Saturday, February 1, 2025

What We're Writing Week: Julia's cover reveal!

 JULIA SPENCER-FLEMING: It's been a big week for cover reveals - first Hank's, then Lucy's and now mine! I loved the design from the first time I saw it - the cover artist really leans into the Christmas feeling. No, that's not what Clare Fergusson's church looks like; hers is brick gothic revival. But the white clapboard says church to everyone, and it pops beautifully against the colors of the sky.


 I'm also sharing my first run at the flap copy. I just sent this off to my editor for review. It's not that I consider myself wildly talented at flap copy, it's just that the stuff that's been written in-house has often been, well, less than satisfactory. Once, a then-assistant to my then-editor included, "The author has enriched her telling of this tale by drawing in episodes from Miller Kill -- and Jane Ketchem's past." Which is neither enticing to the reader nor, I believe, grammatical. She also added I won two Tony Awards on the back of the book. Finally, my youthful acting dreams realized.

Let me know what you think, and how I can improve this! (Oh, and P.S.: it's available for pre-order now...)    


It’s Christmas time in Millers Kill, and Reverend Clare Fergusson and her husband Russ van Alstyne - newly resigned from his position as chief of police – plan to enjoy it with their baby boy. On their list: visiting Santa, decorating the tree, and the church Christmas pageant.

But when a beloved holiday parade is crashed by white supremacists, Clare and Russ find themselves sucked into a parallel world of militias, machinations and murder.

Single mom Hadley Knox has her hands full juggling her kids and her police work. She’s doesn’t want to worry about her former partner – and sometimes lover – Kevin Flynn, but when he takes leave from the Syracuse PD and disappears, she can’t help her growing panic that something has gone very wrong.

Novice lawyer Joy Zhào is keeping secrets from her superiors at the state Attorney General’s Office. She knows they wouldn’t condone her off-the-books investigation, but she’s convinced a threatening alt-right conspiracy is brewing – and catching the perpetrators could jump start her career.

NYS Forest Ranger Paul Terrance is looking for his uncle, a veteran of the park service gone inexplicably missing. He doesn’t think much of an ex-cop and out-of-town officer showing up in his patch of the woods, but he’s heard the disturbing rumors of dangerous men in the mountains.

All roads lead to the forbidding High Peaks of the Adirondacks, where deep snows hide deadly plans and ancient trees shield modern hatred. As the December days shorten and the nights grow long, a disparate group of would-be heroes need to unwind a murderous plot before time runs out.



  1. Okay, Julia, I'm hooked, both by that flap copy and by the beautiful cover. I cannot wait to read this!

    1. Thanks, Joan! It's so exciting to finally have something to share!

    2. I'm really excited for this book! Will Suzanne Toren be reading it for Audible?

  2. Wow, wow, wow! I am thrilled! The cover is gorgeous and evocative. (And of course you're right, the church is New England Congregational rather than New York Episcopalian, but who cares!) I ate up all the storyline tags. And everyone's coming here, to me! I couldn't be more excited to read this. Pre-ordering today. Hooray! (Selden)

    1. A bunch of the story is set near Newcomb and the Santanoni preserve, if you know that region, Selden.

    2. I do know that region but not well -- it's over an hour away by road, shorter overland but requiring a lot more perspiration. My husband and daughter have hiked Panther, Santanoni, and Couchsachraga (always called "Couchie," pronounced Coochie -- by locals) several times. A challenging hike even in summer. In winter it would be brutal. Poor Russ and Clare! I can't wait for November! (Selden)

  3. Awesome, Julia. I seriously can't wait. The last paragraph is brilliant!

    1. You think? Thanks. I was worried it was too cliche, but with the whole "at midnight" thing...

  4. Yep! I’m in🙏🏻

  5. Julia, it's perfect! Great cover. I better clear some space on my shelf, I want to hold your book in my hands. What is the projected release date?

    1. Judy, Amazon has the book listed for November 18, 2025

    2. Thanks, Drew. It looks like these books will arrive in different months, which is a good thing for me bringing them home. During the pandemic, Irwin gave away hundreds of books. Now, he monitors my TBR piles accumulating on tables and shelves around the house. Oh, boy!

    3. Judy, I'm laughing because I was the one who had to monitor Ross's book accumulation. If he went to the transfer station (where we have a swap shop) he'd inevitably return with a bag full of hardcovers and paperbacks. Needless to say, none of them went BACK to the swap shop...

  6. Julia! It's real! Doesn't having the cover--which is wonderful--make such a difference?

    Do you feel as if this book has more of your DNA in it, since it's been so hard-won?

    1. That's a great question, Karen. It feels like it has a lot more real-life places in it - where I've been and things in the area I've actually done.

  7. I love the cover and the synopsis...perfect. I want to read this book now.

    1. Perhaps someone (pointing up) can release a set of ARC's for lucky impatient fans. Naw. Preorder very soon.

  8. JULIA: Beautiful cover. And I like the flap copy. Militia, machinations and murder...looking forward to reading more.

    1. Oh, good! I do love alliteration, and it's nice to know my friends do as well.

  9. There’s a lot going on behind that beautiful idyllic cover. I feel the suspense just from reading your flap copy.

    1. Thanks, Brenda. I've been very fortunate with my cover art, and I know it.

  10. Christmas in Millers Kill with a healthy dose of white supremacy and, I'm guessing, an epic chase scene through the snowbound mountains. Can't wait!

  11. Wow...can't wait! I love the cover and the "flap copy". Armed extremism is unfortunately a timely topic, as many militia types are riding high at this moment. I know Clare and Russ and their allies will defeat them! Wishing the world were that clearcut.

    1. That's why we love fiction, Gillian. It does provide those clear-cut resolutions real life so often lacks.

  12. I love this cover! Brilliant!! And about the flap copy: the first two paragraphs and the last one are perfect, especially for longtime readers of this series. The paragraphs which introduce the novice lawyer and the NYS Forest Ranger? We get two new characters and a summary of why they're involved. Could those two paragraphs get condensed into one paragraph? The last paragraph really sets up the idea that new characters are heavily involved in the action.

  13. Oh Julia, I can hardly wait to read this one! The cover is beautiful! And yes, as Selden said, New England Congregational, but beautifully. I’ve just preordered from one of my local independent bookstores and will humming the hymn all morning

    1. Thank you, Suzette, and thanks for supporting your local independent bookstore!

  14. Sounds great. Just preordered, can’t wait for November

  15. Such a gorgeous cover, Julia! Intrigued by the premise of the story. Look forward to reading.

  16. Wonderful week for covers and yours definitely hits the spot! I cannot wait to get his book in my hands and then TRY to read it slowly. I know I'll fail at that, but then I can just read it again! Congratulations!

    1. I feel the same way when I have a book I've been waiting for, Judi, so I sympathize.

  17. I'm off to pre-order now! I can't wait! And both the cover and the flap copy are fabulous!

  18. Fantastic Julia! And you captured the flap copy from the publisher perfectly. Sometimes one wonders if they really want to sell books?

    1. Lucy, I agree, a few years ago I bought a book written by a contributor here (Valerie Burns). The editor gave away the killer on the back of the book. I was so shocked and I called the editor and complained. He said it was the fault of the author, which I told him I doubted an author would do that. I wrote her a personal note and she responded and was so gracious. She sent me an advance copy of her newest book which I had been looking forward to.

    2. Lucy, I'm convinced they give the flap copy assignment to interns or the newest hires, with the goal of training them up. Which is great but, yes, I want to sell books!


  19. Wow great story! I love the title too! Congrats Julia.

  20. Hooray hooray hooray! Absolutely wonderful! And if you ever needed to make it shorter, you could just take out the middle three paragraphs, just use the first two and the last one, and it’s still perfection!

    1. That's a good possibility, Hank. I've sent it off to Pete, and I'll see what he says about the length.

  21. Great cover and irresistible jacket copy!!

  22. I have to add; the same young person, tasked with writing copy for I SHALL NOT WANT, used the phrase, "Two bodies yearning to be together." I wound up doing that one as well... :-D

    1. Yep, bodies yearning all over the place in my books.

    2. Oh, intern. I laughed out loud. (Selden)

  23. That flap copy is perfect. I want to read the book NOW.

  24. Congrats! This sounds great. Can't wait to be back in Miller's Kill!

  25. Absolutely perfectly enticing teaser. Heading over toe dealer (it is an addiction) to preorder. I've been so patiently waiting for this book and am thrilled we are getting closer to having it in our hands.

  26. Preordering immediately! When it arrives I will do what I do with every new Millers Kill book: put it on my night stand and look at it for a day or two. I know when I pick it up and open it for the first time I will devour it. It's like sitting down to a beautiful holiday feast and you just want to fall on it and stuff yourself! While I'm waiting, I'll reread the entire series, kind of an appetizer. See you in the bleak midwinter!

  27. I am so excited for the next Clare and Russ novel!!!

  28. I've just pre-ordered the book. And I would have done that even without the beautiful cover or the seductive flap copy. This series is important. Thank you Julia!

  29. Pre-order is DONE. Excited to read it!!

  30. Julia, I am excited to read this! It is right up my alley - cold, snowy, seemingly idyllic northern town with secrets to reveal. Pre-ordering today!

    1. Stacia, every once in a while - like now, with the temperature hovering at 10 degrees F - I wish I had set my series in a warm and sunny place. But I can't deny the allure of winter...

  31. I cannot wait for November!

    1. I'm already trying to figure out how I'm going to combine a book tour with Thanksgiving, Anon! :-)

  32. Love! Love! Love this series. Can’t wait!!

  33. I LOVE everything about this post! Cover art✅ Flap copy✅. Absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on this one!

    1. Thanks, Emily. I've been so fortunate with my cover art.

  34. Oh, I can’t wait! This is a night or two of no sleep that I definitely look forward to.

  35. I love your work and can't wait to read this one.

    1. Thank you, Pastor Becky! I particularly value my clerical readers - if you like Clare, I know I'm getting her right.

  36. 6960 hour countdown. My head is hearing Etta James singing "At LAST".... I just pre-ordered it. Crossing my fingers that Kevin is a 'chaser' and not a 'chasee'. Tick tick tick.. breathe

    1. I'm laughing at your hourly countdown, Coralee. I need to set some of those for my goals!

  37. Cover is neat and nifty. I will read this one as soon as it is released because the flap copy is evocative. Between now and November I hope to have solved my e-book availability problem as I've gone no-Amazon. Suggestions gladly accepted.

    1. Just read an article this week in theNYT about ebook availability from independent bookstores. Sorry cannot remember more. (I’m an odd person out…my eye problems make ebooks impossible to read!) Elisabeth

    2. I hear you, CD, I hear you. I agree with Anon - I believe there are indie bookstores selling ebooks. Also, you can see if your local librariy will order is an ebook and then borrow it!

  38. I am so thrilled to see the cover. I can’t wait to read this - or listen actually. Thank you for writing more of Clare and Russ.
    -Marianne in Maine

    1. Thanks, Marianne. Hope you're staying warm and that your pipes aren't frozen!

  39. At last, a doable goal for me to achieve. If I start in August I should be able to reread the series in time for the next one. Thank you.

    1. Deana, I do the same thing for my favorite series. Every time Martha Wells releases a new Murderbot novella, I go back and read ALL of them in order. It just makes the new one even better!

  40. Love the cover and the blurb. Off to preorder.

  41. Sounds awesome! Loved how mention of familiar names triggered great memories. Cant wait to read it. If you need ARC readers add me.🥰

  42. Julia, the cover is gorgeous!! You've got a winner with this one for sure!! As for flap copy, my agent and I ALWAYS rewrite whatever the publisher's sent. Apparently they do not hire editorial assistants for their writing skills! You've done a great job with this!

    1. Right? This person was great at keeping track of dates and material - writing, not so much.

  43. Gorgeous, and I can hardly wait! -- Storyteller Mary

  44. Ooh, I can't wait! I've pre-ordered, of course. Sorry my namesake isn't around to help everyone this time!

    1. Sorry, it's Joni, not Anonymous!

    2. Joni, considering recent events, I'm VERY tempted to bring Deacon Joni back in the next book.

  45. Looking forward to reading!

  46. Wow! Julia, looking forward to November. Thank you for the quick clarification of the church illustration. Momentary fear that Clair too was newly out of her work and assigned to another church! There are a few Episcopal churches in Connecticut that are clapboard, so it was not too much of a stretch for me to think of one in Maine. Take good care. Elisabeth

    1. Elisabeth, I believe Connecticut welcomed Episcopalians when they were still the Church of England long before places like Maine and Massachusetts did. I'm sure the Northern New Englanders considered the Nutmeg State dangerously liberal... :-)

  47. What a group of characters to follow! People missing as the cold wind blows is always chilling. And the interlopers really add to this story. I look forward to your book's release next fall! Thanks, Julia!

  48. The cover looks just right, and your flap text has me longing to read the book, which i’ll pre-order! Hurray! You did it!

    1. Thank you, Kim, and yes, I do feel pretty good about finally doing it!

  49. Julia, I feel like we blog readers know what and how much you’ve gone through to write (and finish!) this book. I’m elated for you that it’s at this stage. I’m ecstatic for your readers that we have “At Midnight” to look forward to in just a few (long) months. The cover is beautiful and I love your flap copy. I agree with Flora that condensing the two descriptive character paragraphs into one would make it flow better. So happy for you! — Pat S

    1. Thank you, Pat. It's been important to me to have the Reddies at my back all this time.

  50. That is a stunning cover which will catch many a reader's eye, Julia. And, the flap text definitely whets the appetite of the reader to read the book. I hadn't really thought a lot about the flap text being an eye-roller for the author when done by someone else, but if I were an author I would absolutely want control over it. I have read some flap texts that made me roll my eyes. I can't wait to read this new Clare and Russ adventure, which sounds like quite a dangerous one.

    1. Thank you so much Kathy. And yes, flap copy is very important to new readers who might not already be hooked on the series, or someone picking it up in the library. So we want to get it right!

  51. Beautiful cover and enticing flap copy. Just finished rereading Hid from Our Eyes. I'm ready for At Midnight Comes the Cry!!

  52. Woo Hoo! Excited to read this newest tale of yours! The cover looks grand. And the flap text is captivating! Looking forward to the release. ((Heather S)

  53. Very late to the blog today, but SO happy to see this, Julia. I have put in my pre-order, which I would have done anyway, but your flap copy clinched it. I CANNOT WAIT! Bring on November!!

  54. Love the cover and the flap! Can. Not. Wait!

  55. What a fabulous cover, Julia! Counting the seconds and hitting the pre-order button. Woo hoo!!!!

  56. Beautiful cover, Julia. I'll preorder based on that alone. I second Flora's suggestion of combining the paragraphs with the two new characters somehow.

  57. Ah, Julia I CAN NOT WAIT FOR MIDNIGHT COMES THE CRY !! I have read and re-read this series and am so proud of you and for you !! Hot Dog - This is going to be another BESTSELLER ! I can feel it in my bones! Hooray & Congratulations To You ! ( Mary Eubanks)

  58. P.S. - Cover is Just Right ! Flap is enticing and just perfect ! I am pre-ordering for my Mom (95) my daughter and myself ! Woot - Woot !!

  59. Love the cover, and your flap. I’ll preorder. Can’t wait!

  60. I want to read it right now!
