auditorium & wandered down Honky Tonk Central where all the bars & live music is happening but that's downtown (30 minute drive from where we are).

    1. P.S. It's been nice spending time with regular JRW commenters Pat S & Kim Hays.

    2. Have a great time, Grace! Meeting with Dru and With Kim and Pat S. would make the trip totally worthwhile!

    3. Aww thanks to both of you, Grace and Judy! It has been fun seeing so many people, famous or otherwise.

    4. Oops, this is Pat S!

    5. Yes to the Grand Ole Opry. I went Tuesday night. I also went to the Willie Nelson and Friends Museum just north of the resort. It was fantastic! So much memorabilia, well displayed, and I had the whole place to myself Wednesday morning.

      And this resort is HUGE! I don’t know that I’ll be able to escape its gravitational pull now that I am here. Still on the lookout for GRACE, but have seen HANK and KIM.

    6. GRACE: Looks like you are having a wonderful time at Bouchercon! So many wonderful photos on social media. Sadly, I had to cancel Bouchercon this year. Enjoy and stay healthy!

  7. Cheekwood Botanical Gardens. Pure bliss!

  8. Hank, I think that an enormous convention like Bouchercon will always be fun for you, whether you go sightseeing or not, because you know hundreds of people, especially fellow authors. I think that I would be overwhelmed. I loved Crime Bake ( it would have been even better if Celia and Hallie had made it and if Karen hadn't gotten sick.) It was the perfect size for me to get to know the Reds a bit better and to meet authors whose works I've already read and many I want to read. Edith made sure I never was left out of a conversation and had a seat at every meal. ❤️

    When I know how many Reds intend to be there this year, I may go again. Also, I am seriously considering Left Coast Crime and if some of my fellow commenters are headed there, I might be okay at a gig that size. Bouchercon, no. Nashville would be fun for a vacation.

    1. I will be at LCC, Judy! I'm glad I was able to help make you feel comfortable at Crime Bake.

    2. And Grace will be the Fan GOH at LCC!

    3. What??! Grace, you didn’t mention that at dinner! Where’s LCC being held?

    4. Denver sounds doable, it would be a blast to see you all. And the hilarious John Copenhaver is Toastmaster! Sara Paretsky, Guest of Honor, and Grace! The cherry on top.

    5. OMG. I'll register today! I think I'll go a couple of days early.
      Now I am excited!

    6. Back from Bouchercon panels and am seeing these comments about Denver LCC. Yes, I was gobsmacked about being chosen as fan GOH in 2025. Being at the Opening Ceremonies & closing panel with Sara & John is mind-blowing.

      LCC is limited to 500 attendees so it's a more intimate conference than Bouchercon. It would be lovely to see EDITH, JUDY and other JRW commenters in person there.

  9. Sounds really fun! You have a busy to-do list. I haven't been to Nashville, but I would go listen to music of course...and I might go visit a program I deeply admire, Thistle Farms. They work with women who have been trafficked to completely heal. Part of the program is a business that sells candles, oils etc. They are based in Nashville and have a storefront there.

    And you are so right about those prints :)

  10. I am here in Nashville. I had dinner Tuesday night with Grace Koshida and Kim Hays in downtown Nashville and then we checked out the sights on Broadway. The place was hopping, even on a Tuesday night.

    Now we’re out at the Bouchercon convention venue, the Gaylord Hotel, which is an event unto itself. Botanical Gardens, waterfalls in the center, wrought iron balconies. Saw a number of fun and interesting panels and have been able to walk up and tell some of my favorite authors that I love their books!

    Hank, I did see you yesterday, but you were in the middle of a conversation and I didn’t want to interrupt. Hope to see you today! And Lucy, I will look for you at your panel today. :-) (Kathy Boone Reel, I am so sorry to have missed meeting you. I’m so happy you came.)

    Okay, have to get ready for another fun day! Have a good day, Reds and Readers! — Pat S

  11. Tour the Ryman theater; it’s the original Grand Ol Opry. Go to a show at the Grand Ol Opry. Just bar hop—-there are so many very talented musicians playing for tips. Make sure you have cash when they pass the bucket.

  12. HANK: So glad you could make it to Bouchercon. Sadly, I had to cancel Bouchercon this year. Donkey years ago, I visited Nashville for work several times.

    Loved Fido's Coffeehouse on Hillsboro avenue. At that time, it was the only NON-SMOKING place where I could eat and taste the food! IF I made it to Bouchercon this year, then I would have loved to visit the independent bookshop owned by the author Ann Patchett, who is a family favorite. Many relatives love her books. I think the bookstore is called Parnassus ?

    Hope that you and everyone there enjoy Bouchercon and stay healthy (no catching Covid!)

    Living vicariously through you and everyone taking photos at Bouchercon!

  13. My eyes may have bled a little bit with the photo of all those prints. LOL

    So wish I could have gone to Nashville, durn it. Just too much going on here this summer. Y'all have fun! And I agree with Brenda, the Ryman is awesome! And purported to be haunted.

    The first time I was ever in the Gaylord Opryland was in 1991. My oldest daughter was at Cumberland University, down the road from Nashville, and she wanted me and her two little sisters (then 6 and 3) to see the Christmas decorations at the hotel, so we took a side trip. A pretty amazing place.

    It's hard to believe the entire lower level of the resort was under about 6' of water several years ago!

    1. In 2010, when they had 13 inches of rain in less than 24 hours. Parts of Nashville that had never been flooded before were inundated. A friend's home was surrounded as if they were on an island, and another friend's home had so much water pouring down from the street above that it caved in a corner of their house where the foundation was undermined. It was epic.

  14. I read and enjoy Jungle Red every day, but most days I feel like if I comment it’s just to hear myself say something, that I really have nothing to contribute.

    But today, even though I’ve never been to Nashville or to Bouchercon, I do think I have something to contribute. For over 20 years, I regularly attended the annual seminar of the American Needlepoint Guild, some years also going to the Embroiderer’s Guild of America’s seminar as well. These events are similar to Bouchercon in that there were 600 to 900 attendees, held in a large conference hotel, and a lot of fun.

    I think the best thing is to embrace the event, even if it means never leaving the hotel. The local organizing committee has spent untold hours planning all the details and most are very worthwhile, not to mention fun. Plus you get to visit with what I call once-a-year friends. Again more fun.

    If you want to see the greater environment, add a day or three before or after the event. Your transportation has been paid, you’re there (so no more airport drama), you can likely get the conference rate at the hotel or move to one that’s more budget-friendly. I did this regularly and got to see many places I never would have gone to otherwise.

    Enjoy Bouchercon. Enjoy Nashville. But doing them in sequence, not simultaneously.

    1. Having gone to hundreds of conferences over the last 35 years, I agree, Pat. This is excellent guidance.

    2. Agreed! Just talked to another attendee about how wiped we are at the end of the day.

  15. Hank, you are a whirlwind!! I am missing seeing you and Lucy, and so many other friends! Next year I hope we can get all the Reds together! We haven't managed since Dallas in 2019!

  16. Hi Hank, sounds like fun. As a mystery reader I may attend Bouchercon one of these years! How many (and who) of the Jungle Reds are going to be at Nashville this year?

  17. And you should pop into Parnassus Books owned by Ann Patchett.

  18. Nashville Cats? Yes! I've been to Nashville once, with family and inlaws. My m-i-l was scouting places to plan a tour around. We went to a show at the Grand Ol' Opry one night. I hope everyone is enjoying BoucherCon. I've been once, the 2019 one in Dallas. I honestly found it overwhelming though I did manage to meet a few Reds and authors. I need a smaller event! Or a RedsCon.

    1. A "Reds-Con" I like that idea!! Reds?

  19. Have an absolute blast, Hank. Hub played in Nashville about a decade ago and we had the BEST time!

  20. Hank Phillippi RyanAugust 30, 2024 at 7:05 PM

    Oh, it has been so great to see so many people! And more to come! Yes, so agree, this hotel is… A massive biodome , like another world. Truly. What an experience… And what a treat! I am loving this!
