Saturday, February 15, 2025

Are you In The Audience?

HANK PHILLIPPI RYAN:  First, I cannot get over how fantastic it was to see so many of you on Thursday. Wow wow wow! That was a day to remember! And I hope, I truly hope, that it will encourage first time posters to join with us more often! We absolutely adored seeing you, and learning about you, and it makes reading the blog so different, now, being able for me to imagine all of you out there.


(And your Valentine stories were great! Also, we had some winners throughout  this week, too, and I will announce those all on Sunday.)


Also! You know how we love a THEME! And maybe the wonderful (I’m not exaggerating one bit, take a look at her bio) Christine Murphy might have read Carter Wilson’s advice-to-readers blog on Wednesday—although maybe not—and today she has more ideas about being a good citizen of book world. And you can tell just by reading them what a terrific writer she is!


And make sure you look at her bio and info on her debut novel at the end of the page. Amazing!


One Author's Plea to Prospective Book Event Audiences 

          By Christine Murphy

Book events are strange affairs. Populated with family and friends, strangers off the street with nothing else to do that day, or people who genuinely think warm cheese and Q&As about which pencil an author uses are interesting. As I embark, for the first time, on a series of events where I will be on stage, instead of in the audience, I consider what I would love to have from an audience.


1. Show up.

Our publicist tells us we’re not going on tour because events don’t sell books.

We do not believe them.

We are convinced they’re lying, because the household name we follow on social media just returned from a seven-month world tour (#grateful he posts next to an announcement for the next book he sold) and he sells books.

So we preen and prep before our single event at the bookstore where our friend works, convinced the room will be packed with adoring fans.

We arrive and say hi to our parents and long-suffering spouse (who we forgot to mention in the acknowledgements- amazing, really, that they showed up at all) and ask the helpful clerk behind the desk where the stage is and she points to the empty space between the history shelves, where the teenagers are making out because no one ever looks at the history shelves.


Please. Attend the event. Attend any book event for any author, for any book. We are a weak and neurotic people. We are desperate for attention. Please show up. Buy the book. Speak to our family (easy to spot- they’ll be the only other people there). Lie and tell them you read a review and you are so excited to meet us. Let us feel like the decade we spent on something that earned us, after taxes, enough for three sodas, means something to someone. You can return the book tomorrow.


2. Ask a question

Please ask a question. Any question. Much like a fortune cookie with “in bed” at the end of it, just add “while writing?” to whatever is on your mind and make that your question.

 -What did you have for breakfast (while writing)?

 -What do you think about modern politics (while writing)? (Maybe not, actually. Never mind. Stay away from politics.)

 -Did you really film a video in your bathtub on Instagram (while writing)?


We don’t care. We stare blinking into your generous eyes, shaking like a chihuahua with a bladder infection at the thought of someone other than our mothers showing an interest in our work. It’s pathetic. We know that. You know that. Ask a question anyway.


3. Ask us to sign it.

Please do this. We’ll be so excited.

Daydreaming about signing novels is how pretentious intellectuals daydream about signing autographs.  Tell us to write something ridiculous, so we can huff and have a story to tell our friends, a story which, ostensibly, is about the thing you made us write, but in reality is about the burdens of fame. We would love to be able to tell stories about the burdens of fame.


4. Tell us you are looking forward to the next book.

This one is easy to remember. We’ll be talking about our next book, even though we haven’t started writing it yet. We’re terrified. Secretly, we’re hoping that the first book will do so well we’ll never have to write another one.

Knowing that someone other than our agents and our mothers are expecting another book is a different sort of motivation. Oh god, we’ll think as you tell us how excited you are, someone actually cares. And it will remind us, even if we think you’re lying, that we care too.


HANK: Ohh, this is great, absolutely great! And since my new book is a thriller about book events--truly, they are front and center in so many scenes--I have been thinking and thinking about what it's like to be on the author side of the microphone.  I’d say 99% of the time, it's brilliant fabulous fantastic. But one of the time... well, there's that. And we'll talk about that later.


But weigh in, Reddies, tell us some things about book events! From the attendee side of the microphone, what do you think? From the author side, what do you think?


has lived, worked, and traveled in more than a hundred countries, including living for eleven months in a tent across the African continent and a year as a resident in a Buddhist nunnery in the Himalayas. A trained Buddhologist, Murphy has a Ph.D. in religious studies. This is her first novel.


When Sarah’s only friend in her graduate program is found dead of an alleged heroin overdose, Sarah is forced back into the orbit of the man in their department who assaulted her. A hurtling ride of a novel—darkly funny and propulsive.

At a Ph.D. program in Southern California, Sarah and her best friend, Nathan, spend their time working on their theses, getting high, and keeping track of the poor air quality due to nearby forest fires. No one believes Sarah when she reports a fellow student for raping her at a party—“He’s such a good guy!”—and the Title IX office simply files away the information, just like the police. Nathan is the only person who cares.

    When Sarah finds Nathan dead of an overdose from a drug he’s always avoided, she knows something isn’t right. She starts investigating his death as a murder, and as the pieces fall into place, she notices a disturbing pattern in other student deaths on campus.

    As a girl, Sarah grew up in the forests of Maine, following her father on hunts, learning how to stalk prey and kill, but only when necessary. Now, she must confront a different type of killing—and decide if it can be justified.

    Notes on Surviving the Fire is a story about vengeance, the insidious nature of rape culture, and ultimately, a woman's journey to come back to herself.


  1. Congratulations on your book, Christine . . . it sounds quite captivating and I'm looking forward to meeting Sarah and Nathan . . . .
    As for the book events, it does sound a bit like walking over hot coals, but I've found that most readers are truly supportive of authors. After all, who will write the books for us if we aren't truly encouraging?

    1. You are so right! And there is absolutely nothing that makes an author happier than a wonderful book event! Speaking for myself, it is one of the complete joys of my life.

    2. Thank you Lisa! Lol here’s hoping everyone coming to author events is as nice as you!! (But I’ve heard horror stories!)

    3. Agh! Joan, I'm sorry- butter fingers and I called you by the wrong name! lol, I'm off my phone and on my laptop now (never mastered the art of writing with just a fingertip!)

  2. Now I feel bad. There was a nearby event with two mystery authors that I skipped. I will do better in the future!

    1. Aw, don't feel bad! I will say, I think book events are a great alternative to traditional activities/date nights/etc. It's like shopping but with a dash of entertainment! And I do think, technically, they also count as charity events :D :D :D

    2. Agreed! Don’t feel bad! We all do the best we can do :-) I love that you care

  3. Congratulations on your debut novel. We want the rapist to be a murder victim. Book signing events are fun!

    1. Oooh…does he get murdered?? lol you have to read to find out!!

    2. Christine, you are such a tease! :-) That’s why you write suspense. And yes, so agree, love book events— there is always something fascinating.

    3. I will say, one of the challenges with a thriller or mystery, is it's kind of hard to talk about the book without giving things away! How do I talk about my favorite scene, when that scene is a MAJOR plot twist? Or my favorite character who isn't as bad as you think, or my other favorite character who isn't as good as you think? But you can't know any of that until you've read it!

    4. THEMES! :-) but I agree, sometimes I start an event by saying well, here’s my boat, one wrong word. It’s fast paced page turning suspense, but sadly, I cannot tell you anything about it :-)

      It’s fun, people love to hear about where you got the idea, truly, that’s a fine question. And also about your writing process and how your name your characters and how long it took you and why it’s important to you. And why you are the perfect person to write it. You got this.

  4. What a delightful post! From the author side, I've had my shares of packed events and others where only one or two people showed up (plus the library in NH where NO ONE wanted to hear us). It's always a treat to see familiar faces out there and even more thrilling to see a room full of people you don't know!

    The other night I was on the other side, listening to a historian talk about her new book on Frances Perkins (Dear Miss Perkins: A Story of Frances Perkins's Efforts to Aid Refugees from Nazi Germany by Rebecca Brenner Graham). The author, a friend and history colleague of my daughter-in-law, was a Mt. Holyoke undergrad, Mt. Holyoke houses the Perkins archives, and the bookstore was in that college's town (South Hadley, MA). The audience was full of college people and fans of Perkins, so the questions were many and interesting. Alison and I sat in the front row, and we each asked a question, too. It was a fun and different evening for me, and now I have a signed interesting new book to read.

    1. That sounds fascinating and fun, Edith. I wish I could have been there. (Selden)

    2. Thanks for the book recommendation, Edith. My mom was, and I am big fans of Frances Perkins. She won the Lent Madness Golden Halo a few years back (like March madness, but an on-line contest between saints of the past, created by 2 Episcopal priests) when Labor Dept employees organized to vote for her.

    3. Edith, I just want to remind you to tell me if you ever schedule an event in Connecticut. I will make every effort to be there to cheer you on!

    4. Gillian, I love that! Judy, hmm. Maybe I'll try to get a gig at R Julia next summer when my 7th Cozy Capers Book Group mystery comes out (late August). Stay tuned for news.

    5. Also, Christine, I should have opened with a congratulations on your debut! That's huge.

    6. That's so interesting! I love the idea of a book event where everyone is informed on the topic. Was there a fantastic Q&A?
      And thank you! I'm very excited for my book. lol, false humility aside, I think it's great :D!

    7. Oh, you are so wise! I love to go to events where I absolutely have no idea, or it’s a new genre, or it’s out of my usual. Xxx

  5. The thought of having to go on a book tour and hold public events would be enough to convince me never to write a book. I am sure I would be sick with stage fright. Because for most of my adult life I have lived hours from anything, I've only been to one event, in the late 1990s, when for my husband's job we briefly lived in the Bay Area.

    Maeve Binchy spoke at Book Passage in Corte Madera. Since she wrote some of my favorite comfort reads, I thought it would be fun to hear her. I drove to the event and was stunned to find the parking lot overflowing down the street and the room jammed. I am 5'10" and was able to stand in the back with a good view over the crowd. I thought absently to myself: her fans are all middle-aged white women. At that very moment I realized, age 39, "Oh my goodness, *I* am a middle-aged white woman!" My complete lack of self-awareness struck me as very funny. Meanwhile, of course, Maeve was wonderful. (Selden)

    1. Lucky you Selden! In my youth (40's) I would have loved to meet her. There was just something down-homey about her writing. Unfortunately for me, I reread one of her books a few years ago in book club, and was saddened that time had really faded her allure.

    2. Haha! This is so funny! I accepted my own middle age (I'm 41) last year when, at my last job, I had a boss 5 or 6 years older than me who was VERY loud about proclaiming herself young and found the phrase 'middle age' extremely offensive. I sort of felt bad for her (although, who knows? Maybe she'll live to 150, in which case I guess she's not middle aged at all!) and decided then and there to accept the label.

      And we'll see how I fare at the book events! Please show up if you're able! To be honest, my biggest fear is no one will be there and I'll by myself? It's like getting picked last for sports in school except it's more like not getting picked at all.. (even my parents won't be there- they scheduled a cruise during my tour! Can you believe that??!)

    3. Every author has events where no one comes! It’s kind of a hideous rite of passage… but as I always say, if no one is there, no one knows that no one was there :-)

    4. Christine, I hope you have a great turnout! I would be a wreck, so I salute your courage.

      Margo, Maeve's last few books, written when she was fighting a losing battle against very bad health, are not up to her standard. I don't hold it against her. I still love all of the earlier ones. (Selden)

  6. Congrats on the book, Christine. I agree with all your points above - and most especially your assertion that authors are a little neurotic. Because we are.

    I go to as many book events as I can, both to support the author and the local indie bookstore. I always buy a book, maybe not the one on sale, but something. Again, to support the bookstore.

    As an author, I've been to packed events (my debut) and ones with maybe 3 people, excluding myself and the store staff. I went to one library event where it was me and the librarian. In fact, I was supposed to have a group event at a library today and we got snowed/rained/iced out (yes, the snow is falling thickly here in the Laurel Highlands). But I almost always have fun.

    1. We are neurotic! Someone told me that my debut events will probably get the best showing of any of them! Lol, so hopefully it's a crowd's all down hill from here I guess!

      I kind of love the idea of a library event of just me and the librarian- assuming he/she enjoyed the book! I love librarians, so any chance to hang out with one is a win!

    2. You are so savvy to play it by ear… You never know, right? And weather, that’s a whole nother… Element :-)

  7. I like author events but not many take place in Harrisburg PA. My local bookstore, The Midtown Scholar, and I have attended several. Recently Louise Penny spoke in Lancaster which is about 45 minutes from me and I didn’t get a ticket. I love the Key West Library Author Series (long may it live) where I’ve met Deborah Crombie, Lucy Burnette and Hallie Ephron. I am a fangirl but a shy one so questions don’t often pop out of me.

    1. My brain is barely functioning. Just wanted to edit the line about Midtown Scholar. It should read that they do events and I have attended several. Duh…

    2. Second edit. I DO know Lucy’s last name is Burnett…

    3. That's so great you attend even if you're shy!!! I'm sure the authors appreciate it.

      Man, I love Louise Penny. She writes a GREAT mystery. I am also a huge fangirl, and I feel authors are some of the nicest people to fangirl around!

    4. Yes, Lucy has marvelous events!

    5. And being shy – – means we are even more appreciative that you came!

    6. And we really appreciate you coming to see us, Emily!

  8. The book sounds fabulous, Christine, and your post is so funny! I would definitely come see you if you came to Powell's or Broadway Books in Portland. I've been to several author events--I remember being surprised that Elizabeth George was a US-er and not a Brit. I also saw Jasper Fforde, who IS a Brit, and also hilarious. It was like watching standup. I imagine you would also be funny in person, Christine. Humor earns many points with me.

    1. I did laugh out loud also!

    2. Well, I think I'm a riot :D

      I am hoping to be in California for 7-10 days this summer for book things, and was thinking of just driving up the coast, maybe SD/LA through SF/Oakland and then up to Portland (my uncle lives there and I LOVE POWELL'S!! THEY ARE MY AMAZON!!) and even Seattle (I have friends there too- any bookstores you would recommend). That sounds like a crazy trip, but I love an old school road trip, so it also sounds like a lot of fun! I'll have to see if my publicity folks and the bookstores would have any interest...hmmm...

    3. Christine, that would be so fun! I'm not an expert on Seattle. Powell's is my Amazon too. I order from them when I can. My sister helped organize their workers into a union years ago.

    4. Yes, some authors are so talented at these events! When I interviewed Richard Osman, he was absolutely hilarious! The audience was in stitches!

    5. Any chance you'll be a Kelplers in Menlo Park while you're in California?

  9. I started going to book events in the past few years. I get star-struck and can’t think of an intelligent question to ask from the audience and in the signing line I usually blather about something stupid. Be advised I like your books and want more of them and I am not a crazy person or stalker.

    1. The first time I met the late, great Sue Grafton in person I got completely tongue-tied and then blathered nonsense. Luckily, I got over it the second time.

    2. I fan girl too!!! I took my dad to see the Rolling Stones when they came to Boston last year and even though we were in the stands (not even close to the stage), I was so starstruck that I couldn't even sing along for the first song. Lol, those 80 year old rockstars blew me away (also- they put on an amazing show!! If you are a Stones fan and are wondering whether it's worth seeing them in person, I say 100% YES!)

    3. OMG Edith, what was Sue Grafton like? I adore her series...

    4. Oh, Brenda, that is so sweet. You need to know that authors feel the same way about readers… we are fangirling, too, just the fact that you have attended!

  10. So true! And so funny! I can see how there could be some humor in your debut novel, Christine. I have a question: where do you get your ideas? Joking!! But actually, what sparked this particular idea for this book? And did it evolve from your initial idea as you wrote? As part of a group of self-pub'ed authors, we work to create as many events as we can for our members. It's always an adventure and a chance to talk books with someone--even if it's just one startled person who backs away slowly "uh, I'm not much of a reader!"

    1. I get my ideas from Marshalls, between the skincare and the handbags lol :D

      Well, in all seriousness, much of this book came from my own experience, both as a rape survivor and an academia survivor, and a New Englander in California (which felt like surviving something! Those are two very wonderful, but verrrrry different parts of the world!!).

      I love old school action movies (Die Hard, Terminator, Alien) and wanted to bring some of that gritty under dog action hero-ness to a story that I would enjoy reading (salty female protagonist, no special effects, no secret magical powers, etc.). But I also wanted to write in a real way about the aftermath of sexual violence and what it's like to survive it- rape gets thrown around as a plot point a lot and it's just...not often done very well. Like, the woman loses her sense of humor afterwards (I'm still funny!) or becomes hell bent on nothing but revenge (eh...I still wanted to finish my PhD, and get revenge), and I wondered if I could combine these things- sort of a "feminist Rambo"

      Fun fact - I was on a call with the head of Publicity for all of Random House and I pitched my book as feminist rambo and she DID. NOT. LIKE. THAT. Whatever. If I saw "feminist rambo" printed on LITERALLY ANYTHING, I would buy the shit out of that. It could be toilet paper, and I would 100% stock up on Feminist Rambo toilet paper.

    2. I am truly imagining that conversation with the PR person. Welcome to Author world! Xxxx

  11. What a very infuriating premise for your story, Chrisine! I know I am not alone in wanting to see the rapist get his comeuppance and you have told us that Sarah possesses some skills that her PhD department may not be aware of. I am curious to see how Sarah takes him down!

    Most of the events that I am interested in attending, take place in the evening, in an independent bookstore in a shoreline town about an hour from my home. Not a big deal in the summer. I did attend one event in a B&N in downtown Hartford. I was the only attendee. The author and I became friends, I was already a fan of his books, and I am now a very lucky ARC reader of his new books.
    Good luck with all of your upcoming events! Even one new reader, especially if you are lucky enough for it to be Dru or Grace or Jay, can make a big, big difference in your future turnout!

    1. That sounds great! THere's a big B&N down the road from me, and I think they host some large events (panels and things) but they're so big I wonder what kind of vibe the event has? Boston has some lovely, smaller bookstores where, I suspect, the events take up the whole place (assuming anyone shows up! Agh!) and I would suspect would be a cozier vibe.

    2. Found it is almost author law that having one person come is worse than no one… As you can well imagine. And you are so sweet to be so fabulously generous with that one lucky author.

    3. Author LORE, I meant to type. I should have said: funny, it is almost author lore.. etc. (I’ve got to stop dictating!)

    4. I feel like if one person showed up, I'd just...take them out for coffee? Like, am I supposed to stand at the podium and read aloud to one person? If they're open to it, I'd probably ask if they just wanted to chat about the book over a panini or something. And if that freaks them out and they just leave...well... I guess there goes the one person!!

    5. Christine, we sat down with one of the bookstore managers, in a little informal group and chatted about his books for about an hour. To me, it was fantastic. For him I am sure the event was disappointing. But his kindness earned him a devoted reviewer who has introduced him to hundreds of readers on social media!

    6. Aw, Judy, that sounds like a lovely event! Even if it was small, sometimes connecting deeply with a handful of people can be so much more rewarding than doing a big speech in front of a large group.

  12. I love book events!

    I go to them. I do ask questions, though not always. Sometimes there are enough people that time runs out or someone else asks the question I was going to ask. But I do try to participate. And occasionally I'd even get a friend of mine to come with me.

    I would never go to a book signing event without getting a book signed, so yes I do that. And I don't return it the next day.

    And I'm always looking forward to the next book, because in the fantasy land of Jaylandia the authors I like write the series I like forever and forever...and then for an extra book even after that.

    I've gone to events at Barnes & Noble bookstores, independent bookstores like Titcomb's Bookshop in East Sandwich and at some libraries too. Heck, I've been lucky enough to even be co-host of a sorts when authors such Edith Maxwell and Julie Hennrikus came in-person to meetings of the mystery book club I co-run at my own local library as well as when we've had Zoom into the meetings like Ingrid Thoft, Craig Johnson and Jane K. Cleland.

    While my collection of signed copies assuredly pales in comparison to others, I do like having my copies on hand knowing that the author who signed them knows how much I love their work.

    1. OOh! I have a friend who lives near East Sandwich and recommended I reach out to Titcomb's, so you just reminded me to do that! Thank you Jay!

      I love a signed copy too, even if I didn't receive it directly. I try to pre-order as much as possible to support authors and I get very excited when a pre-order is listed as a "signed first edition" (which makes us authors feel very important- even if there will never be a second edition of the book, at least someone wants an autograph!!).

    2. Yes, Jay, it is always a treat to see you at an event!

  13. Part 2
    In another vein on this same subject, then there are the cases of Case 1) important famous author who I met and we had her book actually signed at a huge event - big hotel, expensive tickets (we donated the book to the library) and knew she was too busy to do anything other than take our name, sign the book, and most likely wish it was over as she had not had supper.
    Case 2) Author was husband of one of the members (this is another book club). They were so excited to have him come and talk that they gave us all free books (he was self-published, had obviously no editor, and no doubt had boxes and boxes in his basement.) Read the book – so many spelling and grammar issues as to be unreadable, and talk about ticking boxes – he got them all! Since we were only 6 people, one of them his wife, how do I ask a pertinent question and not insult him? He apparently did the art-work for the cover, and that is where his talents were, so I commented on the lovely cover and the fact that the husband in the book drove a motorcycle – well he was in a crash, dragged the motorcycle up a cliff, and barely mobile and dreaming of explicit sex the whole time…but I digress.
    Case 3) The third is a very prolific local’ writer’, who sets her stories ‘locally’, then kills all facts that are important to the area and time and couldn’t write a grocery list. I skip her ‘guest lectures’. Better for us both.
    If you have good advice on protocol for these, I am open to ideas.

    1. hmm...

      Honestly, I'm a big fan of just being nice...there are a lot of books out there and, while I read really widely, there's still plenty of stuff I don't like. I can't comment on whether it's "good" or not, because I am just not the reader for it.

      My partner is a big literary snob (lol, that's what I call him!) and he rolls his eyes at a lot of what I read (I am a literary snob too, but I also love great horror, thrillers, fantasy or sci-fi), whereas, interestingly, he will watch any movie and finds value in all different types of films, but I'm not really a tv/film person so I'm very picky about what I will watch...

  14. Part 3
    Pre-covid there was a Nova Scotia reads event in March. In January a book was chosen from usually a provincial writer, but sometimes from all Canada and then many copies of the book were made available in local libraries, and the author would then tour the various central libraries and give a reading from that book and have a chat. A few weeks later without the author present, we would hold a discussion on the book – this is pre-zoom, so no authors were present. These were most interesting and allowed us to consider the author’s point of view, and then discuss the book including that in our discussion – relatively safely as you could talk freely without worry about insulting or criticizing the writer’s tome. These were so interesting, and unfortunately seem to be a covid loss.
    So, kudos to all of you who participate in book tours both as the author, and those who are lucky enough to be able to partake. I would reconsider attending a smaller venue – no more giant ones for me no matter how much I like the author* - and just maybe I might present “I have an idea” at the next book club.
    *large venues seem to only allow broad questions as in what colour is the wall-paper in your dining room, and are you a vegetarian for fear of affecting a spoiler. Most of this could be covered in the first presentation that is given, not needed in the follow-up questions. Nobody could dare to ask Julia a question like “where is Kevin?”

    1. Yeah, that's actually one of my concerns- how freely can people discuss a book if the author is sitting right there? How many people are going to say, "Hi, Christine, welcome! Honestly, I thought this kind of sucked." :D

      I mean, maybe a few...but probably not!! And unfortunately, I think when people feel censored around work, they don't share their true opinions and then the conversation overall isn't as good.

      I'm hoping people will be honest with me- I'm going to start every introduction at a bookclub with "Let's all say the things we would say if I weren't sitting here" but I don't know if anyone will!! I hope so!

    2. Oh, and the privacy of this blog I will tell you one of my most hilarious book event. It was a zoom event with a book club, absolutely jam packed with people, I was so happy! It was not for my current book, but a previous book. The organizer of the zoom event started out by saying: I should tell you, Hank, that some of us, did not like your book very much.
      Can you imagine? Can you even imagine?? I’m like I’m right here! I can hear you!
      But after that, the event was actually fabulous, and I was flooded with emails from people who adored the book. But I have to say, that was quite the opening moment.

    3. I love that she opened with that!! Ha! That's kind of wild! But I guess you can only go up from there!!

    4. Hank, I am interested in your comment about being told up front that several people may not have liked your book. When we as a group read a particular selection, it too may not be to everyone’s taste. That does not let us hold back, and as I see it, it is part of the education and magic of reading books as each of us has the philosophy of a book club book must be finished no matter how painful. Each reader then comments on various things, whether it be the character(s), character development, plot or lack of, shift of plot line midway through, perhaps genre, and always, always “was it tied up with a nice red bow?” – that is usually the worst review it can get! The book selections are from every genre including non-fiction and poetry – there really is something for everyone. As well as something for each of us, we all bring our own history and bias to what we are reading, or have previously read or have lived. It all affects the chit-chat. For instance, I found music in a WW2 book, that one member insists was because it was an audiobook, there must have been music in it – nope, just words but that is how it affected me – I gave it a 13/10. (yes that is a 13, I have also been known to give books a minus number). I was reluctant to read a book about a child drowning – too close to home, but glad that I did. Last month we read a fantasy – not going to run out to buy another, but was able to talk semi-intelligently about it. One of our readers now gone, had the reading ability of barely grade-school, yet she struggled through each book, and always, always saw something that most of us did not see, and floored us every time with her insights.
      So, I think that having that introduction to you would spark a great discussion about any of the parts of any book – the good, the not so good, and maybe the just weird. There is also always the chance that you would change the impression!

    5. Okay, Julia, you're on the spot now! :-)

  15. From Celia: Congratulations and may good karma be with you Christine as you swim in the seas of uncertain fans, those who are tongue tied and those who stopped by to rest their feet. Standing in front of an audience is a challenge.
    Unfortunately I live in rural Maine with no close book stores but I did travel to see our Julia speak at Longfellow Books in Portland back in the day and have attended several author events on line since then. But it can be hard to get a question in via keyboard in those circumstances.
    But reading all your author fears made me think there should be a good rhyming ditty here along the lines of a Gilbert and Sullivan patter song.
    "I write my books to serve my craft,
    My talents such I never need a draft"
    Please feel free to finish or burn this, but I wonder if anyone can name the song I'm trying to parody, or the opera.

    1. I cannot resist continuing:
      I never miss a metaphor or simile
      And I use those little commas so care-ful-lleee!
      I used the little commas so carefully
      That now I am the author of a tri-lo-gee!

    2. I love this, Hank! Thanks for the laugh! I am a big Gilbert-and-Sullivan fan.

    3. Oh, Celia! I have an event in Portland, if you want to come!! Also up the coast in April (the exact location skips my mind- but i'll put it on the website when I can remember).

    4. Whew! Thank you, Kim!

    5. Great job, Hank! And Celia, you and Julia should go see Christine in Portland! You’d get to see Christine and Christine would get to meet both you AND Julia! (Not that I’m planning your social lives or anything…)

    6. Just read further and see that Christine and Julia already have plans to meet at Print. Celia, hide in Julia’s back seat!

  16. Book events near where I live are far and few between. Not really all that far but now I don't drive at night and I don't drive more than twenty or so miles, so I know I am missing out on a lot of good things. However, when I was younger I went to several events, the most memorable being the one where Madelaine L'Engle appeared, as well as Lois Lowry. Ms L'Engle's husband accompanied her and they both signed my book since he was a favorite actor on All My Children. My young daughter was thrilled to see her in the bathroom, where she had nonchalantly tossed her fur coat over the door!

    I'm sure I'll enjoy your book, Christine and I look forward to reading it. It must be wonderful to have written and then published your book! I'm guessing it was worth the struggle!

    1. Wow!! You saw Madelaine L'Engle in person!?!?!? WOW!! I would have just died on the spot. And I had no idea she was married to a soap actor!! I love that for her! (They all have such perfect teeth...)

      I am very please my book is in the world! Publishing is a wild ride (and wildly arbitrary) and, speaking as someone who 0 inside connections or contacts, I am very happy my creepy, rapey baby has made it into the world!

    2. I had the joy of interviewing Lois Lowry in front of hundreds of people at the library, and I have to tell you she was completely lovely, and the audience was every age imaginable. It was such an honor. But if I had ever met Madeleine L’Engle, I would gave fainted dead away.

  17. CHRISTINE: Congratulations on your book!

    I do go to author events at my 2 fave indie bookstores in Ottawa.

    But since most of the mystery fiction authors I read are in the US (I live in Canada ), I usually see them in person at either Left Coast Crime or Bouchercon. I enjoy seeing them on panels, buy their books & get them signed.

    1. You know, I have never been to a big author/book conference! Can you believe that? I love the idea of attending one- how much fun to have a discussion with other authors and have some many awesome readers in one place. I think that sounds like a great weekend.

      Any in particular you recommend?

    2. Yes, Grace, and we adore seeing you! Eager to hear the answer to Christine’s question, too!

    3. The two conferences I mentioned take place in different cities each year.
      Left Coast Crime takes place between Feb-Apr. This year, it is in Denver in March 13-16. In 2026, San Francisco LCC occurs Feb 26-March 1.
      Bouchercon is a much bigger convention that takes place in the fall.
      New Orleans from Sep 3-8, 2025, Calgary AB on October 21-25, 2026.

    4. Thank you Grace!

      Is there one you recommend over another?

    5. Christine, Grace is much more of an expert, but I do know that Bouchercon has over 1,000 people attending whereas Left Coast Crime is a more intimate gathering, I’ve been told. All I can say is that the two B’cons I’ve attended have been great fun! — Pat S

    6. Pat is correct that Left Coast Crime is smaller, limited to 500 attendees. Recent Bouchercons have had 1500-1700 attendees, and can be a bit overwhelming to newbies. I personally prefer going to LCC. It used to focus on west coast authors but there are more authors coming from the east, too. Plus, LCC offers several optional & fun author-reader connection events with 1-2 authors & a few readers for an hour. And I (usually) get to thaw out for a weekend. But Denver in March could be as cold as Ontario, so we'll see.

  18. In Bern, I've been to readings and talks/interviews with Martin Walker (Bruno, Chief of Police) and Donna Leon. Both events were packed with fans---no need for me to ask a question, but I did introduce myself to them afterward and tell them that I had read all their books (which was true). Christine, I'm looking forward to your book, and if you ever give a book event in Switzerland, I promise to come and ask questions.

    1. Oh, Kim, I love Switzerland!! It is such a beautiful country!!

      You know, I'll in the UK in June for a few events (details still TBD, but mostly around London) and possibly Scotland for the Edinburgh literary festival in September (if my Publicity team can get me in, haha, it's very prestigious!). I wonder if I can take the train to Switzerland for a few days... (that's the thing about Americans- this country is so big, we have a very weird sense of space. It probably sounds nuts to you, but taking the train from London to Switzerland back does not seem like a big trip to me! Americans are so weird...)

    2. SO TRUE! :-)

  19. Okay, first, this is SO true and utterly hilarious. Second, NOTES ON SURVIVING THE FIRE sounds utterly fascinating. Third, you're coming to my local bookstore, PRINT, on February 27th, so I will plan to see you in person there!

    1. And I'm not going to share any of my many book appearance horror stories. Like a first time mother, you don't really need to know what awaits you.

    2. ahahah! Oh no!!!!! I am worried... I think someone tweeted a photo once, right, about no one showing up to a book event, and didn't all these famous authors respond with horror stories? I think even Margaret Atwood messaged that sometimes no-one shows up!! FOR MARGARET ATWOOD ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!?!?!

      I'm doomed!! lol

      I love Print!! They are such a great store with a great selection of books (honestly, anything on their 'Print Picks' shelf is always a standout). I can't wait to see you!!

    3. We want photos!!

  20. Hi Margo!

    I LOVE meeting readers! And honestly, one of the things I am most excited about with a book out is getting a chance to join as many bookclubs as possible (honestly! As many as possible! Please pass my name far and wide- I would love to join virtually or in person!!).

    For me, you know, I was a reader long before I was a writer, so I've been on that side of the table a lot. I've always loved discussing books and thinking about what the author wanted to say, or wondering what the challenges for a book were, or the author's favorite part...Now, for the first time publicly, I'm on this side of the table, and it's so weird because I can answer all those questions!! But I can't ask them anymore. Does that make sense? So now I want to hear what readers think of certain sections, their favorite parts, etc.

    I've never organized a book club, so I don't know how you do that, but I wish you luck! Lobster sandwiches and books literally sounds like the perfect day to me!!

  21. Christine, this book is right up my reading alley. I am so looking forward to reading it.

    As a reader and a writer, I've attended a number of author appearances. My best experience came from my first author appearance. A woman in the last row of seats approached carrying one of my books and asked if I had a minute. Of course I did, but what she did next all but blew me away. She had not only read my book, but she had annotated it and a had a list of questions and comments. The degree of her interest, and the compliments, let me leave that event with my chest puffed out and the conviction that, yes, Kait, you ARE a writer.

    1. Oh this is so lovely!! Wow!

      A dear friend of mine published her book and told me that, in addition to all the regular bells and whistles of publicity, the best part is exactly what you're describing- connecting with an individual who really appreciates your work and found value in what you wrote. She said she had 2-3 conversations with people that really touched her and she'll never forget them. I'm hoping I get a few experiences like that :)

    2. Kait, what a lovely experience! Xxx

  22. I am briefly going to respond to the subject from two days ago since by the time I got home from work the response had already exploded to over a hundred. At that point I didn’t bother because I thought there would be very few people reading it.
    This is the reason I very seldom comment unless I have the day off. Most of the conversations occur very early in the morning or afternoon and by the middle of the afternoon there are very few new messages.
    I just can’t participate during those time frames. It’s disappointing because I enjoy reading and interacting with those who do appear regularly.
    As far as today’s subject, I have gone to a couple of events, but not recently. In some cases it has been the location which is not always convenient. I do not currently have a car so transportation may be an issue.
    Kensington books has mini conventions, their cozy-cons which they hold in different regions of the country. I was able to attend one a few years ago and had a chance to talk to a number of authors who I read regularly. I also bought some books and had them signed for friends.
    Their programs are small enough that you don’t feel overwhelmed by too many people.

    The only problem is each year they go to a different part of each region and aren’t always geographically accessible.
    I have also learned about authors through virtual appearances. There are several bookstores such as The Poisoned Pen, who have interviews with both established and new authors. Sometimes there are several appearing together and there is a more personal dimension in hearing their voice.and interaction in how they are the same and different in their writing process.
    I have discovered a number of new authors in this way and have recommended them to friends.
    The programs are usually archived on Facebook or Youtube so you can watch when it’s convenient.
    Though I’m not an author, I work in a library and I would recommend developing a relationship with the libraries in your area and see if you can hold an event at them.
    We have authors who have appeared, sometimes alone, and sometimes in conversation with a local personality (Hank has appeared at my library more than once and is a great supporter of libraries)
    Most people who work in libraries are prolific readers and happy to recommend books and authors to patrons. I have several people who are always asking me for suggestions.

    1. It's hard to find the best time to comment! We've got a massive blizzard coming our way this evening, so I spent my morning trying to organize everything at home since I anticipate being without power for the weekend. But now I'm on and commenting! Thank you for commenting! It's always great to hear from people, even if we're not on at the same time :)

      I agree that libraries are such great places to build reader connections. I feel like some people completely forget how awesome libraries are and what an amazing source of education, entertainment, advocacy, and socializing they are! Libraries rock!!

      How do you recommend an author connect with a library? Just reach out? Go in person? Please give advice!!

    2. Terrific points throughout, thank you! As for the timing of commenting, yes, lots of people come in the morning, first thing. Apparently we are good for breakfast!
      But even though I read the blog in the morning, many times, I generally do not comment until later in the afternoon, nor does Jenn , or Rhys, sometimes it’s time zone sometimes it’s schedules. And remember, people come back to check on the blog even if they don’t leave another reaction or comment. So never hold back— all of the Reds read the blog throughout the day!

    3. I mostly comment in the afternoon and sometimes even at night. I'm someone who comes back to read comments several times a day, to see any new ones. I wish more people would do that.. So, if you comment late, chances are I will read it.

  23. Margo, you are on fire! Amazing! I wonder if we could have book clubs on the reds and readers page on Facebook. What do you all think of that?

  24. Congratulations on your book, Christine! Stalking and revenge. Yes ma'am!

    When I lived in Houston I did manage to get to a few author talks at Murder by the Book. I was the quiet one sitting on the second row, taking it all in. It's amazing how my brain freezes and no questions emerge. Now I'm living in a town of less than 8000. Very few authors come anywhere near us, and the ones that do are a two hour drive away at the least. Plus I refuse to drive at night so that eliminates most talks. Oh well. I can still enjoy their books.

    1. Thank you Pat!

      It's tough being in the sticks (where I've lived most of my life!) although there are some real perks (no noise is my favorite- I'm in the suburbs now and my city friends tell me how I quiet my neighborhood is, but as someone who was raised in a remote area, I tell you I can HEAR that highway 3 miles away. It's faint, but it's there!!).

    2. And, it sounds like online events are right up your alley! And you know, authors love love love when you come to our online events!

  25. Christine, congratulations on your new book! It sounds very intriguing and I would come to hear you talk about it. Love your sense of humor! You’d be great fun on a panel at a book conference/convention. As extroverted as I am, I can’t imagine having to promote myself/my work. Best of luck with your book tour!

    1. Seriously, I have to say there is a lot of fuel and inspiration that comes with talking to real people about books. So many of us work alone, so much of the time, that after we get over the shock :-) , it’s incredibly fun to share! And discuss.

  26. Christine, congratulations on your book! There aren't many things in life as exciting and as affirming as seeing your first book in print. I see no one has commented on your fabulous cover!! And--here's a question someone is bound to ask you at a book event--did you have any input on the design?

    As for those book events, having experienced the gamut, I will see that sometimes the bombs give you a chance to spend an hour or two chatting with the bookstore staff or the librarians, and those relationships can be absolute gold. I hope you enjoy every moment of your book tour adventure! (And if you come to Dallas I'll do my best to come see you!)

    1. will "say." Geez, I should learn to proof read...

    2. xoxoo Yes, agreed, that cover is a showstopper!

    3. Oh my, we had a LONG discussion on the both the cover and the title! The UK cover looks very different, and I had no input, but I loved it immediately, so that was great. The US cover was a long time in coming...and the title as well! But we got there in the end :) (but it took almost a full year of back and forth)

  27. I love book events. If a writer I like is speaking I'll make a special effort to attend. If it's a writer I don't know and the book sounds interesting I'll also try to attend. Also if I'm feeling the need to browse for new books and I see t that there will be a book event I try to schedule my visit around that time. I've found many books to read by attending those events. The same is true with Hank's Crime Time events and The Back Room online events.

    Your book sounds great. Looks like another book I have to read. Hank, how about having Christine on Crime Time?

    1. Thank you, Betty! I love that people go to book events- I've only just started doing it. Before I became involved in literary communities, I don't think I realized they were a thing!

      Crime Time sounds great! And I love The Back Room :)

  28. Online book events have been the silver lining of covid.
    Oh gosh, we all have disastrous bookstore events. Once It was just me, the bookstore owner, and her potbellied pig. Unfortunately (or was it fortunate?) the books that had been ordered had not arrived. And so it goes. But as Hank says, we're also making connections with booksellers (and librarians at libraries) and those are golden. When things go south, you just have to roll with it. And be grateful that you''ve got a book and the resources to tour.

    1. A pot bellied pig?!?! I love it!!! I hope someone brings a pig to an event for me 🤣🤣

  29. Looks like your debut novel will be published next week? Congratulations 🎊

    1. Thank you!! I’m very excited!!

  30. ((I once did an event in Alexandria Virginia, but the books were sent to Alexandria, Texas. Just saying.))

    1. noooo! Are you serious?!?! that's hilarious/horrifying!!

  31. All my events were through the Mechanicsburg Mystery Bookshop. The first was a Kensington Mini-con where I already read most of the authors. One was the Pennsylvania Tea Festival to see Amanda Flower and Vicki Delany. I try to buy books to support the bookstore, but I'm a big pre-orderer so often am already up-to-date on my favorites. However, I've found new authors from these cons. Since I donate almost all my books to the library, I don't care about signed books, just meeting the authors.

    1. Thank you thank you thank you! Pre-orders are so important!

    2. That's so lovely that you pre-order and donate your books! Thank you! And I'm so excited you're interested in meeting authors!!

  32. When I went to my first Bouchercon in 2013 in Albany, I was jump-up-and-down excited to meet favorite authors, but I was a bit nervous about how they would respond to this enthusiastic fan. I was gobsmacked to learn that authors are just people, too, and they love to meet their fans. I met the Reds there, and, thus, began a lifetime love affair of this group and their books. And, sometimes you can meet a favorite author who hasn't gained a rabid following yet, especially those from overseas. I met my great friend and great author Elly Griffiths at that first Bouchercon. She was sitting at the signing table with just her publicist standing beside her. I was able to go up and talk to Elly (Dom, real name) for some time with just my lonesome there. I loved her Ruth Galloway series. Now, you would be lucky to find an open seat at an event for her, and you would be standing in a long, long line at the signing table. All her UK events are sold out. So, I learned not to be afraid to talk to authors, and that has made events so much fun.

    Christine, your book sounds really interesting, but maybe too close to home. My son twice protected girls who a predator was after (actually more than that). This guy was a rapist waiting to happen, and from one report I read, he had already assaulted some girls. You know that evil doesn't like to be outed though, and the monster shot and killed my son in cold blood while my son was on his way to his car.

    1. We love you so much, Kathy. And we remember, too.

    2. Oh my goodness, Kathy, what a devastating story. I'm so, so sorry for your loss, and God bless your son for being a force for good in the world. I am so sorry for your loss.

  33. If I order an advance copy of a book, most often to meet the author on his/her tour, I have to purchase another copy of that book. Very rarely do these bookstores offer the option of paying say $5.00 which then can be used to purchase any other book. Your marketing folks need to decide which is more important: marketing strategy selling your books anywhere and as quickly as possible after publication date or waiting for the purchase at the book tour stop! Alicia Kullas

    1. I was just at an event, interviewing a publisher, and we talked about that a bit. He was so honestly rueful about it and said if there was a way to just push the Bestseller button, we would all do it. But there’s just no way to predict what’s the best way of doing anything is because every situation is entirely different, so everyone just tries their best every time.

    2. So for touring authors I will no longer pre-order. Many cannot afford to buy duplicates of the same book.

    3. Maybe you can pre-order from the bookstore the event is being held at, and then you won’t have to buy a duplicate book. This is a good way to support the business holding the (usually) free event.

    4. Hi Alicia! This is a really good point, and one I've thought about it a lot! I try to pre-order books too, and if I'm planning to go to an event, I actually bring my pre-ordered book to get it, maybe that's rude? What I do is pre-order the book from the bookstore that is going to host the event, and that way it's usually waiting for me (I specify I'll pick it up, rather than risk them shipping it and I'll miss it before I head out the door) and try and hit two birds with one stone. But I know it's tricky! Sometimes events are listed much later than pre-orders go out and it's easy to forget to pre-order, so you tend to do it when it's on your mind...and hard covers are expensive!! I agree that ordering multiple copies is a rare thing to do!

  34. I go to our book festival every year. I have been lucky enough to hear some of my favorite authors speak even at such a small festival. I always buy books and have them signed for me and for my sister and aunt as gifts. For the first time last year I asked Hank a question. I surprised myself! I have also had the pleasure of getting pictures with both Hank and Rhys and other authors I love. I’ve met many wonderful new friends in line waiting for author talks. The festival of books is my favorite event to attend and I wait every year to see who’s coming and what talks there will be so I can make a plan. It’s so fun! This year I’m volunteering since I’m now retired.

    1. Oh, Cassie, I am so touched do you remember that! Love love love!

    2. “So touched that you remember that,” is what that was supposed to say. :-)

    3. I definitely remember! I also remember not knowing CJ box was and having people in the audience look at me like I was crazy 😂😂😂 I hope some Reds came make it out to Tucson next year!!!

    4. What a lovely thing to do!! I have friends who volunteer at literary festivals and they just love it! They say they meet the best people (who doesn't love book people!?!?) and have so much fun!! I need to start going to these festivals! They sound like a great time!!

  35. Not knowing who CJ Box was…

  36. I’ve been reading all these comments and nodding in agreement! I love going to book author events. I usually learn new things, especially if it’s an author I haven’t read yet. I am very shy, and often can’t think of anything to say to the author when it’s my turn in the signing line! But I always regret it later. Hank, I especially clam up around you! I’m always so happy to meet authors in person and often thank them for coming. But thinking of a good question or making small talk is hard for me. I even have gone to book signings of authors I’ve never read, and have enjoyed doing it just for something fun to do. Most of the time I buy their book, but I admit on rare occasions felt I wouldn’t like the book, so I didn’t. But that is rare. Occasionally, I didn’t have the money, but wanted to buy the book! I felt guilty for not supporting the author with a purchase. I also enjoy going to a signing for a debut author. It feels so special to be one of the first people to meet the author. I love collecting signed books, and that’s another reason I attend. And I enjoy taking photos, and getting my photo taken with the authors.
    Christine, I wish you the best of success on your book tour. I hope you can come to The Poisoned Pen bookstore! I love your humor and would enjoy hearing you speak.
    And if any of you Reds or other authors can suggest what I should say to you and other authors when it’s my turn, please advise me! I love it that you take the time to come out and meet us! I’m so thankful.

    1. I am on the Poisoned Pen website right now! It looks fantastic! Do they do virtual events? I'd love to come over but I don't know if the publisher has that in the budget!!

    2. They do many virtual and in person events, check out their You Tube and Facebook interviews, Barbara Peters, the owner, does most of the interviews and they are archived by date so you can look at a variety of past authors. They feature many new authors in addition to very well known writers. I posted under anonymous yesterday and I mentioned them yesterday along with your contacting libraries as resources.

  37. One other comment:
    I’ve never been to a big book convention, not even the Tucson Festival, even though it’s not far away. (2 hours drive). One of these days… if not this year, then perhaps 2026.

    1. I've heard great things about the Tucson Book Festival! I'm aiming for 2026 as well :)
