JENN McKINLAY: We live in controversial times. It seems people are willing to go to the mat over just about anything so instead of avoiding these controversial times, I've decided to embrace it.
Below for your argumentative enjoyment are the five top low-stakes controversies (according to Grandma Internet). Feel free to weigh in and let your opinions fly in the comments. I think we can all agree to be civil about these.
1. Is pineapple allowed on pizza?
2. Can you wear socks with sandals?
3. Is a hotdog a sandwich?
4. Is cereal actually soup because it's liquid based and served in a bowl?
5. Toilet paper orientation: which is correct - over or under?
Jenn: Yes, no, yes, no, over
Hubs: Yes, no, no, no, over
Clearly, we're going to have to discuss hotdogs!!!
How about you, Reds and Readers? What's your take on these hot topics?
Pineapple on pizza? Yes . . . Socks with sandals? No . . . Hot dog a sandwich? No . . . Cereal is soup? No . . . Over or Under? Over . . .
ReplyDeleteWe are almost in accord, Joan.
DeletePineapple on pizza - No. Sock w/sandals - No. Hot dog a sandwich - No. Cereal a soup - No. Over or Under - Over (and that's how it is on the patent)
ReplyDeleteThe patent? Really, I had no idea.
DeleteIsn't it lovely to find controversies on which I have almost no opinion! The only one I feel any passion about is the toilet paper, and I deal with that energy by "fixing" the roll to "over," just as my father taught me when I was a little girl, whenever someone in the family hangs it incorrectly. This is my silent gift. (Selden)
ReplyDeleteI love your approach, Selden!
DeleteFrom Celia: I agree with Amanda, Yea for Selden.
DeleteI love these!
ReplyDeletePineapple on pizza? Never!
Socks with sandals? Of course.
Hot dog a sandwich? No, but I see the point.
Cereal is soup. Um, what?
Over or Under? Over, and I'll change yours to be the correct way if I get the chance...
Edith, after writing my answer I realized that my husband wears grey wool hiking socks with Keen closed-toe hiking sandals all the time. Also, in New England of bygone days, a favorite summer supper was milk poured over bread in a porringer. However, it was not known as "soup" but bread and milk. :) (Selden)
Deleteand if you shave maple syrup over the cream over baguette, it is dessert.
DeleteSocks with Birkenstocks is almost a requirement for Quakers - or at least a frequent joke.
DeleteOh Edith -- too bad Blogger doesn't give us the emoji options, because if it did I would feel the need to insert multiple facepalm emojis under your Birkenstock/socks comment.... (and I would add in several LOL ones, too).
DeleteI am actually wearing socks with my house slip-on Birkies right now!
DeleteFrom Celia: it's winter folks and up here it's COLD. But people still go out without coats but with socks on wearing their birkes or crocs. I see guys in shorts and tees too.
DeleteMy Northern Michigan grandson, almost 20 now, has only worn a coat once in the last five years. His default "outdoor" wear is a hoodie.
DeleteKaren, my 32-year-old son wore multiple sweatshirts (top one a hoodie) instead of a warm jacket well into December, but when we had dinner with him last week, I was relieved to see that it had finally gotten cold enough for him to wear a ski jacket (over a hoodie)!
DeleteBirks might be the exception to the rule!
DeleteThese guys, Kim!
DeleteIt gets really cold in Traverse City, with wind and snow coming off the lake. And they get as much as 200" of snow in winter. The kid is tough. But goofy.
Agree! Never- yuck, socks ok at times, no but whatever, NO not soup, over
Delete(Heather S)
Like Selden my opinion meter on these topics is close to zero…toilet paper, under, but since I live alone there’s no controversy. Wishing you all well. Elisabeth
ReplyDeleteThere's the solution!
DeleteWhile I don't want pineapple on my pizza, I will defend to my death (not really) your right to eat your pizza any way you want.
ReplyDeleteSocks with sandals? Again, not for me, but you do you.
Hot dogs are absolutely sandwiches. Meat and condiments in bread=sandwich.
Cereal as soup? Uh. No.
Toilet paper? Definitely over. And like Edith, I've been known to change it when I find it installed incorrectly.
While I read the post, I exactly thought all of what you wrote here Annette.
Huzzah, Annette, well said.
Delete4 no's and an over, though I'm embarrassed not to be as open-minded as Annette!
DeletePineapple on Pizza- maybe on yours
ReplyDeleteSocks with sandals - not on me
A hot dog is a sandwich.
Cereal with milk is not soup.
Over is correct - but I don't change it anymore because some people prefer to be stubbornly wrong.
Ha ha - "maybe on yours"
DeletePineapple on pizza, no for me but if you like it, go for it
ReplyDeleteSocks with sandals, nope
Hot dog is not a sandwich
Cereal with milk is not soup
OVER is the correct way for toilet paper!
It does feel like this list skews to mostly no's.
DeleteYes to pineapple, yes to socks--I won't but go ahead if you want, no to hot dog as sandwich--just because, no to cereal as soup--who needs milk?, and over--I've been some places where you definitely don't want to take a chance of the tp touching the wall!
ReplyDeleteoh Flora -- what a thought about the wall and the TP touching it!!!!
DeleteAmanda, fieldwork took me to some less than savory places!
DeleteOof, good argument for the TP.
DeleteSo glad you are trying to resolve these issues!
ReplyDeleteNo pineapple, and not sausage meatballs. Just gross! No ham, and no donair meat and no lobster. There is a proper place for these things, just not on pizza.
Socks-thing. In the garden yes, and in crocs which get hot and sweaty and you need the socks for absorption. On the fashion run-way, just in case you thought I meant airport runway – no. Actually, no sneakers either if you are supposed to be dressed high fashion, not meaning that you have to wear heals, but sneakers even glowing white just look wrong. (but comfortable).
Hot dog is just a hot dog. Dress it how you wish. Even if you run out of buns and have to use a rolled-up piece of bread, it is still a hot dog. Balogna (ie) is a sandwich.
Soup should be hot unless it is strawberry or gazpacho. Cereal comes in a box. So, no.
Ah, the toilet paper. Here is my theory. Over is for paper-bangers. That is people who bang the paper off the roll, not pull. Those who pull the paper, and don’t need half a roll to have a poop, want it under. The tail hangs down. That not only means that you can count the squares needed, but find the tail in the dark, when you just need to pee and get back to bed. Case closed. By the way, I set it the proper way every time some one else puts it up backwards. At least he changes the roll…
Apparently Margo you and I are the only ones who understand how to hang the tp roll. Congratulations to us! I wonder how many of those other folks have or had kittens, because when the tp hangs over they have afield day pulling it all off the roll! Maybe pups do the same thing.
DeleteHooray for us “unders”! Elisabeth
DeleteI have noticed that in public facilities with the monster rolls, they do it under generally.
DeleteFun topic. Pineapple yes. Socks - you do you. Hot dog - never thought of it but probably yes. Cereal - two separate things served together. TP over obviously but I’ll just pity your ignorance and leave it. RB
ReplyDeletepineapple/pizza - I'm neutral on this
ReplyDeletesandals/socks - In my beach community it's generally frowned upon.
hotdog/sandwich - NO
cereal/soup - NO
toilet paper - OVER
Sandy socks would be awful.
DeleteYes (it's my standby order).
ReplyDeleteNo (never).
No (sandwich = bread not bun).
No (not really sure why, but a hard no for me).
Over (definitely).
Most of the Canadians I know seem to prefer pineapple and ham pizza, for some reason.
DeleteThe soup one is a head scratcher.
DeleteKaren - you make an interesting observation about us Canadians and pineapple on the pizza. Hmmmmm....
DeleteI have no strong feelings about anything except the toilet paper. Definitely over due to health/germ reasons. Otherwise, you do you. -- Victoria
ReplyDeleteThe TP does seem to garner the strongest reponse.
DeletePineapple on pizza--not my favorite, but my niece loves it, which makes it ok by me.
ReplyDeleteSandals/socks--not attractive, but do what you like!
Hot dogs are meat in between bread--sounds like a sandwich to me. Lots of sandwiches are made on rolls or buns.
I eat cereal with a tiny kiss of 1/2 and 1/2, and as a child ate it dry. The idea of soup cereal makes me gag
I grew up in a family where the TP was generally hung in the under direction, but have learned from very emphatic friends (one of whom used to clean houses for work) on social media that the correct way is over.
You're very accepting of differences, Gillian. Bravo.
DeleteThis is a good one! Pineapple yes, socks NO, hot dog as a sandwich no, cereal as soup no, over.
ReplyDeleteYou and my Hub are in sync.
DeletePineapple on pizza, yes!
ReplyDeleteSocks with sandals, yes!
Hot dog is not a sandwich
Cereal with milk is not soup
UNDER is the correct way for toilet paper!
Canadians are strong on the pineapple pizza - love it!
DeleteHa ha, this is great! Let’s see. Pineapple on pizza, it doesn’t sound good to me, but whatever you like. And I’ll pass on ham on pizza, too. Not my favorite. Is it still pizza if it has pineapple on it? I think it’s pizza with pineapple on it. I think that’s different.
ReplyDeleteSocks with sandals. No thank you. I will allow that it is probably comfortable.
Is a hotdog a sandwich. I see the argument, I really do, and I could be convinced just on the very specific description of what such a thing is, but I think a sandwich has bread, not a bun. Like a hamburger. Although they do call them a hamburger sandwich.
Is cereal soup. That’s hilarious, and I see the funny argument, is there a fallacy called reductio ad absurdum? It’s something like that.
And toilet paper. I just had a big argument with myself over that the other day. I was always a big under, but I’m really thinking over is more logical.
My husband says, by the way, he would not prefer to have pineapple on his pizza but fine with him if you do. Sandals with socks is fine. A hotdog is a sandwich. Cereal is not soup. And under. And yet, we still get along perfectly!
I love that you and Jonathan can co-exist happily amid such fundamental differences. LOL.
DeleteJENN: Hilarious! I am laughing because I never saw that question about hot dogs being a sandwich nor cereal being a soup! I can see how that can happen.
ReplyDeleteAs a child, I loved pineapple on a pizza. Now I cannot eat pizza due to my allergies.
Sandals with socks? why not?
Toilet paper? I have seen that argument so many times. I remember a sad letter that a widow wrote to Dear Ann or was it Dear Abby many years ago. She wrote "Since her husband passed away, she regretted the times when she argued with her husband about the toilet paper under vs toilet paper over.."
Aw, it is the little things sometimes that get us. A veyr good lesson in tolerance from that widow.
DeleteYes, to pineapple. Not for me, but you do you.
ReplyDeleteSandals with socks always remind me of the friar who taught religion in my Catholic high school, who wore socks and humble sandals with his hooded brown robe with rope belt. If that's the look you're going for, fine.
If a burger in a bun is a sandwich, so is a hot dog. But really, who cares?
Cereal is soup? I don't understand the question.
The original patent of the toilet roll shows the paper going over. I defer to the inventor.
LOL - yes the friar look is trending!
DeleteFrom Celia: Brilliant Jenn, I'm laughing and really enjoying today's time suck! Well done everyone you've made my day.
ReplyDeleteBut just for controversy's sake - what has the world done to poor pizza? I recall eating pizza in my teens walking with my family in Rome. Never heard of pizza before then. I remember pizza kits? By Chef-Boy-Ardee? Does anyone else? And don't trust my spelling. But my father loved to cook them. I might ask what has the world done to pizza. But I don't hear the Italians screaming and threatening law suits over some of the really bizarre toppings. Not like another European country might, you know of whom I speak. So I'll just say "Ce la vie", and continue to change any loo roll I come across to over.
Chef-Boy-Ardee pizzas were common at my house, Celia. We would get those for dinner, but then my parents would order real ones late at night when we kids were tucked in bed.
DeleteThere was a yeast dough package, and a can of sauce and a package of Parmesan, and we'd add pepperoni, if I remember correctly. It was a convenience food, but not necessarily much of a timesaver, because you still had to rise the dough. My scent memory just kicked in!
We often had these on a Friday or Saturday night--the boxed pizza mixes. At the time, pizza places were not too common and certainly didn't deliver!
DeleteWe LOVED Chef Boy Ar Dee. What a HUGE treat it was!
DeleteBummer, I never had the pizza kit, but I did survive on the microwavable Chef B's ravioli in college.
DeleteWay to rub it in that you're so much younger than we are, Jenn. LOL
DeleteWe had those kits 20 years before microwave ovens were heard of by most of us! (They existed, but were too expensive for most.)
There is only one kind of acceptable pizza and that is CHEESE PIZZA. Anything else is a perverted abomination of pizza.
ReplyDeleteSandals with socks looks dumb as hell but if it saves us from seeing the ugly-ass feet of someone, I say go for it.
A hot dog is a meal and since hamburgers are sandwiches so are hot dogs.
Cereal is not soup.
LOL! Just cheese? I'm shocked! Shocked I say, that you have forsaken pepperoni.
DeleteGenerally, I don't eat a lot of pineapple anymore. Even cooked, it does a number on my tongue. But you can have it in yours.
ReplyDeleteSince I only wear sandals when it hot, why would I wear socks? I do keep my socks on with my slippers after work, when it cold.
I wrap a flour tortilla around a hot dog, then heat it in the microwave. Does that make it a taco?
Cereal - soup? I put chili and stew in bowls, are they soup?
It sits on the counter because I'm too lazy to put it on the spring loaded pin, in a box, that has little protrusions, cut in the wall, that I bang my elbow on.
I think you solved the TP issue, Deana,
DeleteNo,no,no, no, over ( of course!)
ReplyDelete(I can be opinionated when it doesn't matter) :-)
Pineapple on pizza, No,never,ever. (I grew up in a town with many Italian restaurants...and I live in NY)
Socks with sandals. No( Ugly)
Hot dog is not a sandwich (Don't be ridiculous)
Cereal with milk is not soup (Ditto)
OVER is the correct way for toilet paper! (Of course! Easier to unroll and tear)
Same, Triss. My strongest opinions are usually on dopey things. LOL.
DeleteNo pineapple for me. Do what makes you happy.
ReplyDeleteSocks with sandals? Only if you're German.
A hot dog is a thing of wonder, not merely a sandwich.
Cereal with milk can vary, but it is not soup.
LOL on the hotdog take.
DeleteYes to the first three. Most cereals are not soups; they are an abomination. (I'm looking at you Chocolate-coated Sugar Bombs with Caramel-coated Marshmallows, or whatever; give me corn flakes, Rice Krispies, or shredded wheat; better yet, give me steel-cut oatmeal.) As for toilet paper, does it really matter as long as you are not using poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac while hiking in the woods? I thought not.
ReplyDeleteJerry, I also love steel cut oatmeal! For years I made it every day. I wonder why I stopped?
DeleteI'll have to get some more. (Selden)
LOL - poison ivy - AHHHHHHHH!
DeleteI don't eat pineapple on pizza, but if you like it, go for it.
ReplyDeleteIt can get chilly in the summer here; sometimes, I'm out in sandals with long pants (NOT shorts or a skirt!), and I stick socks in my purse to put on after dark if my feet get cold.
If I saw a hot dog or hamburger under "sandwiches" on a restaurant menu, I wouldn't be surprised (meat between two pieces of bread, right?)
I cannot understand how anyone could consider cornflakes or Rice Krispies "soup."
My toilet paper is always over, but I'd never change it at someone else's house!!!
I wouldn't change it anyone else's house either.
DeletePizza can have anything you want, what difference does it make-I don’t understand anchovies, but if it enhances your enjoyment…
ReplyDeleteIf you are going to wear socks with sandals, you might as well wear shoes
A hot dog is not a sandwich because it can be eaten without bread, e.g. franks and beans, cocktail franks, etc (I’m glad you didn’t get started on the ketchup issue again) that seems to crop up every summer.)
Cereal doesn’t need a bowl to be eaten, try holding soup in your hand.
Since I use the mega rolls of toilet paper it doesn’t make a difference because they are too big for the dispenser and have to lie on their side
I did avoid the ketchup discussion. Phew! Too controversial. LOL.
DeleteYes to pineapple on pizza. Socks with sandals depends on circumstance for example soccer players and others who are changing from slides to cleats wear socks all the time and that’s ok. Old geazers wearing socks with sandals and shorts is a no. On vacation if sandals are your only footwear choice and you are hit with a sudden cold spell or your other shoes have caused blisters galore then socks with the sandals will do in a pinch but camouflaging them with long pants is wise. Hot dog is not a sandwich, cereal is not soup, and the tp must go over.
ReplyDeleteVery pragmatic!
DeleteBy the way, how about a t shirt with a suit?
ReplyDeleteI actually LOVE that. How about a suit with, um, NO shirt?? :-)
DeleteHank, only on the right (male) body! Sexist and objectifying, yes, but if we’re going to go there, at least make it fun for those of us who have to see them! — Pat S
DeleteJust nope!
DeleteOkay by me, so long as it's a clean t-shirt (mother of hooligans, here).
DeletePineapple on pizza, yes and with green olives (I have a thing for sweet/salty combos)
ReplyDeleteSocks with sandals? That question has to be answered on a case by case basis
A hot dog is technically a sandwich with it’s own name
Cereal as soup? Seriously, no!
Toilet paper, over at my house!
OMG! I loooooove green olives on pizza!
Whatever way you feel like doing it.
Pineapple on Pizza? I don’t think it’s pizza anymore, just an interesting open-faced sandwich!
Socks with sandals: it’s not for ME, but I’m not judging those who do it. (I tend to not wear sandals very often, anyway.)
Hot dogs: if you want to call a hot dog a sandwich, feel free. My real opinion is “maybe”.
(I’m having trouble with forefinger typing out this response. And I’m not able to review my responses, so I apologize if it seems a bit scrambled! And I think I need new glasses. Blogger, what are you doing to me?!)
Blogger is evil.
DeleteAnd cereal is not soup. It’s cereal!
1. No for me, but you do your side of the pie however you want it.
ReplyDelete2. No, when socks come into the mix, wear shoes.
3. no real opinion on the hotdog sandwich debate
4. What? Yeah that would be a “no soup for you” scenario
5. Definitely over. It was drilled into me by my military father there is only over, under is how savages live. 😂
5. 😂
DeleteSavages, yes! Ha ha. (Selden)
DeleteSavages. Ha!
DeletePinapple on pizza, sure, why not? Pizza is just bread with toppings. (My hub would vehemently disagree with this one.)
ReplyDeleteI have been known to wear my sports sandals with socks around the house when my feet are cold. Out in public, no way.
I can see the hotdog as sandwich argument, but really, a hotdog is a hotdog.
Cereal is not soup.
And always OVER. Unless you have kittens, in which case you are probably better off locking the roll up.
Kittens are a game changer!
DeleteI like pineapple (and ham or Canadian bacon) on pizza so I say yes.
ReplyDeleteThe people who said if you’re going to wear socks, just put on shoes and Jay’s comment about ugly feet/cover them up make sense to me. I know that people will wear them, but I will be silently judging them.
I don’t think of a hot dog as a sandwich, but can see the argument in favor.
Cereal is not soup.
When my (future) husband and I were talking about living together, he asked me which way the tp should be put on the holder. I had never given a nanosecond of thought to how it was put on, as long as it was replaced when empty. After almost 40 years together, I have been trained to have it go over. (And after Flora’s comment about the wall, I won’t ever put it under! Yecch!) — Pat S
Silently judging is my super power - LOL!
DeletePineapple on pizza- yes , though I don’t eat it that way
ReplyDeleteI didn’t think you should wear socks with sandals, but apparently now it’s a thing. But to me the whole point of sandals is to let your feet roam free.
hot dog is a category unto itself - not a sandwich
Cereal is not soup
Agreed on all but the hotdog.
DeleteI'm laughing to myself because I was expecting your "controversial" questions to be connected to the political warfare that's in constant battle on all the social sites. It's exhausting! So what a relief to kick back and have some fun...thank you for that! Short and are my answers: Yes, No, Yes, No, Over. I know how passionate people can be about the pineapple on pizza topic...either yay or nay...but I love pineapple so much I put it in my salads and sandwiches sometimes. As well as on pizza. Even my favorite Jelly Belly jelly bean flavor is pineapple.
ReplyDeleteAs a postscript, Jenn, I added an additional comment after your reply to me on yesterday's blog about non-fiction books. I think it's very exciting that you are entering the world of running!
Thank you so much, Evelyn. I'll go look!
DeletePineapple on pizza - Yes
ReplyDeleteSocks with sandals - No, never. I don’t care if it is a trend.
Hot dog as a sandwich - Yes
Cereal as soup - No
Toilet paper - Over. I natural for me is under but my mom trained my sister and me to have it go over, so that’s what I do.
We are in accord :)
DeleteThe patent for the original toilet roll holder.
LOL! Bringing the receipts, as the kids say!
DeletePineapple: Yes, just not on *my* pizza.
ReplyDeleteSocks: Yes, as long as you do not leave your home.
Hot dogs: Not a sandwich in the North American sense. The Dutch have words for this kind of thing. They serve their sandwiches open-face and you eat them with a knife and fork. That is "een broodje". If you order "een belegd broodje", you will get a conventional sandwich, with bread top and bottom and stuff in between. You can order a "frikandel broodje", which is pretty much the equivalent of a hot dog since "broodje" by itself is a type of bun. :)
Cereal: Not soup.
OVER! (Yes, I have been known to correct it IN OTHER PEOPLE'S HOUSES (gasp!), which got me into trouble. I don't do that anymore.) :D
My Swedish friend always eats her sandwiches with a knife and fork.
DeletePineapple on Pizza: Noooooooooo
ReplyDeleteSocks with Sandals: I want to say no, but I'm willing to consider the circumstances.
Hot Dogs a Sandwich: No
Cereal as Soup: Only if you're high on medication and nothing seems what it is or isn't.
Toilet Paper Over or Under: I don't know how many times I have to say "over." There are laws about this. Well, there should be laws about this.
Thanks for the laugh, Kathy. Medication, indeed!
DeleteLOL - medicated state would explain a lot.
DeleteNo! No! I could be persuaded either way on the hot dog. No and what a weird idea. Over and I saw the patent that proved this is the way it was intended; not that that sways my husband at all...
ReplyDeleteHusbands can be stubborn.
DeleteYes to pineapple on pizza -- as long as it is fresh and not from a can. Socks with sandals? Usually a no, unless you are on vacation in Portugal at Christmas time and all you have are the sandals and airplane socks because your luggage was lost. Hotdogs are NOT a sandwich. Cereal is NOT a soup. Toilet paper is over.
ReplyDeleteI hear a story in there!
DeleteFUN SURVEY!!! Pineapple - OK on pizza especially with ham. Socks & Sandals - NO Hot Dog - not a sandwich as it is just one piece of bread! Cereal is not soup as for soup you'd need a vegetable/meat/fish and water/stock/milk. So, the first part of the equation is missing! Toilet paper over so that it stays away from any grime that might be on the wall! Also, you have a hamburger on a bun and not two slices of bread!
ReplyDeleteOnly with ham!
DeletePineapple on pizza is not my choice because I don't like pineapple. Other opinions may differ. I would never wear socks with sandals, my husband always does and we do still go out together. I just ignore them. A hotdog is a sandwich by definition but cereal being soup? I think soup has to have vegetables, so no. Toilet paper -- there is only one way to put the toilet paper on the roll -- over. The other way is just a recipe for disaster and absolutely wrong.
ReplyDeleteLOL! The overs definitely out number the unders.
DeletePineapple on pizza - no, socks with maybe sometimes, hot dogs on a bun is not a sandwich, cereal is not soup and far as toilet paper being over or under I will accept if it just put up.
ReplyDeleteTrue. I'd just be happy if someone else loaded it up.
DeletePineapple on pizza: yes! Don’t knock it until you have tried it!
ReplyDeleteSocks with sandals: not for me, but if you’re more comfortable that way, then fine with me.
Hot dog a sandwich: definitely yes.
Cereal a soup: NO!
TP direction: over for sure. As someone has already commented, the patent for a tp holder shows it as over. End of story!
DeleteYes, pineapple and ham on pizza.
ReplyDeleteYes for socks with birkes.
I suppose if you put hotdogs between 2 slices of bread it’s a sandwich.
T-paper and cereal: no opinion!
Gotta have the ham, too. Yes.
Delete*thumbs up*
ReplyDeleteVery succinct.
ReplyDeleteWe're fam for sure. :)
ReplyDeleteAs a Canadian, Yes to pineapple on pizza but, looking at the picture, not THAT much. For the rest, No, No, No, and Over.
ReplyDeleteNo, no, no, no and over!