Saturday, September 28, 2024

Second Time Around

JULIA SPENCER-FLEMING: Recently, when talking about TV and streaming shows we were watching, several Reds and readers mentioned A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES. Now, I was in a bit of a drought. Except for the Korean crime drama BEYOND EVIL, I wasn’t feeling it for a lot of shows. I would turn something on and then wind up spending half my time looking at my phone instead. 


But I decided to give ADOW a try. Another try, I should say. I’d watched the first two episodes quite some time ago, and my takeaway at the time was 1) Wow, that supposedly accomplished professor and scholar has no self-preservation skills whatsoever and 2) errors. I can’t remember what errors I noticed, because on the second go-round, I absolutely fell in love. I’ve been streaming three episodes a night since then.


Which got me thinking about the phenomenon of “the second time around.”


Why did I loathe mushrooms as a child, only to find them delicious when I had them in Italy in my twenties? Why did I wrinkle my nose at olives right up through my forties, and now toss them into everything? 

Sometimes, only appreciating something at the second (or third, or fourth) try makes sense. I read THE SCARLET LETTER when I was around thirteen, and no surprise, I got nothing out of it. I re-read it, on a flight of all places, in my early thirties and found it to be a stunning work. I needed to grow and learn before I could understand what Hawthorne was doing.

But what about sleeveless shirts? I avoided them up to my fifties, because I didn't want anyone to see the wobbly bits on my arms. Now those shirts make up 90% of my summer wardrobe. And let me assure you, my arms haven't gotten LESS wobbly. Was it the temperature fluctuations of menopause? Is my give-a-damn busted? It's a mystery.

How about you, Reds? Any flavors, fandoms - heck, relationships - that you only appreciated the second time around?


HALLIE EPHRON: Well, my big one: I broke up with my sweet to-be husband before I succumbed to his blandishments. He turned out to be an acquired taste, and thank goodness was extremely persistent. Lucky me because it’s horrifying who I could have ended up with.


LUCY BURDETTE: Hallie, my story is similar to yours. When my sweet hub John called to ask me out on a date, I turned him down but suggested we play friendly doubles tennis instead. After about six months of that, I realized that I’d made an error in judgment: he was a keeper, cute, funny, and smart. This time, I did the asking out!


HANK PHILLIPPI RYAN: Oh, my Jonathan story is the exact opposite, but that’s another blog. Second time around, food edition: Scrambled eggs, tuna salad. As I kid I couldn't even think about those things. Now I adore them. Why? What happened?


TV edition: The Wire. We started The Wire, right when it came on. I thought–huh? I don’t even understand it. A few months later, I thought–maybe I’m watching it wrong. We tried it again and it’s the best thing I’ve EVER seen.  Why? Well, I can tell you I realized that I was put off by the slang–I didn't understand it. But then I realized the writing was SO excellent that it would explain the very words that were not in my vocabulary in the very next when I stopped worrying about it, I adored it.


JENN McKINLAY: It took me five tries before I could get into reading the first Harry Potter book. 5!!! I don’t know why I couldn’t get past the first few chapters - they weren’t bad - it was me. I was the problem. 


I, too, did not love olives until my forties and now I love them on most everything. I also love spicy food, which I never liked before moving to AZ and then it took me years to acquire a taste for it. As for shows, the only one that comes to mind that took me a while is The Family Guy. Didn’t get it the first time I watched it but it grew on me and I think it’s hilarious. 


Off topic, Hub and I just started watching HACKS on Max - it is FANTASTIC!!! I love that Jean Smart is crushing it in her seventies, but also the juxtaposition of a Boomer and a Gen Z makes for some pretty funny dialogue.

DEBORAH CROMBIE: Julia, you are seriously tempting me to watch ADOW again. But even as much as Rick loves Teresa Palmer (a lot!) I'm not sure I could talk him into Round Two…


Love the second-chance hubbies theme here! You can count us in on that. Rick and I dated on and off for about six years, then in one of the "off" periods, I met my first husband. (Rick was the one who introduced us!) Off I went to Scotland, marriage and child following. Fast forward fourteen years, divorced, Rick called to wish me "happy birthday." And that was, yikes, thirty years ago! But there are things I wish the picky eater hubby would give another chance, like mushrooms, olives, chickpeas, tofu, etc., etc., etc.!


JULIA: How about you, dear readers? What food/book/husband did you learn to appreciate the second time around? 


  1. Hmmm . . . my second time around food would have to be burritos . . . .

  2. The first thing that comes to my mind is MIDDLEMARCH. I had to read it for a college class, so I forced myself through it and hated it. At 19, I was so revolted by the idea of Dorothea Brooke marrying Casaubon that I could only see her as more or less deserving of her misery because of her idiotic decision. I had a little more sympathy for Tertius Lydgate not being able to see through social-climbing, money-grubbing Rosamond Vincy, but only a little. At that age, I couldn't summon any compassion for these two likable people stuck in terrible marriages. Then I listened to an excellent audiobook of "Middlemarch" in my late fifties (a long listen!), and I got completely caught up in the story. At that age, I could understand how Dorothea and Tertius got caught in their tragedies, and I could see why "Middlemarch" was considered a great book--although I'm not convinced it's THE Great English Novel. As Julia said about A SCARLET LETTER, there are books that most people need life experience to appreciate.

  3. I used to hate sour cream. Now I love it

  4. The first Cadfael book by Ellis Peters. Meh, not so great. Then the second book came out. Loved it! Reread the first book years later--it was me, not the book. Same with Louise Penny--first book left me undecided as to whether I'd bother with the next one. It's definitely me sometimes, whether a book, a show, a food (Flora)

  5. Fun topic! I've almost never met a food I didn't like, so that's out. (I hope, as happened with Grace, my allergy of the last four years will go away and I can again enjoy raw peaches, pears, apples, apricots, plums, and cherries.) And no rebound husbands.

    When I first watched SNL, I thought it was rude to make fun of accents ("We are the Czech brothers..."). Now I love it but have to watch bits the next day. And this is a niche, but when I first read Zippy the Pinhead I couldn't understand it. Now I realize it's funny and brilliant, but my local paper has squeezed it into a slot that makes the print too tiny. Must find my magnifying glass!

    1. EDITH: I hope your raw tree fruit allergy goes away. My nightshade veggie allergy (raw and cooked tomatoes, sweet & chili peppers and eggplants) lasted for 3 years. And now I can eat them again, except for chili peppers.
