Thursday, February 13, 2025

Are You in the Jungle Red World? CHECK IN!

HANK PHILLIPPI RYAN: Hey, Reddies, time to hear from YOU!  We were talking yesterday about being good citizens of book world, and it got me thinking about this one in particular. 

Who are the Reddies? You know the seven of us, and our  several wonderful Reds emerita, (hi, Ingrid Thoft!) but how about YOU?

WHO are our beloved neighbors in the Jungle Red world?

We know way way way more people are out there than comment every day--our viewer numbers show that.

But whooooooo are you? And where?

Let’s do a Jungle Red check in! Just tell us who you are, and where, and as much–or as little!!-- about you as you like, and how long you've been with us, and whatever else, in the comments today. (Try to hold back on the 2 P's, okay? Politics and promo. :-))

We would love to know! And I’ll give a wonderful book of my choice to one lucky commenter!

(Oh, and you DO know about the reds and Readers page on Facebook, don;t you?  We all gather there, and check it every days, and f=have special contests, AND all of us go live together  to chat with you every month! ! Our next Happy Hour is Feb 20 at 5PM ET!  But you have to join us to join the fun! Click here to join…  )

But again…WHOOOOO are you? 


  1. I live at the New Jersey shore . . . I'm an identical twin . . . a mother . . . a retired teacher married to a retired police officer . . . a church secretary . . . .
    I guess I've been with you for nine or ten years . . . it's hard to remember not being here 😊

    1. We love you so much, dearest Joan! You are our North Star and absolutely our treasure! Thank you so much for everything! Xxxx

    2. Joan, you are our North Star, as Hank said. Wonderful intro!

  2. I live in New York City. I'm a market researcher by trade. I live by the ocean. I've been here awhile as I remember the original group. My first short story was published in 2023. I'm an award-winning author and blogger.

    1. Yes, of course! You have been here for a moment one – – we rely on it! And thank you for everything! Xxx

    2. Dru Ann, if you were writing a novel, this would be a wonderful introduction!

  3. I and my husband moved to Braga, Portugal from Sacramento, California 4 years ago. I'm a former teacher, now write full time, and have 5 published books, ranging from cozy mysteries, children's books, and poetry. My husband is a retired mechanical engineer, now spends his free time doing photography, and we love to travel when we can. Love the JRW blog and start the day with it every morning.

    1. I always picture of you in Portugal when I read your comments, Elizabeth! So wonderful to see you!!

    2. Likewise. You always look so happy, and your personality is so ebullient.

    3. Elizabeth, are your stories set in Portugal or California?

    4. Some in CA, but my MG in Victorian England and 2 cozies in Portugal. All available on Amazon as well as publishers.

  4. I live in Washington DC, and read the blog everyday but almost never post. I love hearing about books, and what my favorite authors are up to. Along with mysteries, I read and review tons of romance books.

    1. I hope you will post on the next "what we are reading" day. I am glad to find another romance reader here!

    2. Oh, this is exactly what I hope you would happen – – love hearing from you! And let me see if I can find some romance guest writers for the blog soon! Xxxx

  5. Celebrating 34 years in SoCal after growing up in northwest Indiana. Retired City of LA environmental engineer married to a retired aerospace engineer. Now we travel and read.

    1. Wow! Now we know where to go for research!

    2. Lisa in Long Beach, wonderful intro! How far were you from Hamilton County, Indiana? I have ancestors who were born in Indiana (4 generations).

    3. DIANA: we were a few hours from Hamilton County, which is just north of Indianapolis. We were about an hour outside of Chicago, in The Region.

  6. I live in the "Granite Center of the World," Barre, Vermont. A retired librarian and former innkeeper, I quilt, read, and volunteer with the Friends of our public library.

    1. It sounds as if you are a main character in your very own wonderful cozy mystery!


  7. Shalom Reds and readers ==

    For a good long while, I would read the Jungle Red Writers every morning. Sometimes, I would even comment. However, at the dawn of the pandemic, I went back to work part-time, time is more precious, and I barely can get through my emails each day. It was not only blogs, but reading books as well, that I did little of. I did spend all of 2023, re-reading and listening to all of Deb’s books. Besides that, only a few books here and there.

    I am a native of New York City. I make my home now in Bucks County, PA and have been here more than thirty years. I reside now in Doylestown, the county seat, and while it is quite cosmopolitan, the pace of life is much gentler here than the Big Apple. We here, are a suburb of Philadelphia.

    I enjoy your Happy Hours, although I do find it hard to locate and log in on Facebook. I own many of your books, but with Deb as the exception, I have only read a few of each of the books of the other Reds. I had the blessing of meeting Hank on one of her book tours perhaps 2 years ago now, when she visited New Hope in Bucks County.

    Before war broke out, I had bought and paid for a trip to Israel. However, too many people cancelled their reservations on the tour, and it was cancelled twice. I got almost a full refund. But I may have to book a trip on my own.

    I had cataract and glaucoma surgery yesterday. So, I am now learning how to use my new eyesight and reading glasses without which I would not be able to see my phone or my computer. That’s why I am up so early as I have an appointment in the city for the doctor to check his handiwork.

    1. Hoping for your speedy recovery.

    2. Wishing you a smooth and speedy recovery, David.

    3. Hope you are getting along well with all the post surgery eye drops!!

    4. Loved your posts thanks for dropping in; Shalom indeed.

    5. DAVID: Hope you adjust to your new vision soon. Cataract surgery in 2021 was life-changing for me.

    6. It was such a joy to meet you! What a wonderful wonderful surprise. Keep us posted on your doctors report! Xxx

    7. Good luck with the surgical changes, David. It's been miraculous for so many of us, and I hope you have that outcome, as well. The drop schedule goes quickly, by the way.

    8. Good luck with your eye surgeries, David. Cataract surgery is truly amazing. And thank you for all the reading support! I'm so glad you enjoy the books!

  8. Hello from Ocala, Florida! After 40 years in Rochester, Minnesota, my husband and I moved here in October just in time for Hurricane Milton. We closed on our brand new home December 4th. My husband is a retired IBMer and I am a middle school library survivor. Now we are busy meeting lots of new people and doing lots of new things here at On Top of the World. Pickleball for sure. Line dancing, anyone? 1920’s mystery dinner theater and don’t forget to dress in costume! Bunco? Sure, why not?
    Missing our 3 kids who are all back in the Midwest with their 5 rescue dogs. Not missing the snow and frigid cold.

    I found the Jungle Reds on The Poisoned Pen’s Facebook live in 2020. I made my way from there to First Chapter Fun and eventually here to the blog.

    1. Brenda! Love you so much! And it sounds like you’re having a fabulous time… Moving is difficult, but it sounds like you are thriving! Xxxxxx

    2. Brenda, we are due for 8-12" more of snow on Sunday (we have a few feet already) and I'm wishing I were in Ocala with you! Your new life sounds delightful. (Selden)

  9. I live in the mountains of northern New York. I'm a retired U.S. history teacher. I research and write articles for scholarly journals. I apologize for recent off-topic comments. (Selden)

    1. Many of us feel the same as you on the now banned topics. You have no reason to apologize!
      I used to read this blog daily, now rarely. Censorship is abhorrent!

    2. Thank you, but this is not censorship. My couple of comments were not deleted. As a historian I would say what we have is more in the spirit of the bestselling 18th century book: "The Rules of Civility; or, Certain Ways of Deportment observed amongst all Persons of Quality Upon Several Occasions." Or, closer to home, to my former expectations for my students. "My classroom, my rules," I would tell them sympathetically. There are plenty of places for other discussions. Everyone needs a stress-free escape, including me. (Selden)

    3. Selden , many of us are looking at current events with horror. I'm sure I have crossed the line on occasion.

    4. I can appreciate this point of view, however several not very political posts have been deleted. I will move on to a different forum. This blog has deteriorated to a place which welcomes the diverse only from the clique of certain commenters.
      Your comments were not political, but your expression of emotional distress, for which an apology is unnecessary.

    5. No one has ever or will ever say anything about banning comments. This is not what we do. All are welcome, I cannot say that enough, every minute of every day. We try to keep a very safe environment, and will try to insulate you from a barrage of promotion as well as the kinds of things that break up friendships and ruin dinner parties. Many of us are quite upset these days, and on edge, and fearful and I am sure we are all being very careful with each other in this time of complete stress. Different blogs embrace different types of conversation, and we have chosen not to focus on politics.
      As I’m sure you know, each of us handles a week at a time, and the Red in charge uses their own judgment about how to keep things peaceful.

    6. And Selden, you are a treasured friend and colleague— and as you know, we look forward to hearing from you whatever you have to say. Xx

    7. I agree with Hank--Selden is treasured by us, as are all of you who read and who comment. Here's the thing--some of us are sick and frightened about what's happening in our country. and some of us are cheering. There's simply no way to discuss the politics of this online, in our blog, without the words deteriorating into rage and accusations. Haven't you seen that on Facebook many times? I have. As Hank said, we want everyone to feel safe to read and comment without attack. Feel free to complain to us offline if you think we're making mistakes and we'll try to listen and to address them

    8. I agree, Hank and Lucy, and thanks for your kindness. I don't discuss politics with my neighbors, either. I focus on the things we have in common. On this blog, it's our love of books. I have been suffering from severe insomnia recently which has made my boundaries, along with my few remaining brain cells, a little vague! Thanks again. Selden

    9. Hank and everyone, thank you! I am sure that I have crossed the line sometimes regarding politics and it can be difficult to avoid politics sometimes. I always felt JRW is a safe space and I really appreciate everyone having my back. We support each other.

    10. It won't surprise anyone to know we authors have some very strong beliefs! But we recognize that everyone needs a friendly, peaceful neighborhood where they don't HAVE to think about the frequently abysmal state of the world. We hope to be that neighborhood for all of you.

      Personally, I've been spending time on knitting forums - and I don't even knit! I find respite and refreshment on people joyfully sharing their creations and supporting one another. Which, now I've said it that way, is what we're doing here as well!

    11. Thank you, Diana! xxxx We all just do the best we can! xx

    12. SELDEN:As a former 4-Her, I always enjoy your farm-life dispatches.

    13. Thank you, Diana, and perfectly said, Julia.

    14. FWIW, I didn't notice anything you posted as being off topic, Selden. I adore you and your comments :)

    15. This conversation is so affirming! Selden, I love your approach. (I bet if some of the regular commenters threw all their comments into a hat, we'd be able to identify one another!)
      As far as comments being deleted, occasionally, Blogger will erase comments and he doesn't ask permission when he does it. The only other comments I've ever seen removed besides some random advertisements, were comments that were not particularly kind. One of the things that draws me here every day, is the supportiveness of this community. There is no reason to make another commenter feel badly about something he or she says or can or cannot do.

  10. I live in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and I’m an elementary GT teacher—I’ll retire in May after 37 1/2 years of teaching. (20 of it was teaching 8th grade English in a small town outside of Fayetteville.) I love your blog from the first time I read it, and I love the books you all write!!

    1. This is so wonderful to hear! Thank you thank you thank you!

    2. I’ve been in the Fayetteville area many times visiting Crystal Bridges Museum with my mom.

  11. I live in Ottawa, Ontario's historic ByWard Market.
    I am a retired Canadian federal government employee where I spent most of my career doing climate change research.
    I have been reading JRW since the beginning but not posting regularly until I retired in 2016.
    I now read & review books, travel and am an eclectic cook and eater.

    1. Grace! You are such a pivotal part of the community!! We are all so grateful and thankful that you are here! Xxx

    2. Grace, your career sounds so important! I am grateful for your work, as well as your mystery-focused commentary here. (Selden)

  12. I am a Connecticut native and still live in the nutmeg state. My husband is a native of Albany, NY and we spent lots of time camping and traveling through NY and New England when our kids were young.
    I am a graduate of UCONN (1969) where I majored in English Literature. I have a masters in special education and taught special ed for several years, including 2 years in Tel Aviv, Israel in the 1970's. There were several other jobs over the years, but my favorites were volunteer positions with non-profits. My husband is a retired aeronautical engineer.
    I am an animal lover, having had German Shepherds for most of my adult life. My husband and I have 2 children and three grandsons whom we adore.
    I spend most of my time reading these days, mostly mysteries and romances. Cooking and baking and trying new recipes also takes much of my time during which I am listening to audiobooks.

    1. Yay Judy! It sounds as if you have created a wonderful and loving and fulfilling life… And we are so glad that you are here to share it with us! Xx

    2. Judy, I grew up in southwestern CT and that is the area I research deeply (its history during the American Revolution). I miss the small-town feel of fifty years ago, when I knew all the families on our street. Today when I visit, all the old clapboard and shingle houses have been replaced by MacMansions that look like fortresses and there are no children's bicycles left carelessly on the grass. Nevertheless I often wonder if I will end up living in Connecticut again someday, somehow. Though I was never a sailor, I truly miss Long Island Sound, and all the estuaries and cattail marshes I once paddled my rowboat through. (Selden)

    3. JUDY: Did your husband work for Pratt Whitney?

    4. Lisa, yes, Irwin worked at Pratt and Whitney. He was in turbine design and has a couple of patent awards! I have a dentist appointment. I'll read the rest of the blog later.

    5. Hank, thank you. I thank Deborah Crombie for bringing me here. I just love this community!
      Selden, right! You've mentioned that you are from Connecticut. It sure has changed over the years. I grew up in a small town and moved to a Hartford suburb at age 14. When I married, Irwin and I moved back to that suburb to raise our family. I have visited many places inside the US, and I really do love Connecticut.

  13. I'm in the armpit of the Cape in Massachusetts. No seriously, the town I'm in is located right in what would be the armpit if you look at the map of the state.

    Not sure how long I've been here on JRW but it's been a while.

    I do still work, sadly, and likely will have to show up to work five days after I die.

    I am a fan of books, TV/film and music and do reviews about the books and the music.

    I'm the grumpy member of this little clan of book fans with the occasional side trip into sarcastic and/or funny responses.

    1. I enjoy your humor and sarcasm, Jay!

    2. I'm with Brenda, Jay, on your humour and perspective. Love it. Keep it coming!

    3. Jay, you are downright wonderful. And I look forward to your comments every day! You always make me laugh!

    4. Jay, I always look forward to reading your comments. Marjorie

    5. You make us laugh, Jay, and that definitely brightens our days!

  14. Lynn Carlson in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Been following you all for a couple of years. I love to hear from fellow creatives and gamer insights for my writing life. Left Facebook years ago, hang out in Instagram. Thanks for reaching out!

    1. So glad you are here! Xxxxx

  15. I am an avid crime fiction reader living in Boston where I am fortunate to be able to attend many in-store author events (I went to one last summer, I think, where Hank was chatting with Clare Mackintosh, and was so distracted by envy of Hank's shoes I could barely focus on the conversation). I work in government and also as a substitute reference librarian. It is disappointing that most of the questions I get are how to make the library printers cooperate but I am always delighted when I can make book recommendations, especially mysteries.

    1. we are all deeply envious of Hank's shoes LOL. What a delight to be in the position to recommend books!

    2. First of all, thank you! I just burst out laughing! So funny. Plus, oh, poor thing about the printers… But that can be an emergency, I have to admit.

  16. Hello to all the Reddies checking in! I'm a retired archaeologist, live on the north coast of Ohio in a small town where I work part-time at the local library. Reading has always been a passion, especially mysteries with romance thrown in. In my spare time, I write, look after my nephews' menagerie of five cats and one elderly mini-dachshund named Nemo. I can't remember now how long it's been since I started reading this blog, which I came across when I was searching for news about new books from Deborah and Julia.

    1. Flora, I found the blog in the exact same way.

    2. Flora! So wonderful to hear from you! And I love your journey to Jungle Red! Xx

    3. It's always great to hear from you, Flora!

  17. Margaret S. Hamilton, Cincinnati, first amateur sleuth novel, WHAT THE ARTIST LEFT BEHIND, is on submission. Thirty-five published mystery short stories, including "Voices in the Caves" in the new Guppy anthology. My blog about the story set in Dordogne is up today on Writers Who Kill. I've followed the blog since 2014, after I met Hank at the MWA Chicago workshop. I met Hallie at the Mad Anthony workshop in Hamilton, Ohio a year or two later.

    1. I love how the world brings us together! Xx

  18. (Later than usual chiming in because I'm at my son's with my sweet Ida Rose.)

    4th generation Californian transplanted to Massachusetts since 1981. Mom of two fine adult men, human to one content middle-aged cat, partner to Hugh, devoted Grammy to one adorable nearly-toddler, gardener, avid cook and baker, wine appreciator.

    I've written my whole life, in various forms, but am delighted to have returned to creating fiction, clearly where I belong, for the last sixteen years. I started following the Reds back when Jan Brogan and Rosemary Harris were part of the crew and happy to be a regular in the comments section.

    Now, back to my Grammy duties...

    1. Yes, I mentioned getting to meet Rosemary waaay back in 2008 on yesterday's post.

    2. Forgot to mention I am also a Quaker, for three dozen years now, an important part of my life. And an amateur historian!

    3. Edith, I don't think I ever told you that my PhD dissertation in cultural/educational sociology was about what it means to be a good person from a Quaker and a military point of view. I did a year of field research for it at six Quaker and military boarding high schools, including George School and Valley Forge Military Academy. My sister Natasha is a Quaker---as a child she attended one of the Farm and Wilderness camps in Vermont for years; they are summer camps run by Friends.

    4. We love our Reds emerita, too! And your life is an inspiration, Edith!

    5. Kim, that is fascinating. I had no idea!

    6. Thank you, Hank. Kim, I didn't know that, either!

  19. This is usually my first stop every day and I always read the blog and sometimes comment. (There are times i just have nothing to say!) I am guessing I've been a Reds fan for at least 10 years - can that be possible. I had been following the Lipstick Chronicles and when that folded someone suggest JRW and that was that! So glad that they did.

    I live in beautiful Schoharie County, NY where I was born and have lived for most of my life. I was a Home Economics teacher - back when that is what it was called - and have also taught Spec. Ed and Remedial Reading. When after 19 years my school decided they no longer needed a RR teacher I worked in a pre-school and then sold my house and moved to Plattsburgh, NY where I worked as a nanny.

    Eventually I came back and built my house in the woods. I have always had pets but after my dog died last year it is just me and 2 black kitties. I have three grown children and two grandchildren. Probably my main occupation is reading although I enjoy working jigsaw puzzles as well as word puzzles and sudoku.

    1. Yes, we met at Lipstick Chronicles! I loved being part of that group—it was life changing! And so glad you came with me to the Reds!

  20. I am a retired librarian. After many years of living in New Jersey (with a short detour to Washington, DC), I moved back to my hometown outside of Rochester, NY. I've been a library trustee for a number of years, am a very amateur bird-watcher and a devoted servant for my two feline housemates. I have also discovered, rather late in life, that I enjoy teaching. For the last few years, I've been leading courses as a member of the OLLI at Rochester Institute of Technology. OLLI = Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. It's a wonderful way to keep my not-so-young brain active and I've found a great community of friends.

    I've been mostly a lurker here for years and am an avid reader of books by all the Reds and many of the other commentors here. My TBR pile gets higher every week. In addition to mysteries, I enjoy reading history, particularly the history of arts and culture.

    1. We are so glad to have you here and commenting. Cheers on your exciting second life!

    2. Chris! So pleased you are here! Xx I teach OLLI, too—it is a fabulous program. They are lucky to have you!

  21. Hello everyone from Danielle, your French Canadian from Quebec.

    I retired from accounting six years ago but not from JRW that I follow since the beginning of the blog.
    I’ve read at least a book, often more, from every Reds past and actual as well as from many writers who comment here.
    I feel part of a community every morning when I open this blog.

    1. Danielle, bonjour! SO love seeing you here! xxx And that is so lovely to hear. Thank you!

  22. Hello, I am a relative newbie as have been following you all only a few years. I love reading mysteries but mostly I just like the exchanges among the group here. It feels like coffee with friends every morning. And I especially appreciate the what we are reading posts. I grew up in Napa California, did one year of a MA degree in international relations in Italy, then moved to Ottawa Canada to continue my studies in (then known as) Soviet and East European Studies. I married a Canadian and stayed, although spent a lot of time in different places over 20+ years as a foreign service officer. Now I have been retired for 10 years, and love it.

    1. Debra, that's exactly what we discussed when we started this blog--like coffee with friends every morning! SO perfect, and I am so glad you feel that way! (My dad and his wife both retired as foreign service officers--with long and valuable careers.. thank you for all you do!)

    2. Hank, I did not know that about your dad! We are learning so much here today.

  23. I’m a relative newcomer to this blog, and have only started commenting in the last year or so. I live in Massachusetts, northwest of Boston. I love reading, especially mysteries and science fiction, desultory gardening , travel, and am a recently retired publisher sales rep to independent bookstores. I love this blog, the topics, the comments. I read every morning.

    1. Oh, we would LOVE to hear all about that job, dear Suzanne! I bet you have lots of stories! SO glad you are here!

    2. Yay! Another science fiction reader!

  24. Margo, who lives in Catalone Gut, Nova Scotia Canada on the ocean. Google it – it is small. Lives with annoying husband Jack, often referred to as the Harrumper. Share house with dog (Alf), 9 cats all of which go outside except The Kitten who is 10 years old now and lives under the bed. Last summer’s addition is Prue, who came unbeknownst to us as completely deaf, so we have to watch her outside, as she has absolutely no car sense. She does zoom-zoom very well and is unfortunately deadly on birds. Bad thing, because we watch and tabulate birds often at lunch. Bird count this weekend, and there is to be a blizzard blowing!
    Have 3 kids, several grandchildren all of whom are away. They visit occasionally. Have a sister currently going through cancer treatment which tends to interrupt everyone’s life.
    Did many things in life, but 35 years were in farming mostly goats and sheep. They were the ones that were supposed to make money… Have a hilarious story to tell about moving house from Ontario to here, but that is more a comic book including travelling with a turkey on the roof through a snowstorm – just proves life is stranger than fiction. Now we are 20 years established here, and raise chickens for eggs mostly for us but also sell surplus, and various gardens both vegetable and flower. They are my reason to get up every morning. Give away about half of it as we already have 3 freezers full of food – bring on the Armageddon, as we will not starve! Raise Monarchs each summer – hopefully.
    Love reading each day about the ‘personal’ things of people on this group. Everyone is so caring, interesting and just makes me want to read the notes. This group is a coffee-klatch (I have no idea what the word means, but it must be good) for me from home!

    1. Margo, you are such a rock star! Hilarious and wonderful. And now I am really picturing you! xxx Keep us posted on the bird count. LOVE to hear!

  25. I've been here for at least 3 years on a regular basis, long time fan of some Reds, getting to know others. I'm in Portland Oregon, daughter of 2 librarians, so have been a reader my whole life. I have an identical twin and a younger sister with whom I am close and we all live in the Portland area. Yay. My son is in Chicago pursuing a PhD in Germanic and French studies.

    I'm retired from a career at 9-1-1 and don't miss it. I'm active in my Episcopal church which I love so much, participating in various ministries. The one closest to my heart is our 13 years as an Immigrant Welcoming Congregation. I've been learning Spanish since I retired and can mostly converse. I love to run and walk in the early mornings and see coyotes, hawks and eagles. I love the in-between dawn time when anything is possible. Sadly, I broke my wrist 10 days ago, so I'm a bit limited these days.

    1. It looks like your mom went through Library School about 4 years behind Beverly Cleary. It was such a thrill to walk the same paths as that literary giant. I put myself through university working in the library.

    2. My mom and Beverly Cleary had a lot in common. Both moved from rural Oregon to NE Portland at age 6. Both were passionate about fostering literacy in children. My grandparents' house was between Klickitat St and Siskiyou (a few blocks east of where Cleary's books are set.) I now live a few blocks further east, also between Klickitat and Siskiyou. Mom was a children's librarian for many years at Central, working in what's now known as the Beverly Cleary children's library. She brought many of Beverly's books home to her girls.

    3. Oh, your poor wrist! I am so sorry you are dealing with that! YOur 911 career must have been so stressful..and how fabulous of you to learn Spanish to help your wonderful organization! xxx

    4. I love Beverly Cleary's books especially the Ramona series (but they're all great).
      My daughter lives around the corner from Klickitat St. - well nearby in SE around Division and 24th St. close to the middle school. BTW have you tried Little T coffee shop. They are awesome.

  26. Hello to all: I am from Seattle Washington. I spent the first 40 years growing, trying to fit in with what society said I should be. Went to the U of Washington, got a BA in Romance Lang & Lit + an MLS. Married with 2 children. Moved 6 times during my marriage from 1969-1984. Worked in libraries during this period from a Quonset hut in Okinawa to public libraries in Tampa in the inner city.

    In 1984 the fake life shattered. I stopped drinking, went to therapy, joined support groups and came out alone with AIDS. Began to give back to society, in the GBLT community, and the recovery community. Jobs and relationships came and went, rather like crops growing and not thriving. Right around the time that Ingrid Thoft and one other member were part of this group, I joined. I had a life long desire to write. I thought:" I have always read them, now they can read me." ~~such ego. Over the years you above the line, the authors who speak to us, and the folks btl have been my teachers. My dream came true in 2023 when I was included in anthology.

    I live in Tampa, FL and have come full circle. I now volunteer as the librarian for a local meditation center, am one of the facilitator on a Zoom podcast for Meditation in Recovery, and have finally found that where I am at, is where I am meant to be.
    thank you all for helping me become a better Coralee

    1. My mom also got her MLS at UW--I believe it was right after WWII. She aso did not want to follow society's rules!

    2. I forgot to mention another Masters, this time in Rehabilitation from the University of South Florida 1997.

    3. Coralee, you are truly an inspiration, on many fronts.

    4. Coralee, we love you so much! And always learn so much from you. xoxoo and yes, you are happily where you are meant to be! xx

    5. What an amazing journey! I’m glad it put you just where you should be.

  27. Hi, from Joyce in Toronto, Canada. I've been here for a few years now, mostly reading and enjoying the wonderful posts. I contribute occasionally, but mostly read the articles and the opinions. I have two mysteries published and am working on my third novel. I've read most of the Red's mystery and suspense books —Hank, Deb, Hallie and really should try some cozies too. Such a warm and gentle place to come everyday, a port in the storm so to speak. Thanks ladies!

    1. Joyce, I’d like to know the titles of your two mysteries and on which name they are written

  28. This is the best thing I have ever seen! I am jumping up and down and applauding with delight! Love love love seeing this! Oh my goodness, welcome everyone! Keep them coming… And I’ll be back in a few minutes. Xxx

  29. Writer from Charleston, SC, here, have done lots of freelance but still have yet to land that agent for fiction. Have been a Red for years (and years and years, I think). Originally from New Orleans, so have that mindset that work is just in service of getting money to play. Love reading about Red adventures!

  30. I'm Liz. I currently live in a little town called Ligonier, which is smack dab in the Laurel Highlands area of Southwestern PA - about 50 miles southeast-ish from Pittsburgh. I'm originally from the Buffalo, NY area.

    By day, I'm a technical writer for the software division of a global healthcare company. By night I write fiction. I have two adult children, a husband, and a very spoiled retired-racer greyhound.

    I don't know how long I've been checking in at JRW, but it's been my first stop each weekday morning (more or less) for at least 10 years and probably longer than that.

  31. Melinda, checking in from the beautiful city of Madison, Wisconsin, where my lovely husband Tom and I raised our family. At 70, I’m still the avid reader I was at age 10, when I went to the library for 3 new books every Saturday. In addition to mysteries, I read women’s fiction and historical fiction, memoirs and some romance, and whatever else looks appealing. I am an artist and enjoy the time I have for it. My fairly large family consists of 5 married children and 8 grandchildren, so that’s fun. 20 years ago I became disabled; before that I loved travel, gardening, and work as a writer of historic structure reports for an architecture firm.
    A relative newcomer to the group, I love checking in with you every day, and comment when I have something to add. I’m truly happy to wake up to this blog every morning; you all are very special women, and I’m as inspired by your nurturing and support for each other as I am by your writing.

  32. My name is Rhoda Whitman, and I’m a retired school librarian from Connecticut, which gives me a particular affinity for Jenn’s Library Lovers mysteries. However, I first met all of you Reds when I discovered Julia’s first Claire Ferguson book, In the Bleak Midwinter. As a loyal Episcopalian, a heroine who was an Episcopal priest really intrigued me. I’ve read every one of her books and I’m eagerly awaiting the publication of When Midnight Comes the Cry.

  33. I love reading all of these - I feel as if I know so many of you just from your interactions daily. And this is getting to paint in the detils.THANK YOU!

  34. I live in St.John’s, NL. , Canada’s most easterly province. I retired in 2008 having worked as a registered nurse for 36 years. I am Mom of a son and two daughters and Grandma to two granddaughters and two grandsons.
    I joined the Reds & Readers group just this past year and read & enjoy the blog every morning.
    I love reading and still prefer to have a book in my hands rather than e-books.
    Looking forward to the next Happy Hour on the 20th.
    Dianne Mahoney

  35. I live on the Canadian prairie. A former college instructor, now (in retirement) a writer (creative nonfiction) and community educator. I found the JRW blog years and years ago, viia Debs' and Julia's writing. I started reading the blog and, eventually, started commenting. The warm welcome and open heart of this blog is what I keep coming back for. Oh, and the writing and the authors' work, of course! I start my day by checking this blog, don't always comment, but always dip in to see who's writing and commenting what. I've attended one Bouchercon -- in Toronto, where I met most of the Reddies but missed meeting commenters (and now friends) Ann Mason and Grace Koshida; I'm still sad about that!

    1. AMANDA: Maybe we can finally meet in person at the 2026 Calgary Bouchercon?!

    2. Grâce, I didn’t know about Bouchercon in Calgary in 2026

      The website and registration went live only a few weeks ago.

    4. I'm excited about Calgary and hope to meet all our Canadian friends there!

  36. San Diego native, live around the corner from the ocean, love reading (especially Jungle Red books!), retired teacher, hubby is a criminal defense lawyer (like Hank's I believe), grandkids - two live in PDX, and 2 nearby. We have lots of Canadians - hubby's family is all from Toronto.

    Would love to know how to go about getting an agent/editor to look at a children's book which is a great idea but needs a professional eye.

  37. Coming to you from Northcentral Wisconsin, I am a recently retired college instructor, avid reader, quilter, cat mom. I've been following you all for many years.

  38. Retired librarian since 2012 read blog before that event. Married. Read blog every day. Read all genre of mysteries and a wide variety on nonfiction. Have BA and 2 Masters. Continue to take classes for credit at local community college--mostly history, but a few science and art classes. Born in and continue to live in IL. Comment rarely, mostly about what I have read since I like those days. Marjorie

    1. Those days are a double-edged sword - I love seeing the great suggestions, but currently have 70 books on hold at 4 libraries!

  39. I am Anna from Atlanta, retired French professor married to a now retired attorney. For practical purposes, we now live in a high rise (no stairs for my husband who is battling Post Polio Syndrome). Before that we were avid gardeners. We love museums, (I am a museum Docent). theatre, and music (especially chamber music). I am an avid reader who grew up in a home of avid readers. I and my sisters all worked in our local public library after school to put the books back on the shelves, stamp time cards, etc. It was a home away from home. I came to the Reds after reading Julia's first book. Then, as I was introduced to all of you, I read all of your books. I still do so and during the Pandemic, I reread most of them for a refuge from the "storm" and may do so again these coming years.
    Thank you for giving us your words and characters.

    1. We did our move to a hig- rise six years ago. Very practical for retired life and travel.

  40. I've been here a measly 6 months or so ... I confess I stumbled upon Jungle Red by accident. I'm a crime writer living in Texas and reading blogs comes with my morning coffee. Congratulations to the team!

  41. I live in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Mother of three adult sons, grandmother of nine. Celebrated 50th anniversary last August. Grew up in State College, home of Penn State University. Earned BA in English Education there in 1975. Never did formal teaching but used my skills in varied volunteer positions while raising my kids. I discovered JRW after seeing Debs and Lucy speak at the Key West Library Author Series; Key West is where my husband and I spend the month of February each year. I have met Lucy/Roberta on the streets of Key West several times and this year happened to sit next to Hallie at the Ann Cleeves speaker event. I don’t comment often but do read the blog every day.

  42. I just want to say how happy I am to see so many people commenting from the wonderful country of Canada!

  43. Good morning, everyone, I'm coming to you from SE PA, between the buggies and the mushrooms. I've been a Reds fan for many years. I was delighted to have the chance to participate in the Reds game show at Malice ten years ago, and to meet some of my favorite authors there. Some of you might have known my mother, Maureen Collins, who was a founding member and past president of the Chesapeake Chapter of SinC. I read more broadly these days--my favorite book so far this year is Percival Everetter's James--but I'm always ready to return for more Clare and Russ, Duncan and Gemma, or various other favorites!

    1. Just read James for my book club - amazing book.

  44. Hi, I'm Debbie Hosey from New Castle, Delaware, and I've been a lurker for many years! I love this blog and read it the first thing every morning with that first cup of coffee, pure bliss! I'm a fairly recent widow after 47 years of marriage...two daughters who live in New York state and Pennsylvania, and seven grandchildren. I love all of your books and love everything about the blog!

  45. It's fascinating to see all these back stories!

    Karen Maslowski, from Cincinnati, Ohio. The first mystery author I met in person was Hank, at the Indianapolis Bouchercon in 2009, and I've been a Reds fan since about a year later, I guess.

    My husband always says I have a "varied, but not checkered, past", because my interests and past careers were and are so different from each other: retail buyer; insurance agent; seamstress; sewing and patterndrafting teacher; author/lecturer/business advisor; bookkeeper/tax advisor. Now I'm retired and became a Master Gardener several years ago, with a micro farm on our suburban property on the East side of town. I love to cook, especially for company, and am an enthusiast of herbs and their many uses, as well as edible landscaping.

    My three adult daughters are all professional women, and live in Northern Michigan, Portland OR, and Athens, Greece, so I am officially envious of my friends whose children live close by.

  46. Hello, everyone! I'm a native of Philadelphia who spent many years in San Jose and now (for 4+ years) live in beautiful El Dorado Hills, CA. I have a BA in French and had a career in HR management. I lost my husband in 2019 (our 50th wedding anniversary happens later this month), and I've remained busy in my retirement. I've been the editor of Sisters in Crime NorCal's quarterly (25-30-page) newsletter for 10 years (Rhys is a member of my chapter) and an officer in my Toastmasters club. I read 150+ books a year (lots of them mysteries) and review at NetGalley, GoodReads, Amazon, and Lesa's Book Critiques. I've attended one Bouchercon (where I got to meet several Reds and two Left Coast Crimes, and am looking forward to the LCC next year in San Francisco, as I can drive instead of fly! Two of my fellow SinC chapter members (Michele Drier and Ana Manwaring) are co-directors of the event. I'm thrilled to have one of my sons living with me, and the other one and my daughter-in-law and young grandchildren, living only 10 minutes away.

    1. It was great to meet you in San Diego, Margie!

  47. I’m a daily reader, sometime commenter from Plattsburgh, NY. A retired school librarian, I now do PT work with teachers about EdTech (mind boggling) and FT care for the family’s 230+ year old farm. I’m supervised by 2 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats, & 2 much wildlife but no ark. Avidly read across many genres though mystery/suspense is my touchstone. Thoroughly delighted with digital audiobooks because work doesn’t stop the reading. Becca

    1. Becca! Plattsburgh! And a farm! Waving to you! (Selden)

  48. I've been reading Reds for several years, sometimes from my bed when it first hits. I come from a quiet early home because everyone was reading. That has carried through for most of my siblings. I'm the only real aspiring writer (six in progress), mostly crime fiction. I was a PI for a few years, a Harley rider with my husband for 12 (lost him in 99), a current quilter, learning Sashiko. My diluted calico cat (Callie) gets impatient when I sit too long doing anything.
    I'm a mother to two grown humans too and a grandmother to one. I can't keep track of when the Facebook meeting happens as I'm rarely on Facebook. Have not commented often. Enjoy the posts and have read many books by Reds.

  49. I started following JRW in 2021, about a year before I published the first of my four mysteries. I lived with my family in San Juan (PR) and Vancouver before I went to college, then mostly in the Boston area but also near San Francisco. I moved to Bern, Switzerland, a week after I married my Swiss husband, Peter. We have a son, Thomas, who is working on his PhD in mathematical physics; he works and lives in Zürich, which is only an hour by train from Bern. I've worked as a freelance journalist (always while earning money in other ways), high school English teacher, sociology lecturer, assistant director of a small nonprofit, factory forewoman (not for long), and an intercultural coach for foreigners moving to Switzerland to work in multinational corporations (I did that for years). Then, I decided to write my first mystery. As you may have noticed from my posts, I'm very happy in Bern--I love living here and writing about it.

    1. By the way, it's great to find out more about all of you, even though I feel I know so many of you from your comments.

    2. Some of us would like to join you in Europe about now.

    3. Your happiness in Bern comes through in the way you write about it.

  50. I live in northern California....I am a daughter, cousin, and honorary aunt to friends' children....I work as a paralegal assistant in a small law firm.....I am writing my first novel....I started reading Jungle Red Writers around the same time I attended my first Bouchercon in Toronto...In the winter, I am in my hibernation mode.

  51. I live in Connecticut, I can’t remember when I first started following JRWbut it was. Looong time ago. I read the blog but don’t often comment ( I’ll work on that!) I am a retired RN and a mystery writer ( The Melanie Bass Mystery Series)

  52. I can’t figure out how to sign in to get my name to show up. My name is Cathy Thelen. I started fallowing and reading Hank’s books and newsletter in 2021.
    I have worked several different types of jobs- restaurant, banking, retail, product assessor for a worldwide company.
    I live in Sunny Southwest Florida (32 years ago). My wonderful husband and I got tired of the cold, snow and sleet of Ohio and Michigan. My daughter and grandson live with us. We have two miniature Schnauzers. Dakota 2 yrs old and Emmitt 1 yr old. These two keep me on my toes.

  53. Sharon Bishop: I live in Littleton, MA & am an avid reader & author supporter. I spend most of my time reading, writing reviews & attending online author events as well as local author events. I have been with Jungle Red Readers for about a year now. The rest of my time is spent cuddling with my kittie kat Peanut who sometimes makes a guest appearance on the online events. I also am a huge jigsaw puzzle fan. I can make a 500 piece puzzle in a day / night.

    Enough about me: Tell me where the name Jungle Red Readers came from?

  54. Sharon Bishop: I mean Jungle Red Writers. Lol

  55. Just to say if you end up anonymous and wish you could add your name, you might see a little arrow after "comment as". Click on that and it will give you the options...

  56. Good morning! I’m not sure exactly when I started reading JRW every day. There was a period at the beginning when I only checked in about once a week. But I think I’ve been here daily for about fifteen years. Reading JRW on a daily basis is a “must” for me!

    I live in Milford CT. In May, it’ll be seven years since I retired from working for my town. I worked there for twenty-one years. A lot of us retired within a year or two of each other. We try to get together for lunch every six weeks or so. Four of us who worked very closely with each other usually (when the weather permits), get together more often. On occasion, we help each other out, doing such things as giving someone a ride to a medical appointment.

    I love to read mysteries, thrillers, suspense, and memoirs.

    I like to bird watch. That doesn’t mean that I know one kind of sparrow from another, or can recognize some species by ear! I just like watching them and observing their activities.

    For about three years, I’ve been learning to crochet. Through a private social media site, I met a woman who lives in my town, and is a creative crocheter. She’s been giving me private lessons for two or three years. I crochet slowly, but I’ve done some projects that I didn’t think I would be able to do, and I’m proud of them! (We’re both upset about Joann’s closing their Milford store.)


  57. I live in Michigan, but maybe not for long. After retiring last summer, and clearing snow this morning, I am thinking I need to move somewhere warmer! I’ve been reading the blog daily for 8-9 years. I don’t comment often but I really enjoy the sense of community here. It’s a nice respite from the world outside. Bonus points for making me laugh nearly everyday and for providing me new books/authors to read.

  58. Hi folks! I've been following the Reds quite a few years now. I'm a native Houstonian who's moved around quite a bit, first for Dad's job, then for my husband's. Nothing makes me happier than digging in the dirt looking for fossils, but I made my living as a CPA. Retired now. I moved to the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia three years ago, just to live somewhere different that I was drawn to. I still root for my Texas sports teams, try to ignore politics, and enjoy exploring, physically and in books.

  59. I've lurked here for several years. Despite being a voracious mystery reader, I love the non-writing posts. I live near Vancouver, BC, so there are usually lots of great comments to read by the time I get here after the morning word games. I'm retired from managing a government- funded ESL program for newcomers to Canada. And, thank-you for no politics, I'm stressing enough about whether to go to Bouchercon in New Orleans.

  60. Just trying what Lucy wrote about getting out of anonymous. It’s been so long since I couldn’t comment under my name
    Thank you Lucy

  61. I found JRW about 4-5 years ago when I discovered that two of my favorite authors, Jenn and Julia, were on it. Since I retired in late 2021, the blog is usually my first stop in my morning. I was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area by two parents who loved to read. My older sister and I worked in the branch library closest to our house while we were in high school. I moved to San Diego for college (proud SDSU alumnus) and stayed. I’m married and have a grown son who lives in Oregon.

    When Bouchercon was held in San Diego in ‘23, I went and have never been the same! I got to meet Jenn, Debs, Rhys, and Hank, along with Lisa in LB, Margie Bunting, Diana, Dru Ann, Grace, and Priscilla Paton. I approached Kim after one of her panels to introduce myself as a fellow blog reader/commenter and we’ve been friends ever since. Kim, Grace and I went to dinner together in Nashville last year at B’con and next month I’m going to my first Left Coast Crime to watch Grace get the Fan Guest of Honor! Today’s blog has been wonderful, getting to know a little more about my blog friends. Thank you, Hank! — Pat S

    1. I forgot to say that I retired from being an elementary school librarian, the best job ever! Introducing kids to books and trying to inspire the love of reading was a fun challenge.

    2. It was so lovely to meet you in San Diego, Pat!

    3. Great to meet you in San Diego. Glad you’ll be at LCC to cheer on Grace!

  62. Annette from Casa Grande AZ. I saw a link (I think in the Poisoned Pen newsletter) the day the topic was jigsaw puzzles and have visited every day since. I've been an avid reader of mysteries since discovering Nancy Drew and Agatha Christie as a child. I've read Deb's series from the beginning and several of Hallie's, but I don't generally read cozies. I taught junior high social studies in the 60s, volunteered at my sons' schools and then worked for many years as an instructional aide. In retirement I'm still "teaching" as my husband and I help to run the genealogy club in our retirement community. We're originally from Wisconsin and were full-time RVers for 14 years before settling here in AZ. I enjoy all the topics but am always looking for new authors to read.

    1. 14 years! I bet you have some great stories from that time.

  63. Charlene Miller-WilsonFebruary 13, 2025 at 12:10 PM

    I've lived in Shelton, WA for 25 years, widowed and retired, with my now two cats, Oreo and Mollie. Lucy was my gateway first to this blog, many years ago, then I heard about First Chapter Fun, and joined Reds and Readers. I've read all of Lucy, Deb, and Rhys' books, while working through the other Reds' books. Also having read many wonderful suggestions all the way. I don't comment but do enjoy them and being a part of this community each morning.

  64. BLogger, I'm sure, is going to stop me from commenting soon--the software gets wacky when it decides someone is commenting too much and shuts you down. So I am holding back so I don't get booted! But I am reading every one of these with SO MUCH DELIGHT! If I don't respond to you directly, it's because I am being careful, and will follow up as soon as I can!
    ANNA, M.E., EMILY (emdame!) JUDI, and JIM! Love you so much!
    Debora, welcome! Karen, Margie, Norma, so wonderful to see you! xx xx
    Diana, Christine, Cathy (there should be a dropdown menu to offer you a place for your name, and Sharon Bishop! Hurray!
    DebRo! PatD! I smile so much when I see your names. KimHaysBern--for a long time I thought Bern was your last name!

    back soon!! xxxx

  65. Hi. Susan from Toronto, waving from behind this morning's snow banks (which is why I'm late to the party today...)

    I've been following Jungle Reds forever. It's one of my fave morning fixes. With coffee.

    Been writing forever, and publishing short crime fiction in a heap of anthologies for the past, oh, 10 years or so. In a splash of BSP... my story A Death at the Parsonage, won the Arthur Ellis Award for short crime fiction from the Crime Writers of Canada.

    Jungle Reds Rock.

  66. Hello everyone, I'm from Schenectady, NY, retired legal secretary and have been reading JRW since around 2011. I've lived in several other parts of the US and love traveling (especially road trips). Found this blog from Julia's website and it has introduced me to many great writers and their books as well as many new ideas to think about. I read this blog every morning (except when traveling and can't access it on my iPad). I read mostly mysteries as well as history, science fiction and biographies and random other things that catch my eye. I want to thank everyone for years of enjoyment and laughter.

  67. I live in Auburn, WA and have been an avid reader all of my life. So glad that the authors in Red/Readers share their (your) talents with the world... I'm currently listening to (for the second time) Ingrid Thoft's series about her sassy private investigator, Fina Ludlow. I've noticed that she hasn't published for, I'm hoping and praying that she is okay. Thanks to you all for the laughter, suspense, and everything else inbetween.

    1. We miss Ingrid, too! I had a Christmas card from her--sounds like she and her husband are traveling a lot and having fun.

  68. I have been reading JRW for years, but rarely comment. When the Lipstick Chronicles blog ended in 2012 I found JRW and have been here ever since. I've been retired for three years and moved to PA to be with family. Love all the Red books and enjoy reading the posts and comments every day. Usually learn something new with each post, and you all have introduced me to so many new authors and their books. Keep up the good work.

  69. Kathy G, (yes, I'm hearing from lot of Canadians that they are wary..and happy to hear you like the non-writing posts.) Annette (oooh, genealogy!) , Danielle (yay, love seeing our name!, Charlene (we love knowing you are here!) (Still trying to conserve comments so the software doesn't spam me out....)

  70. I'm an historian working on a documentary edition of the writings and correspondence of Benjamin Franklin. Avid reader all my life and a big fan of the Adirondack mountains of northern NY. Thrilled to be immersed in Julia's books set there. I have one rather wonderful son and an annoying husband. I plan to retire this spring so there will be avoidance strategies necessary. I look forward to more reading, gardening, swimming and hiking once I am no longer a wage slave. Although I don't write fiction, I have produced some books and footnotes in my time. I came to this blog because I so admire Julia's books and have stayed because I enjoy it so.

    1. OH! Fantastic! Will you write a blog for us about it??

  71. I don't know when I started following JRR, but it has been MANY years. I don't comment much, but I read every day. I live now in Hamden, CT and have recently gotten back to writing, in a memoir workshop. Blessed to have seven grandchildren, three living nearby, and my 99 year old mom -- I visit her every day!

  72. I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. Have done for going on 63 years. However, my Mom and I are in the process of moving to Wichita Falls, Texas. We want to go where we can see stars at night and walk barefoot in the grass. Why Texas? Like Nevada, there is no State tax so it's retirement friendly. Cost of living is cheaper, too. And BONUS! It's listed in the top 10 safest cities in Texas.

  73. Hi, Reddies! Can't wait to see everyone at the Happy Hour on the 20th. Maybe I'll actually be done with my WIP - lololololol!!!

  74. I am a newly retired school librarian from a small town in North Texas. I only found JRW last year on Facebook, but I’ve been reading books by Deb, Jenn, Rhys, and Julia for years. I was delighted by the name because I loved “The Women!” I’ve been a mystery lover since Nancy Drew, but I enjoy fantasy, sci-fi, romance, and history, too. Audiobooks are my default at the present, so I can do things without being bored; I have also been doing a lot of rereading and relistening as a comforting way to relieve stresses. One of my next projects is to reorganize my personal library of over 3600 books-there aren’t enough shelves! Thank you for having a pleasant place to discuss books and life.

    1. Hi Kendall! Which small town in north Texas? Are we neighbors?

  75. Hello, I'm Liane Harding. I live just south of Salt Lake City, Utah. I've been following JRW for a long time now, and enjoy reading everyone's comments. I'm a retired school teacher. I taught French, German, and English for 33 years...also regular 4th grade for a while. When I was married (a long time ago, now) I was married to an Iranian from Tehran. So I dabbled in Farsi, Arabic, and Russian. Thoroughly confused by now, I retired to investigate genealogy and culture. I just read, read, read, anything and everything. I'm a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. A caretaker of a twenty year old cat, as well. It's nice to meet everyone here.

  76. I have been following the Reds for a couple of years. I joined because I am a fan of Deborah Crombie and the Kinkaid mysteries (my youngest daughter and I have been to London three times and love it), then found out that Rhys Bowen was a member (I have read many of her books). Now I have read books from all the members and enjoy getting reading suggestions from the blog
    I grew up in Northern California and lived there until last year when my husband passed away and I moved to Oklahoma to be with my youngest daughter and family. And I am loving Oklahoma!

  77. Hello from PEI. We moved here from Saskatchewan 8 years ago. I’m a retired archivist and current museum volunteer. I’ve been following most of you for years and have read most of your books. If I’m not reading I’m watching curling or Canadian football. I’ve been married for 46 years and have 2 senior cats.

  78. I live in Alvin, Texas (halfway between Houston and Galveston). I'm an 82 yo retired teacher and school librarian who now spends my life reading, working crosswords, and making handmade cards. I've been reading JRW for at least a decade. I first discovered Julia's and Deborah's books and have read every one of theirs (plus some rereads) and am now enjoying the other authors on JRW. One of the most unusual things about me is that I have studied calligraphy for 40+ years.

  79. Hi, long time fan of Deborah and Julia, having read all the books in both their series. I met Deb many years ago at Seattle's Mystery Bookstore and got a signed copy of In A Dark House 😁 I've since moved further south near Portland, OR where it's snowing today 😳. I enjoyed dinner at The Wolseley last summer, thanks to Deb's recommendation and discovered the Hugo Spritz. Looking forward to seeing Gemma, Duncan and Clare back in print before too long!

  80. I've been following, and sometimes commenting on, JRW for about a year now. I have read many of Deb's books, most of the books by Jenn, Lucy/Roberta, Maddie/Edith, and Rhys. Hallie, Julia and Hank were new to me, and I've enjoyed exploring their offerings. If I have an addiction, it is to books and tea - rather a winning combination. I am a retired 70 yo homeless woman and circumstances have been such that I have been living in my car or a motel for the past year. It has been a fascinating and enlightening journey of faith, and I have been nurtured by the generosity of others, often complete strangers, who have crossed my path. I have been particularly touched by the JRW bloggers who have expressed concerns and offered good wishes as I move forward on this journey. I can never tell you how deeply those words of kindness have touched me and lifted me up during this interesting time. There are some powerful voices represented in this blog, and I feel humbled to have found you and to constantly learn from each of you. -- Victoria Anne

  81. I have been following the blog for over a year. I live in NW Florida with hubby, our two kids, and my twin sister. Besides reading, I love to bake. I especially enjoy reading romance and cozy mysteries.
