Thursday, September 12, 2024

To New Beginnings! By Sydney Leigh

LUCY BURDETTE: I love this post from Sydney Leigh, who wraps up the pluses and minuses of the changing season so perfectly. Welcome Sydney!

SYDNEY LEIGH: For me, the new year has always begun in September. Where I’m from, it’s not just the start of the new school year, it’s also the beginning of fall. With it comes the crisp air, the colorful foliage, the best fashion, and a sense of optimism. I don’t love the shorter days and often envy the year-round California sunshine, but the early nights inspire a desire to cozy up around the warm fireplace and dig into a good book.

My second novel, Instagoner, came out at the end of August. It’s a cozy mystery about a social media influencer who crowdsources for clues. I’m thrilled for it to be out in the world and wrapped up the summer celebrating its release. To cap it off, I spent the long weekend at the family cottage where I was able to unwind and unplug.

This fall, as my kids head to their new classroom, I’ll be on my way to the library. It’s my favorite place to write and I’m set to start a new mystery series. I couldn’t be more excited. With a proposal ready to go, it’s time to dig in and write the new book. I have a fresh set of characters, a fun setting, and a plot I ruminated on all summer long.

I don’t always love the season I’m in, but each one has unique elements that make the changing weather a time to celebrate. Autumn is the best time of year for hikes, apple pie, haunted houses, mini chocolate bars, pumpkin patches, and scary movies.

One of the funnest things to do every season? Switch up my To-Be-Read (TBR) pile. As of today, it’s filled with Halloween-themed cozies, chilling thrillers, and heart-warming romances. It’ll take some willpower to hold off on the Christmas-themed books, but I’m strong. I can do it.

Do you live in a multi-season location? What do you look most forward to this fall?


When lifestyle blogger Emily Dalle comes face-to-face with controversial talk show host, Jackie Hunter, she’s in for the shock of her life. But this time it’s not Jackie’s words that cause a stir—it’s her dead body.

Emily knows the chance of Jackie’s death being a random hit-and-run is about as low as the blows she dished out on her gossip feed. The police are doing their best but with their limited resources, Emily enlists the help of her online audience to figure out what really happened. She gets some great tips, including one from the murderer who tells her to back off.

Will Emily piece together who killed the Queen of Mean or will she fall victim to the same fate?

BIO: Sydney Leigh ran a seasonal business for several years, working in the summer so she could spend cold months in cool places. Now she writes mysteries and thinks about murder. She is a member of Sisters In Crime, International Thriller Writers, and served on the Board of Crime Writers of Canada from 2018-2021. PERIL IN PINK (Crooked Lane Books) and INSTAGONER (Level Best Books) are out now. You can find her at


  1. Congratulations, Sydney, on your newest book . . . I'm looking forward to meeting Emily.

    Fall is my second-favorite season [spring being first] . . . I enjoy the cooler weather and love seeing the leaves change colors . . . .

    1. Thank you so much Joan! And I'm a huge spring lover too. Seeing the first tulips and daffodils is always a thrill :)

  2. Congrats on your new book!

    I'm a summer person, so I rarely look forward to fall. Especially here in So Cal where fall usually means fires, and we've got fires going on right now. Nothing close to me right now, fortunately, but it's never fun.

    But I'm especially not happy fall is here because it means we are going to have to go from full time working from home to hybrid. I've been dreading this for six months, and we've got a little over a week left before we have to go back Tuesdays through Thursdays.

    And, I'm sure I've shared this here before, but we do have four seasons here in So Cal:

    Santa Anna Wind and Fire
    Coolish with a slight change of rain. Maybe.
    Warming up again

    1. The fires are so scary Mark. Hopefully they will stay away from you. Good luck with the transition to the office!

    2. The devastating fires are such a tragedy and so scary. Glad to hear they're not too close to you. I hope going from home to hybrid isn't too difficult for--that's tough. Thanks for explaining the seasons--makes sense. Thanks for your well wishes.

  3. Congrats on your new book. I love it that you write your new books in the library. Do you write your first drafts in longhand?

    As for seasons, my two favorites are spring and fall. In fall, the kiosks selling hot chestnuts start appearing on corners.

    1. Thank you so much Elizabeth. I write on my laptop but I always keep a notebook nearby. I have one for each book where I jot down thoughts, notes, and ideas. I wish we had kiosks selling chestnuts--that sounds delicious!

  4. I love the premise of your new book, Sydney - congratulations!

    I grew up where Mark lives, but I've now lived in MA longer than I lived in CA, and I love the distinct seasons. That said, I'm a vegetable gardener and fan of local produce, and this month is always bittersweet, because the growing season is coming to an end. I try to fight off fall as long as I can. Give me more tomatoes, more sweet corn, more peaches, more armfuls of basil!

    1. so true about the gardening Edith! We had our first fresh garlic this year, inspired by yours.

    2. Thank you so much Edith. I'm a big fan!! I love that you're a gardener. We gave up our garden for a pool but I miss the fresh veggies right outside my door. Luckily I have a friend who keeps me stocked up on tomatoes and cucumber. I love peach season too--it's my favorite!

    3. Edith, one of the things that I love about the summer is the abundance of dry farmed tomatoes.

    4. Diana, what is dry farmed tomatoes? Tomatoes I know, it is dry farmed I'm confused about.

    5. Deana, I think Edith or someone, who is more familiar with food, can explain better than I can, though I can try! The dry farmed tomatoes are usually smaller than the heirloom or buffalo? Tomatoes. The taste is really good. Tastes like cherry tomatoes to me.

      Dry farmed tomatoes, also known as Early Girl ? Tomorrows, usually come out in late summer. It is not year around. Different taste from Roma tomatoes, which usually are used as the base for pasta sauce.

  5. That's an interesting twist, crowdsourcing a murder solution! Very cool idea, Sydney.

    Fall is usually my favorite season, but like Edith I'm a gardener, and this year the heat and the drought has made growing things a lot more of a challenge than usual. We are ready for some relief here in Southeast Ohio. And of course I have an October birthday, plus my favorite holiday, Halloween.

    Love the picture of the Great Blue Heron, and are your children twins, maybe? You said "classroom", singular.

    1. My birthday is early November, Karen, and, along with Thanksgiving, it's nice to have something to celebrate as the days become maximally short and dark.

    2. Thank you so much Karen! Too bad about the drought--what a shame. Happy early birthday too. I love Halloween!!

    3. Hi again Karen--I forgot to answer your question--my kids aren't twins. My son is ten and my daughter is thirteen! Wasn't that a cool photo? I've never been so close to a heron before. They're huge and so beautiful.

  6. Welcome Sydney. We have the four seasons and I like Fall better, especially since I can hibernate.

    1. Thank you so much Dru! Hibernation sounds so cozy. Fireplaces, big socks, and reading... my faves!

  7. SYDNEY: Nice to see you on JRW. I enjoyed reading PERIL IN PINK and INSTAGONER this year.

    Fall is my favorite season. I live in Ottawa, Ontario and the fall colour's are gorgeous. The temperatures are also ideal for going on longer walks without getting all sweat-drenched.

    1. Thank you so much Grace. I appreciate taking time to read both!! I feel like I see you everywhere--so cool! Fall in Ottawa is stunning. I love the city and it's the perfect season to enjoy all the wonderful things the city has to offer.

  8. Sydney, congratulations on your new release. What a great premise for a cozy series! Best of luck starting your new book, your excitement is infectious!

    My birthday is on Halloween so autumn always held a certain promise of good things to come. As a child, my birthday parties were truly special. As an adult, I used to have a big costume party with all my friends. Things are quieter now, but I still love fall.

    1. Another Scorpio! You and I should crash Karen's Halloween party one of these years.

    2. I'll join you at Karen's party - we are invited aren't we? My birthday is the day before Guy Fawkes' day.

    3. Thank you so much Judy! I can't believe you have a Halloween birthday--that is so cool!! I bet you had the party that everyone looked forward to year after year as a child. And Halloween is something fun for all ages.

    4. Halloween is the best for a birthday! My granddaughter is a Halloween baby too. Go Scorpios!!

    5. Edith, if you plan to come, this could be my last year. I told my family I'm not sure I have many more in me!

  9. I always think of fall as the beginning of a new year, too. The only thing I don’t love about Fsll is that it is followed by the dreaded W. (Actually, there are a FEW things I like about winter)

    1. I hear you about winter, although snowboarding and skiing is so much fun--especially since my kids are now on the slopes too.

  10. For seasons, I am an anything except winter person. Right now, in the Atlantic Canada, we have a lovely month of September which so far looks hurricane-free. It is not as warm as the summer, which some people like (not me), but the days are usually sunny and the garden is overflowing!
    Right now, we are releasing Monarch butterflies – usually 8-10 a day. They all need tags and a kiss to get sent on their way to Mexico! As for the garden, today the opportunity is available to pick tomatoes, cukes, and peppers or, build a new strawberry bed and start transplanting them for next season, or start bringing in the 200 geraniums all of which need to be restarted as new plants for next year or shampoo the living room carpet and put it outside for the sun to ‘cleanse’. Of course, lurking in the background is make the pickles and the jam…choices, choices.
    The best part of it all – the food is so fresh and so bountiful that meals are all great. There are still enough blueberries left for a bowl with cream for supper, and last night we lucked out with getting some fresh swordfish to go with the beets and corn. Life is great! (Lucy, I made your recipe for peach cobbler – delicious. Thank you.)

    1. Wow--I love Monarchs--they are truly magical. Your garden sounds fantastic too. Geez, I'm starting to get hungry!

    2. Margo, we will be looking for your monarchs here in north Texas!

  11. Congratulations on Instagoner, Sydney ! I’m always happy to meet a new to me Canadian author.

    I live in Quebec with the four seasons. Fall is my least favourite for many reasons but mainly because the decrease of daylight.
    What I prefer is walking along colourful trees and then coming back in the warmth of my home to read a good book.

    1. Thank you so much! I love Quebec. It holds a special place in my heart as I got married at Chateau Frontenac--absolutely magical!

  12. Thank you so much for having me on as a guest today!! Jungle Red Writers are always a delight!!

  13. Congratuations on Insta-goner, Sydney - Seasons... the one we're in is pretty spectacular. We're having a gorgeous fall in New England. Sunny. beautiful sunsets. Walkable afternoons. And the sun doesn't come UP at 4 AM.

    But my favorite season is spring - opening the windows and letting the outside in - watching the garden come back to life. Before the mosquitoes hatch. Looking for migrating birds. I can't say it's great for writing but for remembering why it's nice to be alive, it's aces.

    1. Thank you Hallie! New England with its fall foliage is spectacular. The scents of spring are so good--the breezy air, the fresh daffodil and tulips, and the bright sunshine!

  14. Sydney, congratulations on Instagoner! I'm in Oregon and fall is my favorite season. As a child, I loved the back to school routines and the excitement of starting new classes. I love the colors and the cooler weather--until the long stretches of rain come (hopefully not too soon). One tradition here is watching the migrating Vauxhall swifts. One school on the west side attracts lots of swift fans (not to be confused with Swift fans) on evenings in September. The swifts come flying back in a great swarm at sunset and swirl around into the school chimney where they rest each night until they continue the migration. It is a truly glorious sight.

    1. Thank you very much Gillian! I've never been to Oregon but would love to go, especially now with your description of the swifts--sounds fantastic!

  15. SYDNEY: Welcome to Jungle Red Writers! And Congratulations / Happy Book Birthday!

    Mat I ask you what does it mean when the blogger “crowdsources for clues” ? That sounds intriguing!

    In the autumn, we see signs of cooler weather. I love hearing the sound of the leaves crunching as I walk.

    My favorite season is Winter for many reasons. Cozy sweaters. Snow, Skiing. Ice skating. My Birthday. And I am a fan of Christmas - decorations, lights, wonderful food and company.

    1. Thank you Diana! Crowdsourcing is when you enlist the help of a large group of people for information. For my protagonist, it means asking her followers for any tidbits or knowledge they may have that might help solve the murder.

  16. Looking forward to the print version of Instagoner. Love Sydney's stories!!

  17. Congratulations, Sydney! Living in Southwester Pennsylvania it is definitely a multi-season area. As I was driving home yesterday I noticed the leaves are starting to turn along the Loyalhanna Gorge Greeway. I love fall with all the colors, sweaters, being able to cozy up in front of the fire, and crisp air. The only downside is I know winter is right around the corner!

    1. Thank you Liz! Cruising around in the car during the fall months is one of my favorite pastimes. And cozy sweaters? The best!

  18. Hi Sydney,

    Your book sounds as though it wants to be on my TBR list:-) I plan to look for it!

    We have four seasons where I live. I’m not fond of fall or winter, especially winter. I’ve had falls on the ice that required medical treatment. I agree that fall is pretty, but it also starts getting cold out, and I can’t handle the colder weather. I feel like myself during the summer. I love being able to go outside without a jacket or sweater. I love the way the air feels on my bare arms. I love sitting on the beach and watching the seagulls fight over a piece of food that one of them stole! Yes, there are extremes of weather in the summer, but there are more extremes of weather in the winter. And it’s so dark out! I prefer the longer days.


    1. Thank you so much Deb. I'm so sorry to hear you've had some painful falls--winter can be treacherous, especially the ice. And I love the days sunny days of summer too. It's wonderful!

  19. I agree with you that September has always felt like the start of the year. I have always loved fall the best of the seasons. Fresh start, fresh weather, gorgeous leaves, Halloween! I was born in early November so that may be the reason. I love the idea of crowdsourcing for clues. How well does that work?

    1. Hi Pat! The crisp autumn wind is the best, isn't it? And I agree about the leaves and Halloween (of course!). Happy early birthday!! Crowdsourcing for clues works very well in a cozy so far LOL. I've heard it's been helpful with armchair detectives who work on true crime too--not sure how true that is so don't quote me. Anyway, for my protagonist, reaching out to her online followers turns out to be a great way to find clues and get pulled into the murder investigation!

  20. I live in southern Maine and so we have four full seasons: summer, fall, winter and mud. Every time we visit Hawai'i, I think how lovely it would be to live there forever and ever... but then I realize how much I'd miss the turning of summer to fall, and the snows of winter (still wouldn't mind skipping mud season.) I'll even take the shortening days and early nights in exchange for the long, long days of summer when it's still light at 9pm.

    1. Long summer nights are absolutely fantastic. Then again Hawaii.... that would be hard to leave. A true island paradise!

  21. I live in AZ so it's two seasons: regular summer and hot summer. We are giddy that hot summer appears to be ending. LOL.

    1. Hi Jenn!! I know exactly what you mean about Arizona--like holy cow. My brother-in-law and fam live there and it gets HOT! But it's awesome there. I love it. They live in a place called Paradise Valley--how could you not? And, it's the home of one of my all-time favorite places to have a cocktail. Do you know a place called The Sanctuary? It overlooks Camelback mountain and makes me feel like I'm in the heyday of a past time. I LOVE IT!

  22. Congratulations, Sydney, and good luck beginning your new series. I live in Switzerland, where there are definitely four seasons, and my favorite is spring. For me, spring starts on March 21 with the equinox and lasts until mid-June. During that time, the first winter aconites and snowdrops bloom, followed by daffodils, primroses, and tulips, and finishing with azaleas, lilacs, irises, and wisteria. We might even have peonies by mid-June. The beauty of all these flowers takes my breath away every year.

    1. Thank you Kim! Talk about incredible places--Switzerland--wow!! Ok, so I've only been there in my dreams but even then it's been outstanding. And, ok, you've convinced me. When I go to Switzerland, I want to go in the spring!

  23. Sydney, congrats on your book! What a great premise!

    We have four seasons where I live in north Texas, and fall is definitely my favorite. After a long, hot summer, nothing beats that first hint of crisp air. It makes me downright giddy!

    1. Thank you so much Deborah!! I think that's it--it's the relief from the heat after a very hot summer. A cool breeze feels amazing. I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets so excited!!

  24. I look forward to the changing colors of the leaves and cool temperatures this fall. I always looked forward to the school year when I was growing up, as fall was upon us. I didn't look forward to school starting as much with my kids because I wanted them home with me. Congratulations on your new book, Sydney, and your new series.

    1. Thank you so much Kathy. I can relate to how you feel, wanting your kids nearby. The first day of school I always cry when they go back. Then I go to my favorite local cafe and treat myself to a cappuccino. I feel a little better, especially when I start digging back into my manuscript.
