Tuesday, August 13, 2024

WHAT WE'RE WRITING: Hank is on the road again!

HANK PHILLIPPI RYAN: I'm singing The Beatles Paperback Writer over and over, followed by The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour! And here’s why.

(Keep reading, because there is a quiz!)


I'm so thrilled that the trade paperback of ONE WRONG WORD is out, it is perfect timing for summer, so….. I have been on the road the past week on a tiny mini tour to let help spread the word!


And Reds and Readers, it has been hilarious. First, our refrigerator broke the day before we left, so that was a semi-emergency. How does the house always know when you are leaving?

Then something happened with our car, so we got a rental car. It is a massive massive SUV type thing, so big that even the license plate says XLG. But so new and so fun and so full of gizmos. So we packed up “the extra-large,” which is what we call it, and headed off on tour. Night one, overnight at home, but in Wellesley at Wellesley books, Night number two, at the adorable Beacon Hill Books. Such a pretty place! And such a great time.

Then we drove two and a half hours to Cape Cod, stashed our stuff at a gorgeous hotel in Harwichport, then went to Sandwich to the legendary Titcomb's Bookshop. What a fabulous event, and it is always so fun to see their mascot on route 6, (is it 6A? no idea…) With my name on the billboard. Such a rite of passage.

Then back to Harwichport, and the next day a gorgeous marvelous event-- a luncheon for almost 150 people sponsored by the fabulous Where The Sidewalk Ends bookstore. I appeared with J.Courtney Sullivan and Nell Freudenberger, and it was epic! These are the daughters of one of the attendees, one of whose birthday was the day of the event. So a happy day all around.

Then off to the Barnes and Noble in Hyannis for a signing... Let me tell you it is a completely gorgeous store, and so well run! We had fun.

Friday! Up at the absolute crack of dawn, terrified about Hurricane Debbie interrupting our plans—so many ferries were canceled!-- but we got a ferry to Nantucket to have a signing at the iconic and amazing Mitchell's Books, where the legendary Tim Ehrenberg (of Tim Talks Books fame) greeted me and we sold piles of books! Then we took an early evening ferry back to Harwichport, went out to dinner and collapsed.


Saturday! Packed up the car, drove to Hyannis, and hopped on the ferry for Martha's Vineyard! And had a glorious event with Edgartown books and the Carnegie Heritage Center in Edgartown. Then not-quite-the-last ferry back to Hyannis,

then we drove to Wareham, stayed overnight, and the next day drove to Hingham to appear at the wonderful Barnes & Noble in Hingham.

I am zonked! But I am floating with happiness and it was absolutely a joy to see everyone. And LOVE the bookfaces!  Here are just a few.

(Knowing, all the while, the second edits for my new book were waiting for me on my computer at home. I took my laptop, but I knew it was futile.)

But breaking breaking news, tonight I will be with our own darling Lucy Burdette and the wonderful Sarah Stewart Taylor at the magical An Unlikely Story bookstore.
And rumor has it that Hallie will be there too! Woohoo. Come join us! Starting at 6:30.

And here is the promised quiz.
Let me ask you, Reds and Readers, a couple of things. And you can copy and paste the questions and add your answers.




How often do you go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person?


Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read?


When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book?


Do you like it when authors read from their books?  (People often ask me to do this, but I just don't think it's a good idea. And I wonder what you think.)


How do you hear about most of the events you attend?


When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it?


Are you attending events online? More fewer or the same than during the height of covid?


Cannot wait to hear your answers! 



PS: And Wednesday I will be at the gorgeous Ocean House in Watch Hill Rhode Island to appear in the Author Series with Bank Hill Books—with Deborah Goodrich Royce and Carola Lovering! It is going to be amazing. Join us!


  1. Wow! I’m tired out just reading your schedule, Hank!

    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book?
    Always . . . .

    Do you like it when authors read from their books? (People often ask me to do this, but I just don't think it's a good idea. And I wonder what you think.)
    No preference on this . . . .

    How do you hear about most of the events you attend?
    Generally I hear about events I’d like to attend from one of the Reds or from an author’s newsletters . . .

    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it?
    I really like . . . and ALWAYS keep . . . bookmark . . . .

    Are you attending events online? More fewer or the same than during the height of covid?
    Yes, because most events are far away from me . . .
    Probably about the same . . . .

    1. This is such great information ———Thank you so much! Xxx I always keep bookmarks too.

  2. I haven't attended online events for a while. I haven't heard about them. I hear from authors. Not usually bookstores any more. I keep and use author bookmarks. I've got quite a collection I rotate through.

  3. Ottawa still does not have many in-person author events. I went to 2 this year at downtown indie bookstore, Perfect Books. And I do not always know the authors.
    Yes, I buy books when I attend.
    The authors usually read a scene from their books.
    Learn about in-person event via Facebook or author newsletters.
    Yes, I collect/keep bookmarks.
    And I am attending plenty of online events since most authors I read are in the US.

  4. How often do you go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person?
    - Most of the time

    Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read?
    - Sometimes

    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book?
    - All the time

    Do you like it when authors read from their books? (People often ask me to do this, but I just don't think it's a good idea. And I wonder what you think.)
    - It depends - if it is snippets yes, but I rather hear their thoughts on the ins and outs of the book.

    How do you hear about most of the events you attend?
    - social media, newsletters

    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it?
    - Yes and yes.

    Are you attending events online? More fewer or the same than during the height of covid?
    I try to.

    1. You are the BEST supporter and an absolute dream...xoxoo

  5. How often do you go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person? Less often than I used to, mostly because I don't like to drive at night anymore.

    Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read? Yes.

    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book? Most of the time.

    Do you like it when authors read from their books? (People often ask me to do this, but I just don't think it's a good idea. And I wonder what you think.) I'd rather hear them talk.

    How do you hear about most of the events you attend? Online, through author newsletters, and here!

    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it? I don't care and rarely keep them, but I hand them out like candy. Go figure.

    Are you attending events online? More fewer or the same than during the height of covid? Fewer than during Covid, but occasionally.

    1. Also, the tour sounded wonderful. So sorry about the fridge and the car! Did you scurry to replace the fridge?

    2. Yes, luckily we have a second floor fridge, so I moved everything , and then we got a new one. Which I..hate. But we shall see!

    3. Edith, re: bookmarks. Is it the difference between being the marketerER Or the marketED TO? Elisabeth

  6. FROM JAY:

    Saying Hank is on the road again is like saying water is wet...when aren't you on the road? LOL!

    You stayed overnight in Wareham...darn the luck, you were in my town!

    Sadly, I wasn't able to make any of the events you did on the Cape. Worse yet is that I had hoped to go to the event at An Unlikely Story tonight but can't make that either now. ARGGGHHH!

    As for your quiz:

    How often do you go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person?


    Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read?


    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book?


    Do you like it when authors read from their books? (People often ask me to do this, but I just don't think it's a good idea. And I wonder what you think.)


    How do you hear about most of the events you attend?


    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it?


    Are you attending events online? More fewer or the same than during the height of covid?


    1. I love hearing from an author whose books I have never read..and I agree, I would never not buy a book.

  7. Wow! I am exhausted just reading about what all you did and where all you went! I would be thrilled just for a ride on any of those ferries.

    To answer a few of your questions - I love author bookmarks and keep them and use them!
    I've been to a few author events, which I really like, and yes I would go to one if I hadn't read their books but would like to. Of course I would buy a book! I'd rather not hear the author read some of the book. They might do a wonderful job writing the story but being able to do a good job reading to an audience is a whole 'nother thing.

    1. Yes, reading is a whole different skill, I agree! And if you don't make it fascinating and irresistible, you could lose readers instead of gaining them.

  8. Hank, I support local Cincinnati authors, attend their signings and Books on the Banks, etc. My question for you: where did you park the beast for your ferry rides? Some secret lot only authors know about?

  9. How often do you go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person?
    Not nearly often enough! I’ll be at An Unlikely Story tonight!

    Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read?
    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book?

    Do you like it when authors read from their books? (People often ask me to do this, but I just don't think it's a good idea. And I wonder what you think.)
    A paragraph at most.

    How do you hear about most of the events you attend?
    From independent bookstore newsletters to which I’ve subscribed, from the bookstore Facebook pages mostly

    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it?
    I love author bookmarks, and of course, I keep them!

    Are you attending events online? More fewer or the same than during the height of covid?
    Not as many online as during Covid.

    1. Suzette, hurray! We cannot wait to see you. Let's make sure we get a photo!

    2. So incredibly wonderful to see you tonight! And thank you for your fantastic questions and comments… Love love love!

  10. How often do you go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person? Once or twice a year, but I mostly have to travel to get to one.

    Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read? Yes at the Savannah Book Festival

    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book? Almost always.

    Do you like it when authors read from their books? (People often ask me to do this, but I just don't think it's a good idea. And I wonder what you think.) A short passage is okay

    How do you hear about most of the events you attend? From the authors on Facebook or Instagram.

    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it? I will use when reading the book then pass it along with the book or discard it. I just can’t keep all that stuff any more.

    Are you attending events online? More fewer or the same than during the height of covid? Yes, but fewer than during Covid.

    1. Yes, I wonder about online attendance these days, now that everyone is not always trapped...

    2. Want to respond as a reader who is more often trapped at home (failing eyesight, remotish location, difficulties with travel) than not: those online events are precious! Elisabeth

    3. Oh, that is so enlightening to hear! Thank you! And we will keep doing them. Thank you! Xx

  11. Sometimes I have been to events where I have already read the book the author is promoting, then I try to get something from their backlist instead

  12. Sounds like your tour was fabulous, despite the hiccups at the beginning.

    How often do you go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person?
    Once or twice a year

    Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read?
    Yes! I went to a lecture by historian Doris Kearns Goodwin years ago and was so enchanted that I bought her memoir, Wait Til Next Season.

    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book? Sometimes--- I bought Demon Copperhead to read before Barbara Kingsolver's appearance in Portland, only to find out that our tickets included a copy of the book (I gave it to a friend).

    Do you like it when authors read from their books? (People often ask me to do this, but I just don't think it's a good idea. And I wonder what you think.) I do very much like it

    How do you hear about most of the events you attend? Mostly by email from bookstores or word-of-mouth

    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it? I always keep it for awhile. I have a quote on my fridge cut out from the handout at a Kingsolver event from many years ago.

    Are you attending events online? More fewer or the same than during the height of covid? I attended a few on line, and continue to do on-line events on occasion. During the height of covid, my Spanish teacher (in Cuernavaca), fellow student (in Eugene) and I attended an on-line interview and reading by Isabel Allende (in California) which included a copy of her book Violeta (mailed after the reading). We then read the book for class over the course of the next few months. She was amazing.

  13. Hank, I love seeing your schedule and so wish it was an easier drive to see you and Lucy tonight! Is Jonathan with you on this tour? That must be fun because you are traveling to some exquisite spots! I love to take ferries and have done so many times. Irwin and I also have a GIANT SUV story of our own. We looked like the FBI arriving at our little B & B in Montana. Good times!

    How often do you go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person?
    I probably only go to a couple of live author events each year. They do have them at our library on occasion but I never think to look for the schedule in time to prepare.

    Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read?
    Possibly, but I cannot recall doing so except at Crime Bake or online.

    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book?
    Almost every time., but sometimes, I already have the book.

    Do you like it when authors read from their books? (People often ask me to do this, but I just don't think it's a good idea. And I wonder what you think.)
    It isn't necessary for the author to read from his/her book. I do prefer to talk about the book rather than hear it read, but a snippet would be okay.

    How do you hear about most of the events you attend?
    Author newsletters, JRW Blog, FCF, Facebook posts

    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it?
    I keep them, but if I pass the book along to one of my friends, I usually pass along the bookmark as well. (Irwin is positively hysterical over my growing bookcase, so I cannot keep every book I buy. Passing them along is good in many ways, even if they are signed to me.)

    Are you attending events online? More fewer or the same than during the height of covid?
    I am attending online events about the same as I did during Covid. I have to post more reminders around the house these days, or I forget to tune in.

    1. Yes, I have to remind myself, too! ANd yes, the problem of the growing book collection--it's a good problem, though! And yes, JOnathan is with me--chauffeur, roadie, manager and partner! ANd he told me he has new understanding and appreciation of the rigors of book tour!

    2. It’s always good when a partner can see what you do as part of your job. It builds empathy and strengthens the relationship. Said Pat S, who is not a therapist!

    3. OH, so interesting..yes, it was quite the moment. It was fascinating how he seemed to realize all that went into it--including the time pressure, and the constant uncertainty, and the instant adrenaline. And the joy.

  14. How often do you go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person?
    Very rarely as our library is too small to hold them (holding capacity about 20). There is one local author who comes there, but I really dislike her books so do not attend. I did attend a Louise Penny event in Halifax, and we took a book for her to sign. We then donated it to our library as part of their permanent collection.

    Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read?
    Yes. There was pre-covid a ‘One-Book Nova Scotia’ event, where a book was chosen by some group of ‘experts’, and it was suggested that many people read it across the province – it was organized by the library system. The libraries had multiple copies of the book to borrow. They often brought in the author to various libraries to discuss their book as a promo, so most people would not have already read it. Most authors were local (as in Nova scotia) and/or just starting out. About 4 weeks after the promotion, there was a ‘book club-type’ evening to discuss the book.

    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book?
    Never – it is available from the library.

    Do you like it when authors read from their books?
    Some yes and some no. One author read a section from the middle of her book, and it just pulled me in. Another droned on in a monotone, starting at the beginning, and I later discovered the book itself was just as boring as him reading it. I think the reader needs to be excited about what they wrote, and not tired of reading the same passage again and again. Some authors are good readers and some are not.
    For those who replied that they like it when they just talk, I will say that I am really not interested in if they drink coffee or tea while writing or who is their muse. I realize that it is important to not have a spoiler event, and authors who write series books may have a hard time not answering a question about what happened in book 1 that affects what happens in book 9, as it may spoil the Book 1 reading for someone else. For that reason, I really don’t know what the author should talk about. Maybe exciting things or things that made them reflect or think that they discovered while doing their research and background information. A bit of a conundrum.

    How do you hear about most of the events you attend?
    Library chit chat, and once we attended one, we watched for them every year. It also meant that we joined many libraries all together for the wrap-up discussion so we learned about the book, and also how other libraries did their book clubs – so different!

    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it?
    I probably would and add it to the book mark pile. I need them for the ‘reading room’ library – yes just where you think!

    Are you attending events online?
    Never been to one. I think I feel that there are too many people there – even from the comfort of my dining room.

    1. I adore the ONe Book events--it is such a marvelous community creator!

  15. Now I have a question for you. What percentage of the people who attend these events will probably buy the book, and are you offended if they don't buy, but possibly bring the book which they bought previously?

    1. Oh, good question. I think the industry standard expects about 25 percent of people to buy--which I think is shocking and terrifying. (do you?) If I get 60-70 percent, I am happy. Obviously, some people come in pairs, or families, so 2 people equals one sale. Sometimes I see my amazon numbers go up after an event. ANd if people bring their own copies? I am DELIGHTED to sign. Sometimes people bring my whole backlist--and I adore that. Imagine! Fabulous.

  16. Hank, you are a marvel! Congratulations and the events sound great.

    1. Aww...never a dull moment! xx ANd yes, when it's wonderful, it's incredibly wonderful.

  17. Sounds like a whirlwind tour, Hank.

    How often do you go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person?

    Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read?

    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book?

    Do you like it when authors read from their books? (People often ask me to do this, but I just don't think it's a good idea. And I wonder what you think.)
    Not usually. Most authors are not good readers.

    How do you hear about most of the events you attend?
    Social media posts from the bookstore and shares from friends. Also bookstore emails.

    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it?
    Yes. Bookmarks are always useful.

    Are you attending events online? More fewer or the same than during the height of covid?
    No, I'm mostly in person these days.

  18. Congratulations on your successful road trip and paperback launch! It looks wonderful! So many people tell me they wait for paperbacks to be released.

    On to the questions. :) First, I'm going to be rather frank about how life changes have happened and demanded adaptations.

    Up until about five years ago--yes, pre-Covid--I used to go often to see authors within driving distance. As you may remember, "driving distance" could be loosely defined. LOL Meanwhile, Life changed, my health changed, and now I go in person if it fits my weird schedule requirements.

    In the past, I went to see authors I haven't read if I'm in already in a town with a bookstore with a signing scheduled.

    How often do I buy a book? I always used to, except now I have stacks and stacks of personalized books I don't have the heart to re-home because of the connection. As for signed and personalized books? Fuhgeddabbouddit! Then, I found ereaders. I can have oodles of books and not have to worry about stacks around the house. Now, I attend an event with the book already on my device, so I'd then buy a copy and ask for it to be just signed with a signature so I could re-home it. However, in the past year, although we're okay, I've entered what my longtime hairdresser and friend calls a "period of fiscal responsibility." I may not be the only one in our reader demographic in a similar situation.

    To read aloud or not do readings? If we can make it more like a poetry open mic with acting, I'm all for it, except that takes preparation time and extra energy--and it's not for every author. I saw it done and then got inspired for our next local Noir at the Bar. It took So Much Prep, but--wowza--was it incredible to feel the vibe in the room shift as listeners got into my story and connected with it and me.

    How I hear about events is still a combination of email newsletters from both authors and venues. As for those out-of-town events I used to attend, I'd check the venue's website to see who would be appearing while I was in town. If it's a venue I frequent, I also check out the posted flyers of what's next on the calendar.

    About bookmarks. Uh, no. I don't keep them. ::ducking:: I know they're standard in the Best Practices for Book Promotion handbook, and I know many readers expect them, but they weren't my first choice for making an initial promo "vehicle." What I did make was a promo card on business card stock. Maybe it's just me, but I do tend to keep business cards, pass them along, and these days we can shoot a photo on our phones to text to interested folks. Also, business card-sized things also fit in those cute little business card wallets, as I was a sucker back in the day for cool accessories, making the cards easy to carry in my bag. When I do end up in venues where readers expect bookmarks, I'll have them, but for the time being, the smaller card suits my purposes.

    Do I attend events online? Yes. Just as many as I did during Covid times. Again, scheduling is a big factor in deciding about attending live. If it's live-only at night, odds are it's a no-go for me because I've been working on/with insomnia. I find I do best if I keep to a strict schedule as if I'm in fifth grade again.

    Anyway, I'm stoked readers can now have your paperbacks! Yay!

    1. So many of Rhonda's comments match my answers, that I will defer to her. (Coralee)

    2. Oh, that's all SO interesting and helpful! Thank you! ANd I always wonder about waiting for the paperbacks. And I think "a period of fiscal responsibility" is a good idea for all of us!

  19. Flora: How often do you go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person?
    Not often enough :-(
    Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read? No.
    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book? I don't go unless I'm prepared to buy.
    Do you like it when authors read from their books? (People often ask me to do this, but I just don't think it's a good idea. And I wonder what you think.) Poetry, yes; fiction, no, thanks.
    How do you hear about most of the events you attend? Online sources.
    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it? Yes and yes and use it.
    Are you attending events online? More fewer or the same than during the height of covid? I attend when my schedule permits.

    1. Yes, not often enough! I miss so many that I wish I could attend, too....

  20. HANK: Fantastic adventures! Yay! Sounds like you are having a wonderful book tour. I copied and pasted your questions and I wrote my answers to all of the questions.

    How often do you go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person?

    Before the pandemic, all the time. In the last two years, maybe twice in person - once to see Rhys Bowen and buying her book at Book Passage and once to see Jacqueline Winspear this year for her final? Maisie Dobbs novel at Book Passage.

    Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read?

    No because I always make sure to read or at least skim the book before attending the event.

    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book?


    Do you like it when authors read from their books? (People often ask me to do this, but I just don't think it's a good idea. And I wonder what you think.)

    This may be unpopular opinion because I prefer book signing to trying to lipread the author reading from their book. Once in a while there will be Sign Language interpreters or if it is an online event with captions, then that works for me. Usually if it is in person, I prefer book signings.

    How do you hear about most of the events you attend?

    From window displays at the local bookstore. Or email newsletters.

    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it?

    Love, love, love bookmarks! They are keepers! I always use a bookmark.

    Are you attending events online? More fewer or the same than during the height of covid?

    Attending events online every chance I get. During the height of Covid, I attended online events and continue to. To answer your question. :the same.

    1. We all love that you always buy a book! And wow, what wonderful events you've been to recently!

  21. I'll be there you tonight!! Come on down (or up...) any of you within striking distance!

  22. Again, you make me tired, Hank! Wish I had your stamina. I know you work very hard on your writing and publicity. I admire you, so much. (questions answered below)

    How often do you go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person? Several times a year. Not as often as I'd like but most events are in Atlanta.

    Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read? Yes

    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book? Half the time. Other times I'll download on Kindle as my eyesight isn't the best.

    Do you like it when authors read from their books? (People often ask me to do this, but I just don't think it's a good idea. And I wonder what you think.) I don't care to hear an author read. I'd rather hear about their process or how the idea for the book came to them.

    How do you hear about most of the events you attend? Usually social media

    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it? If it's attractive and I like the book.

    Are you attending events online? More fewer or the same than during the height of covid? More since covid. I love online events.

    1. ANd I do love seeing you online! It's so terrific that we have options...

  23. Quiz:

    Since I work in a library, I might attend an event where I work and have gone to a few bookstores.
    Post pandemic, I don't always feel comfortable in crowded places.

    Have not gone to see an author I don't know

    I haven't heard too many authors reading from their books, I don't have an opinion either way.

    I have heard about events in a variety of ways, advertising from venue where they are appearing,,
    self promotion, various online resources.

    I don't usually use bookmarks, but a few years ago, Rhys and some other Reds were appearing at a local bookstore. Since I am on the East coast and she is primarily on the west, it was a rare opportunity to talk to her. I told her that a friend of mine who was a big fan of hers was unable to come that night. Rhys gave me a bookmark and offered to sign it with my friend's name on it.
    My friend was thrilled and had the bookmark framed.

    Really enjoy online events, They provide a chance to see and hear a lot of authors I would never have access to otherwise. My favorite is Poisoned Pen for the variety of authors they feature both with individual interviews and themed ones with other authors writing similar themes.
    Online interviews were not as prevalent before so I never thought of looking for them. It's also helpful that even if you can't watch it live you can usually access them through you tube later.
    I look up the events schedule to find out who is appearing and when. I have also found some new authors by watching them.

    1. Yes so agree--the online events- (and often the ones I come upon at random)- can be so wonderful!

  24. go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person?

    *Not as much as I would like to, maybe four times so far.

    Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read?


    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book?

    *Every time!

    Do you like it when authors read from their books? (People often ask me to do this, but I just don't think it's a good idea. And I wonder what you think.)

    *It really doesn’t make any difference to me.

    How do you hear about most of the events you attend?

    *Book blogs

    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it?

    *I love author bookmarks!

    Are you attending events online? More fewer or the same than during the height of covid?

    *I tend to not attend events on line, because I feel challenged by the technology. I’ve done some of the JRW events.


    1. Yay for you, dear book-buying DebRo! It really makes a difference!

  25. Congratulations, Hank, on your Magical Mystery Tour’s success!
    Question 1: I don’t get to in person author signings very often. (This answers your later question also.) I don’t seem to hear about the authors’ appearances.
    Question 2: I have gone to see authors I didn’t know and have been pleasantly surprised.
    Question 3: I almost always buy a book if I have gone to hear the author speak. Many times I buy more than one of their books!
    Question 4: In my favorite genre, mystery, I prefer not to hear the author read from their books for fear of spoilers being revealed. And I like to hear more about their process or research they’ve done than listen to a possibly poor reading.
    Question 5: I hear about events sporadically, hence not attending many. I get most of my book/author info from JRW and Dru’s Book Musings.
    Question 6: I don’t care if I get a bookmark or not. I have a bunch of “fancy” bookmarks (not author or specific book affiliated) that I mainly use. I like when a bookmark gives me information about other books the author has written (even a website is helpful) or if an author is in a cohort of authors, I like to see “the company they keep”. That also introduces me to more authors. (And I am trying to minimize things I don’t need so rarely keep the bookmark that comes with the book.
    Question 7: I mainly attend online events like the Reds’ monthly chats or if favorite authors are at The Poisoned Pen, for example. I usually forget to catch them live so enjoy that many are recorded for later viewing. And I probably attend online events about as often as I did during Covid.
    I hope I answered all of the questions in the correct order. We just moved and have no WiFi yet so am relying on my phone to connect me to the outside world! (Last night I went into a Starbucks just before they closed so I could use their free WiFi to download a book. All of my “real” books are still packed!) - Pat S

    1. Thank you, Pat! And that is a great point about watching the taped version! ANyone else watch the replays? I am SO interested in that!

  26. I’ve never had the chance to hear an author in person. But I would love to! I would buy a book if it was a favorite author (like one of the Jungle Red Writers). I don’t think I’d enjoy a reading I but it might depend upon the book. Come to Central Florida! 🥰

    1. Awww...thank you! I'm sure I will be in FLorida soon! xxxx

  27. I hope Jonathan enjoyed the mini tour!
    How often do you go to a bookstore or library to see an author in person?
    Rarely. It was always a parking issue (Houston) but I managed about 6 times at Murder by the Book.

    Have you gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read?
    No, not unless you count Bouchercon.

    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book?
    Almost every time. Once or twice I have already had the book being promoted.

    Do you like it when the authors read from their books?
    It's happened only once, and she actually did a good job.

    How do you hear about most events you attend?
    Authors' email and Facebook.

    When an author gives you a bookmark do you care? Do you keep it?
    Yes and yes!

    Are you attending events online? More, fewer, or the same during the height of covid?
    I seem to be attending more. Not zoom events though.

    1. This is so helpful! Thank you!

  28. How often do you go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person?
    At least a couple of times a month. My local bookstore (Gibson's in Concord, NH) has some great author events.

    Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read?
    Absolutely! How else am I going to find new authors!

    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book?
    Yes. There has only been a couple of times when I did not purchase the book. Mainly because after going to the event I found that the book did not interest me.

    Do you like it when authors read from their books? (People often ask me to do this, but I just don't think it's a good idea. And I wonder what you think.)
    Honestly, I don't like it when an author reads from their book. I want to hear the author talk about their process, etc. and I love to hear to conversations between the author and the people attending the event. I will read the book on my own!

    How do you hear about most of the events you attend?
    Email and Facebook

    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it?
    I have all my bookmarks that have been given to me! I love bookmarks!

    Are you attending events online? More fewer or the same than during the height of covid?
    I enjoy the online events. I am attending more online events than during the height of covid. Only because I wasn't aware of most of the online events.

    1. Kathy, I like your point about not wanting to hear the author read from the book because “I will read the book on my own”! It’s the same philosophy as when you attend a meeting or conference and the speaker has a slide presentation that they then read, word for word, to you!! Aarrgh! — Pat S

    2. Don’t get me started about slides! A whole different blog—absolutely .

  29. We often attend author events in person. For example, we drove to Westport, CT from Taunton, MA to see Doris Kearns Goodwin interviewed by Brian Williams as all of her local events near us were sold out. This one was free at the Westport Public Library and was to celebrate the release of her new book "An Unfinished Love Story". What an amazing evening with both Brian and Doris! Another that we drove to was to meet Marie Bostwick in Tewksbury, MA which was not as long a drive as CT. Otherwise, I review the Unlikely Story Bookstore newsletters as well as emails and Facebook notices from authors that I follow to see what might be of interest, fit our calendar or be held close by.
    I will buy a book at an author event if the event is too close to the release date to be able to order it online for less than list price. The one time that I broke my rule was for Hank's "One Wrong Word" where I had already read the ARC, but I really wanted to meet Hank and chat about the book.
    I usually have a ton of books by an author to be signed and not just the most recent one! I have never had an author refuse to sign my pile of books!
    If there is a passage in a book that truly moves me, when I meet the author or we are on a live zoom, I will ask about that passage. I've done this a few times both in person and on a live zoom with Patti Callahan Henry. She found this very surprising and was very impressed that her book moved me to ask about this!
    I always use a bookmark and have a special place in my library for them. When Susan Mallory was promoting "The Summer Book Club" prior to its release, she asked readers via her Facebook page if they belonged to a book club and if they did, would they like bookmarks for the club. I responded that I belong to the book club at my local public library and she sent me enough for all 12 of us. We were impressed and thrilled.
    I am now attending fewer online author sessions post Covid as I now have 300+ books in my TBR pile. Yet, I read the email and Facebook posting of many of these authors daily!
    Your Reds and Readers forum has provided me with a vehicle that I can follow at my own speed and also be introduced to new authors which include your own very informative comments!
    Thank You!

  30. I don’t attend a lot of in person signings because there aren’t many nearby. The last one I attended, I stayed overnight to be able to go to it. I do go to local signings when available and authors who are new to me. I attend lots of online author interviews, and I’m a member of several groups. I have learned about a lot of authors because of the signings and because of these chats, I treasure my signed books and my bookmarks. I look forward to newsletters. I will often order the signed book when possible, and I will order from Indy bookstores, I go to the library or bookstores very regularly and wherever I go to visit I always seem to be checking out a bookstore. I enjoy the online blogs and have been reading JRW for a long time. I made a point to read at least one book by every author in the group, but I confess I’m partial to this group and a group called Chicks on the Case. I think most readers appreciate all the extras that writers provide in whatever way they provide them. It’s a way to connect and also a way to let others know about books and authors know we appreciate their work.

    1. You are fabulous! We are incredibly grateful. Love chicks on the case! Xxxxx

  31. How often do you go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person? maybe 8 a year? see online below.
    Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read? Yes (more that are friends or with friends who are fans.
    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book? Honestly always (because I like people to buy mine, it feels like a reasonable ticket fee to what is almost always a great event and, if it isn't my favorite genre, there's Christmas and birthdays.
    Do you like it when authors read from their books? (People often ask me to do this, but I just don't think it's a good idea. And I wonder what you think.) I like it at conventions, but I have chosen it. At bookstores I want more background, writer's craft chat, anecdotes about where and why the book was written ...
    How do you hear about most of the events you attend? I'm on a lot of bookstore lists and Sisters in Crime folks mention their tours.
    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it? Yes, and use it when I am reading especially in a public place. Why not help when it costs me nothing.
    Are you attending events online? More fewer or the same than during the height of covid? Yes, at a distance ... I hated Covid but I loved traveling the country to readings ... and yep I bought the books ... see Christmas above.

    1. You are so wise! And yes, a signed book is such a perfect gift. Xxx

  32. How often do you go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person?
    A few times a year, before Covid there were more events and I went more often.

    Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read?
    Yes, Charles Finch, Sujeta Massey, Tony Hillerman (about 1984ish), Rhys Bowen
    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book?
    Almost aways

    Do you like it when authors read from their books?
    that depends on the author, I usually like a short passage read.
    Loved it when Louise Erdrich read from her novel, same with William Kent Krueger

    How do you hear about most of the events you attend.
    Usually from the bookstore or library and sometimes Facebook.

    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it?
    I love author bookmarks, yes! I keep them.

    Are you attending events online? More fewer or the same than during the height of covid?
    Yes. Probably about the same number

    Thanks for the fun! (Heather S)

    1. Oh, so agree! I would listen to those two authors read anything, I have to admit! Very

  33. I don't go to many author events. I went to cozy cons to hear authors I like but found some new authors there. Sorry I hate being read to. I learn about events from Facebook, authors' newsletters and blogs. I've kept some bookmarks and given others to the library.

    As far as events online, I love them because we don't have a lot of in person events here. I watch enough from Poisoned Pen that I buy some books from them once or twice a year. At in person events, I buy at least one book to support the bookstore, but I preorder a lots of books.

    1. You are an author’s dream! Pre-orders are so important… Thank you!

  34. I haven't been to an author book signing or a convention in about five years. I used to love to go to them. I am planning on going to a few days of Bouchercon in two weeks. I still don't like crowds and am not quite the social person I used to be. I'm hoping just going for a few days will be a positive move in my grief journey. My husband is coming with me. He worries. To go to a bookstore signing is a bit of a distance for me, so those are on hold, too. I do hope to start doing more online author events. I usually buy the book the author is promoting; I want authors to have a successful signing. I have been to an author event or panels for authors I don't know, and I have come away pleased. I do enjoy authors reading from their books because nobody knows better than the author what their characters sound like. I keep the bookmarks. I love all kinds of bookmarks.

    1. Oh my goodness, cannot wait to see you! And Lucy will be there, too!

  35. I have been to 2 author events this year! Tommy Orange read from his new book when I saw him. It was wonderful. He was at a library. I do watch interviews online. They are already for new books. Never got a bookmark from a author, but I have alot. Your trip sends great but I am in California!

    1. Oh, so cool! That must’ve been wonderful. Xxx

  36. How often do you go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person?
    As often as I can! I just love in person author events!

    Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read?
    3 so far.

    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book?
    Every time. Sometimes more than one..

    Do you like it when authors read from their books? (People often ask me to do this, but I just don't think it's a good idea. And I wonder what you think.)
    I love when authors read from their books because you hear it as they (you) wrote it. It’s a very special thing.

    How do you hear about most of the events you attend?
    Instagram, author websites & newsletters.

    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it?
    Of course I keep it. It’s an amazing gift from authors I love. I have a scrapbook of sorts where I store all my bookmarks & swag. It’s so cool.

    Are you attending events online? More, fewer or the same than during the height of covid?

    1. Hank: The previous anonymous post is from Sharon Bishop.

    2. Oh, you are amazing--it is always SUCH a joy to see you!

  37. 1. Twice a month, sometimes more, on average-love going to in person author events! 2.Yes I have and do. 3. Yes, I always buy the authors' books! 4.Yes, I enjoy it. 5.Bookstores' emails (I am on a lot of my local indies' email lists) & also on the authors' social media posts, newsletters, & websites. 6. Yes, I always keep the bookmarks-I have a large author 'swag basket' full. 7. Fewer now but I still attend many online, including FCF, Crime Time, The Back Room, Reds & Readers, & others! I loved very much our special visit together in Boston last year, Hank-it was so wonderful, thank you again! It was so great to chat with you in person!

  38. How often do you go to a bookstore or library or other venue to see an author in person?

    As often as I can if the authors(s) are in a reasonable driving distance. I love meeting my favorite authors!

    Have you ever gone to an event for an author whose books you have never read?

    If it's at a local location, yes.

    When you go to an author event, how often do you buy a book?

    Often! Sometimes I have the book pre-ordered before knowing the author was going to be close enough to visit.

    Do you like it when authors read from their books? (People often ask me to do this, but I just don't think it's a good idea. And I wonder what you think.)

    I have enjoyed it. I also enjoy hearing about the author's process pre-ordered hiw they came up with the premise for the book.

    How do you hear about most of the events you attend?

    Through the author's Facebook page, website or online newsletter. Sometimes I learn about it through the Facebook book groups I belong to.

    When an author gives you a bookmark, do you care? Do you keep it?

    I care and I keep it!

    Are you attending events online? More fewer or the same than during the height of covid?

    Actually more since Covid since I've recently found so many terrific online sites that have events I want to listen to.

  39. I've enjoyed live and in person events in the past, but now I'm more apt to log in to an online gathering. I use the library's resources much of the time, and most often read on the Kindle, for which I have bought some books if the library doesn't have them. Happy and grateful for the technology that makes it easier to get my "book fix." ;-). -- Storyteller Mary

  40. I am catching up but just wanted to say I read One Wrong Word and loved it. You always write a "can't put it down" story.
